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Cooter smiled, relaxing back in a chair, propping his feet up on a bench in the room putting his hands in behind his head.

"Just came t' see how ya was I reckon..I came to find that silly goose over there, she left the garage unattended while I was at the jail arguin' with Rosco."

Lori blushed.


Cooter raised a brow at her, smirking.

"Which stories ya wanna hear? There's too many to count about them. Like, for instance, Luke riling Maudine the mule cause me and him was tryin' t' catch the fattest chicken for Uncle Jesse. Poor old Lukas ran straight into her. Lori, being as idiotic as she is, climbs a tree and jumps on Maudine's back causing Maudine to buck and kick. Jess tanned all our hides good except for Bo who was just sittin on the tailgate of Jesse's truck laughin' at us."


"I remember that. You couldn't sit for days. I don't know who got you worse Uncle Jesse or Maudine. " said JJ as giggled at thought.

Looking at his sister he shot her a dirty look.

JJ looked at him and said "Well it's funny. You shouldn't have been messing

around with Maudine in the first place. You know she don't like to be rode on."


Lori looked at JJ correcting her.

"I have you know It was me who rode her cause, yet again, I saved your brother from her...hadn't been for me he woulda got his block knocked off.."

She grinned at Luke, kissing his cheek with a giggle.

"Oh you really saved him alright..."

Cooter said, sarcastically.

"Just ask her about the time she tied him up in the barn loft all because he wouldn't play 'House' with her and Daisy...Bo was all gun ho for the idea though.."

Lori blushed with an impish grin.

"He didn't wanna marry me...so I hog tied him and gave him no choice. He said it was a silly game, it was pointless, and he just didn't have the time to, nor did he want to be anyone's husband for that matter to have a woman nag him around all day..."

Lori shot Luke a dirty look.


Lori nodded, chuckling at her.

"Got a point there JJ....though, to be honest I never knew why he asked me in the first place... of all people in the world, I was the lucky one."

She sighed contentedly at him.

Cooter rolled his eyes at the two, grimacing. Lori watched him raising a brow, narrowing one of her eyes in mirth.


Luke watched Lori for a second before answering her question. "My reason I

asked you to marry me. Was for so many different reasons. How many would like? Come on Lori you know better then anyone. Your beautiful, smart, you make me laugh and the most important i love you." said Luke


"And he's crazy enough to put up with ya!"

Cooter chirped in, glad Luke couldn't reach him.

Lori growled at Cooter a little, narrowing her eyes in a warning matter.

"You'll wake up with starch in your bed if you don't hush..."


Lori grumbled a little at the both of them, crossing her arms across her chest.

Cooter grinned a little, in a mischeivous manner.

"Oh speaking of starch.... did you ever happen to tell Luke there just WHO exactly put all that starch in his and Bo's bed when ya'll was teenagers and it wasn't Daisy that time either....poor boys walked around that high school like two hounds that needed a flea dip."

Lori blushed profusely at the two, fixing to desert Luke's bed at any given moment.


Lori was sent into hysterics laughing and giggling so much.

"I was mad at you then...you wouldn't speak to me at all."

Cooter chuckled at the two of them, shaking his head again.

"See JJ what I had to be put up with? Ask your brother about the lump in under the covers in Lori's bed I use to find...and why Uncle Jesse got so upset cause a certain Dark haired romeo wasn't home at night??"

He made a sideways glance towards Luke and Lori, grinning like the chessire cat.


"Thanks Cooter. Here I thought we were buddies. What try to get me into more trouble." asked Luke with smirk that told Cooter he was only teasing.

"From what I here Cooter you ain't no more innocent these two. I'm surprised

Luke let's me hang out with you. After all it was you that stole Roscoe's car."

answered JJ sweetly.


Cooter blushed a deep red, looking down.

"Wasn't my fault...he impounded mine."

Lori popped her head up over Luke's shoulder with an evil grin.

"Ya know Luke JJ does have a point...all the riff- raff Cooter causes... destroys the front entrance to the Boar's Nest with a motorcycle...steals the president's car... and, was dumb enough to fight Luke in a boxing match...and got his skull rattled around since he ain't got any brains..."

Cooter grumbled lowly at Lori,glaring daggers at her.

"Not as bad as you getting Grandma Davenport sicked on us... I had to clean up and comb my hair for cryin' out loud and was forced to wear a suit!"

Lori's eyes flew open with amazement, her mouth falling open.

"Me?!! I suffered worser than you did by far...I was forced to wear a chastity belt and I hadn't even done anything wrong or I wasn't even thinking it!"

Posted (edited)

"She right Cooter. I don't think I should let JJ hang out with you. Your not a very good influence her on my baby sister.You just might give her wrong ideas." said Luke jokingly

Edited by JESSI DUKE

Cooter chuckled lightly, shaking his head.

"Oh sure take her side!"

Lori grinned a little, stretching out on the bed in relaxation.

"He ain't stupid, he stay soutta trouble less if he agrees with me."

She grinned widely.


Luke raised a brow, a triumphant smirk upon his face.

"Got us out for the entire week though... School never did interest me any. It was too boring."

He shrugged a little, adding on to his statement,"Only thing I had going for me was football..."

Lori looked at him and blinked a couple of times,"That was easy for you to say! I studied all night that night for that test and you knew I was ready to take it cause I had stayed all night with you and Bo and Daisy and JJ then..."

"Then why did you come with me and pull the alarm then?"

He questioned her. Lori looked at him, narrowing her eyes a little in mirth, smiling.

"Cause you didn't study and I knew you'd fail it and...and...Uncle Jesse woulda gotten ya in trouble."

She made an excuse up. Luke smirked at her, shaking his head.

"You wasn't even studyin' for that test that night...I know where you was cause I was with ya..."

He bounced his brows a little at her, causing her to turn five shades of red.


Luke chuckled lightly, giving them all an impish grin.

"If uncle Jesse knew, I don't think I'd even be alive right now, though it is a wonder after all these years of trouble me, Lori, Bo, you, and Cooter, and even Daisy has given him, I guess we're all lucky to be alive..."

Lori nodded, agreeing with him.

"Ain't that the truth of it... lord I never saw someone so mad my entire life that night me and you was sent to jail our very first time..."

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