Kay Darleen Duke Posted July 13, 2008 Posted July 13, 2008 Tonight On The Dukes : Luke suffers a bad fall he ends up injuring his back .The trouble all started on a summer day ", when Bo and Luke were daring oneanother to jump into the ravine Bo was just getting ready to jump in . " Cuz,watch this then Bo jumped from the cliff all the way down to the water ", then he looked up at Luke and said " Hey what did you think of that cuz ?",Luke said " I bet you that I could dive better then you Bo ", well why don'tyou prove it cuz ", then Luke said "okay then backed up then ran all the wayto the end then jumped "unfortunetely Luke landed in the water but the waterwas so shallow that he ended up hurting his back on one of the rocks .Cue Anybody Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 (edited) Bo watched as Luke made a perfect dive into water. He waited for his older cousin to resurface from his dive, but Luke hadn't surface a few seconds later Bo started to get worried that something happen. He started going into the water when Luke surfaced. He swam over to him "Luke" called Bo seeing that his cousin eyes where not open and wasn't saying anything. It was then that Bo thought he needed to get Luke to shore.Balladeer: I don't know about ya'll, but I don't like this one bit. I just plum hate it when one of the Dukes get hurt. After what felt like forever Bo got them both to shore. Carefully he pulled Luke to shore praying that he didn't hurt Luke worse then he all ready was.First thing Bo did was try to find Luke pulse. He found it . It felt strong, but it was then that he notice that Luke wasn't breathing. Bo check to see if anything was blocking his air way. When he didn't see anything hedecide to try CPR on his cousin. It took Bo only a few times before Luke started coughing as careful as Bo could he turned Luke to side. "Thank You Jesus." Bo said as Luke cough up the water. "Luke can you hear me. I'll be right back. I'm going to call for help." Bo told him. Edited July 14, 2008 by JESSI DUKE Quote
LoriDavenport Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 As a black 69 charger came barreling down the road, a caramel eyed black headed woman raised a curious eyebrow."That's odd..."Lori Davenport whispered to herself as she stopped the stock car behind the general. Climbing out of her window, Lori jogged around the front of the cars and looked down over the hill, seeing Bo bent over Luke as he was, she knew something terrible had happened. Whirling around to the General, she reached in and grabbed the CB mic holding down the button."Calling the Tri-County Hospital, this is Lori Davenport we need an ambulance out here at the old ravine bout a mile or so down from the Hazzard Pond please hurry its an emergency.." Her panicked female voice came through loud and clear to the dispatcher as an ambulance was sent out that way. Lori swallowed the lump in her throat and ran down the hill, sliding some as she went, going to Luke's side."What happened to him Bo??"She asked, concerned and scared. Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted July 15, 2008 Author Posted July 15, 2008 Then Bo looked up at Lori and said " Luke hit his head on rock in the water ",so far I haven't been able to wake him up and he swallowed some water too,luckily he coughed up the water so now he's breathing but he's still out cold.Then Lori said " I called an ambulance for Luke they should be here soon ",Bo said " Thanks Lori I appricate it I just wish that Luke would wake up Bo thought he would try again " Luke , Luke , c'mon cuz can't you here me ?",then Bo said " LUKE DUKE WAKE UP ", then suddenly his eye lids flutteredwhen they didn't open Bo started getting really worried and frustrated .about 15 minutes later the ambulance arrived so Bo was starting to feel happythat help had finally arrived then one of the emt's came down the hill carryinga strecher , another came down with a bag started checking Luke out to seeif he would make it to the hospital okay then one of the workers checked tosee if Luke's vision was good he said " his refelx's are a little slow and he alsoseems to be suffering a concussion too ", then they started getting Luke onto the strechter then carried him over to the ambulance then put him inthe back of the ambulance shut the door made their way to the hospital.Cue LoriDavenport Quote
