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I have no clue. Someone asked Catherien Bach, (Daisy) but she didn't really know, she said they would have to ask John. He never said yes and he never said no. I left after the Parade and before the Auction. He may have said if they was or not then. Don't really know. I'm sure they will post something on Dukefest.com, I hope they do next year, but I hope they have more entertainment and not charge people to have an autograph. If the General Lee could write I'd rather have it's autograph since it is what made that show and the cast as big as they are today. So who knows they might and might not..

Now that really will get me madder than what i already am! But, I would understand it due to their busy schedules, 2009 isnt here yet so no one would really know for sure, but i hope their is one..

I hope so too.


I have'nt seen a general since!!!!!

someone ****in help me

1984. my brother , Timothy R. Mason (1976-1997) and me


I remember I had to stand on my tippi toes just to see in....then someone picked me up so I could get a better view......

can anyone tell if this is one of the generals from the show?? 1984 pic so im thinkin maybe

John says in this interview with Atlanta's Fox affiliate that this "could be" the last DukesFest. "You never know."


I hope it's not but I don't think we'll know for sure until either later this year or sometime early next year. We can keep our fingers crossed.

Lord I hope there's another dukesfest, I look forward to going there every year. This will be my third year to have gone to it. If not, I've had a blast the times I've gotten to go. Even tho the first year I only went one day, and didn't stay long due to the heat getting the best of me, plus the goofballs that were with me made it even worse. Maybe us fans can keep Dukesfest going some how.


This year was my first dukesfest, I'm in the military so it is hard for me to plan a family vacation but I am working in a non deployable unit for the time being so I took advantage of it and finally got to go. I hope that there is another one next year as that will be the last year I have in this unit (it's only a two year hitch) I did hear allot of talk of this being the last one though especially from people who had been to previous dukesfest. I am hoping that this was a ploy to draw more people and sell more merchandise.


MASON KID hate to dissapoint you but that isn't one fron the show. Rims are the dead give away along with the numbers are way off. Looks like it possibly could be a General Lee Enterprise car but more than likely a very early replica. I believe all the General Lee Enterpise cars had correct rims on them. General Lee Enterprise cars were built for WB but never were used in filming the TV show. They were used at all the Autoramas and World of Wheels shows back in the mid 80's early 90's. They built like 10 or 11 of them but they aren't considered "REAL" General Lees.


I believe all of the talk about 'DukesFest' 2008 being the last one was brought on by ticket sales, or rather, lack thereof. When my parents purchased their tickets at the Atlanta Motor Speedway ticket-office on Monday, June 23, track employees said that advance ticket sales had been very slow for the event. They said that they were hoping that "walk-up" ticket sales on the day of the event would boost the numbers up. However, after being there on both Saturday and Sunday, I just don't know if the "walk-up" ticket buyers made that big of a difference.


I believe all of the talk about 'DukesFest' 2008 being the last one was brought on by ticket sales, or rather, lack thereof. When my parents purchased their tickets at the Atlanta Motor Speedway ticket-office on Monday, June 23, track employees said that advance ticket sales had been very slow for the event. They said that they were hoping that "walk-up" ticket sales on the day of the event would boost the numbers up. However, after being there on both Saturday and Sunday, I just don't know if the "walk-up" ticket buyers made that big of a difference.


I bought my tickets thru ticket master way back in Feburary. Another thing that AMS needs to take into consideration is the rising fuel prices. Alot of folks including some of the General Lee owners couldn't make it this year due to high fuel. It's crazy but it's true. If it wasn't for the rising fuel costs, I believe that it would had been a good day for business.


I think moving DukesFest out of Nashville was a huge tactical error. Nashville backed that gig 100%, and to Atlanta it was just one more little shindig, hardly worth a mention.

Also in considering location - I'm willing to bet a good number of of traveling Dukes fans come from areas in the upper midwest and northeast of the country. There's loyal Dukes fans from all over the place, don't get me wrong, but many of the folks who had found TN or even VA a feasible road trip, couldn't swing to GA and back on a weekend.

I already bashed the promotional efforts months ago, but it's worth mentioning again. I'll also reiterate that this years's DukesFest had the challenge of the economy to cope with, plus there was no active airing of DOH on tv, no CNN backing.

