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Dukes Meet Bill Elliott

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Just a few miles from Capitol City Jesse gets on the CB, knowing that the radio might not work in the city with all the radio interference. 

"This is your worst nightmare driving the General Lee Boss Hogg. I'm only 5 minutes from the state police. That means I'm only 5 minutes away from getting you put in the state pokey for a long time....unless of course you are interested in making a little deal." 

There was no response at first while Boss thought for a moment. Then came the response.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Boss Hogg looks at his sheriff in hopes of finding some answer to escape his dilemma. "Hey Boss," Garrett yells out from the upstairs jail cell behind them, "you better not leave ol' Jesse waiting for too long. You know he's getting older by the second. He may just forget the deal he's thinking about if you wait much longer. Plus," Garrett pauses to smile evilly at the two city officials, "Jesse don't like having to wait."

"You hush it, Garrett," Rosco is quick to snap at him, "this is between us citizens of the law. Not some lowly criminal as yourself!"

Boss rolls his eyes impatiently at both of them. "I told you, you nimwit to put him downstairs!" Boss yells before the sound of Jesse on the other line catches his attention. "Dang it Jesse Duke! Why you go play so low on me for? Weren't we friends?" Boss whines into the phone as he blows cigar smoke into Rosco's face.

"Were is the important word, Boss. That means you were in the past. Not the present," Rosco reminds Boss who only looks angrier at him. "Maybe," Rosco says with enthusiasm, "if you and ol' Jesse were still friends, y'all wouldn't be in this predicament."

"Rosco!" Boss yells before Jesse clears his throat on the other side of the CB to bring him back to his conversation. "Oh hi Jesse. I'm sorry. My nitwitted sheriff was distracting me." He forces a smile and fake kindness in his voice as he talks over the CB. "What's this little deal you have in mind?"

Taking his fat fingers off of the CB buttons to await for Jesse's response he glares over at Garrett who stares coldly back at him. "Rosco," he whispers to his sheriff, "you know dang well what he is going to say. We had all this in the grasp of our hands and thanks to you, we are going to lose it all! You better hope his deal is to give your criminal's tape back out of the goodness of his heart for a slice of pizza. Because if we lose all of this and your criminal gets to walk, well," Boss blows more smoke in  his face, "I may have to find myself a new sheriff. One I can trust!"

"Great idea, Boss," Garrett says from his cell, "you could trust me. I can be your sheriff and ol' Rosco can be in charge of cleaning the sheriff's station and the toilets around here."

"You hush it Duke!" Rosco yells at him.

"You are the wise one who put him up here," Hogg grins at him before the CB starts to hiss and Hogg puts his fingers up to his mouth to hush his sheriff to hear his enemy's response. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jesse was smiling but nobody was around to see it. He pressed the CB mic. 

"I'll tell you what Boss.....I'm gonna make a little adjustment here. Just for old times sake I'll let you tell me what you are willing to do in exchange for gittin' the tape back. You make the first offer. If I like it I'll come right back after I hear you followed through with your end of the deal. And if I don't it looks like you will be trading that marshmallow suit for state pen black and white stripes." 

Rosco looked alarmed "You can't go to jail Boss. Wearing stripes makes you look fat." 

Garrett laughed as loud as was humanly possible. "Looks like you ain't got much choice Boss!" He laughed again. "And it looks like I'm either getting out of jail or you're going in one." 

Boss was furious. "You both shut yer traps right now and let me think." A moment later he looked at Rosco and asked "How do I know he didn't make another copy of the tape?" 

Garrett interrupted and responded quickly, "That's easy Boss. He's honest and you are a criminal.....and I suspect he's getting impatient." 

Boss was steaming. "Shuck, you are right. You may get away with it this time Garrett Duke but you ain't heard the last of me." He then pressed the mic on the CB and told Jesse he has won and could have whatever he wanted to put an end to his failed scam. 

