TXZ045 Posted August 10, 2006 Posted August 10, 2006 During the episdoe about the Fortune Tellers on disc 4 of Season Six. Right after the lil midget guy sneaks in/out of the air-conditioner vent and steals the Boars Nest's money from behind Daisy's back.... when she go's over to the CB to call for help.... her top kinda sorta some how revealed more than just cleavage. I realize this is a 'family' type place here, however, I thought I'd post it up and see what happened just the same. I could have posted it so all you had to do was open the topic to see it, it would have loaded up instantly, but, I made it where a person has to click the url web address to the image instead, this way if you just wanted to read the topic and not see the pic, that would be your choice. Hopefuly this topic wont get deleted... but uh,.... what can I say.... I love Daisy Duke and for years Ive looked for 'Wardrobe malfunctions' and finaly I spotted something worth mentioning. For all I know, its been mentioned before. Or maybe somebody else knows of some other locations of 'wardrobe malfunctions' in during other seasons..... Anybody who owns Season Six or just has the episode called 'The Fortune Tellers' well, just look at the part where she is going to use the CB, on her approach to the CB, its blatantly obvious what I speak of. I took a screenshot of it but dont want to get in trouble for posting it. I guess just ask me for it if you wanna see it. Or, if you have the episode in question, find the frames I speak of. Mainly its just like this one frame only, but, there are 2 or 3 frames in all I guess showing more breastage than she prolly intended to show..
TXZ045 Posted August 25, 2007 Author Posted August 25, 2007 For one.... if you watch the episode called 'Follow That Still'.... in that episode... when Daisy is running along side of the pickup truck about to jump in (just after Luke does the same)... well..... lets just say if you play that part in slow motion, .... you can plainly see more breastage than she prolly intended to be seen.... of course, don't hurt to use a lil 'zoom' also.
TXZ045 Posted November 24, 2007 Author Posted November 24, 2007 Anybody ever run across these 'malfunctions' ?
bwgath Posted December 1, 2007 Posted December 1, 2007 I never noticed. Perhaps I'll take a look this week end.
Laura Duke Posted December 2, 2007 Posted December 2, 2007 Guys, Come on! I know that it's fun to discuss malfunctions, but this IS a family site! Being a girl, I'm a little upset that we are talking about those types of "malfunctions" in Daisy Duke's wardrobe. Could we please keep these types of clothes disasters to ourselves, or post it in the Hazzard Swamp? I, for one am SO proud of this site for being a fun, family oriented site. Okay, enough said. I don't want anyone to get upset, but like I said, could you please talk about it in the Hazzard Swamp if you HAVE to say it. Thanks for being considerate about it.Laura Duke
RogerDuke Posted December 3, 2007 Posted December 3, 2007 Nice job Laura. I hope TXZ045 realizes that he's talking about my niece there. I hope he starts focusing on the things that DIDN'T go wrong on the series. You gotta admit, he's got a nice hat though. That part of his wardrobe seems to be functioning just fine. (Even if it wasn't, I wouldn't be focusing on it) I'm gone.
Laura Duke Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 There's my Uncle Jesse! Thanks. Now, TXZ045, please don't take offense to what I was saying. But, please realize that what you type gets read by millions of people. It's a good lesson for all of us to watch what we say and type. And I agree with Uncle Jesse, or RogerDuke-your can decide which one you prefer. You're hat is awesome.Keep it 'tween the ditch, ya'll
General Grant Posted December 5, 2007 Posted December 5, 2007 Hey Y'all!I saw Laura Duke and Roger Duke in the same post and couldn't help but look at the post! Thank You both for letting your true Duke side show. Although I agree (quite strongly, I might add) with both Laura Duke and Roger Duke, I hope that I don't offend either TXZ045 or bwgath when I say that I am not sure what you are seeing when you watch the Dukes, but that is not the type of thing I walk away with when I watch an episode of the Dukes. Anyway, I thought that this was for fans of Catherine Bach, not to post such degrading things about her or her wardrobe. I am sure that if she read that she would feel quite hurt and upset that this is what some of the fans are focusing on. If you have to focus so hard on Cathy, please focus on her nice smile and great personality! Roger... spoken exactly like Uncle Jesse! I must agree with you both about the hat, it is a nice looking cap!General Grant Laura Duke 1
bwgath Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 I wasn't offened. Notice my original post said I hadn't noticed. In other words I wasn't looking for it.I just stated I'd try to see if I could notice it.
