DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 8, 2008 Author Posted October 8, 2008 Luke grasped his hand as they walked out, willing to hold it all the way to the car. He changed his mind however, knowing he probably should refrain and quietly pulled his hand away. Sorry," he said softly. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Bo looked to him as Luke pulled his hand away sharply."Sorry fer what?" Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 9, 2008 Author Posted October 9, 2008 "Holdin...yer hand...like...like a baby," he said digust in his voice. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Bo stopped and gently put his hands on Luke's shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze."Cousin, you never will be a baby t'me...okay...I don't mind if you wanna hold my hand...you been through a lot, you need some security...its fine..."With that, Bo reached out and grasped Luke's hand and continued on their way to the General, holding his hand all the way there, their blood brother scars pressed together. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 9, 2008 Author Posted October 9, 2008 Luke swallowed hard as Bo told him that. Grasping his hand, they walked out to the car, Luke biting his lip but at the same time enjoying walking outside with Bo. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 Bo raised an eyebrow as they neared the general, saying back at him with a smirk."You still remember how t'get in him or has Sara done talked that outta yer mind?" Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 9, 2008 Author Posted October 9, 2008 "Some things...you never forget," he answered sliding in easily resting back against the seat with his eyes closed. "Been a long time." Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 "Sure has..."Bo said with a smile as he slid behind the wheel with ease, starting up the powerful engine and heading for home. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 9, 2008 Author Posted October 9, 2008 Luke stared out the window. He was feeling a bit nervous still and almost wished Bo would drive with one hand so that Luke could feel the familiar scar with the other, but he was ashamed of thinking so, and kept quiet. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 10, 2008 Posted October 10, 2008 Bo didn't notice that that was what Luke wanted so continued to just head back to the farm with both hands on the wheel and his eyes on the road. After just getting Luke back, he didn't want to run the risk of losing him again by doing something stupid and getting them both hurt. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 10, 2008 Author Posted October 10, 2008 Luke held his own hands instead, fidgiting slightly. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 Feeling the air between them go tense again, Bo bit his lip a little before starting to whistle a tune him and Luke knew very well. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 12, 2008 Author Posted October 12, 2008 Soon, Luke was unconsciously humming softly beside him, looking out the window as they drove. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 13, 2008 Posted October 13, 2008 Bo couldn't help but smile a little as he whistled, hearing Luke humming along beside him, even if only softly. He'd hated having to drive on his own and not knowing when he was going to have his driving buddy back...he had just missed everything about life with Luke on the farm, especially now since Daisy was out on her own and Jesse had passed. To say he was relieved that Luke was starting to come back already was an understatement. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 13, 2008 Author Posted October 13, 2008 Luke glanced over noticing the smile on Bo's face. It looked more genuine than he had seen it in a long while, for which he was glad. Bo had always been the more social of the two, so Luke knew that being left to himself was probably tearing at him. In that respect Luke being home would be a step in the right direction... for Bo at least. Luke wasn't so sure about himself. He hummed along though, trying his best to act as normal as he could knowing that was what Bo wanted most. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 13, 2008 Posted October 13, 2008 It wasn't long before Bo pulled up at the farm, it looking well maintained and as normal as if Luke had never left it. There was washing on the line, the chickens were ambling around the yard and Maudine was scratching her head against the stall...even the trees didnt seem to have changed in the months Luke had been away. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 13, 2008 Author Posted October 13, 2008 Luke let out a soft sigh, not having realized how homesick he had been. Still, a part of him realized he hadn't been home since Jesse had passed, and for that reason alone he almost dreaded going inside, much as he longed to see the place again. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 14, 2008 Posted October 14, 2008 Bo glanced to Luke as he sighed, biting his lip and wondering if Luke were about to tell him to turn back round and take him back to the hospital. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 14, 2008 Author Posted October 14, 2008 He didn't however. Instead he muttered under his breath "I can do this, as Sara had taught him and, inhaling softly opened the door. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 14, 2008 Author Posted October 14, 2008 (woops)*slid out the window (not opened the door) Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 14, 2008 Posted October 14, 2008 Bo smiled a little as he did and carefully slid out his window too, climbing out the General and leaning against him. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 14, 2008 Author Posted October 14, 2008 Luke's heart pounded as his feet touched the ground. "Guess...we best go in," he said softly trying to keep his voice from quivering and giving away the fear he felt in the pit of his stomach. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Bo nodded a little, pushing away from their orange stock car and putting a hand on Luke's shoulder, slowly walking in with him. He offered what little support he could through the gentle squeeze on his older cousins shoulder...he knew this would be hard for Luke, it had been hard for him to step through the door to the farm knowing Jesse was never gonna be there again too... Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 15, 2008 Author Posted October 15, 2008 Luke felt the squeeze on his shoulder and sighed gratefully. He didn't know where he would be without Bo. He slipped his arm around his cousin's waist, needing the closeness as he stepped inside the farmhouse.Everything was as he remembered it: nothing by any means fancy, but all indicative of home, from the faint scent of apples to throw rugs on the floor. And of course there was Jesse's chair...and there the similiarities stopped.The chair was empty. It was this fact that caused Luke to break down sobbing then and there. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted October 16, 2008 Posted October 16, 2008 Bo swallowed hard as he caught his older cousin as he doubled over, sobbing as Bo had heard him sob so many times over the last few months...sobbing like he himself had sobbed before too. He held Luke close and rocked him gently as they stood in the lounge. Quote
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