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Name: Allen Fargo

Ago: 35 (in 2003)

Height: unknown...about 6ft

Hair: black or brown

Profession: Bounty Hunter.

Status: Widowed. Came from all over, was born in Kansas City, Kansas.

  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Garrett James Duke

Age: 22 years old

Hair color: he has sandy blond hair that he has cut short and thin with inch long side burns as well as a thin goatee.

Eyes: hard/cold smokey gray-blue

Height: 6 feet and 2 inches tall

Occupation: Ex-Army, ex-mechanic (worked for his dad in Knoxville, TNN), and is currently seeking a job in Hazzard County.

Garrett is Bo's twin brother who's attitude and poor choice in choosing friends has gotten him into a lot of trouble in his past. Now in Hazzard County, he is able to meet the twin brother he never knew he had as well as meet family members he never knew he had.


Here's another biography of one of my secondary characters----


NAME---> Katie Renee Williams

NICKNAME & CB HANDLE---> "Kat" or "SpeedQueen"

DATE OF BIRTH---> July 1, 1963

AGE IN MOST STORIES---> Late Teens to Early 20's

OCCUPATION---> Chickasaw County Deputy. Katie & Vicki are the only 2 female deputies in Chickasaw County. In Earlier stories(that will be written in near future) she worked for the florist in Hazzard.

CAR---> A early 70's Red Chevy Camero.

HAIR---> She has long blonde hair that she usually keeps back into a ponytail most of the time. On special occasions she would keep it down.

EYES---> blue/green

**Katie is Vicki's best friend in Chickasaw. They have been friends since they were in high school together. After graduating from Hazzard High School, the 2 girls moved to Chickasaw County to help Sheriff Little run the county, despite everyone's protests back in Hazzard.**

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Steel Duke

My name is Steel Blue Duke, I was born Aug. 28, 1976 in New Jersey. Iam 6'1" and I weight about 190 LBS. Usually I wear dark blue jeans, a ragged red sleeveless shirt and a black bandanna. I have buz cut dark brown hair, dark grey eyesand wear dark brown laceless steel toed work boots.

I had two brothers who died from heart complications. My mother died at birth and our father was killed during a bar fight. With out any other known family I took my few belongings, the cloths I owned, my car a 1984 Iroc Camaro and my chocolate lab Champ.

An old friend called me from Alanta Georgia where he had just moved to a new job. He said that he had been one county over on a truck delivery when he met a couple boys with a good looking orange car. There last name was Duke and they were realted to a man named Jesse Duke. The name was fimilar, my fathers 4th cousin. The rest is now history, my Duke name brought me to Hazzard County in search of living family and or relitives.

  • 2 weeks later...

name: North-Rex Duke

weight: 170lbs

hair: dark brown

eyes: blue

age: Just over 30.

height: 6 foot even

Scare on left cheek bone, vertically acrossed his face. Usually dressed in leather tan colored duster, faded blue jeans, black shirt, dark brown leather boots.

  • 1 month later...

Name: Skyler Vanseenie

Birth Date: 8/22/77

Height: 5 foot 8inches

Weight: 210 easy

Born in Walton,N.Y.--Now resides in Canada

Occupation: Glactic Agent--Now Wanted

Itilain- not white-Olive skined

hair: black, top-short, back long

Birthmark: Wears glove to cover on left hand

Hobbys: Mountain climbing, exploreing the unknown, tornado chaser.

That friday morning had been like no other, Skyler Vanseenie stood in the door way of the

Capy's office. The week had gone poorly and he was feeling it couldn't get much worse.

"Maybe you should hand in your gun till you remember why you are here!

You never seem to play by the rules, not even when a plan is in action! You could have

blown the whole thing, You know how long we have been workin on all this! That guy got

away this time, and it's all your fault.You thinkin you always got to earn their trust. So you

can get the big guy.......sometimes the guy under him is ENOUGH. JUST GET OUT OF

MY OFFICE!" Capy was mad, but didn't understand.....he hadn't even given him time to

talk."And Vanseenie get rid of that tiny braid of yours while you are at it."

Deep down Skyler was feeling that would be the last time he walked awy from Capy's

office.Somehow he new he wouldn't be back. Skyler walked to his desk and starred at

Roger, the man who wanted him out. If Roger hadn't had told him what Capy had said to

do........the whole mess wouldn't have happened.