General Grant Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 Hey!bwgath, I am sorry if I upset you. I just didn't want to offend you because you were kind of in the middle of that entire thing. I hope you are not upset at all. I understand what you message said. I hope that I didn't offend you or anything, that is the last thing I would want to do is to offend a fellow cousin. My personal opinion: I understand that seeing "malfunctions" is fun, but to me that kind isn't something to go lookin' for! I'll catch y'all later. General Grant
RogerDuke Posted December 8, 2007 Posted December 8, 2007 Hey bwgath, do you know which episode that jump is from (that you use for your avatar?) I know it's early in season 4 because I'm watching those ones now and I just saw it. It might be "Diamonds in the Rough" Of course, some jump scenes were used in more than one episode. I think that the record breaking jump over the creek was used in at least 3 (as well as the beginning song).....
Laura Duke Posted December 8, 2007 Posted December 8, 2007 Hey Uncle Jesse (that's my nickname for RogerDuke, in case no one knows),I think that jump that bwgath had, wasn't the world record jump. If you look in the background, you'll see the ground and a cop car. Didn't the world-record jump happen over a lake or something. But, then again, it had to land on the ground, sometime. So, I could be wrong. Let me know if I am wrong.Laura Duke
RogerDuke Posted December 9, 2007 Posted December 9, 2007 Sorry Laura, I should have worded that better. I knew that bwgath's avatar is not the record setting jump. I was simply using the record jump as an example of a single jump that was used in multiple episodes (due to the cost and time and risk of jumps) I said that because there was a potential that bwgath's avatar jump may have been in more than one episode than the one I just viewed from early in season 4. Whenever these posts get confusing just remember Waylon's quote, "living in Hazzard might be complicated, but it sure is fun."
Laura Duke Posted December 9, 2007 Posted December 9, 2007 Oh, sorry Uncle Jesse! I'm sure that the Uncle Jesse from the Dukes of Hazzard would have said, "Now, young lady, if you don't know what the conversation is about, then you go and high-tail it and go and do your chores! Now, get!" I guess that question wasn't directed to me anyways. So, sorry about that. But, that is a neat jump!Laura Duke
BoJamesDuke Posted December 9, 2007 Posted December 9, 2007 That jump was so awsome though...John's gonna try and break that record at Dukesfest 2008...he said on the Graham Norton Show'No we're not gonna jump it...I'm gonna hire some maniac to do it..."
bwgath Posted December 14, 2007 Posted December 14, 2007 Hey!bwgath, I am sorry if I upset you. I just didn't want to offend you because you were kind of in the middle of that entire thing. I hope you are not upset at all. I understand what you message said. I hope that I didn't offend you or anything, that is the last thing I would want to do is to offend a fellow cousin. My personal opinion: I understand that seeing "malfunctions" is fun, but to me that kind isn't something to go lookin' for! I'll catch y'all later. General GrantNah, you didn't upset me. I'm just as guilty as the next guy wanting to see Daisy in a not so appropriate way (boy did I ever as a kid!) but never ever looked for it while watching the shows even today. I soak it all in now as I watch it and kind of reminisce about my childhood and remember what a happy time it was. I never really paid much attention to the on camera screw ups and frankly find it hard to believe that it wasn't caught during editing. I was just curious to see if it had. Again, no problem here, it's all good, Yee Haw!
bwgath Posted December 14, 2007 Posted December 14, 2007 Hey bwgath, do you know which episode that jump is from (that you use for your avatar?) I know it's early in season 4 because I'm watching those ones now and I just saw it. It might be "Diamonds in the Rough" Of course, some jump scenes were used in more than one episode. I think that the record breaking jump over the creek was used in at least 3 (as well as the beginning song).....Geesh, good question. I know it is one of the episodes that John, Tom, and Cathy have commentary attached to it as a special feature. I just can't remember which one. I know John points it out right away (it's on the very begining shots of "tonight on the dukes") with a "Whoa!! Look at that! Incredible camera angle" and then he goes on saying how great the camera guys were for getting great angles of stunt shots. My gut tells me that it's the episode from season 3 "and in the is corner, Luke Duke." But be advised my gut has been wrong on several occasions. Great shot though huh?
