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Willie, Sherilyn Fenn Put Up Their Dukes

Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning, a straight-to-DVD prequel to the entirely unnecessary 2005 movie, began filming on Monday with Jonathan Bennett (Mean Girls) and Randy Wayne (Reunion) supplanting Seann William Scott and Johnny Knoxville as Bo and Luke, Deal or No Deal's April Scott filling Jessica Simpson's short-shorts, and Christopher McDonald (Requiem for a Dream) subbing for Burt Reynolds as Boss Hogg. New to the story are Sherilyn Fenn, as Lulu Hogg, while Willie Nelson, apparently still paying off those taxes, will be back as Uncle Jesse

got this from tv.guide.com


the new Lulu


Shooter McGavin as Boss Hogg? Interesting. All I'm concerned about is that they have some cool car stuff. It's hard to imagine the Dukes without some automotive carnage but then I watched "Hazzard in Hollywood" this weekend and season 7 is on CMT right now. Oh yeah, they better have the flag on the General too!


is it just me or does any one eles think that although the two actors playing luke and bo look similar to the originals, there playing the wrong parts.

i also found this on imdb

Teenaged cousins Bo and Luke Duke spend their first few weeks in Hazzard County get into trouble running outlawed liquor in order to save their Uncle Jesse's farm.

here the link if any one eles want to check it out. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0800328/


But that's not right! They didn't get General Lee until Bo was just getting out of high school and Luke was fresh out of the Marines. Luke was in his twenties and Bo was still a teen but that ain't my point!

:evil: Gah! I can't believe they're mucking the plot up like that.



All I can say is...








and NO!


this is a Straight to DVD comedy... IF its made. im not for this one guys.

im gone.



I swear the people on this website are bordering on becoming as nutty about this show as trekkies are about Star Trek. For one thing, you can't have the Dukes without Boss Hogg or Uncle Jesse. Sorrel and Denver passed a long time ago so the original cast doing another movie is rediculous. The only concievable way would be to do the next generation Dukes or something like that. Which by the way this cast looks like they could pull off. Next it's a prequel! They're suppossed to look younger! And finnally, it's my belief that any true fan would be excited about seeing anything that's even remotely Dukes related. If you still hold the original series closer to your hear than that's the way it should be. But nit picking every damn thing about the movies is just assinine. We all have our opinions about the big screen movie, but as far as I'm concerned as long as there's cool cars and hot women I'll rent it. Not to mention that supporting something like this can only help out for future Dukes movies or a return to tv. So maybe some day you guys out there that want the real cast could actually see them play their parts again. Althought the General would probably be a Dodge Astrovan that's equipped so that Tom and John can roll their wheelchairs up to the front seats.

I will discuss the flag not being on the car until I've seen actual photos of it without it. Just remember that the big screen movie didn't start off with it and if the plot treads over the movie like it says it does, then they should have it on there atleast by the end of it.

I swear the people on this website are bordering on becoming as nutty about this show as trekkies are about Star Trek. For one thing, you can't have the Dukes without Boss Hogg or Uncle Jesse. Sorrel and Denver passed a long time ago so the original cast doing another movie is rediculous. The only concievable way would be to do the next generation Dukes or something like that. Which by the way this cast looks like they could pull off. Next it's a prequel! They're suppossed to look younger! And finnally, it's my belief that any true fan would be excited about seeing anything that's even remotely Dukes related. If you still hold the original series closer to your hear than that's the way it should be. But nit picking every damn thing about the movies is just assinine. We all have our opinions about the big screen movie, but as far as I'm concerned as long as there's cool cars and hot women I'll rent it. Not to mention that supporting something like this can only help out for future Dukes movies or a return to tv. So maybe some day you guys out there that want the real cast could actually see them play their parts again. Althought the General would probably be a Dodge Astrovan that's equipped so that Tom and John can roll their wheelchairs up to the front seats.

I will discuss the flag not being on the car until I've seen actual photos of it without it. Just remember that the big screen movie didn't start off with it and if the plot treads over the movie like it says it does, then they should have it on there atleast by the end of it.

travelerF150 .....

I could not agree with you more. I have been preaching that since the movie came out last year. But to some people you are NOT a TRUE Dukes fan if you liked the movie. I say BS to that . All the nitpickin' and bellyachin' and how the movie was not like the series, blah blah blah was all that was heard for a long time.

Now this prequel is being made and all heck is starting up again. Now the same nitpickin' and bellyachin' is just getting going. Oh well they are not going to please everyone.

As far as the flag, if this is a prequel to the MOVIE then the general had no flag when they first got it. Thats is what I am guessing why there is no flag on it as has been spread over the interent. Like travelerF150 said , I will wait to see as it progresses.

I have always said the nothing will beat the original series. But the movie was good in it's own right...

