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So Luke Picked up the cb and told Uncle Jesse that they where headed to the Boars Nest for a cold Beer. and Luke also told Uncle Jesse that Rosco wasn't going to help. Uncle Jesse said Ok and then he said Kathy Said that she would met you at the Boars Nest. Daisy and Tina are with her and they are in Dixie. Luke said Ok Uncle Jesse.and then he put the cb down.


As they where coming to the Boars Nest They saw Zack and he was brothing Kathy. Luke started to get out of the General Befor Bo stopped the General.

Bo Stopped the General and Luke ran over to Zack and Kathy and he said Zack let her go Zack Just laughed. and he pushed Kathy away from him.and he punched Luke. Luke fell to the ground But he didn't stay down very long. Luke Got up and he punched Zack and Zack fell

Mean while as Zack was fighting Luke Marcus was sneeking up to the General Lee and he put the Gas in the General on the backseat floor boad. and then they walked over and acted Like they where breaking up the fight. Bo grabbed Luke. and he said Cousin, calm down. Luke Just gave Bo a dirty look. Bo Looked at Marcus and said get him out of here. and he did. Luke Said ok Bo you can let me go.(looking At Kathy) Sweetheart are you all right? Kathy Ran to him and she went into his arms and said yes Baby I'm fine. and then they went into the Boars Nest to have a beer.

20 minutes Later

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They all walked out of the Boars Nest Kathy told Luke that Daisy Tina and Her where going to Alanta to Look at wedding Dresses. and Luke said Ok becarefull and then he kissed her. and then she Got in Dixie and Daisy pulled out and headed for Alanta Bo and Luke got in the general Luke was driving. and they headed back to the Farm.

5 Minutes Later,

Bo started to get sleepy So he said Why am I so Sleepy. I don't know Cousin But i feel the same way and then Luke couldn't keep his eyes open. Bo looked at him and said Luke stay on the road. The General was all over the road luke took his foot off the gas peddle. and the General Lee Stopped. and then they fell asleep.

Meanwhile Zack and his men where following You see they where hiding in the bushes Until they saw Bo and Luke go by and then they started to follow.

They drove up to the General and they got out of their car and walked towards the General Lee they reached in and Put the General in Park and shut him off and then they got Luke out and put him in thair Car and then they headed back to the warehouse.


20 Minutes Later.


Bo startd to wake up he streached and then he looked around and he didn't see Luke. He got out of the General Lee and started to look around and he yelled. LUKE LUKE LUKE.Where you? Then Bo Noticed some tire tracksand then he went to the General and he noticed a sliver can on the floor board in the back sead of the General. He got in the General Lee and got on the cb. and said. Lost sheep 2 to Shepart, Bo Peep andPretty Lady come back thisis an emerency. Bo waited for a while whe he hurd You got Pretty Lady and Bo Peep Here Lost sheep 2 what's the emerency? Kathy Said. Kathy Luke is missing I have looked for him everywhere and I can't find him. Bo Said. Where are you Bo Daisy Said I AT Cutter's ridge. bO sAID. oK STAY THERE we are on our way. Uncle Jesse Said..


Daisy,Kathy,andTina pull up in Dixie and Uncle Jesse,Kyleand Rebecca pulled up in the Truck. They all saw Bo. and they all went to him.Bo told everyone what he remembered. and then he showed them the the sliver can that he had found in the General. Kathy looked at it andsaid oh no Bo Zack has got him. Kathy how do you know Zack has got Luke Bo Said. Cause Bo This is What we doctor use to put our patents to sleep when we do sergery. Kathy Said.


Dusty had madeit to the farm but there was nobody there. "Well aren't they a nice family." Dusty said to herself. All of a sudden there was a sharp pain in her abdoman. She thought it was ingestion at first, but they were coming to close together. "Oh no! I'm having the baby!" Dusty procliamed. Dusty rushed to the cb. "Red Riding Hood to Lost Sheep! If you can here me listen up. I'm at the farm,but I have a problem(hey everyone from Vicki). I'm in labour!" Dusty procliamed.

Cue dukerule2000 or Julieduke


They hurd Dusty come over the cb. and Uncle Jesse said Oh that's Great. Ok That'sOk Daist Tina and I will got back to the farm and and I will deliver the Baby. While you Guys Look for Luke.Kathy Said.

And They Said Ok and dAISY kATHY andTina got in the Jeep and headed for the farm While the rest started to look for Luke. Daisy got on the cb and said Dusty if you can hear me we are on our Way and don't worry we have a doctor with us Luke's Soon to Wife.


