DixieDavenport Posted August 17, 2007 Report Posted August 17, 2007 Luke looked around. He was trying to come up with a plan. "Well, the judge won't be here until in the morning and Enos has the keys to the door. Humm, do you think you could fake being sick or something to get him to open the door. He'll be on his toes cause I here so you'll have to play it up good."Lori smiled a little, "Yeah. I'm game.""Ready?" Luke asked.Lori nodded 'yes'. Luke called loud enough to make Enos jump up and put his police magazine down, "Hey, Enos. Something's wrong with Lori!"Lori was settingon the bed doubled up and holding her stomach.Enos asked, "What's wrong Lori?"Lori looked up shyly and whispered, "Enos I can't tell you with Luke so close. Can you come closer?"Enos looked at Luke who took a step away from the deputy. "Do ya need me to go get Doc?" asked Luke.Enos said, "I don't know yet." He took out his keys intending to step to the doorway of the cell where Lori could tell him what was wrong. He unlocked the door and said, "Now can you tell me?"Lori knew she could have gotten by Enos but since his guard was up she opted to attempt to embarrass him so he'd be off guard. She stepped very close to Enos and whispered in his ear, "I started my monthly.""Uh, ...." Enos said as he stepped way back which allowed Lori to step out of the cell. It also allowed Luke guide Eos into the cell which still had the keys hanging in the lock. Luke quickly locked the cell door and layed the keys on the desk ont he far side of the room. He figured that Enos would get them but it would take him some time. "Thanks Enos! I feel much better now!", said Lori as she started up the stairs. Luke called, "I think I can handle it from here Buddy." He took the stairs two at a time and got in front of Lori reaching back for her hand. "Glad I parked the General handy. I think I do it out of habit!"Lori replied, "I'm not complaining, Darlin'."They jumped in the General Lee and were off........~~~~~~~~~Ernie said, "Well, I'm glad you came to your senses. I've had a lot of girls say that after being with those low life Dukes."On any other night Dixie would have told Ernie off just for approaching her, let alone talk about not just Luke but all the Dukes. But, tonight she figured on having a few more beers, a couple dances and then have Ernie take her home. She knew the history between Luke and Ernie. It went back to Jr. High School football and it had only gotten worse through the years. Dixie had no idea that it was Ernie that had been there when Amy had wanted a commitment and Luke couldn't commit to her at the time. She had left the Boar's Nest with Ernie. Though nothing happened between them, Amy had left Luke wondering about it. Beth motioned Daisy over, "This is not good. I was hoping to talk her into coming home with me.""Sugar, you know she could be seen with anyone in this place and it wouldn't bother Luke like it would if he walked in here and saw that." Daisy nodded to Dixie and Ernie dancing. Beth agreed, "Yeah! Hopefully he went for that drive and is back home by now or will sleep out at one of the old still sites. Can you get me a Coke? I think I'll stick around for awhile and try to keep an eye on her. Maybe she'll change he mind later and go home with us." It wasn't often that Beth got out of the house for an evening, which was usually her choice, but she felt like just hanging out tonight. It had been ages since she had done this with out Bo being somewhere close by. She loved him but felt like having a little time to herself even though she was here for her friend, if needed, and wth Daisy close by she knew Bo would be too worried about her. Beth sipped her Coke, took another look at Dixie with Ernie, and then turned her attention to the band. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile Luke was driving out of town and had to ask, "What did you tell Enos? His face turned so purple I thought he'd stop breathing."Lori laughed, "A lie.'Luke replied, "Ok. What kind of lie? I might used it sometime.""Darlin' it would never work for YOU!" Lori was almost in tears as she laughed at the thought, "I told him I'd started my monthly."Luke laughed, "Well, your right, it would never work for me but that was a good one!" Luke knew it didn't take much at all to embarrass Enos. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 17, 2007 Author Report Posted August 17, 2007 It was getting late and Beth was getting tired, she nodded of a few times to see Dixie and Ernie walk out of the bar she followed close behind, watching the two. Ernie helped Dixie in the car and drove off, Beth following in behind.~~~~~~ Meanwhile in the General, Lori looked to Luke and sighed,"Well I guess the only thing to do now is go home, Cooter'll kill me fer sure now."Luke looked at Lori and chuckled softly. Luke liked Lori alot, but its like he said he also wanted to give Dixie a chance as well. Luke sighed and turned the General down a long dusty road wanting to get away for awhile and to talk things out with Lori. Lori looked surprised and shocked she turned in her seat towards Luke as the General came to a stop, "Luke, why did you bring me out here for?" Luke looked to Lori with his soft sky blue eyes and said,"Lori, darlin' we need to talk about this situation." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 18, 2007 Report Posted August 18, 2007 Beth was relieved to see Ernie's car turn off at the Davenport farm. She was sure if Dixie got Ernie to take her home that things would be alright. She did not doubt that if Ernie got out of line that Dixie could very well handle it fromhere so she turned her Camero toward home. ~~~~~~~~Dixie knew that Ernie had never been a 'gentleman' before and was sure that the only reason he'd agreed to take her home so easily tonight is because he didn't want to deal with Cooter. Ernie pulled up to the farm house and by the looks of things someone was home. He had hoped that get a little roll in the hay to rub in Luke Duke's face. Of course, with everyone seeing them leave the Boar's Nest together he could still ruffle Duke's feathers. "Well, looks like someone's waiting up on you Sweet Thing."Dixie smiled. It did look that way, but she was the one who had left the light on before she left. Cooter's wrecker was no where in sight, but she'd never tell Ernie that. "Looks that way." She tried to sound disappointed.Ernie said, "Would you like to do this again? Maybe we can go some place a little more 'private'?"Dixie thought for a minute. Ernie use to give her the creeps, but he'd been alright tonight. "Would you mind us just keeping it loose and we'll see. If I'm alone and you're alone, maybe we can get together?""No strings? Hmm! I kinda like those rules myself." Ernie said. Usually women here wanted to settle down. This one was different."Well, I'd better be gettign in here before Cooter comes looking for me." she said, still bluffing that Cooter was home. Ernie wisely said, "Ok, then. Night.""Night." Replied Dixie as she shut the car door and headed toward the front door. She was a bit relieved to be in the house away from Ernie. She decided to take a quick shower before Cooter and Lori got home. She knew she was a bit tipsy and didn't want a lecture.