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Jesse sighed

"Luke you can keep sayin' that as much as you want but it ain't gonna make it true. Bo will forgive you...he'll support you...he'll always be worried, he'll always be upset you had to leave...but he'll forgive you..."


Jesse nodded, not about to admit that he was too, knowing his oldest was relying on him for support not for more worry to be added.

"I know ya are...but you keep a level head about ya, remember all yer trained...and remember that you got a family back home that loves ya an' is waiting for ya an' you'll be home fore ya know it..."


Bo nodded gently, looking up as Jesse and Daisy came through with the blankets and pillows from all the rooms with a smile. Ever since he could remember, anytime there was a storm, the Duke family all gathered in the living room by the fire which Jesse would start in the fireplace, snuggled under blankets with warm mugs of Cocoa and talk way into the night.


Luke affectionately rubbed Bo's shoulder. He knew that his cousin was nervous about storms. It was because of this fear that Jesse had started the tradition of staying up talking and drinking cocoa, if for no other reason than to help tak Bo's mind off his fears.


Bo glanced back and smiled a little at Luke before taking his boots off and putting them in his bedroom, coming back out and taking over the 'bed' making from Daisy on the living room floor in front of the fire.

Daisy smiled a little as she heaed to the stove to stat making the hot cocoa. In a way she was glad that Bo was frightened of storms. It gave the whole family a rare chance where Rosco and Enos and Boss weren't chasing them, to sit down as a family and just talk with each other.


Jesse sat down in his chair, wrapping an old quilt around himself as he did.

Luke, too, wrapped a blanket around himself, staring quietly into the fire as he sat next to Bo. He wasn't afraid of storms in the way Bo was. No, his fear was the dark, and had been ever since the dark jungles of Nam. He didn't mention it though, and neither did the family. It was one of those things that he chose not to talk about. "Y'all feel a draft?" asked Luke as a cool wind blew through the cracks in the wood.


Bo nodded a little as he wrapped himself up in a blanket too, sitting inbetween Luke and Jesse, smiling up at Daisy as she handed him a hot chocolate.

Daisy smiled and handed them round before settling in her own blanket softly.

"There is a bit of a one yeah..."


Luke smiled a little sheepishly. "Guess I'm hearin' your thoughts again cousin..."

Jesse laughed lightly. Knowing what Bo was thinking about as a youngster never ceased to amaze him. Nor did it surprise him that Luke seemingly knew what he was thinking. It had happened between them often enough...

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