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My wife and i were talking about some shows we both grew up watching as children and teens, and this one was at the top of the list, well for me anyways...she says her favorites were Little House On The Prarie and The Waltons...but she did watch the Dukes of Hazzard too now and then with her brothers and sister.

I never missed one single episode of The Dukes of Hazzard or any of it's spin-offs for that matter, like Enos or The Dukes cartoon show. They seemed to embody all that was fun and wholesome with television then. Just as the Andy Griffith show, Petticoat Junction or Green Acres all did some 20 years prior....the Dukes Of Hazzard and Enos show made you feel good at the end of each show. You just knew the Dukes were going to come through and save the day and you also new that Boss Hogg was never going to succeed, and that even though Rosco and Boss Hogg were always doing something illegal or crooked, that they were never all that bad really....and that in some ways because of that fact, they seemed a little more loveable for that very reason.

Yes, the Dukes of Hazzard surely is missed by those of us who still yearn for decent television programming that taught us all a little bit of family values, morals, and how character counts. The Dukes of Hazzard, Enos, The Dukes cartoon show, can all hold thier heads up high along with the likes of Andy Griffith, Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C, Green Acres, Petticoat Junction, Highway to Heaven, Little House On The Prarie, The Waltons, Alice, Flo, Matt Houston, Major Dad, Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, and F Troop, just to name a few.

Hope to hear back from all of y'all on here. Keep 'em 'tween the ditches. Y'all come on back now ya hear.


I was born in 1985 the year that the Dukes of Hazzard went off the air. When they brought back the Dukes in the late 90's on TNN, I never missed an epsiode, I now all three seasons of the Dukes on DVD so far. I still never miss an epsiode!

Dusty Rose

  • 2 weeks later...

yeah, I watch in 1979 when I was 3 year old I remember exactly until older I watch lot on TNN then later movie coming out and miss few year until I realize they change to CMT this year that I almost miss it for while.. I love Dukes of hazzard for long time and time... :wink::)


I was 8 when they first came out, and I remember watching them.

But I really started to watch them when they were on re runs late at night (I worked nights at the time, so it was on when I came home) That must have been around 1990? I just really enjoyed the show, and then caught it again when it was on TNN a few years ago. Now I am getting the DVDs as they come out so I can watch the show when I want.

Bo was always my favorite, even when I was younger, and I wanted to be Daisy when I grew up! Roscoe cracked me up. I just really enjoyed the show.


I can remember being about 6-7 and walking through the kitchen with an extreme hip sway. When I got in trouble my answer was "but Daisy does it" I also remember playing that the 4 wheeler was her jeep.

We had great TV back then. Not a reality show in sight!


The Dukes of Hazzard was and is one of my all time favorite tv shows. I can remember watching it while staying with my great grandmother for my Mom to go to the local community college. I can remember my mom's cousin's wife coming over to watch it with me and then indulging me everytime she saw me in a game of makebelieving the duke boys was our boyfriends even her husband got in on it and would want to know what we were whispering about although I'm sure he knew. Such great times for me growing up you just don't see shows these days that you really and truly don't mind your kids play acting them.



Ahhh, Memories of watching DOH, I was a little baby like months old after I was born on March 9th, 1982 watching the show everyday on nights on CBS when I sat on floor at my old living room at my old house where I grew up for 13 years till I was 3 years old on September 1985 that time after my baby sister was 1 month old after she was born on August then one month later, it went off air and watch reruns, too. :D


I was four years old in '79 when the Dukes first aired. I remember watching the show and loving it. I liked it more than cartoons or anything else. I never missed it. I was disappointed when they canceled the show.

Then they had it on TNN for a while, I was upset because we did not have cable. So I only got to see an episode here and there when I was at some one elses house at the right time and they happened to be watching it. Ironically, I was talking to a friend of mine about the Dukes just a couple of months before the episodes starting airing on CMT. I was saying to her that I wished the Dukes were on tv again and how great that would be. So, I was delighted to hear CMT announce the return of the Dukes a couple of months later.

There are many shows that I used to watch and enjoy but at some point I sort of outgrew them or they just got old and tiresome and I quit watching them. There are shows that I some times watch and some times don't.

However, the Dukes of Hazzard is my most favorite show ever. It has been my favorite since it first aired way back in '79 and it remains my favorite to this day. I believe it always will be. It is the only show that I can say that I have enjoyed for most of my life. It is the only that I never get tired of and probably never will.

DOH is truely a delightful show. It teaches good family values and morels. Along with this, it also has lots of action and good clean humor. This makes for a show that anyone young or old, male or female can watch and enjoy. What more can you ask for in a show?

  • 2 weeks later...

I was 10 when DOH first aired. I don't remember much from the begining. I do know that when I was in 6th grade I was totally in love with Bo and everything Dukes. My bedroom wall was just covered in DOH pin ups from Teen Beat, Tiger, and 16 magazines. As fickle is a teenage crush, I was lured by KITT. This must have been around the Coy and Vance season. Now as I watch both shows, Knight Rider just doesn't hold the same attraction today as it did then. Dukes now beat out Knight Rider in any battle. I do get a kick out of KITT freaking out bad guys. LOL

I also grew up watching shows like MASH, Little House, and Waltons. Now I have spawned a second generation of Dukes fans in my house. Like I did as a child, my two youngest love to climb in and out of my car windows!


even though I wasn't born yet when this show ended I still have a lot of memories of watching The Dukes on TNN when that station was still with us! YEEHAW! I remember in 5th grade when I got home and they were always playing The Dukes at 4:30 and sometimes at 6 o' clock too and sitting in front of the Good Ol' TV and watching them It was awesome! YEEHAW!

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