"Telegram! Sky Vanseenie!" a man yelled out. Skyler waved his hand, then opened it.No

one called him Sky any more and very few knew where he was.Most thought him dead. He

sighed opening it.Then after only a few lines he took his badge from his shirt pocket and

put it in his pencil holder, anger flared in him as he threw it at the door of Capy's

office."Roger wanted my badge! He told me what to do!Now you want it too.....Well, there

it is!" Skyler grabed his bag from his desk and headed for the door.

"What about your gun?" Roger asked.

"You can have my job,Roder but not my gun.........I paid for that! I bought it!"

Skyler was gone before Capy knew what had happened. Capy now had the feeling that

now Vanseenie would be wanted for the past week's events and without him present it

was all going to be on Roger's "say so" of how things had went.He had been trying to

protect Skyler......Now Skyler was on his own and all Capy had was the report Skyler had

some how found the time to give to him.Even if Skyler had bought and licensed his gun it

would still make Skyler at the top wanted list because now he was a Glactic Agent on the

run. Something now told him Skyler had just said "GOOD BYE!"

Skyler had hitchhicked all the way to Hazzard. The road seemed long and lonely even though he had his dog with him. He had taken a route known as the moonshiners run. It ran from Plaski, New York to Hazzard,Georgia. He had laid low, hideing in all the right places. The warm wind blew on the morning he was dropped off at the Depot. He had been lucky, he drew his bag up around his shoulder it contaiined his life saveings.He started asking around for his cousin. As the day went on he found him self headed for Cooter's garage.


Welcome all new fanfic characters to Hazzard! I hope that y'all enjoy your stay here. :D

Here's a new fanfic character that will briefly make an appearance around the Hazzard County area in the future...

NAME: Jack Stewart

OCCUPATION: 3rd year resident Doctor

ADDRESS: Atlanta

HEIGHT: 5'11

WEIGHT: approximately 180

AGE: Late 20's to Early 30's

HAIR: Black

EYES: Dark Brown

CAR: An Early 90's black Corvette

HOW HE CAME INTO THE PICTURE: Met Chickasaw Deputy Vicki Jones at a Dance Club in Atlanta. They became friends immediately after meeting. He now visits her in Chickasaw most weekends.

Y'all will see more of Jack in the future.

Take Care & Have a Great Night! :D

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Bronc Ryder

Name: Wedge P. Grant

Height: 5'8 1/2"

Eyes: Deep blue, left one half brown.

Hair: Auburn

Weight: 135LBS

Age: Old enough to know better still too young to care. Older then 21, younger then 30. (Born in Early August)

Occupation: Professional bronc and stunt rider.

Car: 1985 Olds Cutless Siera, bronz colored.

Status: Wouldnt you like to know.

Info: Born in upstate New York, grew up on a farm there and learned to ride in small local rodeo. Usually dressed in light blue jeans worn in the knees, Chocolate colored roping boots, a white sleeveless s*** and a black pro rodeo cap neatly worn.


Welcome to Hazzard........Hope you enjoy your Visit / Stay.

This is to the 'Person'--New Comer,

(Who asked me about Hazzard)......

I have only been in Hazzard a short time myself but can tell you

a great deal about the place. In the short time i have been here I have found it is a place where people are warm and friendly.

(It's a place that has wonderful "authors" that have HEART.)

Hazzard isn't just it's characters, it's the loveing people that

care enough to share with you their "storys of adventure".

They are people who can give you advice when your in need of it.

Hazzard is a place where it's okay if you make a mistake, the people there--ARE FORGIVEING-and know that no one it perfect.

Hazzard is a place where "It's people" have a way of showing

careingness and giveing sunshine on a really bad day. Hazzard is

about being family like, haveing people who care like friends bcause they are Your Friends.

You asked me....."What is DIFFERENT Here then other places?"

This is Hazzard County, Georgia...

A place where all family is weclome, includeing your children.

This is a place I am proud to be part of. A place that is not like alot of people in the rest of the world, The people here still care and know about what the true meaning of life is. Here they remember the true meaning of friendship and in the world we have today friends are some times hard to find...

Anyways Welcome to Hazzard......


  • 2 weeks later...
Name: Solone Trinity Hollow

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 125lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Long, dirty blonde.

Statues: Single , with son.

From: Harley Hollows Garage Richford New York.