~~~~~~~~~Lori said, "Ok, Luke. Let's talk."Luke began, "First let me say my piece before you say anything, OK?"Lori nodded, "Sure." She was almost afraid of what Luke was going to say. That she was just a friend is what she expected. Luke began, "You know you, Cooter and Dixie have always been family to me. To all us Dukes. Lori, Honey, I've seen you go from hating boys almost as much as you hated snakes, to trying to out do Bo, Cooter, me and the others at fishing, shooting guns and bows, to driving and even running shine. Sure I've seen you tease some of the guys, but you always shut them down. It just has never occurred to me that this competiveness was maybe to get my attention. Is that why you never seemed interested in the other guys and was always trying to compete with us? To get my attention?"Luke had hit so close to home that it wasn't funny to Lori. A lump the size of Taxas had formed in her throat and her eyes were filled with tears, though she didn't want to cry. Not in front of Luke. Not now. She.............. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 18, 2007 Author Report Posted August 18, 2007 She shook her head and chocked up the words, finding the strenght to tell Luke."Y...Yes, Luke it was, no man around compared to you Luke, they just... they just don't Luke... I always was jealous of Dixie, and jealousy is a nasty thing, I could never get over you and her together. It hurt me everyday of my life. Luke, lets just say that I came close to death itself a couple of times because of it. Luke...I, just I always have felt this way for you."Lori put her hand on her forehead looking at the dashboard waiting for his response. Luke looked to Lori and softly replied to her.........~~~~~~Beth drove through town just to see exactly were Luke was at when she did, she had found Enos standing outside Beth drove by and hollered out her window. "Hey Enos, whats wrong looks like ya lost something? Enos looked to Beth in distress,"I sure did, Lori, her and Luke gave me the shuck ad jive and escaped!"Beth shook her head and told Enos,"Well, you'll never find em' Enos, if I know anything they went somewheres private and secluded away from here to talk."Enos shook his head and walked back indoors.Beth drove towards the farm and thought to herself aloud,"Well, if Dixie ever finds out about this, boy she'll be ticked to no end."Beth drove off towards the farm....~~~~~~~~Cooter pulled in at his farm and shut his door scratching his head.Cooter walked in and saw Dixie on the couch setting there."Hey, listen sorry bout that in the bar cousin, I didn't know you was soo ticked."Dixie nodded her head as cooter walked over to set beside of her, I saw ole' ernie drive by, anything you want to tell me.Dixie looked to Cooter and smirked,"Nope, d'you see were Luke ran off to?"Cooter looked down and sighed,I thought you'd ask that. He uh... went to get Lori outta jail and they aint back at the farm either and Lori aint here so their still out there somewhere."Dixie jumped up and turned blood red with anger she yelled out....... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 18, 2007 Report Posted August 18, 2007 Luke looked to Lori and softly replied to her as he turned her face to look into her eyes, "First, I ain't nobody to want to kill yourself over. Remember, this is Luke your talking to. The Duke with probably the worst reputation with girls in several states."Lori half smiled, "I thought that was Bo."Luke nodded negatively, "He was running a close second when he got Beth pregnant but since he settled down about the time I decided to go off the deep end after Robin (His first serious girlfriend). He's not even close anymore. Honey, I've only ever been serious enough to think of settling down a very few times. You know about the first two. Robin and Dixie. Then, when I was in the Marines there was Candy Dix. Several years later was Amy Creavey. You may have heard of her she ran the Powder Puff division in the Tri-Counties. And, lastly was Anita Blackwell, when I was in training for the Smokejumpers. Darlin' I'm not gonna lie to you, had things been slightly different with any of them; I'd likely be happily married. Three days ago, I was just being the dog that I am and took up the 'best offer. Two days ago, I thought I had a chance to get back something very special to me that I lost years ago. Today, I find out that a dear friend of mine cares for me and I have always cared about you. Lori I can't promise anything. I'm not going out a marry you or anyone else for that matter anytime soon. I want to talk to Dixie much like we're talking now. Then, I think we all need to just step back a bit and look at this. I don't want to loose Dixie again if we still feel the same way we did about each other years ago, but I don't want to shut a door in your face if we could have something special. I just think we all need to slow down and see what we all really want. Lori you know me as a friend, not as a boyfriend and many girls have decided through the years they'd rather be my friend. I'm telling you I can be a real dog. I don't ever intend to be but I can be."Lori ...........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dixie jumped up and turned blood red with anger she yelled out, "He WHAT? YOU LET HIM DO WHAT?!?!?"Cooter looked confussed but said nothing. He was busy trying to figure how he had 'let' Luke do anything."****!" Dixie swore, "My car is at the Boar's Nest, can you run me to it or let me use the wrecker? She mat be my cousin but I'll pull her hair out. No I won't! That's fighting like girls! I'll deck her when I see her!"All Cooter knew at this moment was that he didn't want to be anywhere near by when Dixie found their cousin Lori. He didn't want Dixie to go back out, but he knew the rath that would be released upon him if he said it like that. So, he, ........ Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 18, 2007 Author Report Posted August 18, 2007 Lori looked to Luke and shook her head ,"Your not a dog to me Luke, you never was and no mattr what you never will be."she jerked her head away from Luke. "If you love Dixie, take me home and talk to her, you don't need to be talking to me, I understand. but I swear if me and Dixie starts a fightin' all because of the way I feel about you...Luke...I...... Id move heaven and earth for you If knew you even cared, Dixie do'd the same thing fer ya, you and her have something special and I dont wanna get in the way of that.."Lori turned her head out to look out the window to find herself crying. She tried to be strong but couldn't. "In the mornin, ill pack my things and you and Dixie can be happy."Luke looked down slamming his fist on the steering whell he turned to take Lori's chin in his hand and turn er back towards her saying soflty....~~~~~~Cooter found himself giviing Dixie the keys, she jerked them from him. Cooter wasnt about to get his eyes ripped out. He carefully walked to the door and whatched Dixie speed off. Dixie in the wrecker was cussing every breath......... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 18, 2007 Report Posted August 18, 2007 Dixie in the wrecker was cussing every breath. She really would have rather had her car, but she wasn't going to the Boar's Nest to trade out when she was heading the opposite direction toward the Duke farm. She knew Cooter said Luke wasn't there, but she wasn't actually going to the farm. See she knew Luke Duke about as well and sometimes better than Bo. Dixie eased the large wrecker off the road to a near invisible road. She quietly got out of the truck and walked off into the darkness. It had been years since she had walked down by the lake in this spot. As she neared the clearing, she knew she had been right as the moonlight bounced off something orange. There was only one thing 'orange' that could be here, the General Lee. She walked closer trying to see what was going on before making her presence known. She thought to herself as she saw both Luke and Lori in the front seat, 'Well, that is a plus, the front is better than the back seat.' She was close enough to hear Lori say, "In the mornin, ill pack my things and you and Dixie can be happy."Then she saw Luke look down, slam his fist on the steering wheel before he turned to take Lori's chin in his hand and turn er back towards her saying soflty, "Lori I'm not saying I want you to leave and I'm not saying I want Dixie. Right now....."Dixie knew she should hear Luke out but couldn't keep quiet any longer, "So JUST what are you saying Luke!"Luke turned quickly toward Dixie's voice and climbed out of the General, "Dixie I was trying to explain to Lori...""Well, see, now you can explain to both of us!" Dixie said rather loudly. Luke walked to the front of the General and sat on the hood and said rather quietly. "I think that's a great idea, though neither of you may feel that way when I'm done." He motioned for Lori to come to the front of the car.Lori got out of the General and joined Luke and Dixie."Ok, like I've been trying to tell Lori, I know I care about you both. But, right now, that's all I know. Neither of you have been here in years. You both think you like the Luke you knew then." Luke was stressed, at the moment he'd rather been about anywhere as he was right now. He turned to Dixie, "I once loved you enough to ask you to marry me, but your father wouldn't sign for you. Hell, if he had, we'd likely been divorced by now, who knows. Lori, like I've told you I have always loved you as a sister, but I never consider loving any other way. Believe me, I am not ready to be serious about anyone right now. I don't want to hurt either of you and I don't want to loose either of you. Please, both of you just stay in town, don't kill each other and give me a little space." He almost pleaded. "I can't make any promises....."Dixie had heard him say it years ago, "So, you're back in the 'No promises asked, no promises made and no strings attached' mode?"Luke nodded 'yes', "For now. I don't want to hurt either of you by seeing one and not the other and I don't want to have to pick between you two, ...... at least not tonight. It's as fair as I can be......... Friends? all of us?" He held his arms out.Dixie didn't like it but he was right. She was in love with the Luke she knew years ago. There was no way around it they knew they both had changed. When she walked in they felt what they hd years ago, but given time would the love last or the lust burn out. She was the first to move into his arms, "Fair enough. Friends." she said into his chest. Lori ................... Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 19, 2007 Author Report Posted August 19, 2007 Lori on the other hand was as stubborn as a jackass, she looked down at the ground and back to Dixe,"Happy now Dixie?!!!!! you go thwt you wanted, since ive been back you've not wanted me around Luke, I know you just love to see me hurt all over again don't you Dixie, some cousin you are. Yea Luke we're friends but, I aint staying, not with Dixie here, give me the keys to the wrecker Dixie, You and Luke stay here let him take you home cause whenever you get there I wont be there." Lori flew mad, sh knew Dixie loved Luke, and to here the words he said about him wanting to marry her, hurt her all over again.Dixie clenched her fists tighly. Lori threw her jacket off the wind whipping her hair, she held her fists up,"C'mon then cousin, hit me do it I dare ya too!!!!!" Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 19, 2007 Report Posted August 19, 2007 Dixie replied, "Look if you want to act like you're two go ahead. I came back to see if Luke and I still had feelings for each other, Yes, but the time we were together was us just being glad to see each other again. I may be the B---- that he never wants to talk to again after getting to know me. But, hey, if you want to fold and through in your cards, go ahead cousin. I intend to play mine. If getting yourself thrown in jail so Luke has to come to your rescue is the BEST you could do and you want to quit, far be it from me to stop you."Dixie's words had cut like a knife especially since she said them in front of Luke. Lori flew even madded and stepped toward Dixie, who wasn't backing up. Luke saw it coming and was off the General's hood and holding each an arm lenght away from each other. "Wait a minute! I SAID HOLD IT A D--- Minute!!!" He swore. Luke knew better than to jump into a fight between girls, but these girls had always fought like guys. He managed to get them a bit calmed down and hoped his next idea worked. The sun was beginning to come up and he wanted some back up with these two. "Look, I was taking Lori home, so I will. Dixie you have the wrecker. You can follow us to Cooter's. That's where we were heading. I've got just about enough time to get you all there and make sure neither of you are going to pull each other's hair out before I have to get gone. I may get to grab a shower before I get to start today's choirs on no sleep. I may be all 'grown' and all, but Jesse won't be happy if I'm late. We can continue this lovely exchange tomorrow evening." He sure hoped that Cooter was up. He hated to drop this in his friend's lap, but he needed out of the middle before this got worse. He hoped they'd both stay a couple days and give everyone time to sort out their feelings.Dixie nodded, "Ok, Luke. You're right." She saw Lori mouth the words she'd just said, but chose to ignore them.Lori couldn't stay quiet, "Drive safely now cousin." as she climbed into the General Lee smiling like the cat that ate the canary."Luke hadn't seen either of them act this childish in years. He rolled his eyes and silently pleaded with Dixie to just get in the wrecker and follow them back to Cooter's. Dixie knew what Luke meant by the look so she did go to the wrecker to follow them back to Cooter's. She knew that Luke would be doing the day's work on no sleep and it was as much her fault as it was Lori's.~~~~~~~~~~~Cooter knew it was going to be a long night, so he didn't go to bed but to the couch. He checked the clock again since he'd layed down. The sun was coming up. Where were those two?~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the Duke farm, Beth turned over to find Bo half sitting up in the bed, looking out the window, "What? He's still not home?"Bo shook his head and scooted back down in the bed next to her, "No. Go on back to sleep." He said pulling the covers bck over Beth's shoulder."He'll be Ok." she said sleepily."Yeah, I know." Bo sighed. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 19, 2007 Author Report Posted August 19, 2007 Lori looked out the window as they drove along, "Luke, sometimes I just wish I was the one to have gotten sick instead of my mother, My father hated me, so did my sister and my brother. The only family I ever had was ya'll and Cooter and Dixie. H*** now, I dont have anything. If ya want me to I'll come over to the farm and help ya'll do your chores, its the least I can do, before I leave."Luke rolled his eyes and sped on,"After alll of this, you still want to leave? Lori I've never seen you act like this, ever! Now look, I done told ya, I ain't the one you need to fight any girl over!........"Lori shook her head and looked over to him raising her voice,"DANG IT LUKE ARE YOU BLIND OR SOMETHING??!!! IM LEAVIN' BECAUSE DIXIE STILL LOVES YOU, DANG BOY I KNEW YOU COULD BE SLOW AT TIMES BUT MY LORD ARE YA THAT SLOW?!!! IM LEAVING TO GIVE YOU AND DIXIE ANOTHER CHANCE!"Luke looked at her, she'd never talked to him like this before he shook his head and never said another word to her, he knew it was true, if Dixie didn't come to find out were he had went to she, she must still have feelings for him.When they arrived at the farm Cooter saw all three of them and went back to the couch he wasn't about to get in the middle of them. Lori looked to Dixie and jumped the steps to get in quicker, when Lori walked in Cooter looked at her and opened his mouth, but before he could say anything Lori had already threw it in his face,"Im leavin' Cooter and thats that, whenever Dixie and Luke back there gets married you'll see me then, Lori then walked in her room and started packing. Luke walked inbehind Dixie who went to the kitchen table and sat down. Luke asked cooter if he could take a quick bath there so he could get homeand get started with the chores and cooter agreed. Luke walked back through the house and looked at Lori who was packing Luke walked in her room and.............~~~~~~At the farm Beth, Bo, Daisy, and Uncle Jesse all looked at each other wondering were Luke was at. Beth exploded and told them, "alright, he went to get Lori out of jail and Dixie went on a drinking binge and then theres Ernie...."Bo stopped her at Ernie,"She what?!..... does Luke know?"Beth shook her head,"No, Bo, if....if...you tell him he'll be heartbroken adn fly mad."Bo didn't know if he should tell Luke or not so he agreed he wouldn't but thought on it because Ernie always was one to try and steal their gilrs all the time. Quote
bethie88 Posted August 19, 2007 Report Posted August 19, 2007 Beth sighed, before walking back toward the rooms that she and Bo shared on the back of the house. "Listen, I'm goin' back to bed. I'll get up when Luke gets here if need be."She was so tired.Bo nodded sleepily. "Me, too..."He followed his wife, not too happy at having been unable to sleep.Crawling back into bed, Bo kissed Beth. "Sorry we woke ya up, honey," he said, holding out his arm for her to rest her head on. "Love ya, Sunshine," he added."Love you, too," Beth half-mumbled. And then, she was asleep again. But Bo still had his eye on the window. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 20, 2007 Report Posted August 20, 2007 Luke walked in her room and stood at the doorway watching her pack for several minutes, before he softly said, "I wish you'd wait, at least til tonight. Give me a chance to work this out in my mind. Something's not right, but I can't place it.Lori didn't trust herself to speak and just nodded, 'OK'. She would still pack, but she would at least wait until tonight to leave. "Meet ya at the Boar's Nest about 7?" Luke said, again quietly. He wanted to talk to Lori hopefully without Dixie around. He knew he'd feel very badly if Lori left town and he felt it was his fault. Lori nodded, 'Yes' and managed to say, "Seven it is."Luke felt a bit better as he headed for the shower. As he returned to the kitchen there was no sign of Lori, but Dixie was in the kitchen. "Coffee?" she said holding a large plastic cup with a lid on it.Luke had to smile. She still knew him too well, "Yeah. Thanks. I might live now.""I hope so!" Dixie said, then continued, "I know you are in a hurry, but there is something I need to talk to you about before you hear it somewhere else."This sounded important. "Ok, let me use the phone so Jesse won't have Bo out looking for me." He reached for the phone and dialed the farm. When Jesse answered, Luke said, "Uncle Jesse, I'm at Cooter's and am on my way home. Just didn't want you to worry." Not, hearing Jesse's reply, Dixie heard Luke say, "Everybody's fine. I'll be there by the time you get him back up." As Luke hung up the phone he said to Dixie, "We got a few minutes. Bo went back to bed when I wasn't home for breakfast."Dixie walked with Luke out to the General Lee and leaned up against the hood, "I'll make this short. Luke, last night I was hurting when I say you with Lori at the Boar's Nest. Then, you left. Then, everybody left. Well, I was in a foul mood and I drank....."Luke finished for her, "A little.""More than a little, when Beth came back and was trying to get me to go home with her, but my good sense had left me. I refused because I wasn't sure you'd want to see me this morning, at least at your house, after leaving to avoid me last night....." Dixie was interupted by Luke."I didn't leave to avoid you." he said."Maybe not," Dixie continued, "But at the time that's what I felt. Beth and I were approached by a guy wanting us to join him and a friend. Beth of course said no." She had to clear that up for him quickly before he told Bo. "I know I should have too, but ...."Luke continued when she paused, "You didn't. Ok, Honey, I have no hold on you or anyone else." He said understanding her mind set at the time.Dixie knew that this was where it was going to hit the fan. She began again, "Right, but it wasn't so much that I had a couple more beers and danced a few dances. Luke nothing happened. He brought me right home without any problems...."Luke was trying to be patient but he was sure Jesse wouldn't be so understanding, "Ok, then why are we having this conversation?"Dixie knew Luke wouldn't have stood for her being hurt, so she had to let him know that she hadn't been before she continued, "Luke the problem is who it was." She hung her head a bit.Thinking of all the guys in Hazzard and surrounding areas, he couldn't think of anybody that it would bother him that she had a little fun with as long as the guy didn't get out of line and she had told him that he hadn't. "So who was it."Dixie looked up at him with tears forming in her eyes, and whispered, "Ernie."Luke's mind worked quickly. The only Ernie he knew around here was Ernie Ledbetter and there was no way Dixie would have excepted any offers from him. No, she knew they had been rivals since jr. high school sports, up to racing and several girls. Though Ernie had never been too much competition he had been a thorn in Luke's side. "The only Ernie I know is Ernie ..."They both said it together, "Ledbetter."Dixie saw Luke's blue eyes go to orange, "Luke, I don't know what I was thinking. Yeah, I do. I wasn't thinking. I know what this will do and I'm sorry, but I didn't want you to hear it in town or worse yet from him."The veins in Luke's neck were as tense as she'd seen them, "I'll handle it. You are sure he didn't try anything or do anything you......" pictures of Dixie being with Ernie were running through his mind and they weren't pretty. "weren't, ... ah, .... willing....""Luke I wasn't 'willing' to do anything but have a couple beers and a few dances. And, though I know his reputation, no, he didn't get out of line. I did let him think Cooter was here when he brought me home, but he didn't lay a hand on me." Dixie re-assured Luke. Ernie had the reputation of 'getting' what he wanted whether or not the girl was willing. Dixie knew the next time Luke ran into Ernie that Luke would 'handle it'. There wasn't a doubt in her mind and she knew that whatever happened would be her fault. "Please don't do anything to get into trouble. I am sorry. I shouldn't have even talked to him."Luke had to go and he knew it. "It's OK. It was better coming from you. Don't worry. I will handle Ledbetter. I've really got to go."Dixie knew that didn't sound good.