All that said....those challenges were obvious, going into this thing, but I didn't see the DF promoters offering much against it. Instead, we saw announcements about Adam West.

Under the collective circumstances, the fact that this year's DukesFest had the turnout it did, is a tribute to the die-hards who made the trip and made the economic sacrifices to be there. To the GL owners and fans and volunteers who made the gig, we salute ya.


The move to Atlanta was supposed to be FOR the fans.That's where Dukes started.Atlanta,Conyers,Covington areas.It was held there for the 30th anniversary so fans could go see all the original filming locations and so forth. When this was first announced they didn't expect 4.15 a gallon gas along with everything else going up. You can't change plans at the last minute for an event this big once it's set. Agreed Adam West was bad choice. You can't please everyone or control the economy or control how well you are received at a certain city. This maybe the last one as far as a castmember sponsoring it. If you think you can do a better job, go for it. Then you can deal with all the headaches organizing an event this big with people complaining on this person should be there or that person shouldn't,what to do with all the Hazzard vehicles,ect. list goes on and on. Until then be grateful there even is an event like this.


John's not stupid. I think the reason he said that was to get people talking about next year's Dukes Fest. To try to get more people to come next year.

Every time I turned on radio or looked at a paper. I saw something about dukesfest. Atlanta try there best to welcome dukesfest.

I will say the only thing that disappointed me was the maps that they had

to show you where filming location where at.


yea the maps was a little off we went to see the farm and couldnt find but after we got home and looked at the atlas i remembered that it was up by loganville so we didnt get to see it but they could have put something about how many miles down the road things were, but it just gives me another reason to go back next year, even if gas prices are 6 dollars a gallon we are going, and if they dont have another dukesfest then we will still go to see the filming locations, but I think there will be another one.

  • 4 months later...

Emy you crack me up. You just knew that John taking it over was a bad idea.

If it wasn't for John then there would have not been a Dukesfest this year.

Do you even have idea on how hard that was for him and Elly to set up. What they had to go through to make sure everyone had a go time to get the people they had. This year's Dukes fest took alot of money to put together.

John and Elly did the BEST they could do. It's not cheap to run something like Dukesfest. Plus you have to consider the fact that they have family that comes first they kids to raise, bills to pay. It's not easy to raise a family with the way world is. They put there families needs before the fans. I for one think that's pretty cool. Uncle Jesse would have done the same thing.

Don't say something unless you know all the facts.


I agree Jessi.

Anyone who saw Elly during Dukesfest could see how stressed she was, and that isn't even counting the stress leading up to the event. Add to that the fact that Alma, Ben's wife, has set up shows and things like this for years as part of her profession and that Elly is not an event coordinator by trade, and like you said they have teenagers still at home, Karis's games to attend, Chasen's plays to go to, etc. etc.

PLUS the fact that John has a hectic schedule...if hectic is even the right word for it.

John and Elly do what they can do, but they do have a life outside of Dukes, and family comes first for them. But to bash them and say that it was a "bad idea"- like Jessi said, it would not have happened at all if it werent for them. Be grateful.


um.... you two just proved my point

John is busy with shows and movies etc. actors work0 from dawn till night. of course he'd want to spent the spare time with his family.

proving that he doesn't have the time to plan a thing like this.

He also needs to manage his money because hes an independent film maker that would cost lots of $$$ and take up his time as well

BTW i know what its like to host a large yearly event. as soon as that event is over you haave to start planning for the following year.


I wasn't arguing with you...I was stating facts. I do not disagree that he is busy. I DO disagree that it was a bad idea altogether and that Ben should have given it to someone else. If John thought that he wouldn't have taken it on...

John and Elly are definately the people best suited to take it over because they have the money to help with initial costs and John is the one out of all the cast who embraces Dukes the most.

All I am saying is that you need to be thankful he took it on at all because, truth be told, it was a gamble with the economy as bad as it is....


I wasnt arguing. this is a discussion.

Im still saying letting John take it over because the lack of free time John has.

so what if he loves it the most?

maybe he's not having any more, because its too much time to plan. so he gave it up until he has time.

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