Julieduke Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Then Bo looked up at Lori and said " Luke hit his head on rock in the water ",so far I haven't been able to wake him up and he swallowed some water too,luckily he coughed up the water so now he's breathing but he's still out cold.Then Lori said " I called an ambulance for Luke they should be here soon ",Bo said " Thanks Lori I appricate it I just wish that Luke would wake up Bo thought he would try again " Luke , Luke , c'mon cuz can't you here me ?",then Bo said " LUKE DUKE WAKE UP ", then suddenly his eye lids flutteredwhen they didn't open Bo started getting really worried and frustrated .about 15 minutes later the ambulance arrived so Bo was starting to feel happythat help had finally arrived then one of the emt's came down the hill carryinga strecher , another came down with a bag started checking Luke out to seeif he would make it to the hospital okay then one of the workers checked tosee if Luke's vision was good he said " his refelx's are a little slow and he alsoseems to be suffering a concussion too ", then they started getting Luke onto the strechter then carried him over to the ambulance then put him inthe back of the ambulance shut the door made their way to the hospital.Cue LoriDavenportJulie Duke had heard Lori's broadcast and she says "Oh geez, how is he doing anybody know I'm heading for Tri-County Hospital right now anyways."Cue LoriDavenport or Kay Darleen Duke or Jessi Duke Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted July 15, 2008 Author Posted July 15, 2008 20 minutes later they arrived at Tri-County Hospital ", they began to unloadLuke from the back of the ambulance then wheeled him into the ER .The doctor who was on duty was named Dr. sanders he began to check Lukehe tried calling out his name 3 times but got no response he told his nurseto write down " comatosed , I liked to get some x'rays of his neck to see ifhe has any damage from the fall plus I would like to check his back also.After the doctor finished given out his orders nurse kimberly eggert made herway out to the waiting room to let the Dukes know that Luke was in a coma ".Bo suddenly got this very said look on his face he said " he's gonna be okay right ?', she said " well we won't really know until he wakes up plus the doctorwould like to get some X-rays of his neck and back ", then Daisy said " you don't think that Luke will be paralyzed ?", then the nurse said " hopefully notwe won't know until we get the X-ray hopefully they'll be no damage meanwhile back in the ER they were getting the unconicous Luke readyit took two men to put him on the strecher then wheeled off to the X-rayIt didn't take too long to get the neck one ", then they went on to the backunfortunetely they saw he had fractured his spine which the doctor wasnot too pleased with but wasn't surprized considering how far Luke had fallen.Cue Lori Davenport , Jessi , JulieDuke Quote
LoriDavenport Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Lori sighed as she paced the waiting room floor of the hospital. Hands clasped together deep in thought, she prayed that Luke would be alright. Sitting down in a chair near a window, Lori sighed heavily, her chin in her hand. Jesse, the wise dear old man, Walked over to Lori, sitting down in a chair nearest to her. Placing a hand on her shoulder consolingly, he rubbed it softly and gave er a kind smile. "He'll be ok Lori... just you wait and see, he's a fighter... he'll pull out of it.."Lori turned around in her seat smiling at the kind man's face. "I'm not worried about that uncle Jesse, I'm worried more for his physical health, if something bad happens to him in that way, poor Luke'll just give up..." Lori was almost in tears as she choked up the last few words. Jesse sighed and took her into his arms rocking her gently. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 "I know. That what worries me too. But with the good lords help we will make it through it" said Jesse. "But Uncle Jesse what if Luke isn't able to drive the general. The general is a part of both Bo and Luke. It's in his blood. What do we do?" Asked Lori. "I don't know. But we will get through this." he told her.Bo was feeling the walls coming down on him. He hate hospital with a passion. He hate how helpless he felt. Knowing that Luke was laying there and there was nothing he could do to help me. It was driving him crazy, which meant he had to pace. "Bo would you stop that" yelled Daisy she was nervous wreck as she waited for news. "Sorry. I can't help it." said Bo."Bo why don't you come over here sit with us." said Jesse as he made room for Bo to sit."Hey ya'll! What's going on?" asked Cooter as he walked through the door."Well..."Jesse stared to say. "Luke and Bo where out swim when Luke got hurt." Jesse told him. "Is he all right?" asked Cooter. "We are still waiting on the Doctor to tell us." said Lori. Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted July 16, 2008 Author Posted July 16, 2008 Finally the doctor came out of the ER with a sad look on his face ", he hatedtelling familes sad news about their loved ones but sometimes it happens.Uncle Jesse was the first to look up he said " hey Doc how's my boy ?", " well mr. duke I wish I had better news but Luke is in a deep coma ",unfortunetley he also has a fractured spine ", " Holy Cow " said Bo.Then Bo asked the doc if they could see Luke the doctor replied " you can butonly one at a time ", then Bo said " okay I liked to see Luke first which room is in ?'", " room 101 he still unconicious though so he won't know your their.Then the doctor replied " c'mon Bo I'll show you the way to his room ",so Bo and the doctor walked down a long hallway until they came to elevatorswent all the way up to the 10th floor which was the ICU department when they arrived to his room the doctor opened the door and when Bo saw howLuke looked so still laying their with an IV , oxygen mask he said " Oh Luke i'mso sorry ... I didn't think you would end up getting hurt I .. just wish you would wake up and I could see that smile again please wake up Luke.Cue Lori , Jessi . Quote
