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Aw Bo...ya ain't a baby.... *hugs him* Salright... s'my fault fer bringin ya out here so late n all...*thinking it was getting to be an even worse idea because...here in the dark...the way back to the farm looked much different; in truth, he wasn't sure they had come this way at all*


Jesse *looking down at little Daisy while holding her hand and walking through the woods with flashlights*

The two of them were heading toward the Old Indian Cave on a hunch. Jesse had overheard Luke talking to little Enos a couple weeks ago about running away from home and living in the cave because he got a whippin' for throwing a meadowmuffin at Daisy


*continuing flashback*

Trying to keep his cool while walking through the woods so Daisy wouldn't start to cry Jesse began to second guess his decision. He wondered if he had underestimated the seriousness of the situation. He wished that he would have made some phone calls asking for help before he left. He felt a chill down his spine to think that his hunch could be wrong. What if the boys went toward the creek? The possible consequences of that made the very core of his soul tremble with fear.

He prayed silently while outwardly talking with a soothing voice to little Daisy, telling her to listen closely in case she heard the boys yell.


*continued to whimper softly into Luke's shoulder, his little hands bunched up into Luke's shirt with his eyes squeezed just as tightly shut. He wanted nothing more to be back at the farm right now with him and Luke safely in the arms of their aunt and uncle.*


As if his heart wasn't filled with more worry than it could hold, Jesse just had another horrible thought as he checked his watch. Lavinia was due home from choir practice soon. What would she think? He just realized that he never left her a note or anything.....

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