HossC Posted January 18, 2013 Report Posted January 18, 2013 Here's a fairly obvious one from 'High Octane'. For most of the chase at the end of the episode Roxanne Huntley is driving a Ford Granada with round headlights (1975-77 model) ...... yet when she pulls up to Sweet Tillie she's driving a later model Granada (1978-80) with square headlights. Strangely, both cars seem to have the same grille. After a bit of research it appears to belong to later car (below). Quote
Roth Potter Posted May 15, 2013 Report Posted May 15, 2013 I've spotted a few errors while watching Dukes.There is a camera in plain sight during a jump for the episode "Diamonds in the Rough".During the eipsode "Big Daddy" the GENERAL LEE lettering is misspelled as GENRERAL LEEWhile watching the the ending of "The Legacy" I noticed that miss Lucinda is saying 'Goodbye Cathy' Instead of Daisy. when you turn on the subtitles it says darling but it sure ain't that if you listen closely.NOTE: to hear it properly put your hands over the subtitles and listen closely, otherwise you hear Darling weirdly enough. Quote
Roth Potter Posted May 17, 2013 Report Posted May 17, 2013 During the episode 'Big Daddy' Rosco is switching the license plate of the General Lee, supposedly a goat comes to him and starts to lick him. when the goat goes away you can seen Rosco turning his head and revealing the food the goat was eating from his neck. Quote
bop31377 Posted May 17, 2013 Report Posted May 17, 2013 has anyone ever noticed the extra general lee in the chase shot thru town square? Quote
Roth Potter Posted May 17, 2013 Report Posted May 17, 2013 has anyone ever noticed the extra general lee in the chase shot thru town square?Yes, it is posted on the first page of this topic. Quote
HossC Posted May 17, 2013 Report Posted May 17, 2013 It's also mentioned in the episode guide for 'One Armed Bandits' on the HNet home page. There's even a small picture:Episode Guide: One Armed Bandits Quote
Roth Potter Posted May 17, 2013 Report Posted May 17, 2013 It's also mentioned in the episode guide for 'One Armed Bandits' on the HNet home page. There's even a small picture:Episode Guide: One Armed Banditshoos, thank you for that link. I've just read them all and there is some very interesting background information I didn't know about yet. Quote
Roth Potter Posted June 2, 2013 Report Posted June 2, 2013 During the episode 'The Legacy' there are two bloopers, miss Lucinda says Cathy to Daisy and the subtitles say darling. During the episode 'A Baby for the Dukes' Boss walks out of his office an accidentally pulls the Cb radio of his desk. Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted October 7, 2013 Report Posted October 7, 2013 My favorite is at the end of "Follow That Still" when the contraband cigarettes are being throw out of the tank (armored personel carrier).The problem is that there's nobody in it because they've all jumped out at that point.That's RIGHT!! How could I have missed that???!!! Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted October 7, 2013 Report Posted October 7, 2013 I've noticed some stuff that wasn't a visual blooper but verbal. This is only a partial list, because I'm sure there are many others.1. When Rosco is trying to frame the Dukes ( someone help me with which episode/plot this one is!), he has just got the evidence he was using against them in his hand and Ennos says, " Well, I guess that clears the Dukes of all wrong doin" ( or something like that!) and then Rosco, while holding the evidence in his hand ( I can't even remember what it was ( help me with this one too please!), says, " That's a wrong, that's a wrong, they're probably hiding the evidence trying to just weasel out of it!"...The whole time he HAD the evidence in his hand!! WHAT'S UP WITH THAT????2. Another one, and I'll mention more as I think of them, is when Lucinda Meadows is sitting on the front porch with uncle Jesse and he tells her that he would have gone crazy when Martha passed away, if it weren't for the boys coming to live with him. Later in another episode, his wife is mentioned as Lovinia, but at the same time, he tells the boys to go stay with their aunt Lovinia, when the cops are looking for them and Luke says he ( Jesse) hasn't even spoken to Aunt Lovinia in 20 years! WHAT'S UP WITH THAT???3. Also, in this same episode, it is called " The Return of the Ridge Raiders", when every other time, the illegal moonshiners are called Ridge RUNNERS!! Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted October 13, 2013 Report Posted October 13, 2013 Dimples, you won't believe this, but SissyDuke asked the same question about two weeks ago. There's a picture and my brief interpretation in this post.The only question I would have, is WHY IS HE IN THERE?? This couldn't have been a mistake!! Quote