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Garrett Duke watched the whole thing unfold.  Partially grateful for his uncle for all he has done to get him out and partially upset at his uncle for not turning Boss in. He's spent his time in Atlanta jail. He has friends in there. He knows he could survive it easily. The thought of Hogg joining him only makes him laugh out loud at the payback the fat man would receive for his crimes. The Dukes and Hazzard County may be patient and understanding enough with his schemes to make them right again and go on their way without pressing charges or such things towards Boss and Rosco, but the guards and his peers in the Atlanta jail system wouldn't be so patient or understanding with his schemes.

"What you laughing at, boy?" Hogg angrily turns around and stares harshly at Garrett and Garrett realizes he actually did laugh out loud at the thought.

Garrett shrugs as he steps up to the bars. "Ah nothing. Just the thought of you in the Atlanta Jail," Garrett smiles evilly at Hogg as Hogg blows smoke in his face, "everyone around here may have patience with your evil and greedy ways. But your future cellmates and guards won't be so understanding with you."

"Yeah well," Hogg pauses as he looks back at Rosco who acts like he's busy with paperwork. Turning back at Garrett, he replies, "you heard him. I'm not going to jail. Nor will I ever go. Because, unlike you, I belong here. I own this place and every property and every soul that resides here. Whether they want to believe that or not. Including you!" Hogg blows more smoke into Garrett's face.

"You're delusional, Hogg," Garrett fights the urge to grab the fat man's suit through the bars and shake some sense into him. Instead he takes a step back and away from the fat man. "The only person you own is that clown behind you who is too much of a coward to stand up to you."

"Hey now! I heard that!" Rosco chimes in and joins Hogg at the cell, "I am not a clown. I am Sheriff Roscooooo P. Coltrane. I'm the sheriff of this here town and -"

"Can it Rosco!" Hogg snaps at him before turning to Garrett, "You may be getting out now, but one day, Duke, you will return to the state pen where you belong. I don't care what I have to do or how I'll catch you with hard cold evidence on your filthy hands, but I'll do it. No matter what it takes. I promise you that!"

Garrett smiles coldly at him. "I'll be looking forward to it," he responds coldly, "but I'll be taking you with me. I promise you that, Hogg. And unlike your promise, my promise is one hundred percent legit!"

Hogg glares angrily at him. "Rosco! Do something to him!" He shouts at Rosco.

"Like what Boss?" Rosco naively questions.

"I don't know. Arrest him!" Hogg yells.

"But Boss," Rosco responds, "he's already in jail. I can't arrest him."

"Well, you heard him. He threatened me!" Hogg cries.

"Not any more than what you threatened him with, Boss," Rosco responds without much thought.

"Rosco Coltrane! I am your boss. If you want to remain wearing that shiny star of your's and not be stuck washing my vehicles -" Boss starts to threaten Rosco only for the doors behind him to be dramatically thrown open and Bill and Ernie Elliott walking confidently in. The room is silent as they approach before Hogg can start to talk again, "Bill. Ernie. What you here for?"

"We're here for our friend," Bill responds motioning towards Garrett, "we have taken it upon ourselves to make sure you do your deal on your deal with Jesse Duke."

Ernie nods. "We will drive Rosco and Garrett to our meeting place. Where you, Hogg, can follow," he cooly replies, "and we will make the swap."

"You see Hogg," Bill drawls, "I don't trust you. I know you got your stake in all of this, but I want to make sure with my own eyes that my friend is set free."

"You can't do that," Hogg counters, "I'm the law around here."

"I'll call Jesse and tell him Garrett don't care. He'll go to jail to take you with him," Bill states flatly.

"I don't care. I'd love to be there to see Hogg in jail!" Garrett states, staring darkly at Hogg.

Hogg gulps and sucks on his cigar before blowing it out angrily in their faces. "Ok, Ok. Fine. But Garrett's in cuffs until he's handed over," he finally surrenders. "Sheriff, cuff him and sit next to him. I'll be behind you the whole way."

"Ten four little fat buddy," Rosco laughs and unlocks the cell as he takes out his handcuffs. Hogg rolls his dark brown eyes before he goes out back and gets into his convertible and tells his driver what is going on.