General Grant Posted December 14, 2007 Posted December 14, 2007 Hey bwgath!I am glad that you are not upset. Great picture!General Grant
TXZ045 Posted December 25, 2007 Author Posted December 25, 2007 I realize this is a 'family' type place here, however, I thought I'd post it up and see what happened just the same. I could have posted it so all you had to do was open the topic to see it, it would have loaded up instantly, but, I made it where a person has to click the url web address to the image instead, this way if you just wanted to read the topic and not see the pic, that would be your choice. Hopefuly this topic wont get deleted... but uh,.... what can I say.... I love Daisy Duke and for years Ive looked for 'Wardrobe malfunctions' and finaly I spotted something worth mentioning. For all I know, its been mentioned before. Or maybe somebody else knows of some other locations of 'wardrobe malfunctions' in during other seasonsI'm not offended by the replies. I am however not in full agree'ance with whats been stated. For one I don't think Cathy would be 'upset' by somebody taking notice of such things. Is that just my 'personal' opinion? well sure it is.I sent her the screen-shots. I never got any negative reply. I stated in my initial post that I had respect for the fact that this is a 'family' type place. However, I also understand there are human beings here, some of which who happen to be guys, who happen to dig Daisy for more than just her 'smile'.I watch alot of Dukes and just noticed another 'Wardrobe Malfunction' in Season 5 - Disc 4 - Episode 'The Great Insurance Fraud' Time-Code: 43:04.Is it because im 'looking' too hard?... or is it simply because I happen to like Daisy and therefore pay 'special' attention to her when she is on-screen?I dunno, you be the judge of that. But, I cant see the 'wrong' in 'noticing'.I guess what yall are saying is the part about 'telling' others is whats 'wrong' with 'noticing' would that be correct?I think if the topic was 'inappropriate' it would have been deleted. Initialy the topic contained urls to jpg's and those links could be clicked and anyone could view the images/screenshots for themselves. I however came back right after posting it and edited the post, removing the url's to the jpgs'. Reason?: Because I didn't want to 'offend' anyone here. However it would appear as though, all one has to do is simply 'notice' and then 'tell' others about said things.... and that alone can lead to ppl doing what in my opinion would be classified as 'over-reacting' about next to nothin.Again, if the mods for this forum had found something wrong with the topic, why would it be here for so many months on end without getting deleted?Will it get deleted now?..... I dunno, I reckon thats a possibility.... if so, then so be it. Not offended by your replies, simply offering up a 'action = reaction' response.I would appreciate it if yall would do the same in reply. Dont take offense to me not seeing things 100% your way, .... You can't please all the people all the time.... so its pointless to try. If we dont see eye to eye on every little single thing, I think thats a positive thing.... after-all, to each their own.
General Grant Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Hey Y'allThat was very accomodating of you to not put the pictures on the site. Thank you for your thoughtfulness regarding that. It is appreciated. I am glad that you are not offended by any of the replies, that is the last thing us Dukes want to do is offend someone. However, I do feel very strongly on the subject matter. I don't think that we should be posting stuff like this, but if we have to, I think that we 'ought to put it in the Hazzard Swamp. I certainly hope that Catherine didn't get the shots, I know if I did a respected family show, and someone sent something like that, I would be very upset. But, I am glad she didn't give a negative response. I like to think she has higher standards than stooping so low as to tell someone off. I understand that we are all human beings, but I certainly hope that looking for wardrobe malfunctions of Daisy, Bo, Luke, or any of the other characters is not why people watch the show. I am aware that other guys are on this site, but I know a few of them to be well mannered, and not all guys have to go looking for stuff like that. Same goes for the girls on this site, too. I just don't think that we should be looking at the Dukes of Hazzard, or any other show, that way. I don't think you should like her for just her smile, you should like people for their personalities, and not be looking at people that way. We should be showing the rest of the world what being a Duke is all about, and I do not think that this is how it is done. Thank you for trying to accomodate everyone and not trying to offend them by removing the urls. I like to think that this site has high standards, and the moderators seem like great people. I am sure they only delete extremely horrible things, and I would like to think that it would not have to come to that anywhere on this site. However, it is a free country, so you should be able to post it if you feel it is that important, but I think it is both disgusting, and inappropriate. I do not take offense to people giving their opinions, but I think we should do it nicely. As for trying to please people, I believe in that to a point. I agree with what you are saying about not seein' eye to eye, that is a great thing, if we all thought the same life would be boring. General Grant