"Ahh..10-4 Dasiy. But please cuz. If this baby is anything like his/her father, namely one Rosco P. Coltrane, then this baby will be coming soon. Ohhhhh....Dasiy I'm scared." Dusty said in a weak voice. "Please tell Uncle Jesse to hurry." Dusty said as another jolt of pain shot through her stomach. "AHHHHHH!" Dusty screamed.

Cue dukesrule2000


Daisy pulls up to the farm and there they saw Dusty and Daisy and Kathy ran to her and said Dusty this Is Dr Kathleen Spencer Luke's Fencea. and they helped her into the house and in Daisy's room.


Luke was waking up. Luke tried to sit up but he couldn't he was tied up Zack walked over to him and said well hello Mr Luke Duke girlfriend steller. I didn't steel Kath from you . you guys where all ready broken up for some time.and that made Zack Mad so he punched Luke right in the stomach. and then he said I Will not let you have Kathleen she is mine.

Man you are crazy Kath don't love you. Luke said. and I suppose she loves you.Zack Said Well Yashe does love me.We are getting married here in a few months. Zack Just laughts and said Not if I can help it.


As Dusty let Dasiy and Kathy drag her to Dasiy's bedroom, she clued in on what Dasiy just said. "Well Kathy I think from me and Rosco, congradulations or in order. Luke deserves to be married Ahhhh...Kathy, Luke deserves to happy, so please for me, make him happy ok." Dusty said with a smile. Soon the pains were coming 5 minutes apart. "Dasiy, Uncle Jesse's gun is out ther in the living room. Will you take it and SHOOT PLEASE!" Dusty screamed. Dusty was mdder than a wet hen from the pain. "Ahhh...when this is all over, I'm going to kill my husband, nmaely on Rosco P. Coltrane." Dusty said as another pain shot through her. At Kathy didn't give her moonshine for the pain, like Uncle Jesse did for Mary Kay Porter.

Cue dukesrule2000


Kathy and Daisy got Dusty to the bed and Dusty layed down. and then another contraction came. and the contractions where getting closer they where 1 minute a part. Kathy looked at Dusty and said Dusty Push.


Bo, Cooter, and Uncle Jesse was looking for Luke. and they wasn't having any luck.


Luke was still tied to a chair. all Luke could think about was Kathy. he needed to get back to her. cause after he was out of the Zack would go after Kathy. so he needed to get out of here.

Luke started to look around he didn't see anyone so he reache down to his belt and took out his Knife and he carefuly cut the ropes from his hands and then he bent down and cut the rope off his. and then he got up. but he felt a little dizzy. but he shook it off and he went to the door and he opened it and he didn't see any one and he walked out and he was headed for the road when Marcus stopped him and Marcus had a gun on him. at that moment Luke hurd the General Lee . BoSaw Luke and he said Hang on Luke we are coming. and Bo Blew the General's horn and that distracted Marcus enought for Luke to Kick the gun out of his Hand and then Luke punched him then Paul and Zack came out and Paul held Luke as Zack Was punching him. Bo stopped the General and he Jumped out and said Luke I'm coming. Bo grabbed Paul off Luke and started to fight him and Then Luke went after Zack. and Luke hit Zack and Zack landed on the ground and he didn't get back up. Luke looked at Bo and he was just finishing up and then they both ran to the General Lee. and headed back to the Farm Bo got on the CB and told everyone that he had Luke .


Dusty's baby was born she had a 7lb 4oz baby Boy.

Kathy walked out of the bedroom and she sat down in the chair and she started to cry. Kathy didn't hear the General Lee come in the yard or the house door open and close. Luke walked into the living room and he walked over to her. and he knelt down and said Now sweetheart no need for tears. Kathy looked up and she saw him and she said LUKE oh Baby. and she went into his arms.


"Well little man, welcome to the world." Dusty said with a watery smile. "I think we need a name. I know I have a best who is a Texas Ranger. Your Uncles, Bo, Luke and Cooter and Your Great Uncle Jesse and of course myself helped him. I think Jude Emery, what do you think?" Dusty asked her baby boy. As if to answer her, the baby boy gave her a smile.

Dusty got out of bed and walked to the living room. "Excuse everybody but I have an annoucement to make." Dusty said as she got everyboby's attention. "I would like to present Jude Emery Coltrane." Dusty said proudly. She looked at her cousins Bo, Luke and Dasiy and saw the bright smiles on their faces.