"Let's go, Duke," Rosco states after handcuffing him tightly behind the back and shoving him out the door. "After you two."

Ernie and Bill lead them to their car where they all get in before Ernie quickly takes off and Bill takes the CB. "OK Uncle Shephard. The flock is on it's way."

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  • 3 weeks later...

The car was filled with an awkward silence as Ernie drove with Bill in the passenger seat and Rosco and Garrett in the backseat. Garrett and Bill just stared out their windows, lost in thought, while Ernie watched the road. Meanwhile, Rosco silently took everyone in from his seat. He was here on duty and serving the only friend he knew; Boss Hogg. In spite of that, he couldn't help but feel a bit of guilt for his role in all of this. Not towards Garrett or the Dukes, but towards Bill and Ernie. Their bad luck gotten them stuck in Hazzard and Hogg used their name and fame for his own greed and then wrapped them into the mess that they brought upon the Dukes. Hogg was willing to muddy their Elliott name and ruin their careers over his own greed and Rosco went along with it; just as he normally does. Though normally he doesn't think too much about it and the effects it has on the people that fall into Hogg's greedy little web, but Elliott's celebrity status brings it all into focus on how it effects the innocent people that are caught in the mess.

Rosco slowly looks away and out of his own window momentarily in attempt to hide his feelings of guilt. The thought almost makes him laugh at the silliness. Bill Elliott's fame and career should have nothing to do with how he feels or change his loyalty to Hogg. In a few hours he will most likely be out of state and onto the next big race with little to no thought of what happened in Hazzard or their newly acquired friends; the Dukes. While Rosco would still be in Hazzard and needing some meaning to his life that means little to nothing to anyone else. Hogg may be greedy and may be using Rosco's loyalty to him, but deep down in that chubby little man, he does care for Rosco and see's Rosco as a friend, this Rosco is sure of. Rosco will always need his little fat buddy and won't allow who the Dukes snagged as their new friend to sidetrack his feelings and emotions.

"We're almost there," Ernie breaks the silence and Rosco is quick to turn around to face everyone, taking them in and is slightly disappointed that Bill and Garrett remain quiet in their seats, staring out the window.

Despite his feelings of guilt towards his part in snagging Bill and Ernie in all of this, Rosco remains angered that the Dukes were able to blackmail Hogg into letting Garrett go. The other Dukes, though a hassle to him and Hogg, were pure hearted and stopped their schemes for the better of Hazzard. While Garrett was different. It was no secret he hated Hazzard and was forced to be here. He could care less about standing up for the good of others unless it affected him. Garrett was different from the other Dukes; just like his dad was different than his family.  They were cold and hard with an attitude problem. 

Hazzard was better off without them here. 

Yet Garrett had to arrive a year ago in attempt to keep him out of jail. The one place he deserves to be.

"You know Duke," Rosco hisses to break the silence as they pull into their hiding place where the orange car is parked next to Jesse's white truck, "you're lucky your new friends and family are here to bail you out this time. Next time. You won't be so lucky."

"You don't say," Garrett states, coldly staring at Rosco to send chills across Rosco's body.

"I do say," he forces out as Ernie throws the car into park, "I will find a way to find you messing up again and when I do, I will be delivering you to the State Pen myself, where you belong! Them other Dukes, they are a pain in Hogg's and my pants. But at least they do it out of the goodness of their heart and for the goodness of Hazzard. You," Rosco points a shaky finger at Garrett, who remains handcuffed, "you don't have any goodness in your heart. At all. Just evil and hatred. There's no place in Hazzard for the likes of you!"

Bill grunts in the front seat as the Dukes approach them and Boss runs out from his Cadillac, "It sounds to me," Bill states, "like you are describing Boss and yourself."

"Nah. Boss may be greedy, but he's not cold and dark like Garrett here is," Rosco retorts as Ernie steps out and Boss approaches Jesse. "Garrett doesn't like it here. He doesn't deserve to be in Hazzard. He belongs behind bars. I can't wait to be the one to take you there, myself. Your day is coming, Duke!"

