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Should newer movie Dukes actors be invited or allowed at Dukesfest?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Should newer movie Dukes actors be invited or allowed at Dukesfest?

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This topic came up on the CGLFC whether any of the actors from either of the newer Dukes movies be invited or even allowed or considered to be at Dukesfest now with it being under Johns control. The general consensus over there is no they should not be invited and I whole heartedly agree that they should not be there.In fact I probably would boycott if I found out any were going to be there.Dukesfest should only be for people involved with the TV series period.


I agree with Tim that cast from 2 movies should not be invited to Dukesfest.

But does that go for guys that played Vance and Coy? It's not there fault on how they where made to be twins to Bo and Luke. They are just as much a part of the dukes cast. So should they be allowed at Dukesfest?


That's what instigated the discussion in the first place whether Coy and Vance should be there and then it went from them to the movie actors. I say anyone ever involved in the production of the TV series should be invited but not the movies.


I could see letting Byron Cherry ( Coy ) be a part of DukesFest. He's a decent guy. I saw him at appearances at Cooter's Place back when it was in Virginia, and he treated the fans very well.

I don't know whatever happened to Christopher Mayer. ( Vance ) He's never made a Dukes appearance in the past 10 years that I know of. But hell, if we have Coy, we might as well have Vance. I doubt if that would ever happen, though, because even after all these years, Tom and John wouldn't appreciate their presence.

I'd like to see Don Pedro Colley ( Sheriff Little) at DukesFest. He was at a couple of 'em in the past, but it seems when Ben cast out the "Official Dukes of Hazzard Fan Club" , from DukesFest - for reasons I won't get into here - Don Pedro disappeared with them. I'm sure he'd participate in DukesFest again if he was invited.

Which makes me think of something. TimDuke, do you think the "Official" Dukes club will show up at the next DukesFest? Food for thought. I'm NOT in favor of it, for the record. Nothing against the members ( if there are any ) but the leadership hasn't shown itself to hold any integrity. That being said, I'm not sure there's a way to keep them out. Ben had banned Aneesh and Marky from the event for life, but now that John is running the show, this issue could surface again.

I also wonder if Travis Bell will roll in to Atlanta. Heck with worrying about the movie actors, I think the real intrigue will be who shows up in the Dukes fandom and what the hell happens from there. Heh.


I can't say,I still am a member there. I don't know the entire story on why Marky was banned.I never realized Aneesh was too.I thought the problem was solely Markys fault because I was at that Dukesfest when it happened and Aneesh was there even after Marky was kicked out.I've only heard Aneesh's side of the story.If you want you can private message me about anything you know about the situation.Now that John is in control it should be open for that club to come.After all they started Dukesfest before it was called Dukesfest not many people realize that there may not have been Dukesfest if it weren't for this club.Tavis Bell I don't know if he'd have the courage to show his face or not.I think he and John are still friends last I knew but he isn't liked by many other castmembers.In fact despised by 2 of them and all of the stunt crew. He is despised buy almost everyone that has a Lee replica so I don't see him coming. If I had the resources I'd ask Aneesh about him possibly handing the reigns over to me as I was one of the founding members. I just don't have the money or the time to do it.


It's good to hear from Tim and Brian again.

I agree, only original series cast member should be invited. If any decision is made to do otherwise, I think a lot of people will boycott it. It would not only be a bad business decision, it would undermine the intergrity of everything the Dukes of Hazzard stands for. Those people don't deserve that honor any more than Osama Bin Laden deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. I'm gone.

I agree with Tim that cast from 2 movies should not be invited to Dukesfest.

But does that go for guys that played Vance and Coy? It's not there fault on how they where made to be twins to Bo and Luke. They are just as much a part of the dukes cast. So should they be allowed at Dukesfest?

i whole heartedly agree with you about Coy and Vance and I think they should be allowed. But really, If the actors want to go as just tourists and such then yea, but we all know thatd never happen. But i really aint against it or fer it.


Just to clarify my last post...when I wrote "original series cast members" I am refering to anybody from the 7 years including Coy and Vance. I don't think anyone would interpret that to mean that only Bo and Luke are the "original" but I just wanted to make sure that it was clear that I'm okay with Coy and Vance.