Cue dukesrule2000


Kathy walked up to Dusty and said you should be in bed and resting. So Kathy helped Dusty Back to Bed. and Dusty saw that Kathy was cring and she asked what was wrone and Kathy told her about Zack and what Had Just happened. Dusty Said I really love how people tell me things an I a part of this family. Uncle Jesse walked in the Room and said Now Dusty you are a part of this family but you where pregnet.and wwe knew if you knew you would have been right in the middle of it. So Now rest and Don't sas me.


"Yes Sir." Dusty said with a big grin on her face. "Oh lord. Kathy I forgot to tell Rosco I went into labour." Dusty said as she laughed a little. "I think it's a good thing Rosco wasn't here." Dusty said as she and Kathy shared a good laugh. "Ya it's at that." Kathy said. "Uncle Jesse will you call Rosco on the cb and tell that i like to see him. But don't tell him that the baby is born yet. I want to surprise him with little Jude." Dusty said as she stared down at Jude with pride.

Cue dukesrule2000


Luke walked into the Bedroom and he looked down at Jude and he looked at Kathy and said Sweetheart I had to interruped but wwe only have 5 weeks to plan our wedding. and plus your mother is getting very edgey. Kathy Smiled and said That's just mom Baby. and she gave him a little Kiss.


"Luke why not call Jude Emery from Texas and see if can come?" Dusty asked her cousin. There was silence for about a minute until it was interupped by cooing. Dusty and Luke looked down at the baby in Dusty's arms. "Well I guess Little Jude wants to meet his name sake." Dusty said with a little laugh. "I wonder if Uncle Jesse as reached Rosco on the cb. I want Jude to see his father before he gets to a year old." Dusty said in mock anger. Then burst out laughing. Luke joing her.

Cue dukesrule2000


Uncle Jesse back in the room and he told Dusty that Rosco was on his way. (looking at Kathy and Luke)you 2 better get out there. Rebecca is having a fit and Idon't think Kyle can keep her calm Much Longer..Kathy Said Okand then her and Luke went into the living room.

Meanwhile Zack wasmad that Luke had gotten away. So he said well they are making plans for their wedding .I will be there to spoil their plans.I will make Kathleen think that it wasn't ment to be. and then she will come running to me.Then he started to laugh.


oK Kathleen who's going to be your maid of honor and Brides Maides.Rebecca Said, Well mom I want Tina as my maide of honor cause if she didn't talk me into goint to the races I would have never met Luke. Daisy ,Dusty, and My Best Friend Tracy as Brides Maides.Kathy Said as her mother was writing down the names on a peace of paper. Ok Luke Your turn Rebecca Said. Ok Bo as my Best man cause if he didn't hurt his ancle Kath and I wouldn't have met. Judd, Coy, and Vance as the Ushers.


Dusty sat and wondered if Lukes wedding would be beauitful just like hers and Rosco's. Rosco drove like a dang fool to get the farm. Jesse sounded like something was seriously wrong. As pulled up a dead stop he wondered if Dusty was alright and LA. "Jesse you wanted to see me?" Rosco said to his Uncle in law. "Yup I did. There's a surprize waitin for ya down in Dasiy's room." Jesse said. Rosco stared wided eyed and walked towards Dasiy's room.

As he got close he could hear the faint sound of singing. He took his hat off and walked in side. Surprize he saw was his Dusty sitting up in bed with a baby in her arms. "Rosco! Come in there's someone I want you to meet." Dusty said with a smile. Rosco walked in and shut the door and went over to where Dusty was. "Rosco I like you to meet your son, Jude Emery Coltrane." Dusty said as she placed the baby in his arms.

Rosco looked down at his son in his arms then looked up at his wife with tears in his eyes. "Dusty, thank you!" Rosco said. Dusty gave him a watery smile. "Rosco I have an idea." Dusty said. Rosco helped his wife out of bed and walked her the living room where Rebecca and Kathy, Luke, Bo, Dasiy, and Uncle Jesse were. "Kathy I came up with great idea. Why not have a double wedding. You and Luke get married and Rosco and I could renew our wedding vows, what do you say?" Dusty asked her soon to be cousin in law.