jaak Posted January 20, 2014 Report Posted January 20, 2014 Here is one I caught a few years ago. In the Season 4 episode 'Double Dukes', when Turk/Moody enter Boss' office at the Boars Nest dressed as Bo/Luke, Luke has on the solid pale blue shirt that he wears during the entire episode. Then as they are removing their masks, the do an upclose shot of Bo and Luke tearing latex off their faces, in the up close shot of Luke (at 33 seconds on this Youtube clip) Luke is wearing his normal plaid shirt. Then when the go back to the wide shot of Turk/Moody, Moody has on the pale blue shirt. The Dukes is full of mistakes, due to shots being filmed out of sequence, some scenes filmed by 1st unit, others by 2nd unit...then it all gets edited together in the cutting room. But it is cool to catch these mishaps. Back in the day when I was a kid, you couldn't rewind a scene, so I guess that stuff wasn't as noticable then.Jason Quote
Roth Potter Posted January 20, 2014 Report Posted January 20, 2014 Very nice find Jason!Yesterday I found a blooper too, unfortunately I don't have time at the moment to get screencaps. In the episode 'The Runaway' S02E14 are as far as I know 3 bloopers of which 2 can be found on here or somewhere else on the the internet.1. When Bo and Luke jump from Daisy's Roadrunner a head can be seen getting up from the backseat.2. When Daisy arrives in the General Lee at the endings bridge sequence her spaghetti top band fails as she runs to LB.3. Just a tad later after number 2 Fred is supposedly running onto the bridge. But before he comes into the scene his car can be seen behind Holmes' Detectives car and Fred can be seen running before he has even arrived at the scene! Quote
cs641 Posted March 5, 2014 Report Posted March 5, 2014 In the episode with the APC cigarettes are still being tossed out AFTER everyone bailed out and as it's crashing into the Boar's Nest. Quote
Hobie Hartkins Posted March 12, 2014 Report Posted March 12, 2014 I noticed this and figured I would pass it on. Boss Hogg's nephew is Huey, his brother is Dewey.....this means there was probably a third brother we never saw! Luey. Remember the cartoon ducks Huey, Dewey and Luey? ( Lewey?) This is where they got the names I'm sure! Quote
P.J. Gathergood Posted March 24, 2014 Report Posted March 24, 2014 (edited) Yet another classic Hazzardnet thread (that I've just sat and read all 14 pages of)! Having watching Dukes over and over since a boy, I've noticed many bloopers over the years (so many that I've since forgotten half of them). In my youth when I spotted the second General Lee parked in the Georgia Hazzard town square in "One Armed Bandits" I was so excited to spot something that I thought no-one else in the world had seen. All these years later... its a famous nit-pick! Anyway, off the top of my head, here are just a few random bloopers and things of note to spot that I can recall off the top of my head. * At the end of s2's "Follow that Still", when the tank plows into Boss's office at the Boar's Nest, notice that the office is suddenly extremely narrow. It is a mock up of the regular set constructed purely for the tank to 'destroy' in this sequence. * In s3's "Duke Vs. Duke" (one of my all-time favourite episodes BTW), although Luke is driving Cooter's green car (model anyone?) during the race, interior shots, filmed on the sound stage, appear to be of a Dodge Charger sprayed green - notice the different window shape to the exterior shots. * Near the start of "The Fugitive" (produced s3, broadcast s4), the truck that Luke and Daisy are following Bo on the motorcycle in, has lights on the roof. The number and configuration of the lights changes in different shots. * I've recently mentioned this one in another thread, but in s4's "Double Dukes", Luke unusually wears a one colour, very pale blue shirt (almost white), unusual in itself - aside from most of s2, where he wore a plain blue shirt, he always wears a blue plaid one. Either way, the Luke imposter also wears a similar shirt - except in some close up shots, Luke / imposter suddenly has his usual plaid shirt on! Cut back to the far off shots, and the pale blue shirt is suddenly back. * This one seems to depend on the size screen you're viewing on (TV / computer monitor, etc.), but in s5's "The Hazzardgate Tape", when Boss Sharky and his men are meeting in the condemned farm planning to bump off Boss Hogg, in an over-head shot of the meeting, a sound boom can be briefly seen to fall into the picture top-center. In 'Limo One is Missing' the brief scene when the General pulls over (just before the motorcyle cops jump into the lake) has been mirrored.Mirroring was done very occasionally. One brief instance that always stood out to me was in the s1 finale, "Double Sting". When Cooter is chasing the escaping bank robber's wagon, with Daisy on the roof, when one of the robbers shoots out Cooter's truck's tyre, the shot of Cooter struggling to keep the truck on the road is mirrored - notice that the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the truck. As the next shot shows Cooter's truck veering off of the road, I'd image the shot was mirrored due to Cooter attempting to steer one way in the close-up and the truck being seen to veer in the other direction in the next shot. (Did that make sense? Explaining these things in text is so hard sometimes!) Another one is in the second episode, "Daisy's Song". After Bo and Luke escape from Rosco and Enos (by dynamiting the patrol