LoriDavenport Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 Lori had tears in her eyes, but held them back, she had to be strong for the family, her and cooter at the time now was the oldest two of the bunch and they needed to show strength in this time of need. Getting up, Lori went over to Cooter and out an arm around his shoulder, sighing."Cousin...I got a feelin...I'll be with the Dukes again cause they're gonna need all the help they can get with Luke, you know he won't give up without a fight..." Cooter looked at her and nodded some, hugging her, patting her back."S'ok Lor... I understand, gotta feelin' I'll be spendin' some time there myself too.."He chuckled lightly to lighten the mood a little. Lori sighed a little and went back over to sit down with Uncle Jesse. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Luke's little sister walked up to Jesse. "Uncle Jesse, what are we going do?" asked JJ (which was short for Jessica Jo, but no one but Luke called that her.) "I don't know, baby girl." he told her as pulled into a hug. "I'm scarried Uncle Jesse." she cried. Daisy noticed her cousin crying on her Uncle shoulder. She got up and walked over to where they where talking. "Come on JJ. Let's get coffee for ever one it's goona be long night." Daisy told her. "Ok." replied JJ as she let go of her Uncle to go help Daisy. "Would you two like some coffee?" Daisy asked Lori and Cooter. Quote
Julieduke Posted July 17, 2008 Posted July 17, 2008 Luke's little sister walked up to Jesse. "Uncle Jesse, what are we going do?" asked JJ (which was short for Jessica Jo, but no one but Luke called that her.) "I don't know, baby girl." he told her as pulled into a hug. "I'm scarried Uncle Jesse." she cried. Daisy noticed her cousin crying on her Uncle shoulder. She got up and walked over to where they where talking. "Come on JJ. Let's get coffee for ever one it's goona be long night." Daisy told her. "Ok." replied JJ as she let go of her Uncle to go help Daisy. "Would you two like some coffee?" Daisy asked Lori and Cooter.Julie Duke arrived and she was just as nervous and she heard what the docter had said and she says "But why, oh he has to pull through I've thought so much in my young life not Luke as well."Cue Anybody Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted July 17, 2008 Author Posted July 17, 2008 A couple minutes later Bo came out of Luke's room made his way to the elevator to go back down to the first floor", his eyes were red , puffy he felt gulity also because itwas his idea to go swimming at the revine hopefully Luke will wake up soon. Meanwhile back in Luke's room the doctor was checking him out he tried calling Luke outabout 3 times but unfortunetely Luke still didn't respond the doctor was getting prettyworried ", then the doctor got out his pen light then he shined the light in Luke's eyehe still wasn't getting any eye movement which wasn't good still their's his back injury.The doctor got to thinking that maybe he should put Luke on a traction which would takesome of the pressure off of his back so he called his nurse to go get one ", when shegot back she brought two orderly's with her which helped the doctor lift Luke off the bedthen put him on the tractor laying on his stomach but sadly he was still unconicous.Cue Lori Quote
LoriDavenport Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 Lori swallowed back her tears, seeing Bo. She looked at Jesse and took the old man's hand in her's cupping it gently."Uncle Jesse ya gotta let me have a try..." She almost pleaded her whisper. Jesse watched her and nodded some, sighing. "Alright Lori...you can give it a try... every little bit helps.." Lori smiled a little and nodded, she headed in the direction Bo was, going up to Luke's room. Seeing the nurses and doctors come out, she thought the worse. Crying a little, she walked in, seeing him on the traction, she shut her eyes, the tears stinging them. Swallowing the hard lump in her throat Lori went over to Luke's side and placed her hand on his gently, stroking his fingers and his palm. "Luke...I wish you'd wake up for us sweetheart..." she paused, crying a little,"Luke, you just got to pull out of it for us dear, You know we need you around or else Bo'll be into so much trouble... and your little sis Luke, she's here, we're all here..." Lori paused again, she was down on her knees, crying and praying."Please Luke...please just wake up...if not for me or Bo...do it for Jesse...do it for your family Luke...we need you...we love you...I love you Luke...just please wake up!"She stroked his hand more and hung her head, crying tears of sorrow and pain. Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted July 18, 2008 Author Posted July 18, 2008 Meanwhile in the waiting room Bo , Daisy , Jesse was trying not to worry it wasn't easy",Bo tried reading a nascar magazine about richard petty , Daisy was watching a movie ,and Jesse was trying to comfort JJ by telling her everything will work out in the end.Back in Luke's room : Lori noticed Luke's hand move she said " OH MY GOD " ,Luke can you hear me ?", she didn't recieve a reply which only made her feel hopeless," c'mon baby you have to come back to us wake up Luke we miss you very much, then his nurse came in to check his stats , IV bag which seemed filled still ". Then Lori mentiond to the nurse that Luke moved his hand then the nurse said "wellmaybe he's coming out of the coma or it could have been just a reflex I'll tell the doctor,then she went to check Luke's pulse when he started going into convulsions ", the nursetold Lori to leave the room at once and go get the doctor ", so she left went downstairsfound the doctor in the cafteria eating a tuna sandwitch she said " Luke is in trouble.Cue Lori , Jesse Quote
LoriDavenport Posted July 18, 2008 Posted July 18, 2008 Lori was going into convulsions herself! She went to the waiting room, crying hysterically. Jesse, Cooter and the others' heads all shot up towards the saden femal voice as they got up to check on her. "Lor...Lor whats wrong with him?" Cootewr asked, pulling her close to him. Lori cried into his oil stained shirt, soaking it through to his skin."Its Luke...he...he's in trouble, He started to move his hand a little but ended up going into convulsions..." Cooter looked to the others, who had their heads hung. Lori swallowed a little and went to a seat all to herself, the waiting room had cleared a little. She got down in the floor and hit her knees, clasping her hands together in front of her, she prayed for the saftey of Luke, for the strength of the family if something should happen, but most of all, that Luke would be alright. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted July 19, 2008 Posted July 19, 2008 The doctor took off running towards Luke's room. 'Nurse what's going?" asked the doctor. "He went into Febrile convulsion. There was a spike in his temperature." said the nurse. "Ok when need to get his temperature down. Will you bring me 10cc of paracetamol " said the doctor. "Here you go." said the nurse while placing the needle in the doctors hands. ""Thank you. Now you get the cooling packs" asked the doctor while a place medince into iv solution. "Yes, doctor." replied the nurse. A few second later she was back with the cooling packs. After a few minutes they had the cooling packs around Luke's body. "Nurse if anything happens. Please page me. I'm going out there to talk to his family" he told her.A few minutes later the doctor walked up to Jesse. "How's my boy Doc?" asked Jesse. "Well Mr Duke, your nephew had what we call Febrile Convulsion. His body temperature rose so fast that he just started convulsing. We have got giving him so medicine to bring the fever down. Now we need to keep an eye on him for the next 24 to 48 hours."the doctor told them."Can we see him?" asked JJ needing to see her brother. "Not right now. The nurse is still checking vitals. But as soon as she down you can visit with him." he told her before turning around and leaving. Quote
Julieduke Posted July 19, 2008 Posted July 19, 2008 The doctor took off running towards Luke's room. 'Nurse what's going?" asked the doctor. "He went into Febrile convulsion. There was a spike in his temperature." said the nurse. "Ok when need to get his temperature down. Will you bring me 10cc of paracetamol " said the doctor. "Here you go." said the nurse while placing the needle in the doctors hands. ""Thank you. Now you get the cooling packs" asked the doctor while a place medince into iv solution. "Yes, doctor." replied the nurse. A few second later she was back with the cooling packs. After a few minutes they had the cooling packs around Luke's body. "Nurse if anything happens. Please page me. I'm going out there to talk to his family" he told her.A few minutes later the doctor walked up to Jesse. "How's my boy Doc?" asked Jesse. "Well Mr Duke, your nephew had what we call Febrile Convulsion. His body temperature rose so fast that he just started convulsing. We have got giving him so medicine to bring the fever down. Now we need to keep an eye on him for the next 24 to 48 hours."the doctor told them."Can we see him?" asked JJ needing to see her brother. "Not right now. The nurse is still checking vitals. But as soon as she down you can visit with him." he told her before turning around and leaving.Julie says "Uncle Jesse, is Luke going to be okay you know it's not like him to be sick he's the oldest and strongest of all of us. Oh J.J., remember when Bo was in that accident I was in tears myself and you was there for me as well."Cue anybody Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted July 20, 2008 Author Posted July 20, 2008 Meanwhile in Luke's room the nurse was just finishing up on Luke so far nothing changed.The last thing she did was check his fever she wrote down on Luke's chart a little cooler,meanwhile in the waiting room JJ was gonna go see Luke so she made her way to the elevator went up to the 10th floor when she saw Luke just laying their all peaceful .she tried to be brave but was scared out of her wits she said " please Luke wake up ",''come back to us we need you ... we love you very much and miss you. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted July 20, 2008 Posted July 20, 2008 Lori would sit out in the waiting room silently praying every 5 minutes. It was late into the night as Jesse was the last to see Luke, to try and wake him up. It was clear the dear man had been crying as a tear was streaking his face. Daisy and the others, except Lori, who was asleep in a chair, went to him and hugged him. Jesse, looking to the others, and to Lori sighed. "Someone go wake her up...we need t' go home and rest."Cooter nodded to the old man's words and walked over, gently shaking Lori to wake her up. Lori's eye lids fluttered a little as they slowly lifted upwards."M' stayin here Coot... don't try to stop me...I know he might not wake up.. but I ain't about t' give up...M' gonna keep trying."Cooter ran a hand down his face and looked at Jesse, shaking his head."No use in it Uncle Jesse sir, she ain't movin...said she was fine where she's at, she'd go home in the morning..." Jesse shook his head, tired himself. He nodded though after a few minutes and gave a heavy sigh."Al right, just...call and check on her here ever so often."Cooter nodded as they all looked to Lori one last time, walking out of the hospital. Sighing, Lori got up and went back to see Luke, to he** with the visiting hours to see the patients, she wanted to see Luke and she would see him or go to jail trying. Walking in his room, she sighed a little and leaned against the wall, shaking her head. Walking over to the bed, sitting in the chair, she took his hand again and softly rubbed it, this time, singing a soft sweet song to him as she rocked herself in the chair. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted July 20, 2008 Posted July 20, 2008 The ride home for the was quiet one each Duke member was lost in there own thoughts. Wasn't long before Jesse pulled up to the farm "All right kids let's go in" said Jesse. Slowly Bo, Daisy, and JJ made there way into the farm house. Bo wasn't looking forward to going to sleep in his and Luke's room. It would just to quiet and weird without Luke there too. "Uncle Jesse can I sleep on the couch tonight," asked Bo. Jesse looked at his young nephew seeing the sadness there in his eyes. "All right Bo." said Jesse. Noticing the how neither Daisy or JJ where going to there room. "Now everyone go bed. We have long day tomorrow." Jesse told them. "Yes sir" said JJ and Daisy. Bo just sat there on the couch not really wanting to do anything. He didn't want to sleep cause he could still see Luke laying there not breathe. *Why did we have to go swimming today. It's all my fault* thought Bo. JJ looked over to Bo noticed how distressed he looked. Running over to him and whispered "Bo it's not your fault. Luke won't want you to blame yourself. It was just a stupid accident." said JJ. "I know that JJ, but I can't help it." replied Bo as tears slipped down his check. Put her arms around Bo and held him s he cried. "Oh Bo." said JJ. "It should be me laying there not Luke." said Bo. "Bo stop it. Please don't say that. Luke's a fighter he'll be all right." said JJ.Back at the hospital Lori kept trying to plead with Luke to wake up. "Please Luke wake up I need you." she whispered before falling a sleep. Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted July 22, 2008 Author Posted July 22, 2008 (edited) Suddenly Luke made a slight moan but he didn't stir he seemed to be in a lighter coma ",so Lori said " Luke can you hear me ?", Luke didn't answer so she said " please baby wake up I need you , miss you please wake up your sister JJ wants to see her brother.Please Luke make some sorta sign that you can hear me ?", he just layed their so she picked up his hand that didn't have the IV in it and prayed for Luke to wake up then thedoctor came in to check on Luke she said " he still won't wake up doc I'm worried ".The Doctor said " well their's no time table for this he'll wake up hopefully soon or he could end up a vegetable which I hope won't happen but he may have some swelling in his brain which is preventing him from waking up but unfortunetly I can't run any tests until he wakes up ", sooner would be better ", then he went to lift Luke's left eyelid .shined the light in his eyes moved the eye up , down noticed some movement closed itthen he went to lift the right one did the same thing ", then he wrote on Luke's charteye movement improved but not quite up to par ", then he turned to Lori it appears thathe is in a lighter coma but only time will tell when we wakes up then he walked out .Then Lori said " goodnight Luke hopefully your dreaming about me or Bo I love you, sadly Luke still had his fever he was still hot hopefully that will all go away in time. Cue Lori, Jesse Edited July 22, 2008 by Kay Darleen Duke forgot to leave cue for next post Quote