I'm gone


I swear the people on this website are bordering on becoming as nutty about this show as trekkies are about Star Trek. For one thing, you can't have the Dukes without Boss Hogg or Uncle Jesse. Sorrel and Denver passed a long time ago so the original cast doing another movie is rediculous. The only concievable way would be to do the next generation Dukes or something like that. Which by the way this cast looks like they could pull off. Next it's a prequel! They're suppossed to look younger! And finnally, it's my belief that any true fan would be excited about seeing anything that's even remotely Dukes related. If you still hold the original series closer to your hear than that's the way it should be. But nit picking every damn thing about the movies is just assinine. We all have our opinions about the big screen movie, but as far as I'm concerned as long as there's cool cars and hot women I'll rent it. Not to mention that supporting something like this can only help out for future Dukes movies or a return to tv. So maybe some day you guys out there that want the real cast could actually see them play their parts again. Althought the General would probably be a Dodge Astrovan that's equipped so that Tom and John can roll their wheelchairs up to the front seats.

I will discuss the flag not being on the car until I've seen actual photos of it without it. Just remember that the big screen movie didn't start off with it and if the plot treads over the movie like it says it does, then they should have it on there atleast by the end of it.

Maybe if the movie had anything remotely to do with the show, besides the name, we wouldn't nit pick. To me the movie was the complete opposite of what the Dukes was and if thats the kind of movies they want to keep making then I'll continue with my "nitpickin' and bellyachin''.


I must be a nut.Look up the definition of fanatic once. I means marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist"

a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause); "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"-- So going by definition a true original Dukes fanatic would nitpick anything that does not stay true to the original. One of the reasons I was against the 05 movie was that the flag was not on the car in the beginning of the movie. The origin of the General Lee had already been established in the series. I didn't agree with it being changed. If this new venture is a prequel to the 05 movie why didn't they cast a blond as Daisy? If they aren't going to maintain consistency there,they could have put the flag on the car if they wanted to. Traveler go watch the video that was posted on the other thread.It plainly shows Willie christening the General with moonshine and there is no flag. A movie with the original cast would not be ridiculous if it was done properly but it would have to happen soon (I don't see it happening at all.) So I guess I'll be a nut. You want the Dukes to keep going in the direction they are? A bunch of pot smoking foul mouthed idiots with very little moral values or respect for one another? Man a sad day has arose in Hazzard county.


The thing that puzzles me regarding the flag and this being a prequel to the big screen movie, if you watch the access hollywood video about the current movie you will see the General Lee with no flag on top but with the bright orange paint job and the same 01 font style on the door we are all used to from the series and the big screen movie after Cooter fixed up the General.



Tho' that "bad as trekkies" comment a few posts back cracked me up. Well of course we are! Worse than that, probably...at least Star Trek is cool.

If only the Enterprise had a Dixie horn.

No more beer for me tonight...



I guess I'm just a bigger fan of the first couple seasons, when it was a little more grown up and real. They made references to all sorts of things in the first 13 episodes, much of which was just as taboo as the stuff they did in the '05 movie. I didn't love the movie but I did enjoy it. In fact I though it was too close the series with the corn pone humor. That and I though Burt would've made a better Roscoe and Joe Don Baker should have played Boss. My main point being is that there are people here who are poo-pooing them because they don't stick completly with the series. Well I hate to tell them but whenever they make a t.v. show into a movie or vice versa they tread over the original. That's why they call it an "updating". I'm sure this dvd will probably be pretty bad, and even though I understand in today's day and age Hollywood has a problem with the flag, I still think it's bulls*** if they don't put it on there. I'm sure I'll get it in the mail with the rest of my Netflix and I'll watch it. I'm not just gonna outright boycott it because it's not exactly how the show was. If the only thing wrong with it is the flag, and I think it's worth seeing again I'll buy it. I guess I'm just a sucker for fast cars and hot women. And by the way, what's wrong with the girl playing Daisy? She's hot as hell and a brunette? I know her acting hasn't been seen but I'll give her a chance. Would you rather have that Laguna Beach chick instead? Geez!


I never said there was something wrong with the girl playing Daisy in the prequel.I said they are not maintaining consistency by casting a brunette when in the 05 movie she was blond. So why not have the flag on the car? This is a prequel to that movie correct? You say you'll buy it even with no flag if the rest passes your inspection. By purchasing it you are sending a message that you'll accept the General with no flag all the time so any more Dukes movies that may come out, guess what a flagless General.Well I'm like a true Duke fighting the system meaning the system who thinks the flag shouldn't be shown. So I won't support this movie and if you believe in fighting the system you shouldn't either.


