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*after ovehearing what was going on and seeing Bo drive away, Jesse throws something in the back of his pick-up and drives away too without telling anyone where he is going. His mind is on Bo and Luke and he is so troubled he doesn't notice that his CB is off*


After getting to his destination, Jesse gets out of the pick-up. While leaning again the tailgate, a puffy white cloud passes overhead blocking out the sun. Jesse takes a deep breath of clear country air and says a quick prayer hoping that the CB will soon ring out with Bo or Luke's voice.


*sighs not liking the feeling of being alone-he never had- especially when he wasn't sure where anyone was; getting up he went to the CB and called out * This is Lost Sheep 1 calling Shepherd...Lost Sheep 1 calling Shepherd, you out there? Come back..." He stopped and waited.


*talking to himself as he grabs a sledge hammer*

I suppose if I don't git this fence fixed, that calf and her mama are gonna be ornrier than a rattlesnake without a tail after being cooped up it that barn another day


*calls again cursing when no one answered* CB must be off... *tries for Bo but he wasnt answering either* Course not...why would ya do that... I'm only your cousin... *sighs realizing all the vehicles had been taken- if he wanted to go anywhere, he would have to walk*


After working on the fence posts for a half hour, a dark blue Ford Maverick with chrome wheels pulls up to Jesse. Both men in the car weren't very friendly looking.

The driver leaves the engine running while the passenger asks Jesse "We're looking for a place called the Duke Farm. You wouldn't know where that might be now would you old-timer?"

Jesse responds slowly and suspiciousely "Well now mister I might. It all depends on who's askin'?"


Jesse "Well Mister, around here folks have enough manners to ask politely the first time but since you insist, I reckon I'll let you know that it's the next place on the right just before you get to the intersection"

*passenger scowls and motions for the driver to move ahead*

*Jesse quickly walks to CB and sees that it's not on. Upon his discovery he corrects the problem*

"Shepherd to Lost Sheep. Shepherd to Lost Sheep. I sure hope you boys have yer ears on 'cause this is something you need to hear"


I'm out here fixin' them fenceposts and two city boys with guns just stopped by looking for our farm. I gave them directions to the old abandon Baxley place but I reckon they're gonna need about 10 minutes to figure out I snookered 'em.

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