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Steve wrapped his arms around Dusty and leaned his head on her shoulder and whispered in her ear. "Baby, are you alright?" Steve asked then grinned when he flet the twins kick inside Dusty's stomach. He gently rubbed small circle's to calm Dusty down.

"I don't know Steve. I mean Julie is a big girl and take care of herself, but sweety my mind won't let me rest on the fact that maybe she was raped. Bo and Luke swear that Julie hasn't been herself for awhile now. And I hate to sat it, but I'm scared for her." Dusty said with a sigh.

Cue Julieduke or anybody

Julie says "Shannon the weird thing I don't remember last month and you think I would remember something like that you know."

Cue Bo's Crush

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Dusty and Steve walked into the room as Julie said that. She sighed and crossed the room and sat down on Julie's bed and held her close. "Oh Jules. I wish there was something I could do. You know living in LA and investigating hundereds of cases like this, can't prepaer you when it happenes to one of your family." Dusty said with sigh then looked at Julie.

"Julie sweety, I know the tests aren't back yet but I just want to prepear you, now you say you don't remember much of last month, well that's one of the side affects of a Date Rape drug. Sweety we could posibly be dealing with a Date Rape, but this is a big IF." Dusty said with a reassureing smile.

Cue Julieduke or anybody

Dusty and Steve walked into the room as Julie said that. She sighed and crossed the room and sat down on Julie's bed and held her close. "Oh Jules. I wish there was something I could do. You know living in LA and investigating hundereds of cases like this, can't prepaer you when it happenes to one of your family." Dusty said with sigh then looked at Julie.

"Julie sweety, I know the tests aren't back yet but I just want to prepear you, now you say you don't remember much of last month, well that's one of the side affects of a Date Rape drug. Sweety we could posibly be dealing with a Date Rape, but this is a big IF." Dusty said with a reassureing smile.

Cue Julieduke or anybody

Julie says "Well for the past month I've been trying to act like this never happened and for one thing Dusty does that ever go away. I swore to myself I would never walk in the Boars Nest again after that even if I was old enough to do it. And you know the one thing that scares me is that the guy that did that do me got away with because I don't know what he looks like or right now I couldn't even tell the Sheriff what the car looked like as well. It's scary as hell, pardon the french but I used to being in control of things now it all of out of kilter and I just offended Bo and he didn't deserve what I said to him and one minute I'm crying and the next one I'm mad at the whole world what causes that right there. And I haven't ate breakfest in a month because once I eat breakfest I can't keep it down the heartburn is terrible as well right now. Does this ever get any better if I am pregant you know I'm leaving for college pretty soon and what about trying to being in class and getting sick during a lecture I just don't know about this right now. I sorry to whining but I'm just old scared right now about everything, going away to college or maybe being pregant and what If I forget my inhaler who would bring it too me when I'm in Columbus, Ohio."

As Julie is talking to her cousin and her husband Mr. and Mrs. Tropicana walk in and they hear what Julie saying and they just sigh about it all.

Cue Dusty Rose Duke or anybody

Julie says "Well for the past month I've been trying to act like this never happened and for one thing Dusty does that ever go away. I swore to myself I would never walk in the Boars Nest again after that even if I was old enough to do it. And you know the one thing that scares me is that the guy that did that do me got away with because I don't know what he looks like or right now I couldn't even tell the Sheriff what the car looked like as well. It's scary as hell, pardon the french but I used to being in control of things now it all of out of kilter and I just offended Bo and he didn't deserve what I said to him and one minute I'm crying and the next one I'm mad at the whole world what causes that right there. And I haven't ate breakfest in a month because once I eat breakfest I can't keep it down the heartburn is terrible as well right now. Does this ever get any better if I am pregant you know I'm leaving for college pretty soon and what about trying to being in class and getting sick during a lecture I just don't know about this right now. I sorry to whining but I'm just old scared right now about everything, going away to college or maybe being pregant and what If I forget my inhaler who would bring it too me when I'm in Columbus, Ohio."

As Julie is talking to her cousin and her husband Mr. and Mrs. Tropicana walk in and they hear what Julie saying and they just sigh about it all.