car), Luke is driving the Roadrunner with Bo in the passenger seat, but the (external) shot before the act break is mirrored - making it look as if Bo is driving. The final act of the episode also has weather continuity goofs - rain appears and disappears, especially in internal shots of Bo and Luke in the Roadrunner, and again during the climatic sequence at the pirate recording site; rain comes and goes between shots, and in one shot the Roadrunner's windshield wipers can suddenly be seen to be moving, only from them to be static again in the next shot of the car. There is an episode where the boys drive up into the back of a moving truck...when thy entered Luke was driving and then you hear Luke say "Come on Bo, lets get out of here" and when the General back out Bo is driving. Off the top of my head, this sounds like s4's "The Law and Jesse Duke". I do recall this sequence to have Bo and Luke "reverse positions" during it. Please forgive the quality of this pic - it's low resolution and just a little bit blurry, but it shows the goof very well!Anyone spot it now? It's at the end of almost every episode!The driver's door on the General doesn't seem to be closed properly, proving they're not really welded shut! 3. Also, in this same episode, it is called " The Return of the Ridge Raiders", when every other time, the illegal moonshiners are called Ridge RUNNERS!!This was and wasn't a blooper. Although the episode title is "Return of the Ridge Raiders", a number of times in the series Jesse and Boss would refer to the old moonshiners as Ridge Runners although there is the odd instance of "Ridge Raider". Both variations seem to be an alternative name for each other - although I did notice this myself watching the episode in my teens; almost as if the working title was "Return of the Ridge Runners" and it was tweaked to "Raiders" during production (to try and make it more exciting sounding??) I've noticed this blooper in a few episodes, and I can't remember which one I grabbed it from (it was either from season 3 or 4). Sometimes, when you see a long shot of the square from high up, you can see Warner's sound stages in the background - look carefully along the top of the picture, especially above Cooter's.I may be off on this one, but if memory serves, this shot originated from the season 2 episode "Jude Emery", filmed up on the roof at the same time the villains were looking down over the town square. It became a common "scene setting" shot used in later episodes. An amusing continuity error I spotted occurs during a chase around the square in 'To Catch A Duke'. Within a 5 second timeframe the appearance of Hazzard Theater changes 3 times. Meanwhile the shop next door changes from 'Julius Berg' to 'Hazzard County Telephone Company'.I'll have to try and sit down with my DVDs to fully research this sometime, but I wonder if some of these shots are recycled from the first season episode "The Big Heist", when the General drives up on two wheels around Hazzard Square for the first time. It's quite possible that they late filmed another "two wheels" sequence and then used shots from this earlier instance to fill the sequence during editing later. During the episode 'The Legacy' there are two bloopers, miss Lucinda says Cathy to Daisy and the subtitles say darling. Ahh (snigger) the DVD subtitles, often unintentionally hilarious. The subtitles were compiled with speech recognition software and I've found a number of instances where they're clearly off, not even making any sense in one or two cases. It's one of the threads that I've been meaning to start - comical "wrong subtitles on DVDs" thread! There is a good close-up of the mailbox though. It looks to me as if Rosco's name originally had an 'E' on the end that's been scratched/peeled off.An episode later ('Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane') they do spell Rosco's name with an 'E' on his office door. I'm not sure how many episodes it's spelt this way, but I know it appears without the 'E' in many others. NB. We see the door from the inside, but I've mirrored the image to make it easier to read.Ahh, the old "Roscoe with an E" goof, discussed many times over the years. The famous instance is, of course, in "One Armed Bandits" - where it was presumably noticed mid-way through the sequence and the offending "E" covered up with a balloon in a close-up shot! But the occasional spelling error continued, and occurs several times particularly during the third season. One of the best instances is during "Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane", when in the sequence with Cletus and Rosco outside Rosco's office before we meet his bride-to-be, it is clearly spelled "Roscoe". When Rosco enters the office, the "E" disappears in some shots, and reappears in others. (That's from pure memory - maybe Hoss can dish up some screengrabs to illustrate this) Uncle Jesse infamously gained an "I" in his name a few times too. If memory serves correctly, one instance is at the start of s5's "Welcome Back, Bo N' Luke", when his judging stool during the beauty contest at the Boar's Nest says "Jessie Duke". Right, that's enough nit-picking for now... Edited March 24, 2014 by P.J. Gathergood Quote