My father named me Solone 'cause my mother had me when she was all alone. I am from Harley Hollow's Garage in Richford, New York. Harley

Hollow was my father. I grew up with an older brother named Tod Harley Hollow, he now owns and runs the place. Dad died a few years back, leaveing my Mom, Tod and I to fend for ourselves. One day we are fighting to save all that we have, the next a stranger by the name of "Van " walks into our lives and changes every thing.

Authorities say "Van's" dead, other's say you can't kill a man that never lived. Deep down our family believes he was just a man on the run...but running from what has yet to be decided.


Jade Swade Duke

Age: 23

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Light Brown

I used to travel around with my Dad until he died a few years back.

We used to train horses. I am in Hazzard to claim my inherittance. And with hopes to make a few friends.... :D


Name: Ethaniel Jackson McKleen

Nickname: Ethan

Age: just turned 22 years old

Height: 5' 11"

Eye Color: Intensely dark green- gray eyes

Hair color: Dark brown wavy hair with inch long side burns

Vehicle: a red 2004 Cheverolet Avalanche

Ethan is originally from Capital City where he had inheritated his dad's garage that was highly successful when he was running it, but when Ethan's two older brothers got possesion of the garage, it quickly went down hill; due to their rude business management style and the new set of friends they brought in.

When his brothers and their friends drag him to Hazzard, where trouble is soon to follow, Ethan is the one to put a stop to the men his brothers hang out with. Finding friends amongst the Dukes and work with Cooter, he decides to stay in Hazzard, away from his brothers.

  • 1 month later...

Name: Taggart Coltrane (Concella, adopted name) (he doesnt have a middle name)

Age: 19 (in 1982)

Hair: Dark brown hair with bright yellow high lights. A goatee that covers his chin neatly but does not streach over his upper lip or around the sides of his mouth.

Eyes: Grey Eyes

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 170 LBS

Clothes: Light brown sade jacket, tight grey t-shirt, light blue jeans and dark brown boots. A scare acrossed his left eyebrow and a scare on his left ear lobe.

Car: 1981 Olds Cutless, dark metalic purple, almost black.

Born and raised in Peachtree City, enjoys playing acustic guitar and playing in his friends band called Avalon.


I am the author and owner of many characters here on Hazzardnet, some of my characters I am proud of. But most I am not proud of. My name is Denise, I'm called Dee by most people that know me. This name will now become my author name here, Taggart will be discarded of because the intentions of his creation were misinterprited by many people. An because of some misunderstandings and for many other reasons, my reasons, Taggart will cease to exist. Sorry for any inconvience.

-Author Denise Wallan { Dee }

  • 1 month later...

:D Welcome to all new characters & authors to Hazzard! May your stay be welcome here like it has for me for the past 2 years. :D

**Here is another new character making an small but brief appearance in Hazzard, that is in the 1880's, for the next few months.**

NAME: Amy Lee Jones

AGE: Early to mid 20's

HORSE: She has a white mare named "Snowball"

HAIR: long fire red. She could be a strawberry blonde in the sunlight.

EYES: gray

HEIGHT: a petite 5'2

WEIGHT: around 130

OCCUPATION: none. Some say that she is a drifter going from town to town like she does. Some have been told that she is a 'traveling' bank teller as well.

RESIDENCE: none. However, she was born in Fayetteville, Arkansas near Oklahoma Territory where her mother was raised..

REASON FOR PASSING THROUGH HAZZARD: Amy comes to Hazzard with her sister, her husband, and his brothers. Don't know exactly the reason why she's in Hazzard. Maybe to get a job at the bank, maybe in the saloon, who knows...

**I hope that y'all make her feel welcome. Have a great day!**

  • 4 months later...

Name: Razor (Formly known as Riddick)

Age: (Human Years) About 8 years old.

Eyes: Surgical procedure that modifies the eyeballs enabling one to see in the dark, but only in completely unintelligible flashes of colour, while simultaneously destroying one's daytime vision. Eyes appear white with a blue out around the white pupil.

Hair/Fur: White, Blue, black stripes. About 3 inches long.

Height: 4 1/2 ft to shoulder.

Weight: 808 LBS

Length: Appoximately 14ft long from tip of nose to tip of tail.

Razor is a Blue Maltese tiger.

  • 2 months later...