Cue Dusty Rose Duke or anybody

Mrs. Tropicana says "Julie, excuse me I know what your going through it's morning sickness and it goes away and try to eat some breakfest finding something you like. And Dusty it's hard when it's your own family and I'm your Grandmother Julie I went through five pregancy's and it never easy but the little baby you get to hold is all worth the morning sickness and heartburn as well. You know heartburn is sign that your baby is going to have lot's of hair now."

Mr. Tropicana says "Well Darling I'm your Grandfather and I sat with the first night in the hosptial because I wanted to see you and docter didn't think you would make it through the night. You was so little when you was born and you even stopped breathing as well in which I pressed the panic buttom and a team came in and brought you back as well."

Julie says "Excuse Me, Grandpa did you say I even stopped breathing the night I was born Uncle Jesse and Bo never told me or any of the family and you stayed with me."

Cue Dusty Rose Duke or anybody

Mrs. Tropicana says "Julie, excuse me I know what your going through it's morning sickness and it goes away and try to eat some breakfest finding something you like. And Dusty it's hard when it's your own family and I'm your Grandmother Julie I went through five pregancy's and it never easy but the little baby you get to hold is all worth the morning sickness and heartburn as well. You know heartburn is sign that your baby is going to have lot's of hair now."

Mr. Tropicana says "Well Darling I'm your Grandfather and I sat with the first night in the hosptial because I wanted to see you and docter didn't think you would make it through the night. You was so little when you was born and you even stopped breathing as well in which I pressed the panic buttom and a team came in and brought you back as well."

Julie says "Excuse Me, Grandpa did you say I even stopped breathing the night I was born Uncle Jesse and Bo never told me or any of the family and you stayed with me."

Cue Dusty Rose Duke or anybody

Balladeer: I think that Julie had heard something that surprized her she is thinking about what her parents was thinking when she was born so little and helpless and the docters had so little hope her at the time. It seems that her talking with Dusty and Steve is helping her and getting to know her grandparents espiecially finding out that her grandfather stayed the first night with her as a baby. Her Grandmother's comment was reassuring but she still didn't like the morning sickness and heartburn and add the Asthma she allreadry as which sometimes makes her feel bad.

Cue Anybody

Bo says youre my grandparents?

Balladeer: Uh oh do you think any of the dukes know the maybe their grandparents are still living?

Shannon: Bo' date=' are you feeling ok?

cue anyone[/quote']

Mrs. Tropicana says "Well yes, I your grandfather's job as a District Attourney kept us away most of time he is quite a bit shot in Columbus, Ohio. Julie, doesn't know this but we want her to stay with us when she starts college. She going through enough and besides what a better way of keeping track and besides is she what the docter thinks she is than she probaly most be feeling good another two months of more."

Mr. Tropicana come out and says "Hey Bo, you sure do remind me of your father he was always so serious and you look really surprized right now."

cue Bo's Crush

Mrs. Tropicana says "Well yes, I your grandfather's job as a District Attourney kept us away most of time he is quite a bit shot in Columbus, Ohio. Julie, doesn't know this but we want her to stay with us when she starts college. She going through enough and besides what a better way of keeping track and besides is she what the docter thinks she is than she probaly most be feeling good another two months of more."

cue Bo's Crush

Balladeer: Boy she don't even like her brother and cousin checking up on her let her grandparents and she is a little spitfire. But she isn't quite herself lately, and maybe this will be good for her right now.


Bo says well, I aint that seroius, grandpa,if thats all right if i call you that.I mean our parents never told us you were alive.

Shannon: bo are you sure you're ok?

cue Julieduke

Bo says well' date=' I aint that seroius, grandpa,if thats all right if i call you that.I mean our parents never told us you were alive.

Shannon: bo are you sure you're ok?

cue Julieduke[/quote']

Bo says "Ya, it's okay I just want to see my sister reaction to that she is staying with our grandparents when she gets to college."

cue Bo's Crush or anybody

Bo says "Ya, it's okay I just want to see my sister reaction to that she is staying with our grandparents when she gets to college."

cue Bo's Crush or anybody

Julie says "So your my grandmother, what was my mother like when she was my age and how do you think she would be handling what's going with me right now and what happened."