Cue dukesrule2000


Kathy was about to answer Dusty when she looked towards Luke She saw him brace himself by using the chair. and then he put his left hand to his head. Kathy Ran to him and said Baby are you all right? Luke looked at her and said I don't Know. I feel dizzy. I felt like this when i excaped from Zack. Kathy looked at him and said it might be the side affects from the Sleeping Gas.(Looking At Bo) Are you all right? Bo Looked at her and said I haven't been getting dizzy but my head does hurt. Bo Said. Kathy Got a Little upset. and said you Know I'am a Doctor and I'm your doctor could could have told me and we could have taken care of this. Kath we are telling you now .WOOO I need to sit down. Luke said as he sat in the chair. Kathy Looked at her sister and said go get my medical Bag. So Tina went to the bedroom and came out with a black Bag. and she handed it to her.Kathy took out a small light and she checked Luke's eyes and she said Luke your eyes are not diolating/ Do you remember getting hit in the head? Luke thought a moment and said Ya Zack Pushed My head into a pole that the chair I was tied to was next to. and then I passed out. Kathy Stood UP and Said Baby we need to get you to the Hospital you might Have a concousin. (WALKING OVER TO BO) She did the same to Bo but his eyes was responding the way they should be. and she told Bo that he was suffering from the side affects from the sleeping Gas. So Kathy Helped Luke Up and Bo also helped too and they took him to the General Lee they helped him in the General and they headed for the Hospital. withe everyone eles following behind them.


Dusty was stunned for a few seconds then ran to get dressed. 10 ten seconds flat, Dusty was change into a pair of Black jeans, a red t-shirt, cowboy boots, and a black jean jacket. Rosco had changed to. He was in a pair of black jeans, a white t-sshirt, cowboy boots, and a black jean jacket. Thet Little Jude in his car carrier, strapped his car carrier in the back of Ridge Runner and followed the rest of the family to the hospital. "Oh Rosco I sure hope Luke will be alright?" Dusty said to her husband. Rosco looked at his wife, smile and winked at her. "Don't worry suga, Luke will be just fine." Rosco told Dusty. They were silent the rest of the way to the Hospital. "Red Riding Hood to Pretty Lady, Kathy, hows Luke holding up?" Dusty asked Kathy.

Cue dukesrule2000


You got pretty Lady here Red riding hood. Luke is fine I just have to Keep him awake. We don't need him passing out.

Bo Pulled the General Lee in the hospital parking lot. and then he got out Kathy got out too AndThen Luke Bo helped him.

They entered the hospital and Kathy told Lisa(who was the nurse at the desk) her about Luke's condation .Ok Doctor, I will order an mri and a catscan.and then she took Luke to a room Kathy followed her. There was another doctor in the room when Kathy walked in and Kathy interduced herself. and the doctor agreed with Kathy's dianoess. So they did the Catscar the catscan didn't show anything wronge then they went and did the MRI. and then they took Luke back to his room and the doctor said the MRI WILL be done in a few hours and then we should know what's going on.


Dusty and Rosco pulled Ridge Runner up beside the General Lee. Rosco got out first to help Dusty. She handed him Little Jude, then got out herself. Rosco placed Little Jude back in her arms and they both ran for the Hospital doors. When they got to the Emergency Room floor, they spotted Bo. "BO!" Dusty screamed. "How's Luke? Does Kathy know what caused Luke to blank out like that?" Dusty asked Bo. Just then Jude started to cry to single that he hungry. "I'll be right back." Dusty said. Went to a room to feed Jude.

Cue dukesrule2000


Kathy didn't leave Luke's side. and she had her head on his bed and she prayed. Then she felt someone put a hand on her shoulder. and she looked up and saw Uncle Jesse. and he said Why don't you rest a bit I will sit by him and watch him. Kathy didn't want to leave him. but she did as Uncle Jesse told her too. and she went to lie down on the couch in his room.


Bo was passing the floor. Rosco was reading a book.Kyle and Rebecca where talking. Tina and Daisy was outside. Dusty was just coming down the Hall with Jude.

Dusty looked at Bo and said Have you hurd anything? No and it's driving me crazy. Uncle Jesse went to see what's going on.


Kathy sat up and she said Uncle Jesse I have to go tell the rest of the family what's going on. Uncle Jesse said ok girl go ahead I will stay here with Luke. Kathy got up and went to the waiting room.

Bo seen Kathy coming down the hall and she didn't look good. he walked over to her and said How's is he? Kathy smiled and said he's the same. and then they walked into the waiting room. and she told the family what was going on. So all we are waiting for now is the MRI to come back. Kyle said. Ya Dad.