HossC Posted March 24, 2014 Report Posted March 24, 2014 * In s3's "Duke Vs. Duke" (one of my all-time favourite episodes BTW), although Luke is driving Cooter's green car (model anyone?) ...Cooter's car in 'Duke vs. Duke' is a 1968 Chevrolet Chevelle - you can find my Fan Art version here. I'll check out the interior shots.Ahh, the old "Roscoe with an E" goof, discussed many times over the years. The famous instance is, of course, in "One Armed Bandits" - where it was presumably noticed mid-way through the sequence and the offending "E" covered up with a balloon in a close-up shot! But the occasional spelling error continued, and occurs several times particularly during the third season. One of the best instances is during "Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane", when in the sequence with Cletus and Rosco outside Rosco's office before we meet his bride-to-be, it is clearly spelled "Roscoe". When Rosco enters the office, the "E" disappears in some shots, and reappears in others. (That's from pure memory - maybe Hoss can dish up some screengrabs to illustrate this)I'll have a look tomorrow and post screengrabs if they're clear enough.Uncle Jesse infamously gained an "I" in his name a few times too. If memory serves correctly, one instance is at the start of s5's "Welcome Back, Bo N' Luke", when his judging stool during the beauty contest at the Boar's Nest says "Jessie Duke".I've already posted a couple of screengrabs of this in another thread:A Bad Spell of Jesse! Quote
P.J. Gathergood Posted March 25, 2014 Report Posted March 25, 2014 Great work as always, Hoss. Hoping my memory is holding up well now - I recall the interior shots seeming to be a Charger, but as I don't have regular TV / DVD access nowadays, I'm going by pure memory. Shoulda known there'd already be a thread on Jessie's mis-spelled name the forums are so big that I'm still slowly wading my way through. When back at "home home" recently I did watch s4's "Shine on Hazzard Moon" and spotted a couple of little interesting points. In one sequence, when Bo and Luke, accused of stealing the orphanage money, come running out of the Boar's Nest chased by Rosco and Cletus, and take off in the General (which is facing the Boar's Nest wall), John seems to get the car in the wrong gear - for a moment the car bolts forward, before John gets it in reverse and backs away from the building. A few minutes prior to that, when Boss is trying to get Jesse to brew up a batch of 'shine, Denver Pyle possibly fluffs his line - he says "...I made my promise to the United States Federal US of A Government" that he wouldn't make shine. Not sure if this was a goof or not - it might have been in the script, but Denver seems to stumble midway through the line as if he's realised what he said. Or maybe he just got carried away with the line and embellished it. Either way it was a fun moment that still works so it was left in. Another fun-to-spot thing I forgot to mention in my previous post is in the second season opener, "Days of Shine and Roses", when a General Lee jump goes awry. Racing cross country to catch up with Jesse and Boss, the Duke boys jump the General - and it hits the side of a tree. The camera cuts to ?another landing? and it continues on it's way, but it's very evident when watching it, I remember laughing out loud when seeing it as a boy. Quote
HossC Posted March 26, 2014 Report Posted March 26, 2014 Ahh, the old "Roscoe with an E" goof, discussed many times over the years. The famous instance is, of course, in "One Armed Bandits" - where it was presumably noticed mid-way through the sequence and the offending "E" covered up with a balloon in a close-up shot! But the occasional spelling error continued, and occurs several times particularly during the third season. One of the best instances is during "Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane", when in the sequence with Cletus and Rosco outside Rosco's office before we meet his bride-to-be, it is clearly spelled "Roscoe". When Rosco enters the office, the "E" disappears in some shots, and reappears in others. (That's from pure memory - maybe Hoss can dish up some screengrabs to illustrate this)I'll have a look tomorrow and post screengrabs if they're clear enough.As far as I can see, there is an "E" at the end of Rosco's name on the door sign throughout his first meeting with Sue Ann Bliss.But a few minutes later when his mama brings his lunch, the "E" has gone.In the second half of the episode, the amount of damage to the front of the General varies quite a bit from scene to scene. Quote
HossC Posted April 9, 2014 Report Posted April 9, 2014 This one may seem petty. In 'Carnival of Thrills', when Rosco arrests Bo and tows the General back to Hazzard, there is no way that a driverless General Lee could've got into the position seen in the picture below without being pushed there from close to where it ends up. Also, when the General runs into the patrol car, notice how the nudge bar, which is only welded to the bumper, nearly comes off after a very low speed collision. Hobie Hartkins 1 Quote