**Lemme see! First of all, I myself am only 16, so any stories involving me and a romance with a Duke boy will involve me being born way earlier than I am for real!**

**Character 1**

Name: Rebecca Lee Dover

Age: (in the current fic) 18

DOB: June 13, 1954

Vehicle: Doesn't have one...generally rides with either Daisy or Bo and Luke...

CB Handle: Dixie Rose

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'3"

Additional Info: Don't wanna give too much away... Moved to Hazzard County from South Carolina the summer of her Junior year in high school. Ended up dating Bo Duke. When she was 18, she became pregnant with Bo, and... well...I better leave it at that lest I ruin the story. :lol:


** Totally forgot to do the "me" character!**

Name: Beth Smith

Born: June 30, 1955

Vehicle: 1971 Camaro Z-28

CB Handle: Sunshine (Also Bo's nickname for her)

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'5"

Additional Info: This character will be used more in the RR forum... but anyways. Yeah...She was born and raised in Hazzard County, and grew up with Bo and Luke. She had a crush on Luke as a little girl, but her best friend, Bo, grew on her, and she fell in love with him.


Name: Dixie Lee Davenport

Age: 15 ( When she arrives in Hazzard in Luke's First Love)

Hair Color: Medium Brown -- medium lenght usuall worn in a pony tail with a Harrard Garage cap.

Eyes: Brown (until she gets mad -- then they turn orange!)

Height: 5' 6"

Occupation: Student -- Helps Cooter and her Dad at the garage

CB Handle: "Little Shotgun" (Because she rides shotgun. Also, her Father's handle is Old Shotgun. Her Mother's handle is Lady Shotgun. Wonder how Cooter got Crazy C??)

Car: None at this time.

Dixie Lee Davenport is Cooter's little sister. She has lived with her Mother in the 'City' since her parents separated. They have never divorced but they have been apart for years. Dixie's Mother is almost a saint -- she could not get over the fact that her husband (the best mechanic in the State) worked on cars that belonged to law enforcement agents by day and moonrunners by night. He had a soft spot for the moonrunners and always made sure that they had the edge, though he never ran or made any shine. When they split up Luther Davenport stayed in Hazzard and rasied his son to be a top notched mechanic. His wife took Dixie with her attempting to weed out any trace of the country. She hoped to rasie a daughter that would be 'fitting to wear some gentleman's ring'. Much to her displeasure at the age of 15 Dixie decided she wanted to spend the summer with her father and see why her Mother hated the garage and anything to do with it.


Hello all! Neat character histories! I hope that they do well in Hazzard like my character has in the past!

Have ever of you authors ever been in a rut when you write? I have for the past 2 months. Any ideas for a veteran writer??


  • 3 weeks later...

****Name: Beauregard Jackson Duke, Jr.

Born: June 22, 1972

Vehicle: 1969 Dodge Charger, black, named Stormy

CB Handle: Storm Cloud

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Height: 6'3"

Additional Info: Son of Bo Duke and Beth Smith Duke, Bo, Jr. is the spitting image of his father. He attends Mississippi State University, but is trying to transfer to GA Tech.


NAME: Curtis Kyle Cobweb


AGE: 32 (as of date of post)

BIRTHDATE: August 23, 1973

WEIGHT: 165lbs of pure muscle



BACKGROUND INFO: born to a hooker of a mother in Louisiana whom met up with a hobo one night and offered him a son. Raised in foster homes until he ran away at the age of 13 to live with the scabs and scum of New Orleans.

Joined the army at age 17 and fought in Desert Storm. He was honorably discharged. Upon returning he moved to Hazzard County and set up shop.

Sells everything under the rainbow, from coats to flags, banners

guns, ammo, cars on auction, computers…, all you have to do is ask.

CHARACTER TRAITS: spider tattoo on left pec., and eagle tat on right upper arm. sticks to himself, and has no current love interest. Drinks often and talks about conspiracy theories all the time. Takes no s***

from anyone, (especially punk kids). Salutes his customers.

  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Bull Shoat Hart

Age: 25

Hair: Black, short.

Eyes: Deep Grey.

Weight: 180 LBS

Height: 6'2"

Born in Montana. Nick named "Montana Bull."

Attire: Grey cap, Navy Blue T-shirt, Fadded Jean Jacket,

Faded smokey grey jeans, average work boots.

(Looks alot like his cousin Chet Duke.)

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