MaryAnne Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Nope, we haven't deleted this topic because we really don't find it offensive. The Dukes was family oriented, yes, but let's be real. The early episodes had some risque moments (for 1979 anyway) and Daisy's clothes and shorts were risque enough through the whole run of the show. If there are men and boys out there who AREN'T paying attention to Daisy beyond her smile, then there is something seriously wrong with them. ROFLAfterall, ladies, Bo and Luke went shirtless many times on the show and don't tell me you never noticed. I've always been partial to Bo in those circumstances... I don't think Cathy would really be at all upset about anybody catching whatever wardrobe malfunctions she had on the show. One of the Dukes tv specials (Life and Times or some such) she talks candidly about doing some scene and then turning around and everyone has turned away from her. She thought she had bombed the scene. Then she realized she had fallen out of her shirt. LOL. And speaking from the female point of view, I had often wondered how she managed to keep them in with some of the tops she wore! Turns out it was apparently harder than it looked. Anyway, we keep things pretty casual and open around here. I've been watching this thread and have let it go. There's some topic threads that are a little more eyebrow raising (without being so bad as to outright violate FCC standards, which are going lower everyday anyway). TX has pointed out already our Moderator Meeting Minutes. Ah, yes, we maintain a high standard here. But we sometimes sink to new highs in lows too. What I am glad to see is that, although some of y'all don't agree with some things that are posted, you handle yourselves respectfully. Please continue to do so. The three of us can't look at every thread on the forums everyday, but we do make our way around. Don't worry, we'll let ya know if anyone is being totally out of line with anything. Specifically, TX handled the situation just fine. He posted a topic, put the link to the eva-dence in the topic as opposed to posting the actual photo. You have a choice on whether or not to view the eva-dence submitted. Nobody's making you click on links. Now, we don't wanna see folks having to check with us all the time about posting stuff because we just don't have the time to do that. Use your best judgement. But also remember, this isn't a forum for The Waltons. This is the Dukes of Hazzard. And if somewhat adult topics and humour offend you, I seriously have to ask what Dukes of Hazzard show have you been watching all these years?
General Grant Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 Thank you MaryAnne for weighing in. I just thinkg that things like this belong better in the Hazzard Swamp. I don't know about everyone else, but I think that we should be setting a better example of what the Dukes is all about, and I do not think that looking at the characters in that manner is how to do it. I know that I have always (and still do) disagreed with some of the clothing choices of the Dukes, and always felt that it was a family show, so they should dress the part. I do apreciate the casual and openness of the site, and I would not want any of the stuff to get deleted, it is just that I think that the subject matter has upset a couple of people, so I would think that common sense and courtesy would begin to kick in, and it would be at least taken to the Hazzard Swamp.At least when Cathy fell out of her shirt, every one looked away! I have always veiwed the Dukes to have a real family values and high moral sense to them, I am not sure, but I do not think that looking for stuff like that is very family oriented. It does not offend me that there is a post here about that, it is the whole idea that there are Duke fans out there doing that, and sending links that gets me. What happened to high moral values? I do not know about y'all, but the Dukes I have been watching is one that shows the real value of family, and one that for 48 minutes, you can feel like you are somewhere you belong, and you can always find a friend.General Grant
TXZ045 Posted December 26, 2007 Author Posted December 26, 2007 I whole heartedly disagree with just about everything you said. We are all human. And humans will act like humans. We can all put up a front, or put on our 'family values' face, but in reality, we all know damn well whats up when it comes to a topic such as this. What about Enos looking at Daisy's legs in a 'lustful' way? when she was in jail on her fake birthday and Luke was bringing her some fake presents... Whats the different in that and or any other person on the show or off the show lusting after Daisy. What about the numerous comments Bo and or Luke themselves made about Daisy's curves.... Bo saying something about if Daisy wasn't his cousin, he would marry her and her replying that had never stopped anbody in this family before. There is some clear-cut shiftyness on that show.... and as pointed about by the mod especialy in the early episodes some of the T&A was so blatant it could not go unrecognized.... and it remained persistent through-out the show only it was 'toned-down' as the seasons went on.We can all try to ignore the obvious/reality of the situation, or we can put up a front and claim we don't notice the 'obvious'. I for one have no shame in saying what I think/see and Love about Daisy Duke. It is my 'personal opinion' this thread should not be moved and should remain right where it is at. However, if the mod(s) see fit to remove/move it, I reckon thats what will happen as they obviously call the shots around here.With all due respect General Grant, your opinions are appreciated, however, I disagree with you and or anyone else who would attempt to deny the obviously blatant reality of the Daisy and her physicaly appealing curves.