You know, I agree with all of you... I don't think the newer movie actors should be allowed. John once said when asked about the movie that "it was true to whatever it was...I'm just not sure what it was." It wasn't Dukes. Part of John's reason for making Collier was because these movies that grossed so much money were not in the wholesome spirit that the original Dukes brought to television. I cannot see John inviting them because of this and also because one of John's goals is to make the tv a family friendly passtime... and I am pretty sure Dukesfest will be the same way. Nothing against the actors, but not one of them are known for their family-friendly appearances.


I might get some tail feathers ruffled this time, and I definately don't want to offend anyone, but I have a different take on this question.

While I can see why you feel this way, I also think they should be allowed-with permission from the original cast and crew. After all, it is Dukes of Hazzard. No one can replace the original-never! But, if Coy and Vance can go, shouldn't everyone else?

Remember, these are actors following a script and a director. As I was reminded, this is the same thing that Coy and Vance were doing.

Just a thought.

Laura Duke


I hope that y'all aren't rolling yer eyes and saying, "Oh, no, Not another LONG message from General Grant! That General Grant is always giving long winded opinions!" Sorry, y'all! Here goes:

WOW! First off, let me say that you just wrote something we can all learn from, Laura Duke. "Remeber, these actors are following a script and a director. As I was reminded, this is the same thing Coy and Vance were doing." Amazing point. I never thought of that, and you are so right about that. But, I also believe that the Dukes of Hazzard was a whole lot more than what that appauling movie portrayed. Again, I say it... Shock and Horror filled me! I think that the cast of the movie should get invited to Dukesfest, but they should have to pay to get in like the rest of us! I must say, that I am really humbled by y'all saying Coy and Vance should be allowed and it has, once again, proven to me how welcoming you can be and I commend y'all for that! I think that the movie never should have been released. I'd be more than happy to end the Dukes movies, and not watch the movies, if that is how they are going to be. Dang it all, we like the heart and soul that went into the production of the Dukes series. We don't like the horrible immitation(and I am not refering to Coy and Vance, just for the record!) junk that the shoved onto the television, put a '69 Charger on the screen, yelled Yeehaw, and called it the Dukes. It just didn't have the heart and soul of the original cast and crew, nor did it have the valuable lessons that people now days need more than ever. It makes me wonder how many kegs of Jesse's shine they downed before they made the decision to produce that movie and to allow it come onto the big screen! But my answer to the question was I think they should get a warm Hazzard welcome, but make 'em pay to get in! Khee! Else, we could give the Boss Hogg finale and let them in for free, but charge them twice the going rate to let them out. Khee! I love it! Hot pursuit!

Anyway, to borrow a line from Laura Duke, I hope that I didn't ruffle anyone's tail feathers!

I'm Gone,

General Grant


Laura allowed with permission from the original cast? Isn't gonna happen.I think I can speak for 2 of them and they wouldn't want them there and likely wouldn't come themselves if John would happen to invite them which isn't likely.Now if they came and paid admission to get in (yeah right) like everybody else then that is a whole different story.That is beyond anyones control,as long as they aren't invited guest and advertised as being there.As I say inviting them would result in at least 2 original castmembers to not show up do you really want that to happen? Don't worry General Grant I think WB maybe through with doing anymore Dukes projects.They have auctioned off a lot of movie Lees most if not all the main camera cars .Why would they do that if they planned to do more? They still have quite a few Lees but still the important ones the got rid of.


Oh boy....I think that I really upset some people. I'm truly sorry if I did, that really isn't what I want to do.

I just feel that as Duke fans, we really need to show our "southern hospitality" more than ever. Yes, the movie was horrible, but they were trying to give us another Duke movie. But, banning the actors from Dukefest? Shouldn't we be banning the writers? Now, if the cast from the movie were total jerks to the original cast, that could be a whole different story.

Plus, it seems that if we all stuck together and showed our hospitality, but also voiced what we didn't like, wouldn't somebody see this and want to try to please us? Well, maybe not, but why change? I would love for Duke fans to be full of adventure, fun, and hospitality.

Besides, when the original cast members don't want all the work involved in Dukefest, who will continue it? For example, James Best still goes, but he's in no shape to be running the show. Who will then? Shouldn't we show those who really want to put their heart and soul into a new and better-improved Dukes of Hazzard movie that we love the show, and we'll be behind you-just don't make us look bad!:-P

I mean really, when you look back on the first couple of shows from the Dukes of Hazzard, the same humor is kind of on the movie. Now, I don't want to make a ton of excuses for the movie they refer to as the Dukes, because frankly, it was really bad. But, I just think it is a little extreme to tell the cast not to come to Dukefest. I know that if I got to be in the movie, and if it didn't go as well to Duke fans as I would have liked, I would hope that they would not ban me from Dukefest.

