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Daisy sighed and leaned down to her "Julie!, you okay"

The Nurse Says "She just fainted, I don't think so just wait right here allright and please don't let her get up."

Cue Anybody

The Nurse Says "She just fainted, I don't think so just wait right here allright and please don't let her get up."

Cue Anybody

Julie wasn't aware of anything right now, and everybody was watching as well they was concerned they knew she had through alot herself but she didn't think she was really hurt like the nurse had thought before.

Back at the Hideout, Jake says "Listen Gabe, we got to find that blonde and brunnette they know what we did and especially and get ride of them and the sooner the better now."

Gabe Says "We can't do that, you said that if they didn't tell you kidnapped them that you wouldn't go after and that threat and you gave the girls if that makes it back to the Sheriff were in big trouble now."

Jake Says "That's why we got to find them but this time were taking them out of the county so they can't be found again!"

Gabe Says "Why that's murder and kidnapping now Jake! I'm sorry but I won't have nothing to do with that right there your on your own now."

Cue Anybody

Julie wasn't aware of anything right now, and everybody was watching as well they was concerned they knew she had through alot herself but she didn't think she was really hurt like the nurse had thought before.

Back at the Hideout, Jake says "Listen Gabe, we got to find that blonde and brunnette they know what we did and especially and get ride of them and the sooner the better now."

Gabe Says "We can't do that, you said that if they didn't tell you kidnapped them that you wouldn't go after and that threat and you gave the girls if that makes it back to the Sheriff were in big trouble now."

Jake Says "That's why we got to find them but this time were taking them out of the county so they can't be found again!"

Gabe Says "Why that's murder and kidnapping now Jake! I'm sorry but I won't have nothing to do with that right there your on your own now."

Cue Anybody

Jake said "do you really love Daisy still?"

Posted (edited)
Jake said "do you really love Daisy still?"

Gabe Says "Why does it bother you Jake?"

Jake Says "Listen, they both know way too much and we need to reach them before they tell the Sheriff about what we did he won't let it drop now. And besides I can get our little brother Harley to help if you don't want to now."

Gabe Says "They wouldn't make the first night if you have Harley helping you with it but why get rid of them that's kind of cruel right now."

Cue Anybody

Edited by Julieduke
The Nurse Says "She just fainted, I don't think so just wait right here allright and please don't let her get up."

Cue Anybody

Julie had woken up and she looks at everybody and Says "What happened and why is there so many people come in I'm fine but I got the worst headache and Daisy, did you know what Jake whispered in my ear when you was asleep he told me I was first! I don't know what he meant by that but I was scared by that and I don't think he wanted to let us go as well. Can I get up thow, I feel fine I was just dizzy for the moment that's all."

Cue Anybody

Julie had woken up and she looks at everybody and Says "What happened and why is there so many people come in I'm fine but I got the worst headache and Daisy, did you know what Jake whispered in my ear when you was asleep he told me I was first! I don't know what he meant by that but I was scared by that and I don't think he wanted to let us go as well. Can I get up thow, I feel fine I was just dizzy for the moment that's all."

Cue Anybody

The Nurse and the Docter are in and Julie Says "Hi this I'm fine but what happened, I got a terrible headache I remember being thrown in their van and before they chlorformed me I had the worst headache as well."

The Docter talks quiet with the nurse and Julie is very confused and it seems that Luke doesn't know who she is right now.

Cue Anybody

The Nurse and the Docter are in and Julie Says "Hi this I'm fine but what happened, I got a terrible headache I remember being thrown in their van and before they chlorformed me I had the worst headache as well."

The Docter talks quiet with the nurse and Julie is very confused and it seems that Luke doesn't know who she is right now.

Cue Anybody

Daisy is talking with Enos, Bo, Luke and Uncle Jesse and shes telling her side of the story about what happend at the cabin

Daisy is talking with Enos, Bo, Luke and Uncle Jesse and shes telling her side of the story about what happend at the cabin

Julie quietly Says "I seen Luke get hit and I knew it was Gabe, he didn't have to say it now."

Cue Anybody

Bo said "the guy who Daisy almost married in highschool" nobody but Julie and Bo knew that and Bo knew he was in trouble

Julie Says "Yeah, and he must've seen me watching, when it happened and my head hurts right now."

Cue Anybody

Daisy said as she came in and said angrily looking at Bo "Bo lets go, and Julie get some rest"

Julie Says "Yeah, and Daisy I think they was going to kill us eventually becareful when you leave now."

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "Julie just dont worry about it, nothings gonna happen to me" and with that she pulled Bo out of the room and glared at him

Julie watched them leave she went to sleep worried sick and she wished they becareful thow.

Cue Anybody

Daisy just shook her head and and sighed and turned away from him

Bo Says "There mean, and maybe we should becareful they meant business well somebody ought to tell Rosco or Enos about this as well. Her and Luke are sitting ducks right now and Luke wouldn't know who they are to begin with which makes it worst."

Cue Anybody

Bo Says "There mean, and maybe we should becareful they meant business well somebody ought to tell Rosco or Enos about this as well. Her and Luke are sitting ducks right now and Luke wouldn't know who they are to begin with which makes it worst."

Cue Anybody

Daisy turned around to him and pulled his collar of his shirt "you know im right there with Julie and Luke, but you can just shut up, you can help but just shut up, if thats even possible to you"

Daisy turned around to him and pulled his collar of his shirt "you know im right there with Julie and Luke, but you can just shut up, you can help but just shut up, if thats even possible to you"

Bo Says "Well okay, I was just saying now. Are you sure okay as well I heard they was rough with both of you's now at least Jake was at least now."

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "ive had a nervous breakdown the other night like she had earlier, i am afraid of them"

Bo Says "Are you sure, then maybe you should talk to somebody about you can't just tell it about yourself Julie is just scared right now I would be too as well."

Cue Anybody

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