Garrett smiles coldly at Rosco as Bill opens Garrett's door. "I can't wait, sheriff," Garrett cooly states before he allows Bill to help him out of the car. 

Rosco stays in the car momentarily to catch his breath and attempt to swallow his fear and hatred of Garrett back before he slowly steps out and joins Boss in front of the vehicles. 

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Bo and Luke hesitantly climb out of their cars and walk over to Jesse's truck where him and Daisy are standing. "They're late," Jesse comments he looks at his pocket watch and up at the boys as they approach them.

"Well punctuality isn't exactly Garrett's strong point," Daisy shrugs hugging her uncle before giving the boys a hug.

"Well he's got them fancy NASCAR boys driving him," Jesse complains, "they should be here before we got here by the speed they have on the track. I don't like this. Boss probably giving them trouble."

Bo rolls his eyes at them and steps away. "What's his problem?" Daisy questions Luke who shrugs as he looks at each of his cousins and Jesse.

"He's sulking," Luke finally states with a mischievous grin to force Bo to stop and look angrily at his cousin and then at Jesse and Daisy.

"I'm not sulking," he pouts as he joins them back at the truck, "this whole thing is stupid! We finally got Boss good and hard and can send him away for years. Just think of how peaceful Hazzard would be, if that were to happen. Life would be normal like everywhere else where everyone serves and looks out for each other and not having to worry about when the corrupt commissioner comes up with another evil scheme to feed off of everyone. We could actually farm and take care of our land and go on with our life as normal citizens instead of always being on the look out and worrying about when we will be going to jail for something we didn't even do!" Bo rants, anger deep in his blue eyes. "But no. You have to go make a deal with him to get your criminal nephew out of jail and to free Hogg and Coltrane for their deal in all of this!"

"You watch your mouth, boy! You aren't too old for me to take you over my knee and whip you good, ya hear!" Jesse snaps angrily back at his youngest, "I see where you are coming from. Boss is corrupt. He belongs in jail. I agree. But life's not fair and sometimes you have to look the other way in order to do what is right for someone else. That nephew you are referring to, is your twin brother! I know we all don't see eye to eye with him. Especially you. But he's still a Duke. He's still my nephew. He's still your brother! And," Jesse pauses his rant to step closer to Bo with his finger out at him. Bo attempts to back away from his uncle only to trip on a stick and fall down. Jesse waits for Bo to stand back up before continuing, "in your selfishness, you seemed to forget that the only reason why we have this dang tape, the evidence you are referring to that would put Boss away for good, is because of your brother! He went out of his way to get this tape to free Elliott's name and to do good and gave it to us and in turn got arrested for it all. You want him to go away for good too?"

Bo shrugs, looking at Luke for help who only backs away, not wanting to get involved. "Well, no. Not exactly," Bo pauses, "but he's not exactly all sweet and innocent as you are making him to sound. It would be good for Hazzard to get rid of both of them. The bad attitude and the greed. All at once."

Jesse shakes his head in disgust. "You know. I thought I raised y'all right, but somewhere along the way you seemed to have gone wrong," disappointment and sadness filter in Jesse's eyes, "I taught you all that family comes first. That doesn't mean we always get along, but we stand up for each other. Are there for each other. I know you and Garrett don't necessarily like each other but get over yourself. Whether you like it or not, he's family. I'm not going to let him go to jail just to serve your ego. You hear me?!"

"Yes sir," Bo lowers his head, knowing he had crossed the line by letting his feelings be known to Jesse. Just as Luke had warned him about in the car on the way here.

"Very well. You will be the one to hand Boss the tape and you will be the one to free your brother," Jesse states stern fully, "and you will do so proudly. You hear me, boy?"

"Yes sir," Bo sighs regretfully and takes a step back from his family as he wishes he could disappear or run away, but as Ernie's car comes into view with Boss' white Cadillac following in his dusty wake, he knows it's too late for that.  

"Very good. Looks like they are here. Here's the tape and recorder," Jesse hands it to Bo who silently take it as the two vehicles come to a park in front of them. 

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