~~~~~~~~~Later, as Bo and Luke walked to the barn Bo couldn't help himself, "Ah, Luke, Beth went to make sure that Dixie was Ok last night.....""Bo, I've heard all about it. I'll take care of it." Luke said.The way Luke replied it made Bo feel a bit sorry for Ernie. The subject of Ernie Ledbetter closed, Luke said from out of nowhere, "How do I not hurt either Dixie or Lori? How long have you known that Lori likes me? And, Why didn't you tell me sooner?"Bo looked at Luke like he had two heads. "That's what's bothering you? I thought that Dixie talking to Ernie would....."Luke firmly said, "I'll deal with Ernie. That's not a problem."Bo knew Luke wouldn't need any help 'dealing' with Ernie. The old Bo wanted to be there to see it. The married settled down Bo, didn't want to be anywhere around when it went down, because he KNEW he'd some how be involved and then he'd have to deal with Beth! He heard Luke's voice cut into his thoughts."You didn't answer me though."Bo thought before answering, "......................... Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 20, 2007 Author Report Posted August 20, 2007 Bo thought before answering,"UHHH...well..... ahhh dang it Luke, aint ya ever noticed Lori in highschool?? I mean she practically lived with us then, she always tried to out-do use because she thought it would impress you, ya ever wondered why she left for the summer, somehow she found out Dixie was coming and she didn't want to be here, she knew you still loved Dixie and well... she didnt wanna ruin it between ya'll. Lori told me that she wouldn't let any man come between her and Dixie, she said but if it came down to it whether or not you loved or liked her back, she'd fight to kill anyone over you.""please Luke, I promised her I would never tell you not until she was ready for you to hear it."Luke looked to the ground and back up,"Your kidding me Bo? all this time, shes liked me that much and I hurt her that much and didn't know it." "Bo why didn't you tell me sooner??" Bo hung his head and said,"Cousin, I didnt want her mad at me, caus eI knew she'd deck me a gooden." ~~~~~~Back at the Davenport farm...Lori walked out of her room and Dixie bumped into her on purpose. Lori turned around and flew mad cussing at Dixie, Dixie turned around and Cooter saw Lori's fist go one way and Dixie's go another ,"GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!! WOAH!!!!!!!!! HOLD IT... I SAID HOLD IT!!!!!!!!!! now listen I dont know whats come over you two but when the family gets here, it better stop!!!! understand me?!!!!!!!!! Lori nodded walking out Dixie walked back in through the house to do some things. ~~~~~~~~7:00 rolled around and Lori headed out to the Boar's Nest she couldnt find Dixie anywhere she hoped she wasnt at the Boar's Nest. Lori went outside and pulled out leaving a cloud of dust inbehind her. She arrived at the Boar's Nest and saw the General parked on the opposite side, also seeing her cousin there too. Lori got out and walked in spotting Luke first thing, and then spotting Ernie with Dixie. Lori walked to the bar orderin a beer when Luke walked up and bought it for her instead. Luke looked to Lori who wasn't looking back she tried to do everything she could not to look at his blue eyes, so pure and liquid. Ernie walked over to were the two were and spoke to Luke Lori got mad when she saw what Ernie was tryin to do.................. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 20, 2007 Report Posted August 20, 2007 The reason Lori hadn't seen Dixie is she had went to the garage earlier. Ernie had come by looking for her and had asked her to have a beer with him later. Dixie didn't accept nor decline, just said maybe. She would much rather be with Luke who happened by a bit later. They had talked and Luke admitted he was confused about Lori's feelings for him. Dixie told him that she had told Lori she'd back off and let her play her hand for Luke. She wanted to tell Luke that he'd been the only man she'd ever been with, but felt that would be hitting below the belt. Before Luke left she did say, "Luke, I've spent a lot of nights home alone wondering about you and I'm sort of getting tired of the TV and popcorns company."Luke knew if he left without her he couldn't expect her not to go out with someone else. He just hoped it wasn't Ernie or someone like him. He dropped his head just a bit as he left the garage to go meet Lori. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the Boar's Nest Luke had ordered his first beer about the time Dixie showed up. She came over to the bar where Luke was setting but made her way to the other end. She also ordered a beer. When she went to pay the bartender he told her that it had already been paid for by the guy at the back table. Dixie looked back to see Ernie kicked back in a chair at a back table. Being brought up as much by Jesse Duke as his own kin, Dixie's manners were very good. The only thing she could do was to go thank Ernie for the beer. She walked to the back table and said, "Thanks for the beer Ernie."He replied, "I can't help but notice that you are alone. Care to join me?"Dixie saw Lori walk in to the bar and straight to Luke. She noticed that Luke paid for the beer that Lori had ordered. It was obvious that they were going to be together this evening. Dixie took a seat across from Ernie, "Why not?" They finished the first round of beer when Ernie decided to go to the bar to order a second round. Dixie wished he would have just waited for the waitress, but he had insisted.At the bar, Ernie walked to Luke's left side, Lori was on his right side. While waiting on the two beers that he had ordered he leaned close to Luke and said, "I sure see why you like these Davenport women. Guess you'll be done with this one by tonight too?"Luke was seeing red, but still had enough of his good sense to see what Ledbetter was trying to do. He just smiled and said, "You know how women are, sometimes you got to let them make up their own minds." Ernie was trying to get Luke into a fight. Rosco had just walked in and Luke wasn't biting. Ernie also saw the Sheriff, "Guess you might have soemthing there Duke." He wisely walked back to where Dixie was holding her breath. She looked for Luke and Ernie to get into it. She was glad they didn't. Which didn't mean that they wouldn't some other time. Lori looked at Luke and was steaming, "He was......""Trying to get me mad." Luke finished, "I know." He nodded towards Rosco who had just walked toward the back room to talk to Boss Hogg. "Hopefully, I've gotten a bit smarter with age."