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I don't know about y'all, but they're already whippin' out the Christmas decorations around here. And I thought it was strange to see Halloween stuff in July. LOL.

Just 106 shopping days left! Y'all better get busy. Khee!


Well, the nice thing about it is, since we haven't taken the lights down from last year, we won't have to go through all the trouble of puttin' 'em up again! Khee! It was kinda hard to weed whack around the animated deer all year tho' and I think some birds built a nest in our artificial light-up Christmas tree.

For Easter, we put a nice easter bonnet on the Grinch and on the 4th of July, he wore a big Uncle Sam top hat. Khee!

  • 2 years later...
I suppose a lot of you folks don't like the fact that Christmas commercials are already on but I'm an exception. I actually like it. I'd like to hear other opinions on this....

I'm all ready to

. How 'bout you? LOL.
I suppose a lot of you folks don't like the fact that Christmas commercials are already on but I'm an exception. I actually like it. I'd like to hear other opinions on this....

Also in Italy it's already Xmas... but... it's not so bad.

I like Christmas' feel I don't like shopping.


Okay, I like Christmas, I really do! I just don't like all the glamour, glitz, and commercialism that goes along with it. Now, we do take down our decorations every year, but I think we are probably the last ones to get them up. Usually a week (or less) before hand. In our house, it is always a "fight" over the traditional REAL trees (I'm on that side) vs. the fake trees. I like the real ones. They smell great, look great, and it just isn't the same to decorate a hunk of metal and plastic. To me... it just seems... STRANGE.

Well, I like Christmas, but not mixed in with Halloween... or Thanks giving for that matter. I'm a very "let me celebrate/recover from one holiday before you drag me into the next" type of person. (I may sound crazy here) but I don't actually "celebrate" Christmas in the normal sense. I dont' go out and buy gifts, so to me the X number of shopping days until Christmas is Irrelevant. I'm cheap... I go out AFTER christmas and take advantage of them Sales! It is just great and I love finding a great deal! Sure, there isn't as much of a selection... but it is the thought that counts, right? Anyways, my family doesn't go overboard. I'll settle for time with my family and the great food! YUM! That is the most awaited meal of teh entire year, after my birthday feast, I think!

And the music... I prefer them old time traditional songs that seem to be more and more unpopular.

But I will say, that watching "How the Grinch stole Christmas" is a tradition that is met with much anticipation. That is the only time of the year that the whole family really watches a movie together... with intrest. And that is the one time I get Delicious Red Apples and Carmel Dip. (that is what I was eating the first time I saw "the Grinch") so, that is the one time I have a very intense craving for it! (more then Y'all wanted, or cared, to hear, Right?!)

Anyways, Y'all Have fun this Christmas, and I apologize for my rambling on.

General Grant

Okay, I like Christmas, I really do! I just don't like all the glamour, glitz, and commercialism that goes along with it. Now, we do take down our decorations every year, but I think we are probably the last ones to get them up. Usually a week (or less) before hand. In our house, it is always a "fight" over the traditional REAL trees (I'm on that side) vs. the fake trees. I like the real ones. They smell great, look great, and it just isn't the same to decorate a hunk of metal and plastic. To me... it just seems... STRANGE.

Well, I like Christmas, but not mixed in with Halloween... or Thanks giving for that matter. I'm a very "let me celebrate/recover from one holiday before you drag me into the next" type of person. (I may sound crazy here) but I don't actually "celebrate" Christmas in the normal sense. I dont' go out and buy gifts, so to me the X number of shopping days until Christmas is Irrelevant. I'm cheap... I go out AFTER christmas and take advantage of them Sales! It is just great and I love finding a great deal! Sure, there isn't as much of a selection... but it is the thought that counts, right? Anyways, my family doesn't go overboard. I'll settle for time with my family and the great food! YUM! That is the most awaited meal of teh entire year, after my birthday feast, I think!

And the music... I prefer them old time traditional songs that seem to be more and more unpopular.

But I will say, that watching "How the Grinch stole Christmas" is a tradition that is met with much anticipation. That is the only time of the year that the whole family really watches a movie together... with intrest. And that is the one time I get Delicious Red Apples and Carmel Dip. (that is what I was eating the first time I saw "the Grinch") so, that is the one time I have a very intense craving for it! (more then Y'all wanted, or cared, to hear, Right?!)

Anyways, Y'all Have fun this Christmas, and I apologize for my rambling on.

General Grant

Its okay i love apples and carmel and i also love apples and peanut butter on christmas and i love mints too and lots of cookies anyway i hope this Christmas comes soon i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!


LOL I celebrate christmas all year round! :p Nah i'm kidding...i do tend to watch films like Christmas Comes to Willow Creek and listen to John's christmas albums before christmas though but that's because i'm impatient and Christmas or the thought of christmas really cheers me up. So whenever i'm down I do that to pick me back up lol.

I would watch Mary christmas as well but I had to give Daisy's DVD back.... lol :p


Uhhh you read Daisy's post wrong...she has the DVD's back, I sent them back ages ago. She's saying its sad that they have been over here in England with me but she hasn't been able to come over herself yet for Christmas in England.

Uhhh you read Daisy's post wrong...she has the DVD's back, I sent them back ages ago. She's saying its sad that they have been over here in England with me but she hasn't been able to come over herself yet for Christmas in England.

oh sorry my bad i have trouble paying attention to little things like that sometimes


Okay, here it is mid-Nov and I have to admit that I've already listened to my Elvis Christmas CD. Has anybody else heard any Christmas music yet? Any Elvis fans out there? What Christmas music does everybody else like?

Okay, here it is mid-Nov and I have to admit that I've already listened to my Elvis Christmas CD. Has anybody else heard any Christmas music yet? Any Elvis fans out there? What Christmas music does everybody else like?

There's actually a radio station here that starts playing nothing but Christmas music on the weekends beginning on November 1. On Thanksgiving that one and another one play all Christmas all the time. (But, yes, I did break down and listen to my Muppets Christmas cd on my way to work today.)

I pretty much love all Christmas music, but my favorite silly Christmas song is 'Snoopy vs the Red Baron." (Yes, I'm a geek, I admit it.:))

  • 2 weeks later...

Ha ha...I just listened to Snoopy and the Red Baron today! My favorite Christmas memory is Mom playing all her old records (on an acutal record player), so I had her copy all of them onto cassette so I could listen to them here in Thailand (where Christmas carols in English are rather scarce).


It's good to see things have finally calmed down a little in Thailand. The trouble there didn't get as much attention in the media because the problems in India were much bigger. You weren't around any of those protests were you Amanda?


Still never been to India. My fiance's boss had some trouble getting back to Bangkok when the airports closed though. It was 3000 baht (over $75) to fly back (which is very expensive for a Thai) so he wound up taking the train. The couple doing our pre-marital counseling were also trying to fly back to Thailand from the States and were stranded in Tokyo for a while. They finally got back on Saturday.

I've been warned by my fiance' and the pastor at the church where I'm staying not to wear red or yellow (the colors of the two opposing political parties) and not to state any political opinions. I'm pretty safe though, simply because I'm white and I can play a dumb tourist if necessary. My Thai language teacher apologized for the country's leaders "acting so childish."

Good grief, many Americans didn't like Bush for years, but they didn't sit in any major airports to force him to step down (although America does have more than one). They just waited patiently until they could vote for someone else. That's how democracy is supposed to work. And if a certain group of people don't like one party, that party will try to appeal to that group of people, or to the "undecided." That's how it's supposed to work, but the Thai's haven't quite figured it all out yet.

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