LoriDavenport Posted July 22, 2008 Posted July 22, 2008 Lori swallowed some, rubbing her eyes, the days events was gaining on her and she knew she needed sleep, but with Luke now in a lighter coma, it was possible he'd wake up. She took his hand again and kissed it lightly, laying her head beside it, singing once more. Her eye lids grew heavy, but she tried to stay awake. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted July 22, 2008 Posted July 22, 2008 JJ walks into Luke's room seeing Lori sleeping there. Place had gently on her shoulder "Lori, Lori wake up." said JJ. "Luke." cried out Lori. "Luke's still out of it. You looked so uncomfortable I thought I'd wake you up." JJ told her. "Oh I'm fine." replied Lori as sat up in the chair. "Lori why don't you go down grab a bite to eat. You've been here all night. If Luke wakes up I'll come and get you." said JJ. "I don't think so.'' Lori started to say. "Lori, He'll be fine. I promise.If he wakes up I run and get you." JJ told her. "Ok." Lori tells her as get up out of the chair.JJ waited for Lori to leave and sits her spot then she grabs Luke's hand."Come Luke you got wake up. Please wake up! We need you. I need you. I can't do this without you. Your the only that can help." she cried. "Please big brother wake. If not for me Lori. She needs you too." JJ told him. "JJ" Luke moan softly. "That's it bid brother. Come on wake up." JJ cried."Water?" asked Luke. JJ hurried over to the sink got Luke little bit of water and brought back to him. Helping her brother with the cup of water. When he was done "Thanks. Where am I?" he asked. "Your at the hospital. You had accident." she told him. "Where's Bo? Is he ok?" Luke asked. "Bo's fine. You and Bo where swimming when you got hurt." she told him. It was then that JJ remember her promise to Lori. "Luke I'll be back I have to get Lori." she told him. "Why do you have to get Lori?" he asked. "Luke she's your fiancee?" she told him. "JJ why would I be engaged to be married when I'm only 17?" he asked her. "Um Luke your...." JJ started to say when the nurse walked in. "Oh Mr Duke! Your a wake. I'll need to let the doctor know." said the nurse as she turned around and walked back out of the room. ""JJ what's going on? why are you looking at me like I've grown a second head?" he asked her. "Luke." she started to say. When the doctor rushed in. "Excuse me." said JJ. "Luke I'll be back" she said as she darted out the door. "JJ get back here." yelled Luke. "Now Mr Duke. You can't be yelling." JJ heard the doctor say.JJ walked slowly down to the cafeteria. Part of her didn't want to tell Lori that Luke woke up. She didn't want to tell the young girl that Luke didn't remember anything from the last seven years. Lori was just finishing up when she spotted JJ. "JJ is everything ok?" she asked. "Yeah Luke woke up." she told Lori. "That's great!" exclaimed Lori as she picked up her tray."It's good that he woke, don't get wrong. It's just that he doesn't remember anything from the last seven years. He doesn't remember asking you to marry him." JJ told her. "Cut the crap JJ. Thisn't funny." said Lori."Lori I'm not trying to be funny. As far as Luke remember he's 17 years old." JJ told her. Lori put her tray back on the table and took off towards Luke's room. Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted July 22, 2008 Author Posted July 22, 2008 When Lori came in Luke said " Well hey Lori I don't remember you I guess because I'monly 17 so we never met ", I'm told that we are gonna be married . then Lori looked at Luke strangely she said " Luke it's me Lori your girlfriend we met in Atlanta at nascar ",Then Luke said " I don't remember that ... I'm sorry but I only I have one girlfriend and her name is suellen were going to the prom together ", then Lori said " Luke your not 17anymore your 24 years old you are not in high school pleae tell me you know that.Then Luke said " I don't know what your talkin' about I'm in high school and I have a test tomorrow in history class my teacher said that I have to get an A on the test.Then Lori looked at JJ and said " what is going on with him he acts like he doesn't know me at all ", then JJ said " he has amnesia from being in a coma for so long hopefullyhe'll remember who you are one day and then you two wil be married forever and ever. Cue Lori , Jesse Quote
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