Am I making any sense? Please...don't get upset. This is just one opinion.

Laura Duke


Laura I understand what your trying to say. This is all speculation anyway just for the sake of discussion. John is running Dukesfest now so it's really up to him on who he invites and who he doesn't. We can make suggestions but that's it. I just feel that none of the movie actors should be "invited" guest. If they choose to pay their own way in that is different.That is not the same as banning them. As I said if they were invited you would surely lose at least 2 original cast members because they don't want to associate with those people nor do some of them want to associate with Coy and Vance for that matter.. They considered that movie a slap in the face to all their hardwork they did for 7 seasons. If it were me running it I would keep it just for the TV series personel only as far as invitations.


Not to go sticking my nose where it don't belong, but... I was somewhat surprised at the level of intensity. I think we are straying from the subject at hand and we, as Dukes, I think are starting to disregard the feelings and opinions of people who don't have the same exact opinion or thought. I think we should learn from eachother, and together (as a family) try to be patient, listen and learn from one another and not get all upset. Now I understand that this is, infact, a sticky subject, but shouldn't we let our Duke side show and approach it with confidence in ourselves and our fellow Duke fans. But at the same time, approach with an understanding that we are all here together and we just should NOT let the subject throw chaos into a wonderful place. That certainly is not what the Dukes would do.

Laura, I understand completely what you are saying, I think that you may have given us a deeper understanding as to what the Dukes really are all about. I understand what everyone else is saying, but Laura Duke, you just proved what the Dukes are about. Sure, the movie is not the same, and never will compare to the original. They picked up on the wrong things and threw into the movie what they thought we all liked, but they were wrong. I think we can all learn something here from Laura Duke... we Dukes may not like the movie or the actors, but the Dukes would bend over backwards to help anyone, and to make them feel welcome, and they would do it lovingly, even if it were that movie! I hope you understand what I'm sayin' and I would like to thank you Laura Duke, you just showed me something I was lackin' when I wrote the previous post about this same subject. Thank you, I just learned a very valuable lesson!

General Grant


Great words of wisdom, General Grant. You have such a great perspective on everything.

Also, I can personally say that I really have enjoyed getting to know all of the great Hazzard fans on HazzardNet-ya'll are great! But, if I have offended or upset anyone, I'm sorry about that.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Laura Duke


Thanks Laura Duke!

Yeehaw! I for one can say that you have not upset or offended me. I don't think any of us Dukes would be offended by someone simply stating what they think. Thank you for your input, fellow Duke!

General Grant:D

  • 4 weeks later...

Some people who enjoyed the movie wouldn't mind them being there. Plus it would be very unDuke like to snub the event because they didn't like the movie. To me that isn't a stand on principles but a sign of immaturity.

After all if the 2005 movie wasn't made, would there be this level of fandom? Personally I think not. CMT, ABC Family, WB revived the franchise and pushed it to the next level. I know the "true" Dukes fans will say different.

Like I have said from the beginning, nothing will ever beat the original. But the 2005 movie sure was fun.

I could care less if I ruffle any feathers with this.

I'm Back



Hey Y'all!

I agree with what you are sayin' 'bout not going to the event because you don't like the movie, but, I also understand that everyone shows their displeasure in a different way. How ever, I did't like the movie at all. I think the producers picked up on all of the wrong things in the making of that film. I didn't see any of the moral lessons, or qualities that make the Dukes series a real winner. Although some will disagree, that is my opinion that yes, the action and chemistry of characters made the show fun, but the lessons involved made it a winner. Not just by Hollywood's criteria. I think that is why a lot of people really could understand the show. For one hour every week, there was someone to show compassion, forgiveness, friendship, and teach you a very valuable lesson. You just don't find that on TV anymore. I am very thankful for coming across the Dukes series!

With all of that said, I don't think we should ban the actors if they want to come to Dukefest and I don't think y'all should ruin a good time by not going. But, I also think we should make it known to them that the movie is not what we are supporting, it is the series.

Hope no one got upset by anything I said, if they did, I am really sorry. I just wanted to voice my opinion, but if it upset anyone, I would be more than happy to talk about it! That is not what I would ever want to do, is upset a fellow cousin!