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the Duke farm, Uncle Jesse insisted, "Bo, I'll keep the kids. I'm getting too old for your all nonsense. Go on and keep Luke out of trouble."Bo mumbled, "Who's gonna keep me out of trouble?"Beth replied, "ME!""Oh, OK, then." Though Bo wasn't seen doing it, he had rolled his eyes heavenward and shook his head. This was NOT going to be a good night! Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 20, 2007 Author Report Posted August 20, 2007 Lori looked to Luke and smiled,"Yea, you get smarter seems I get dumber." "wanna go set down out of Ernie's sites, hes done got me mad, i swear Luke what it wouldnt do me much right now to go back there and knock some sense into him!" Lori looked over her shoulder she couldnt understand why Dixie was with him anyways. Lori had had experiences with men in Hazzard, but she never would with Ernie she knew Luke couldn't stand him.. Lori couldn't either, Ernie has made too many passes at her before. Lori just wondered why her cousin sunk so low as Ernie. "Luke I cant understand it why would Dixie go for Ernie anyways?? H***, before my mom passed she taught me better sense than that, but i guess i can understand, Lori was already on her third beer,"Better slow down a bit."Luke walked with Lori to a table in the back away from Dixie and Ernie. Luke looked to Lori and asked her,"Lori, someone brung it to my attention that, you uh... had feelings for me since highschool?? Is that true? Lori hung her head and looked back to Luke, it had been awhile since she'd mentioned that to.... Lori thought aloud..."BO!"Luke looked to Lori and said,"Dont be mad at him fer tellin me, i needed to know sometime or else thered just be this awkward silence between us.."Lori looked to Luke and said,"But I was spose to tell you though Luke when I was ready to..."~~~~~Rosco had walked out and left the Boar's Nest, Lori was praying that Ernie wouldn't start. Luke had already had toooo many beers over his limit. Lori never saw him drank this much. Lori looked at Luke and asked him softly sos not to get him riled..."Luke, uh you wanna take it a little easy on the beers honey,"Luke looked at Lori, Lori shook her head and shot a look to Dixie and Ernie, Bo walked in at the moment and saw it too looking to Luke, Lori said,"Luke,honey you might not wanna turn around right now." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 21, 2007 Report Posted August 21, 2007 Luke looked at Lori and replied, "No." Then he explained what was obvious to him. "You said that you can't understand it why would Dixie go for Ernie anyways. Well, that's simple Honey. To get at me. She probably knows better than you that me and Ernie LEDBETTER ain't never seen eye to eye on anything." He had spit Ernie's last name. He looked up and saw Bo and Beth walk in. "Great!" He shook his head. "Jesse's sent them to keep an eye on me." He laughed as he finished another beer. Lori had slowed down on her beer, hoping that Luke would wait for her to finish his beer before geting him another. Luke looked at the bartender, "Give us a shine and another beer."Lori knew when Luke switched up to shine it wouldn't take much from Ernie, Dixie, or Bo to get him riled. "Luke, what do you say to a dance?" She hoped to get his mind somewhere else.He replied, "Sure thing, Honey." On the dance floor she could tell that Luke was just a bit unsteady on his feet. She was glad to see Cooter walk in.Back at the bar, Luke told his Buddy, "Sorry about leaving a this morning with these two! I had to get home to the choirs."Cooter could tell that things were amiss with Luke. Dixie was with Ernie and Lori was with him but he'd had far too many drinks to be having a good time. "No problem Luke. Think I'll see what Bo's up to. Ya'll have a good one!" He joined Beth and Bo and said, "This ain't good. What's up?"Bo replied, "Just waiting for the fireworks!" Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 21, 2007 Author Report Posted August 21, 2007 Dixie, meanwhile, was in the back with Ernie getting a little on the tipsy side herself. Ernie sought the opprotunity and started pushing up on her. Dixie hollered at him one too many times until she flew mad on him,"I sia dback off Ernie Ledbetter!!!" Cooter, Bo, Beth, lori, and Luke all looked at him as he got up leaving Dixie, he brushed the side of Luke,Lori watching him and Ernie rudley told Luke,"the seconds are still good after i was done with her, wanna trade?" Ernie looked to Lori and winked and smirked, Lori flew mad and stepped towards him,"YOU SON OF A B****!!!!" Luke pulled Lori back and said,"No, Darlin' let me!!" and Luke knocked Ernie out, Ernie getting back up to fight Luke. it was a knock down drag out. Lori was tryin to pull Luke off of Ernie and Cooter and Bo ra over to Help her, Beth stayed with Dixie. When Lori and them pulled Luke off of Ernie Ernie looked at Lori and said,"You aint worth my time."Lori walked over to him and knocked him sailing,"glad to hear it!" and turned to see Luke walking over to Dixie. "Seconds?? I knew you were too good to be true!!!!!!" Luke walked over and grabbed Lori by the arm walking out with her saying........... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 21, 2007 Report Posted August 21, 2007 Dixie told Luke in no uncertainterms, "So, now you want to believe the likes of him! Maybe you and Lori do deserve each other!"Luke heard Dixie but continued out to the Boar's Nest parking lot. When he saw Ernie still there he shook his arm loose from Lori. "Ledbetter!" He said as he walked up to Ernie. Luke had already started his swing on Ernie, "This is for all the girls you've took advantage of all these years." When Luke connected with Ernie's face he went sailing across the General Lee. Ernie's friend saw Ernie on the loosing end and swung at Luke knocking him into the wrecker. Bo had pushed Beth gently toward the bar, "Get back inside. Now!" as he stepped up to swing on Ernie's friend!Cooter went to grab Bo to keep him out of the fight, when Dixie reached into the tool compartment of the wrecker. She brought out a tire tool and was swinging it and talk sh-- as she reached Ernie who was now on top of Luke only because Luke was a bit drunker than Ernie. "How darn you imply you've BEEN with me! You son-of -a- B----!! I'll castrate you and see how many girls you force yourself on then!"Luke was back on his feet. He was trying to decide to unarm Dixie or drill Ernie. He figured everyone would be safer if he first got the tire tool from Dixie. He stepped toward her. "Give it to me Dix. I told ya I'd handle him!"Dixie had to think about it first but finally gave Luke the tire tool.When Ernie saw Luke with the tire tool he grabbed a chain off the wrecker and headed toward Luke.Cooter looked at Bo, "Sh--! This ain't good! They could hurt each other!"When Rosco who had recieved a call of a fight at the Boar's Nest pulled back up all he saw was Luke Duke swinging a tire tool and Ernie Ledbetter swinging a large chain. This wouldnt be the first or the last time Rosco would have to break these two up. He'd been doing it since they were in Jr. High but now they were big enought to hurt each other! "Freeze! Freeze it right THERE! Just Freeze it where you are!" he yelled!Ernie and Luke had been here before. Ernie said, "Ah, sh--!"Luke had to agree, "Yeah! Double sh--!" as he still held the tire tool in his right hand. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 21, 2007 Author Report Posted August 21, 2007 Rosco took the tire tool from Luke and cuffed him putting Luke in the cop car. Bo looked to Lori and Lori just dropped her head. Lori ran to her car and pulled it out, Luke pissed off to no end saw her drive off, he knew were she was going and what she was doing. He just wished she wouldve gave him more time to explain things to her. Cooter watched and cussed at Lori,"D---, well there she goes, shes headin somewheres."Bo looked to Cooter as Bo didnt know exactly,"Ya mean shes movin on out?"Cooter looked at Bo and nodded. Dixie picked the tool up and pitched it back in the tool box. Cooter looked to Bo and Beth,"Ya'll head on home, get to Bo Jr., cause I think I may know what Lori's got planned." "Dixie, go home. youve had enough tonight and I want you home NOW!!!" Dixie couldnt stand it when she was told to do something, this was her older brother though and she did. ~~~~~~~~Lori meanwhile, drove to the backside of Cooter's garage, watching Rosco pull up to the police station pulling Luke along. Lori ran across the street and went to the jail cell window. Rosco," Now, Duke stay there."Luke snorted and went to the bed. Lori quietly waited for Rosco to walk back up, leaving Enos on duty. Lori looked through the window and quielty spoke,"PSSSST!!! Luke! up here in the window."Luke looked up and could barley see anything. "Lori???! what are you doing here?"Lori looked down and said,"Well, Im bustin ya out fer something Ernie started and I aint taking no fer an answer!" Luke got up and slowly put his hands on the bar windows and said......... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 22, 2007 Report Posted August 22, 2007 Luke got up and slowly put his hands on the bar windows and said, "Rosco's still up there booking Ernie. He'll be back down here in a bit. I think ya need to wait for whatever you got planned until after Rosco leaves, but then Ernie will be right over there." He said pointing to the cell right next to him.Lori knew that Luke was right. She hadn't stuck around long enough to see that for once Rosco had been fair and arrested both parties. She asked in amazement, "He actually arrested you both?"Luke rolled his eyes, "Thanks for reminding me, but yes." He motioned to Lori that Rosco was coming.Lori whispered, "I'll be back in a bit." She headed back to the garage to watch for Rosco to leave. She stood a better chance of pulling anything off with only Enos on duty.~~~~~~~~Dixie couldn't stand it when she was told to do something, this was her older brother though and she did it. Well, at least he thought she was going to. One thing about Dixie, you could ask her to do something and she usually would. You could tell her that you thought it was best if she did something and she might do it. But, if she was TOLD to do something, you could about bet that she wouldn't do it if her life depended on it. She kicked the chain that Ernie had pulled off the wrecker, "Fine! Put it up yourself!" She said heading for her car. Beth seen what was going on and thought that Dixie might need someone to drive her home. She walked over to Dixie, "Honey, since Luke won't be home tonight, how about coming out to the farm?"Dixie knew if she and Lori were under the same roof that it wouldn't be a good night. She nodded, 'yes' and said, "Thanks, Beth."Beth knew she had gained a lot of ground by getting Dixie to come out to the farm. Now, the hard part, "Would ya like for me or Bo to drive your car? I know you're upset." Beth had dealt with people who had drank a little too much for years and knew it would be better to say Dixie was upset rather than had too much to drink.Dixie had to laugh at her friend, "Sure." she said handing Beth the keys. She knew what Beth meant but was thankful that she had said she was upset.~~~~~~~~~~From the other side of the parking lot Cooter looked at Bo, "How did she do that?""Remember, Beth has had lots of experience with Luke, you and me." Bo replied."Ah, ... yeah, ...... I guess she has at that! I wasn't looking forward to those two meeting in my house tonight. I owe ya'll one." Cooter said gratefully.Bo said as he headed towards the General Lee, "I'll remind ya of that next time we need parts."Cooter replied, "Yeah, I bet you will at that." He shook his head and started for town. He hoped he was wrong about where Lori was off to, but he probably wasn't."~~~~~~~~~~Back at the jail, Rosco brought a not too happy Ernie downstairs and put him into the cell beside Luke's, "Now ya'll sleep tight. Kew, Kew, Kew, the judge will be here about eleven tomorow morning. Kew, Kew, Kew, I love it! I just love it!"Luke had gotten down from the window and stretched out on the steel bunk with the very thin mattress by the time Rosco had gotten to the bottom of the steps. He hoped Ernie would think he was asleep and go to sleep himself.Ernie had no intentions of going to sleep or letting anyone else get any for that matter as he started in on Luke....... Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 22, 2007 Author Report Posted August 22, 2007 Luke looked at Ernie and kicked the bar wall blocking them,"Shu it Ernie, you've caused enough fer one night." Ernie smirked and laid down on the bunk, still running his mouth. Enos was up reading his police magazine again not knowing what was about to happen. Lori ran back across to the jail were she thought up of a plan. She walked in and said,"Enos, we need to talk about that danged fire dehydrant out there in the middle of the road, over there by cooter's garage." Enos looked to Lori and raised his eyebrow,"In the middle of the road?" Lori shook her head, "Now if I hit that danged thang im gonna sue Enos!"Enos quickly go tot his feet, leaving the keys on the desk. Lori watched as Enos left to go find the surprise that there was no fire hydrant. Lori grabbed the keys and ran down the stairs. She noted Ernie in the cell and rolled her eyes leaving him in there. Luke go to his feet and went to the bars as Lori let him out. Ernie looked at Lori and went to his bars. "Aint ya gonna let me outta here?" Lori egan to laugh,"why would I?"Ernie shot her a look,"You'll pay....."Lori reached through the bars and grabbed his shirt collar, pulling him up from the ground a little."You listen and you listen good I've had enough of you always getting at Luke. AND IF you want to live to see tomorrow you'll leave my cousin alone and get lost a--hole!!!!" Luke looked at Lori as she pushed him back in the cell, running up the stairs, Luke looked at Ernie and shrugged his shoulder's smiling takig the steps two at a time. Enos had found out the trick and immediatly ran back to the jail. Luke and Lori hid in the bushes and waited fer him to run back in. Loir took Luke's hand and ran acros the road to Cooter's garage sliding in Midnight Rider. Luke looked at her and said,"Thanks fer bustin' me outta there."Lori shook her head,"Ehh if wouldn't have been me, someone else would've, or you'd been sent to the state pen, on account of murder. "Lori winked at Luke, he knew what she meant and he couldn't help but laugh at the joke a little.They drove off, "well, I could take ya back to the farm, then thats the firstplace they'd head if Rosco and Enos came t' get ya."As they drove down a little country road, Midnight Rider just stopped in the road. Lori got out and popped the hood and could tell it was the radiator. Luke got out and looked,"I aint got no tools either, Cooter asleep and Dixie won't. ANd Bo, Beth, and Uncle Jesse's asleep too." Lori said. "We're stranded looks like fet the night Lukas."Luke looked at her and said,"Well, it'd look like it. the went and climbed back through the windows setting for a few minutes in silence until Luke broke the silence.......