You said yourself that it's a prequel so just because the flag wasn't on the car in the one snippet of flim that you've seen doesn't mean it won't be on the car in the rest of the movie. I remember a year ago people were freakin out because the first pictures we saw were from the beginning of the movie when the car had no flag and a funky 01 on the side.

I swear the people on this website are bordering on becoming as nutty about this show as trekkies are about Star Trek. For one thing, you can't have the Dukes without Boss Hogg or Uncle Jesse. Sorrel and Denver passed a long time ago so the original cast doing another movie is rediculous. The only concievable way would be to do the next generation Dukes or something like that. Which by the way this cast looks like they could pull off. Next it's a prequel! They're suppossed to look younger! And finnally, it's my belief that any true fan would be excited about seeing anything that's even remotely Dukes related. If you still hold the original series closer to your hear than that's the way it should be. But nit picking every damn thing about the movies is just assinine. We all have our opinions about the big screen movie, but as far as I'm concerned as long as there's cool cars and hot women I'll rent it. Not to mention that supporting something like this can only help out for future Dukes movies or a return to tv. So maybe some day you guys out there that want the real cast could actually see them play their parts again. Althought the General would probably be a Dodge Astrovan that's equipped so that Tom and John can roll their wheelchairs up to the front seats.

I will discuss the flag not being on the car until I've seen actual photos of it without it. Just remember that the big screen movie didn't start off with it and if the plot treads over the movie like it says it does, then they should have it on there atleast by the end of it.

Maybe if the movie had anything remotely to do with the show, besides the name, we wouldn't nit pick. To me the movie was the complete opposite of what the Dukes was and if thats the kind of movies they want to keep making then I'll continue with my "nitpickin' and bellyachin''.


Your right, "georgiagal1". I sat down one on one with James Best a couple of weeks ago and one of the things that we discussed was the '05 'Dukes' movie. Best described the movie as a "big pile of crap" and said that there was nothing about that was even remotely close to their original series. He said that he actually asked the '05 film's director, Jay Chadransekhar, to not make a film that would disgrace the original series and all of the work that the original cast had put into the show for 7 seasons. Best said that Chandrasekhar replied, "Don't worry. I would never do that." Best said that he, as well as other original cast members offered advice, but we're never listened to, nor asked to particpate. He then said that the fans and the original series got the last laugh when the '05 "Dukes' tanked at the box-office. :wink:



Not to defend the movie but it didn't exactly tank at the box office but really considering what it cost them to make and promote it,it didn't do as well as it could have.They spent $38 million just promoting it. The film cost over $50 million and they spent another almost $20 million just because they didn't own the rights. They didn't even know they didn't have the rights, so that tells you how clumsy those folks were. And then they spent $30 million marketing it to kids.That's almost 138 million and it's only made about 200 million worldwide including DVD sales to date. Only a 70 mill profit since last August by Hollywood standards really isn't that good and who knows how much they spent promoting the DVD so there goes more profit. Which helps explain this straight to DVD prequel. Straight to DVD usually means a movie did ok at the box office but not good enough to warrant another big budget theatrical film. This doesn't hold true all the time though.Look at Garfield they lost their butt on that movie but they are dumb enough to put out another on the big screen. Another factor as far as Dukes goes,the 05 movie got such a bad rep was on everyones worst movie of the year list,and I've read on a lot of movie sites the majority of the people who did see it hated it.


You know, I always thought a younger cast would be good for the Dukes franchise. I had an idea about how after Uncle Jessie died Bo, Luke, and Daisy went off in other directions. It happened in the TV-movies and they all come back to Hazzard for one reason or another.

Anyway, why not have some other Dukes take over the farm and run it. Luke had a brother, Cooter had a daughter, there were other Duke cousins; why couldn't there be other Dukes to take over the farm? It could all be set in modern day Hazzard with a new sheriff, deputies, and a new county commissioner. This show would be ripe with possibilities.

The only hitch is a new General, but with the stream of neo-muscle cars coming out there shouldn't be a problem picking one... Challenger seems like a nice Dodge fit since the new Charger is a suburban family car! Heck, the original General can be brought out when John and Tom do cameos!

Forget doing a direct to DVD prequel! Relaunch the TV series for 2007!


A Dukes next generation Evil? One problem which you mentioned. I along with most die hards would not or will not accept a new car as the General Lee even if the original one makes a cameo once in a while.The General Lee should and always be a 1969 Dodge Charger flag and all. They are trying to force us to accept the General without the flag now,a new one probably wouldn't have it because of all the political correctness and thinking the flag is a racist symbol. That's what gets me.Some of you are so willing to accept a lot of this crap just to keep the Dukes franchise alive. To me it's not worth it. I can see it happening sometime in the not to distant future,I'll drive my General to a carshow and somebody will come up and ask me why it has a flag on the roof. :roll:

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