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When we were little...


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Bo continued to stay as he was, not apparently hearing Jesse or what he was saying nor hearing Luke's awakening moan, making noise only when his arm and chest spiked in pain.

Daisy soon came back with pillows and a blanket too, handing them to Jesse.

"The ambulance people said to keep him warm and awake...they'll be here as soon as they can..."

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"His arm has been snapped. We've reset the bone but it's gonna be a couple months before we can remove the cast and start him on therapy to use it again. He's broken several ribs and has a moderate concussion. that coupled with multiple contusions...he'll be in a lot of pain for awhile..."

Luke moaned under his breath.

Jesse spoke up. "Can we see him?"

The doctor nodded. "Room 1232...but not long. He needs to rest."

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