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rosco is funny to me because he is rosco!!!!!!! he is hilarious no matter what he does or says and i luv all of his funny lines such as......

"i luv it, i luv it"

"Kew Kew Kew"

"jit jit"

"hot persuit"

"Enos you dipstick"

"What a horendous crash"


"Cuff em' and stuff em' "

"Shame, Shame everybody knows your name"

and many more!!!!!!!

why do you think rosco is funny???? :D:D:D


yeah, well when he chase dukes and he always funny talk "ghkuh!!!" all time and also when he told Enos "dipstick" all times :lol: but his actions so funny when he did with boss or around daisy duke.. like jealous at them.. :lol: I love him so much!!! if he not in duke hazzard so would be boring funny.. so well but glad we had him.. :)


Rosco is the most hilarious character on the whole show. He says the greatest things, "we're in hot pursuit now!!" "What a horendous crash!" "Buckle up for safety Flash!" "Jit Jit I got you now!" " You scuffed my dog!" "Enos you dipstick!" "My little fat buddy!"

He he he :lol: It makes me laugh. I like Rosco cause he's funny, and even though most of the time he's crookeder than a bird dog's hind legs, he still has a heart, and he might "hate the Dukes when Boss tells him to, but he's still a good friend to them. He's just making his way the only way he knows how too!


I love when in season four, i think, him and cletus were in accidents from maybe chasing the dukes, and rosco told cletus he hated him lol. hehehe, rosco awsome, and they way he can never catch the dukes, unles the general breaks down. Poor Rosco

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

It's hard for me to say exactly why he is so funny. Maybe it's in the way he tried to "be bad" but, deep down, he was a good hearted person and it showed through in the end. His schemes were just plain goofy and he got his own way most of the time. Rosco is one of a kind for sure. In my opinion, Rosco was critical to making that show work. The way he and boss Hogg played off one another was priceless and probably couldn't be duplicated by anyone but Rosco P. Coltrane.

The way he and boss Hogg played off one another was priceless and probably couldn't be duplicated by anyone but Rosco P. Coltrane.

You're right, the humor that was brought to the show by the combination of Boss and Rosco could not be duplicated. The element of slapstick brought by Sorrell Booke and James Best is one of the elements of the Dukes of Hazzard that makes the show work, makes the show as enjoyable today as it was 20 years ago.

Without Boss and Rosco, the show would have been a good show about a nice family with a cool car, but the added element of Boss and Rosco, as well as the way that the entire cast worked together in ensemble is what makes the Dukes of Hazzard a standout show - in my opinion.


  • 2 months later...
The way he and boss Hogg played off one another was priceless and probably couldn't be duplicated by anyone but Rosco P. Coltrane.

You're right, the humor that was brought to the show by the combination of Boss and Rosco could not be duplicated. The element of slapstick brought by Sorrell Booke and James Best is one of the elements of the Dukes of Hazzard that makes the show work, makes the show as enjoyable today as it was 20 years ago.

Without Boss and Rosco, the show would have been a good show about a nice family with a cool car, but the added element of Boss and Rosco, as well as the way that the entire cast worked together in ensemble is what makes the Dukes of Hazzard a standout show - in my opinion.


I absulutely agree with you all. James Best and Sorrell Booke were incredible together. In my life I met people as greedy and kiniving as Boss, and the way Sorrell plays him is incredible. Roscoe and Boss together in a scene meant great comedy and acting in my opinion. I know a lot of folks wouldn't look to the Dukes for great acting, but those two playing off each other was a masterpiece everytime.


I think that Sorrel Booke and James Best together are the funniest on the

show, they make me laugh a lot, I always say that they are the perfect couple of actors :D...In the episode "Coy VS Vance" when Enos is the new Sheriff and rosco is the new deputy, Rosco says "enos you dipstick" and Enos Says "i'm the Sheriff now so you're the dipstick"

10.4 Little Fat Buddy ,I'm gone



James Best and Sorrell Booke really should have been awarded some sort of award for thier comedic acting. I was watching season four, which I FINALLY got, and it was said on thier how they planned every little thing. These are master actors, we are talking about. James was the premeir acting coach of his time. He coached Burt Reynolds, and belived in Quinten Tarritino.

James took a character and really made him to be a fun guy to watch. A guy trying to be a bad guy, but deep down is a good guy. He was a straight and narrow lawman before his pension was vetoed. So he is just trying to beat the system.

  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Rosco is funny because he calls his depury dipstick when it is his fault to start with like when he crashs this police car and all his little catch phase i love it love it, dipstick, horendous crash you don scuffed my vehicle or flash or his uniform.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

One of the things I really loved about Rosco is the down right nuttiness of the character. Just hearing James do that laugh and making off the wall comments immediately put a smile on my face. I know that there are some people who do crazy things and people judge them for it, but there is something so real about Rosco's behaviors that make him funny to me. I mean; the laughter and the way he said things just make me smile every time. If I'm in a bad mood, I just watch a couple of scenes with him and my mood just lightens up immediately. Rosco has a way of making me laugh at life and how sometimes I can take things too seriously.

I hope James Best knows just how much joy he brougth to so many people through his portrayal of Rosco. Funny, funny stuff. :) I'm really blown away with his comedic edge. He's really an amazing actor.

  • 1 month later...

My Favorite Quotes by Rosco are:

"Enos, You Dipstick!"

"What a hurrendous crash!"

"You Scuffed My Vehicle!"

"We're in Hot Pursuit!"

"That's a Big 10-4 My Little Fat Buddy"

"Cyck Cyck"

"Flash wants a doggie num num"

"What kind of fuels do fossils run off of?"

"Im gonna cuff em and stuff em!"

"Enos, you don't say go fish in rummie you dummie"

"You married my fat sister"


I think that Harland Williams has captured the Rosco from the series that we remember well he didn't have any of his trademark phrases but he was pretty funny. But just a quick fact here did you know that Harland Williams is so far the tallest Rosco at 6 feet 4 3/4 inches tall and he looks like he's husky as well. Christopher McDonald was pretty funny as Boss Hogg but he looked so much younger than Uncle Jesse a.k.a. Willie Nelson.

  • 3 years later...

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