Roth Potter Posted April 10, 2014 Report Posted April 10, 2014 Beside the General not having brakes being towed, can't it be steered by attaching the tow rope to the steering system so the wheels steer when the rope is pulled in a different direction? Quote
HossC Posted April 11, 2014 Report Posted April 11, 2014 Beside the General not having brakes being towed, can't it be steered by attaching the tow rope to the steering system so the wheels steer when the rope is pulled in a different direction?Watch the scene for yourself. I don't think the rope is tied to the steering system, and the General starts out almost touching the cars behind. I can't see any way the car could've been towed into that that position. Quote
P.J. Gathergood Posted April 11, 2014 Report Posted April 11, 2014 As far as I can see, there is an "E" at the end of Rosco's name on the door sign throughout his first meeting with Sue Ann Bliss.But a few minutes later when his mama brings his lunch, the "E" has gone.In the second half of the episode, the amount of damage to the front of the General varies quite a bit from scene to scene.Howdy, Haven't been on-line much last week or so, but I'm still around I'll have to double-check "Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane"; my memory is telling me that in a few close-ups or Rosco, the 'E' disappears and re-appears. Hobie Hartkins 1 Quote
P.J. Gathergood Posted April 11, 2014 Report Posted April 11, 2014 (edited) This is a VERY rough guide, but here are a few notes to go by to narrow down when a photo was taken. Luke-----In the first season, Luke wears a blue and white plaid shirt with a denim jacket over it, and has longer hair. For much of the second season, he wears a plain mid-blue shirt, and has somewhat shorter hair; in the latter half of the second season, he returns to his first season shirt and jacket. In the third season, he returns to wearing a blue and white plaid shirt, but of lighter tones than his other versions; his hair is slightly longer. In the fourth season his hair is longer, closely resembling it's first season length, and his plaid shirt is of a bolder blue, with whites and blacks, and different versions of this shirt would be worn for the rest of his run. When Luke and Bo return after leaving for most of the fifth season, his hair is generally mid-length. In very early publicity shots, Luke wears a plain blue shirt similar to his second season one, a blue plaid one as he is seen wearing in the third season, and another plaid shirt with more red colouring (though this is not overly evident to the more casual eye). In many of these early publicity shots, the character wears a grey cowboy hat. Bo-----For the first three seasons, Bo wears a blue t-shirt under his shirt, until it is phased out later in the third season. (In the pilot, "One Armed Bandits", his t-shirt is brown). In the first and second season, his shirt is a strong yellow colour (although the hue varies in different episodes). In the first couple of Georgia episodes, Bo hair is much longer, before being cut slightly shorter. Second season Bo is distinguishable for his increasingly long sideburns! For the third and fourth season, his shirt is lighter, varying from pale yellow to cream in various episodes. In many fourth season episodes (and a few third), although still blonde, Bo's hair has a slightly more brown-y tint to it. When Bo and Luke return from their absence in the fifth season, the character's shirt is of a more sandy tone, and later variants of this shirt until the end of the series continue this, being more yellowy on some occasions, and almost a grey hue at other times. Bo famously breaks his usual costume tradition for much of the second filmed/broadcast episode, "Daisy's Song", where he wears a red shirt. For a couple of scenes in the fifth episode, "High Octane", he wears a light blue shirt. In very early publicity shots, many of the images show Bo to be wearing a dark blue shirt, which he never wore on-screen, and a brown / black cowboy hat; other shots show him to be wearing his standard yellow shirt. In both of these shirts, complete with cowboy hat, the character also wears jewellery around his neck and on his wrist. Daisy-----Daisy wore the most variety of clothing in the series, and due to the sheer amount of costumes she wore, dating photos of her is often a tricky task (I'll leave others who have researched for various outfits in more detail to expand on this). In the first season, her hair is dark and straighter, and this generally continues into the second season. By the third season, it is more styled and buoyant. Over the third and into the fourth season, it has more blonde tones and highlights. Uncle Jesse-----In the first season, his top under his shirt is white (also possibly in the first one or two produced episodes of the second season, "The Rustlers" and "The Meeting", I'll have to check on this). Thereafter, this "undertop" was either salmon or red, depending on the episode. In the Georgia episodes, he did not wear his red cap, instead often wearing a trilby when he went into town (note that this hat also