Mrs. Tropicana says "Your mother was feisty and you she probaly would've never let you sneak out of the house but you she was a little like yourself at the age. And you couldn't tell her no about anything. I still remember the first time she laid eyes on your father she had called me and told me that she had moved to Hazzard with Jesse. Oh he's your oldest brother he was just little at the time and she had told us that she didn't want anybody else in her life ever again. And she called me and told me that she was at the gas station and there was the handsome man she had ever seen in her life. She claimed he looked better than Paul Newman and that she knew she meant to spend the rest of her life with him. Well, he asked her out they dated for a while he even got to know Jesse there was the wedding and she was happy and Jesse was the ring-bearer and then your brother came along. Of course with everything happy there is bad news it seems that her ex-husband had heard she was married and had another son now. He was going after her and really after she meant to the Sheriff about it, and that seemed to solve the problem and them she learned that she pregant the third time and and she was happy again, until her ex-husband started bothering her again. Of course, stress isn't good when your pregant and she was so fragile right now and she didn't want to lose the baby and she tried to go by but her ex-husband wouldn't go away."

Julie says "So Grandma, Momma thought that Daddy looked more handsome then Paul Newman and what did you want to ask me eariler."

Mrs. Tropicana says "What would you think about staying with me and your grandpa when you start college?"

Cue Bo's Crush or anybody

Julie says "So your my grandmother, what was my mother like when she was my age and how do you think she would be handling what's going with me right now and what happened."

Mrs. Tropicana says "Your mother was feisty and you she probaly would've never let you sneak out of the house but you she was a little like yourself at the age. And you couldn't tell her no about anything. I still remember the first time she laid eyes on your father she had called me and told me that she had moved to Hazzard with Jesse. Oh he's your oldest brother he was just little at the time and she had told us that she didn't want anybody else in her life ever again. And she called me and told me that she was at the gas station and there was the handsome man she had ever seen in her life. She claimed he looked better than Paul Newman and that she knew she meant to spend the rest of her life with him. Well, he asked her out they dated for a while he even got to know Jesse there was the wedding and she was happy and Jesse was the ring-bearer and then your brother came along. Of course with everything happy there is bad news it seems that her ex-husband had heard she was married and had another son now. He was going after her and really after she meant to the Sheriff about it, and that seemed to solve the problem and them she learned that she pregant the third time and and she was happy again, until her ex-husband started bothering her again. Of course, stress isn't good when your pregant and she was so fragile right now and she didn't want to lose the baby and she tried to go by but her ex-husband wouldn't go away."

Julie says "So Grandma, Momma thought that Daddy looked more handsome then Paul Newman and what did you want to ask me eariler."

Mrs. Tropicana says "What would you think about staying with me and your grandpa when you start college?"

Cue Bo's Crush or anybody

Julie says "Well I don't know you know I do got my dorm but it don't look like I'm going to make I mean I still got to talk to Sheriff Coltrane."

Mrs. Tropicana says " I can still remember your daddy coming to see you and annoucing that you was a "All-American Girl" and he was happy as ever."

Cue Bo's Crush or anybody

Julie says "Well I don't know you know I do got my dorm but it don't look like I'm going to make I mean I still got to talk to Sheriff Coltrane."

Mrs. Tropicana says " I can still remember your daddy coming to see you and annoucing that you was a "All-American Girl" and he was happy as ever."

Cue Bo's Crush or anybody

P.S. I will be online again about Monday again.

Jesse: I remeber that' date=' bo was still very young.Bo do you remeber when you were young?

cue Julieduke or anyone[/quote']

Bo says "I think so, he was passing out cigars to everybody around here he wanted the whole world to know he had a baby girl."

cue Bo's Crush or anybody


Julie: really, is this what happened or are you fibbing ,bo?