~~~~~~~~~~When Cooter arrived at the garage much to his suprise all was quiet. No sign of Enos or Luke or Lori anywhere. Cooter sighed thinking that maybe Lori really did leave. Cooter didn't want to believe it, but he had no choice, he got in his vehicle and pulled out heading towards the farm. He took the shortcut, speeding on towards Luke and Lori neither one paying attention, neither was Cooter for that fact. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 22, 2007 Report Posted August 22, 2007 Luke looked at her and said,"Well, it'd look like it. the went and climbed back through the windows setting for a few minutes in silence until Luke broke the silence, "Give it a few minutes and we'll get it out of the road when it cools down a bit.."Lori said, 'OK, but I don't know where you're gonna put him."Luke smiled, "Well, Darlin', if you'd be so kinda as to trade me places I'll show you. It won't hurt it to move it just a little ways." They traded places.Lori still wasn't sure what Luke was doing. There wasn't so much as a wide spot that she knew of for a ways down the road. Luke started the car and put it into reverse. He backed up about fifty feet, then stopped. He smiled a bit and said, Hang on." as he turned the car up the side of the hillside and followed a path that couldn't be seen in the night. He had moved the car no more than a quarter mile onto the hillside looking over the road. Being that the car was black and on top of the hill it could not be seen at all in the night and Luke knew that someone would have to be looking for it there to see it in the daylight. Getting out of the car he asked, "Got your hiking shoes on?"Looking at him a bit confused, "They'll do. Why?"Luke smiled again, "Unless you want to sleep in the car, we've got a little walk ahead of us."Lori trusted Luke but had no idea what he was talking about as she looked to her car.Luke saw the look, "He'll never be seen there unless you know he's there." He reached down and took her hand, "This path can be a bit slippery."Lori asked, "There's a path here?"Luke had to laugh, "Yep, sure is." They walked a short distance when the woods opened up to a small clearing where the outline of a tiny cabin could be seen.Lori asked, "How'd you know about this place?""I helped build it about fifteen years ago." Luke said matter of factly. Once inside he located a kerosene lantereen and lit it. The place wasn't much bigger than an eight by ten with a small wood stove, a table, and a few chairs. Luke went to a storage box in the corner and smiled. "I'm glad somethigns don't change." He took out two sleeping bags and a small jar. Lori looked surprised. "How ya know?"Luke said, "Well, one of Jesse's sites ain't too far away. This has been here about about ten years." He said holding up the Mason jar. The truth was Jesse's still was right outside but had been covered to be hidden even in the daylight.~~~~~~~~~~~~~As Luke and Lori settled in for the night, unknown to them or Cooter, he'd driven right by them and could have had Lori's car back on the road in no time.~~~~~~~~~~~~Luke began spreading the sleeping bags down on the floor. "I hope ya don't mind the floor. Bo and me never minded much. I don't think we'll need a fire as hot as it is, besides the smoke trail may get us more attention than we want."Lori said quietly, "The floor is fine."When Luke was finished with the sleeping bags he turned one of the straight backed wicker chairs around backwards and sat in it as he opened the Mason jar and took a healthy drink, before saying, "Well, now that we are here suppose you tell me why it took you this long to let me know you liked me for more than a big brother?" He held out the jar offering Lori a drink of Jesse's finest.Lori took a small sip before answering, "................ Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 22, 2007 Author Report Posted August 22, 2007 Lori took a small sip before answering,"WOW!! that packs a powerful pounch." Lori looked to luke and smiled,"Well, in highschool, I never thought that you'd pay me no mind, I mean in highschool, I wasnt as rembunctious as I am now. No one liked me then, so I didnt think you would. I knew I never wore skirts and I never put on makeup. Dixie was always prettier than I was."Luke.... I just I couldn't tell ya... I wanted ya to hear ti from me I honeslty did, and not from Bo." Lori stoof up to meet Lukes eyes Luke softly replied......... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted August 22, 2007 Report Posted August 22, 2007 Lori stood up to meet Lukes eyes Luke softly replied, "Lori, I've never been about what a girl wore and frankly I don't care for all that make up stuff. It's more about who the person is on the inside. He--, why do you think Dixie doesn't wear a lot of make up." He saw Lori look away. Luke hadn't meant to compare the two, but in his mind he had been every since Bo brought up that Lori liked him for more than a friend. Now, he would be looking over his shoulder for Rosco who'd eventually pick him up again for the fight with Ernie. Luke took a large drink of Jesse's finest and swore silently. "Look, Lori just be yourself, if you try to be anything different then it won't be fair to me, Dixie, or any other guy who may come along, but mostly it won't be fair to yourself." With no sleep the night before, and the day he'd had today, followed by the night of being arrested and then escaping Luke would have thought the shine would have relaxed him by now but it hadn't. He took another large drink. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted August 22, 2007 Author Report Posted August 22, 2007 Lori looked to Luke and sighed,"Luke...I uh...I... dont think you want me to be myslef honey, it might not be so wise."Luke looked at Lori with a dazed look on his face. "What are ya talkin bout?"Lori's eyes got big as she sighed. "Well, Luke, lets just say im a little on the wild side, if that sums anything up... thats why i try and act decent around ya, If i act myself, im not soo sure youll have that much respect fer me. This is only something that I know about, and now you."Luke looked to Lori with a half smile,"I catch yer drift."Luke took another swig and stood infrotn of Lori, heck if Lor wasnt so inlove with him you could ay it was alittle too close fer comfurt. Quote
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