appeared in s7's 'flashback' episode, "Happy Birthday, General Lee"). Additionally, in the fourth episode produced (third broadcast), "Mary Kaye's Baby", he wore a red and black checked overshirt. His dungarees were originally of a strong denim blue colour, which gradually lightened over the seasons. By the fourth season or so, it was a mid-blue, lightening further in the fifth season, and by the final two seasons, the dungarees were much lighter, pale blue, almost white on occasion. Jesse's hair and beard at the start of the series are shorter, and in the very first couple of Georgia episodes, have the last traces of colour in. As the seasons pass, particularly through the third and fourth season, his hair and beard (by now white) get noticably longer. Enos-----Dating photos of Enos can be tricky as he was seldom seen out of uniform. If he is seen wearing his black Police jacket, this is very likely from the first two seasons, as both himself and Rosco very seldom wore them after that (though this can also cause confusion as he wore virtually identical jacket in spin-off "Enos"). Cletus-----Like Enos, the character didn't often appear out of uniform. After his first two small appearances, in s1's "Money to Burn" (in bank driver's uniform) and s2's "The Rustlers" (in casual dress), the character was temporary Deputy in s2's "The Meeting" and "Road Pirates" (where he wore the black Police jacket), chances are most images of the character are, obviously, from the third or fourth season. Cooter-----After Daisy, Cooter wore the most number of different costumes on the show. The best way to narrow down dating a photo with him in, his by his beard and hair length. At the start of the series, he was unshaven, but over the course of the first season and into the second season, he grew a full beard (which was the reason for him briefly leaving during the second season, over how unshaven the character was to be). From the third season onwards, the character was clean shaven (though in the first episode produced for the third season, "Baa, Baa White Sheep", the character spots a full beard, the thickest it is ever seen in the series). In the first season and occasionally in the second season, the character wore a blue denim jacket. Very occasionally in later season episodes he would also wear such a jacket In several early episodes, he also wears a jacket with signatures over it (cast, and I think also some racing drivers). This jacket was reportedly stolen from set shortly after the move to California, which is why the jacket was no longer seen. From his longer, shaggy hair in seasons one and two, the character still has longish hair in seasons three and four, or though more well kept. For seasons 5-7, his hair is shorter and more well kept. Rosco-----Although usually seen in Police uniform, there are various tell-tale signs of the season. In the original Georgia episodes, the peak on the characters hat was slightly smaller. After the "standard" version after that until the end of season four, a slightly different shaped peak was used in season five, in seasons six and seven it had a slightly more "triangular" peak, coming to more of a soft "point" at the front. His shirt also goes from mid-blue at the start of the series, to much lighter from the fifth season onwards. (Rosco is the one character that I'll have to double-check in more depth and clarify with pictures). Boss Hogg-----Boss is arguably the hardest character to date in photos, as he generally appeared in the same costume, with little obvious variation to his standard outfit. The biggest pointer is the character's hair. At the start of the series, it was grey. By the third and into the fourth season, it was much longer, and slightly lighter. In the last couple of seasons, his hair was much lighter, almost white (both as Boss lost his hair colour, and maybe also in keeping with his white outfit). Coy and Vance-----Obviously, due to them only appearing for seventeen episodes, it's much easier when identifying the details of Coy and Vance photos. However, to note is that in the original publicity shoot to promote the new Duke characters, Coy wears a cream shirt as does blonde counterpart Bo, while Vance wears a blue plaid shirt a la Luke. On-screen, the characters actually only wore these costumes in the first episode they filmed - "Dukes Strike it Rich" (and for most of that one, the Dukes wore 'rich' clothing). In all others, their shirt colours were swapped over - Vance wore a Bo-style cream shirt, and Coy wore a light blue shirt, similar to the one that Luke wore for much of the second season (I always laughed to myself that this lame ploy was to convince viewers that these Bo and Luke clones were actully "different"!!) Hope these notes are of vague use to fellow Dukes photo fans. Edited April 11, 2014 by P.J. Gathergood Quote
P.J. Gathergood Posted April 11, 2014 Report Posted April 11, 2014 D'oh - my above post was intended for the Rare and Behind the Scenes photo thread (just copied it over accordingly). Though in an odd way it does kinda fit here as well. Kinda. Quote
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