Laura Duke Posted December 26, 2007 Posted December 26, 2007 First of all, I would like to thank everyone for how they have handled this. I know that from all sides, this is a very difficult situation, and one that everyone feels very strongly about. I hope that no one has upset feelings, and all will work out happily for everyone in the end. I know that no one really wants to hear from me, and I apologize. Because, once again, I'm putting down how I feel. Please bear with me, because a lot has happened, and I might jump around a bit. Plus, the great thing about posts is you can always skip how I feel if I get a bit long-winded!Also, may I clear something up? I really do try to not come off as "Miss Perfect." I am aware that there are people in this life that will not agree with me, and I have never had a problem with that, as long as it is a healthy debate. And, I never expect anyone to bow down to my wishes. If I EVER came off as that, my humblest apologies. I am not the best at words and expressing myself through typing. Although I may try to not come off as a hot-head, sometimes I type that way, which I certainly don't want to do. Also, I know that all of you are really great at letting others weigh-in on how they feel, so I can feel safe in posting how I feel and that I'll be treated with respect.I also do agree that the type of clothing that Daisy has is not always the greatest. Even though I'm a girl, the clothes she has on, you can't help but notice, it's ridiculous sometimes! But, I was just a little taken-aback when it was mentioned. Sorry, I can't think of a nicer way to say that.Being honest here, yes I have noticed Bo and Luke shirtless. Like it was mentioned, how could you not notice? But, it's not a huge deal. There shirts off, and I just continue watching the show. Personally, I don't find it exciting to zoom in on his butt. Or, I don't try to look and see if his pants are lower than usual. Sorry, that sounds really rude. And, I'm not trying to pin down any one person, but I'm trying to explain myself so you don't think I'm crazier than you think already! Also, I tend to agree, Daisy is beautiful! Heck, I wish I looked as great as she does. And, with the type of clothing she wears, how can you not help but notice. But, what I'm trying to say is that I was taken a-back when it was detailed that much on this site. Also, you are 100 percent right when you say that the first show was not the Walton's. But, I really am disapointed in the first show because of that. They have awesome story lines, but I would be embarrassed to show a first-time watcher those shows because that's not how I view the Dukes. I am so proud, especially of seasons 3-7. To me, that is what the show is all about, good family values.Is there some type of way that we could do this so everyone will be happy and have no hurt feelings. It is clearly obvious that TXZ045 wants this not to be deleted. I know that he doesn't want it moved either.At first, I wanted it deleted. But, seeing as how everyone should be allowed to have there views, I definately thought about it more. How would I feel if I felt some way, and just because others disagreed with it, if they demanded it be deleted? Plus, the moderators thought that it was fine. Personally, I feel a little offended, but I also think that TXZ045 should say things that he wants to say. So, my answer changes to he should be able to keep it. But, I feel that maybe it could be moved to the Hazzard Swamp? Does that seem fair to you, TXZ045 and everyone else? I want to be fair, adn make everyone okay with it, but in the end, it's really up to the Moderators. So, we definately have a problem. If you are open, TXZ045 to other suggestions that we could compromise on, please let me know. I am REALLY trying to be fair and honest and trying to sit in your shoes. Well, I apologize for the length, I tend to babble! I do hope that I make some sense, and don't want to make things worse. Let me know what all of you think. I would like to get this figured out, and move along from here. There are so many other great things to do than get mad at fellow Dukes!Laura Duke
RogerDuke Posted December 27, 2007 Posted December 27, 2007 Hey TXZ 045, Sure the Georgia episodes were rough. Do you know why they changed them? They changed them (toned them down) because IT'S WHAT THE PEOPLE WANTED!!! This is a democracy and the majority spoke. What the majority on the Hazzardnet would say to you is this.....you began your stay here immediately causing trouble. That's okay though. All of us Hazzard folks like life a little on the wild side. However, your wild may be a little different than ours. Your "wild" seems to be focusing on the sexuality of our favorite actress. You are ONLY obligated to defend your actions to our moderators and the rest of us will live with their decisions because we love and respect them. However, if you would like to take up the challenge of defending your actions to me, I will happily engage in this debate. Let me start it by asking you this. Why do you feel it necessary to focus so intensely on the sexuality of Daisy? I look foward to continuing this debate as long as you would like or as long as our moderators will allow. Sincerly, Roger
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