General Grant


I would suspect that the actors in these 2 newer Dukes movies are intelligent enough to know that what they are doing is dramatically different than what was done with the original series. I think we all agree that nobody should be excluded from attending Dukesfest but the issue is how much to celebrate their presence. I remember when I went to a car show in Pennsylvania back in the early 80s and met Cooter, the event was advertised as featuring two celebrities...Ben Jones and some girl who was Playboy's playmate of the year. Needless to say, the line to meet Cooter was a couple hundred feet long and there wasn't a single person in the line to meet the playmate. My point is that, even if these "new Dukes" show up there won't be much interest in them anyway. I'm sure they would have more people in line to meet them than the playmate did but I think they would be embarrassing themselves if they think they would draw much of a crowd. The bottom line is that the shows organizers (like John and Ben) are smart enough to know that if you have to pay "new Dukes" $100,000 to make an appearence, ticket sales will NOT increase by $100,000 so you've lost money. It's all about supply and demand and there's just not much demand for "new Dukes". I don't know how much that playmate was paid but since she didn't sell tickets, the events organizers lost money from that decision. Dukesfest organizers are too smart to make that mistake.


As I said this is a hypothetical discussion.As long as someone of the original cast is in charge of Dukesfest I don't ever see the movie actors invited.John is smart enough to know that the majority of fans as this poll has indicated do not want them there or could care less if they were and know other castmembers don't want them either. I don't have a problem with them being there as long as they aren't paid to be there.If they choose to come and pay their own way in it is ok with me.I would just not support any of them by buying any stuff from them. I do know Byron has been invited by John and will be there barring unforseen things.


Hey Y'all!

Is Byron really coming, I heard that somewhere else on the site. I am really happy about that. I think that Byron, and Christopher, both deserve it. I think we, as Dukes fans, owe them that much. I really felt bad for them because they came on, helped out the show, not to mention Bo and Luke, and were then cast out and treated like outsiders. In my book, they are as much a part of the Duke family as Bo and Luke, and Tom and John. So, I think that is a really great thing that Byron got invited and is coming. Good for Him! I think that we should welcome them with open minds, and I for one believe that Byron seems like a great person, and that we should show what we are made of, by welcoming him to Hazzard!

So far, in books and such, I have really heard them cut down for coming onto the Dukes, but on the site, for the most part y'all showed the compassion and loyalty to the other half of the family that make us Dukes who we are. Thank you for that!

As for the newer actors, I did say earlier on that they should pay their own way, but Laura Duke also wrote somethings that made me think that maybe we should welcome them too if they want to be there. Afterall, that is what the Dukes would do. Give 'em compassion, welcome them, and throw in a little common sense, and I think that everyone will know where we stand. I really think that if we welcome them but let them know that we support the series and not the junk they put on TV with the Dukes name on it they will get the message. But, the key is that we hold the responsibility to do it in a loving manner, and not go startin' a war between the fans of the series and the fans of the movie!

Hope I didn't upset anyone.

General Grant


As for the newer actors, I did say earlier on that they should pay their own way, but Laura Duke also wrote somethings that made me think that maybe we should welcome them too if they want to be there. Afterall, that is what the Dukes would do. Give 'em compassion, welcome them, and throw in a little common sense, and I think that everyone will know where we stand. I really think that if we welcome them but let them know that we support the series and not the junk they put on TV with the Dukes name on it they will get the message. But, the key is that we hold the responsibility to do it in a loving manner, and not go startin' a war between the fans of the series and the fans of the movie!

Hope I didn't upset anyone.

General Grant

Heck the war already started about the 2005 movie. I guess I was the one standing alone about the movie. I grew up on the series and LOVED the 05 movie, one of a few who did on any Dukes site. But that is another story.

Dukesfest should be about the Dukes, all Dukes including Byron Cherry and Christopher Mayer.

Would anybody have any issues if a 2005 movie car was there or any of stunt crew from the movie? I highly doubt it, just as long as the actors aren't there, right? . To me that is wrong. I understand that every one holds the TV show sacred, me included and Dukesfest was intended about the series. But I still wouldn't mind seeing the new Dukes.



...as long as Willie Nelson didn't start smoking pot in the Dukesfest outhouse and come out so high that he really did think he was Uncle Jesse.

(Sorry Darrell, I'm only being a smart aleck 'cause I know you're the toughest redneck on the Hazzardnet and can handle my sarcasim without crying)

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