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When Friends Ain't Friends...

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Bo rested in his cousin's arms, leaning his head on his shoulder with a small sigh. He had a long way to go before the doctor's deemed him fit enough to drive again and get on with his life as before. But get through it he would because he had Luke, Daisy and Uncle Jesse to help him through.

Softly, after a little while, he mumbled.

"M'sorry Luke....can....can we go home now?...please..."

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Luke pulls back looking Bo in the eye with a smile and nod

"s'ok Bo.....let's get ya chnged then we'll go home 'kay"

Helping Bo change clothes and put on his boots the two leave the room with Luke's arm around Bo's waist for support he still wasn't 100% but would have probably refused any suggestion of using a wheelchair. Sees Uncle Jesse and Daisy coming back down the hall smiles telling them everything was ok again at least for now.

"Ya'll ready ta go?"

Jesse reaches the two before Daisy helping Luke to support Bo as they slowly make their way down the hall.

"yup let's get home."

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Bo was very gald for their support, seeing as most movement was still quite painful and any over exerction made him very short of breath. He walked out the hospital and felt a small pang when he saw the General sitting there with Dixie parked next to it, knowing how long it would before he got to ride in him again.

He didn't however mope in it for too long as a plan formed in his head...they said he couldn't drive in the General....not that he couldn't drive at all....

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watching Bo carefully as they exited the hospital Luke saw the hurt cross his face knowing he couldn't ride or drive the general anytime soon. Luke mentally kicks himself the car should have been at home so that Bo wouldn't have had to feel that hurt so soon. He was however releaved when the brief hurt expression passed from Bo's features but then he saw something else that made him worry Bo was putting together a plan of some sort.

Jesse wasn't paying attention to Bo's sudden changes in demeanor though he was concentrating on helping Bo to the jeep. Once to it he and Luke helped bo get into the passenger seat.

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Luke gets behind the wheel of Dixie he, Daisy and Uncle Jesse had already talked over and he would bring Bo home in Dixie while Jesse and Daisy took the General Lee home. Once everyone was ready Luke allowed Daisy to pull out first in the General then pulled out behind her as they started home at a leisurely speed but not so slow it felt like a crawl.

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"I........I'm sorry Bo.....you ok?"

Luke turned to look at Bo eyes wide with fear. He couldn't lose Bo now not after the doctor said everything would be fine once his body healed. Surely god wouldn't be so cruel as to take Bo after he was improving so much.

"w...what you.....said about dyin' still that ain't.....so the doctor said you'd be fine.......after everythin' was healed."

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Luke sighed loosening his tight grip on the steering wheel.

"I didn't mean ta overreact Bo, *smiles* now is not the best time for a long pause before that particular punch line. *seriously* I just can't shake how hurt ya've been and I know yer lots better than before but that cough ya still got is a little disconcerting though."

Pulls back onto the road again heading for home this time going a little faster to catch back up with the General Lee before Uncle Jesse can worry about them lagging behind.

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"S'....just a cough Luke.....ain't nothing bad....Doc said it'd...be gone in a week or two....m'sorry fer scarin' ya so..."

he sat back with a small sigh in his seat, smiling a little at the fact Luke had sped up a little way, but knowing that it was not only going to take himself a long time to recover from all this....but his family was going to have a long recovery ahead of them too...especially Luke.

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"s'ok Bo I just over-reacted. That's a pretty rough cough ya got there, it's one of those deep down cough up a lung things. You'll be right as rain though before we know it."

Luke continues on catching up with the General then looks at Bo with a mischevious grin and a twinkle in his eye.

"Hey Bo wanna pass 'em?"

He'd probably get yelled at for driving too fast by Uncle Jesse when they got home but it'd be worth it to see Bo enjoy himself even if only just the few minutes it took to pass the orange stock car.

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"Yeah poor General we'll make it up to him though."

Luke grins as they pass the other two Dukes in the General Lee, waving to Daisy as they passed. Gulping a little at the glare Jesse was sending his direction. But he didn't slow down and drop back only picked up the speed a little until they were in front then moved back onto his side of the road.

Jesse glared as Luke passed

"I'm gonna tan his hide when we get home"

he threatened gruffly.

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