Mr. tropicana: Oh, Bo's not fibbing Julie, he is right on the target it was in the Boars Nest is when your father did that, right Jesse.

cue Julieduke

Julie: really' date=' is this what happened or are you fibbing ,bo?

Mr. tropicana: Oh, Bo's not fibbing Julie, he is right on the target it was in the Boars Nest is when your father did that, right Jesse.

cue Julieduke[/quote']

Jesse says "Oh I remember the funniest part was when Bo asked for a cigar and everybody looked and him and told him to wait another fifteen years before he smokes a cigar."

Julie says "I bet that was pretty funny now?"

cue Bo's Crush


Bo: yeah ,now i wish i didn't ask cause everyone was staring at me.

Shannon: Bo, now why would ask for a cigar in the first place?

Jesse: I think he wanted to know what it was like.

Bo: Yeah now, i wish didn't ask.

cue Julieduke

Bo: yeah ' date='now i wish i didn't ask cause everyone was staring at me.

Shannon: Bo, now why would ask for a cigar in the first place?

Jesse: I think he wanted to know what it was like.

Bo: Yeah now, i wish didn't ask.

cue Julieduke[/quote']

Julie says "Oh brother that's pretty funny you know the docter is going in with the results but If I am pregant I'm keeping the baby and not putting it up for adoption like Grandpa Tropicana would like. He even suggesting it or even and abortion he says that he running for re-election and this could pretty embrassing to him. Bo, Jesse I am wandering what he loves more being a D.A. or his grandchildren he was never around much and it he wanted the three of us then when our parents died he could kept the three of us with him in Ohio."

cue Bo's Crush

Jesse: Well' date=' im not sure Bo do you know?

cue Julieduke[/quote']

Julie says " I don't think I would've wanted to grow up in Ohio shoot Jesse and Bo none of the teams have got anywhere in sports in years all the they keep saying is next year."

Cue Bo's Crush

Julie says " I don't think I would've wanted to grow up in Ohio shoot Jesse and Bo none of the teams have got anywhere in sports in years all the they keep saying is next year."

Cue Bo's Crush

Julie says "Bo and Jesse the only thing I remember is that it was a nice man in Black Trans Am that gave me a ride home and I do remember his licencse plate saying "Knight" on it as well."

Cue Bo's Crush

Julie says "Bo and Jesse the only thing I remember is that it was a nice man in Black Trans Am that gave me a ride home and I do remember his licencse plate saying "Knight" on it as well."

Cue Bo's Crush

Julie says "Bo and Jesse, how will handle it if I am pregant and I want to go to college do you even think this all possible to handle all at the sametime."

Cue Bo's Crush or anybody

Julie says "Bo and Jesse, how will handle it if I am pregant and I want to go to college do you even think this all possible to handle all at the sametime."

Cue Bo's Crush or anybody

Meanwhile at a Shack Mr. Xavier Coltrane is waiting for Leeman and Hammer to arrive with Ms. Julie Duke he was going to make sure she didn't say anything he didn't know that she had gotten away and his two friends was in the Hazzard County. He got into his Black Mercedes and left and says "Next time my dear, you won't be so lucky and I will get to you and just at the right moment."

Cue Bo's Crush or anybody

Meanwhile at a Shack Mr. Xavier Coltrane is waiting for Leeman and Hammer to arrive with Ms. Julie Duke he was going to make sure she didn't say anything he didn't know that she had gotten away and his two friends was in the Hazzard County. He got into his Black Mercedes and left and says "Next time my dear, you won't be so lucky and I will get to you and just at the right moment."

Cue Bo's Crush or anybody

August 1987

Dear Diary,

Something terrible has happened to me I don't how but all I remember is excepting a drink from a handsome stranger after sneaking into the Boars Nest after Bo, Luke and Daisy told me not to and now here I woke up in some strange man place not knowing what happen or even how I even got here. And later he gave me some orange juice and I woke up in some ditch. Oh what will tell my brother, cousin and rest of my family about this right here. I got to keep this right here to myself for as long as possible no matter what happens, I have to face everybody eventually I ain't never going to the Boars Nest ever again after this right here.

Yours Truly,

Julie Ann Duke

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