Dusty stood fro a minute in shock. She couldn't move. Luke and Dusty were really special. Since Luke and Dusty were the oldest cousins in the family, they shared a connection. Just like Bo and Luke did. Dusty started to cry. Rosco saw Dusty's shoulders shake. He went to her, followed by Rebecca. Rosco took Jude from Dusty's arms and handed hin to Rebecca. Rebecca took Jude and sat beside Kyle. Rosco spun Dusty around very slowly. He lifted her chin to look in her eyes. What he saw was pain, and Dusty, through her eyes, was blaming herself.

"Sweetheart, this wasn't your fault. You couldn't know what would happen to Luke. Besides you had other things on your mind. Like giving birth to our first born." Rosco said as he reasured her in a soft voice. The minute Dusty heard Rosco's soft, velvety voice, she threw herself in his arms and began to baul. "Oh Rosco, if anythin happens to Luke, I don't know what me and Bo will do." Dusty said in a watery voice.

Rosco held on to Dusty for dear life. He was trying to give her the strength to go on. Dusty started to slide to floor of the hospital, and Rosco followed her. Hugging her tightly to him. Rebecca and Kyle watched Dusty and Rosco. They shared a grin. "Rosco and Dusty were ment to be Kyle." Rebecca said. "Yup just like you and me." Kyle grin at Rebecca. They looked at Rosco and Dusty with smile.

Cue Julieduke or dueksrule2000


Bo waled over to Kathy and he saw that she was in Pain also he walk over to her and he said Kathy don't worry Luke will get threw this. Kathy looked at him and smiled and said Bo it's my fault that Luke is going threw all of this IF i Didn't love him so much Zack would have never went after him Maybe I should Just go Back to Zack and that way he will leave Luke alone.

Bo Looked at her and said Kathy what Zack did isn't your fault and you know if you go back to Zack that will hurt Luke more then anything then Zack could threw at him. Kathy He loves you. Bo Said. Kyle walked over to Kathy and Bo and He looked at Kathy and said Kathleen, you and Luke are ment to be together he's your other half not many people are Lucky enought to find their other half.of themselfes. But you have. Don't threw that away. because of a jelous Jerk.


Rebecca walked over to where Rosco and Dusty were now standing. "Rosco this is my fault. If I hadn't left for LA to visit Enos and stayed here to help Luke none of this would have happened." Dusty said with anger in voice. Dusty then heard the motherly tones of a woman who's daughter was soon to be member of their family. "But Dusty it happened and can't change it. My dear you must remember that you just gave to handsome and might I say gorgeous baby boy. Jude is yours and Rosco's first born. He needs all the attention right now. Besides through this, I believe Dusty that you have already met your soul mate." Rebecca smiled as she watch Rosco and Dusty stare at her as if she were crazy then they looked back at each other. They shared a grin. "Rebecca I think your right." Rsoco said as his grin got wider. "Rosco, hold on to Dusty, she is your soul mate. Fate as ment that you two belong together. Rosco never let Dusty go." Rebecca told him firmly. "Rebecca, I intend to hold on to this little lady for the rest of my life." Rosco said as he grined at Dusty. Dusty was holding on to Jude now and looked up Rosco. She blushed and buried her head in his chest.

Cue dukesrule2000 or Julieduke


The Doctor came into the waiting room and everyone gather aroung the Doctor.The Doctor Said. The MRI came back and Luke is fine. There is no Damage But he does have a miled concousion So he needs to take it easy for a few day No exciment. Kathy Smiled and said Don't worry Doc I will make sure Luke will be safe. and then Kathy Ran to Luke's Room.


She hurd talking Uncle Jesse and Luke where Talking about her.

Uncle Jesse,I never felt this way before. I love Kath with all my being I would die for her. and I know I will die without her.Luke Said. Uncle Jesse Smiles and said Ya I know what you mean Son I felt the same way about your Aunt Leventa. I would have wither up and Died When she died if I didn't have you, Bo and Daisy to think about..

Kathy knocked on the door. Luke saw her and he smiles and said Well Howdy, Beautiful. I see the Doc told you told you the good news.

Hello Handsome,Ya he did. Kathy Said as she walked to the other side of the bed. and Luke said come here. So Kathy bent down and he kissed her. and at that moment Bo,Daisy, Tina,Kyle,Rebecca,Rosco,and Dusty walked in the room. Yup he must be feeling better he's kissing Kathy. Bo Said. Everyone Laughted.

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