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Hy am from Montréal,their is not mutch Duke toys,poster and others stuff around so hy make my hone,even a tatoo of the General lee on my harm.

Made for my dauther a pedal car like general lee,small bike for my boy,rc car,garbage can orange with 01 on it,even ad a birthday cake made like the general lee.

-Hy am 36 so hy no the duke from the beginning.

(sorry for the bad riding im french)

See yall later.


Welcome to Hazzard County Ben01. Don't worry about the bad writing. I'm impressed by anybody that knows 2 languages. It great that we have so many people of all cultures on the Hazzardnet. That just goes to show you what a great show it is.


Welcome Ben01 to HNet. Great to have our North of The Border friends here.

Are you a hockey fan? If you are , we can talk some hockey then. If not, we can always talk about the Dukes.

Don't be shy, join in on any discussion and please read the fan fics. HNet has some great, great stories form some great writers. I only wish I could write some of the stories they create, but I do love reading them.

I'm gone



Yes Brain Adam is from around,and no hy am not mutch of a hockey guy hy am more of a car guy,love to play baseball but dont like to watch it on tv same for hockey.Like to watch race s on tv.Hy watch the DUKES 2 3 times a week.

Rest of the time hy am in the garage or with my famaly.

-Thanks for the welcome.

-Tack to yall soon bye now.

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