Julieduke Posted February 21, 2008 Posted February 21, 2008 Julieduke... I finally figured out who your brother is-Cooter! I've been sitting here trying to figure out who you meant that your brother was. Lori, Wow! I didn't know that you were so spunky. I love it! You keep it up! General...so let me get this straight: while still being tied up, you managed, while on top of Fiesty, to uncinch the saddle that you were sitting on? I'll admit that you are good at taking off and putting on a saddle, but you are definately not THAT good. I'm not calling you a liar, so I'm assuming that you were taking a nap and dreamed that part up-you just can't tell reality from dreams. Laura DukeActually my brother is Bo Duke, I'm his little sister who tends to get in trouble alot. Quote
Julieduke Posted February 21, 2008 Posted February 21, 2008 Julieduke... I finally figured out who your brother is-Cooter! I've been sitting here trying to figure out who you meant that your brother was. Lori, Wow! I didn't know that you were so spunky. I love it! You keep it up! General...so let me get this straight: while still being tied up, you managed, while on top of Fiesty, to uncinch the saddle that you were sitting on? I'll admit that you are good at taking off and putting on a saddle, but you are definately not THAT good. I'm not calling you a liar, so I'm assuming that you were taking a nap and dreamed that part up-you just can't tell reality from dreams. Laura DukeJulie looks at Bo and says "Big brother you won't believe the day I've had and I'll even share with everybody. You know General Grant is very orerny why he said he was call Sheriff Little on me called me a trouble maker." Quote
General Grant Posted February 21, 2008 Posted February 21, 2008 Yes, Lori! My belt buckle could blind you! It is actually quite simple: It is made of a very shiny metal. And shiny metals have a funny property, sunlight just loves to bounce off of them, and I aimed it right in yer eyes! Clever, aint I?!You tie me up again, and I'll do more than take yer knife! I was more than nice to you last time you tied me up. This time I aint gonna be so friendly, so you just wipe that thought of tyin' me back up right out of yer head!Laura, who put you in this?! You are always takin' Lori's side! And I could uncich a saddle with my eyes closed! And I wasn't on the horse! Even if I was, I'd take the fall there if it meant I'd be gettin' back at Lori! Oh, Laura, don't encourage her... don't get her any more spunky than she already is. I just don't need it!I know I'm smart, Lori. I think I just underestimated you, though. My bad... I guess I'll just have to be sneakier (starts walking slowly around Lori) and have to catch you when you least expect it (still walking around Lori) and then Boom, I'll strike and you'll never know it (gives rope a hard tug, we'll see what happens, HINT: my walking around Lori put the rope around her legs!)You better believe it, Julie! When Lori is ready to act like a semi civilized human being and quit tying me up to every danged thing in sight, I am calling Sherriff Little on you! And I aint honery! (wipes hands together, like when you finish a huge project) That ought to about do it! Looks like I done messed y'all up and you'll be tryin' to figure out what hit y'all for a long time, so in the mean time, I'll just sit in the cool shade of this ol' tree (sips some cold juice that Lori had in her saddle bag) Quote
LoriDavenport Posted February 22, 2008 Posted February 22, 2008 See now with all those fancy words you make me feel stupid...and that aint nice....my minds simple and my tempers short...*Cuts the rope from around my legs* But....my mind aint THAT simple....Like Im afraid of you...you can see me shakin in my boots... *rolls eyes*you bes git....for I strike you!! And for the record...I dont tie up every danged thing in sight...I do farrr worse... Quote
Julieduke Posted February 22, 2008 Posted February 22, 2008 See now with all those fancy words you make me feel stupid...and that aint nice....my minds simple and my tempers short...*Cuts the rope from around my legs* But....my mind aint THAT simple....Like Im afraid of you...you can see me shakin in my boots... *rolls eyes*you bes git....for I strike you!! And for the record...I dont tie up every danged thing in sight...I do farrr worse...At Cooter's garageJulie says "Uh Bo it seems that Lori and General Grant are fueding and somehow I got involved but all I did was take a picture that was all." Quote
Julieduke Posted February 22, 2008 Posted February 22, 2008 * I still don't see where he thinks I'm a trouble maker he making all the trouble and he snatched my keys right out of my car, well later he gave them he told me that if I didn't help him move my car he make sure I got a ticket for having it in the way. Quote
General Grant Posted February 22, 2008 Posted February 22, 2008 You have short temper, Lori (sarcastic tone) I didn't know that was possible.... Hey you and Laura have somethin' in common! Yer temper! I thought you might be scared of little ol' me. You always have that terrified look in yer eye. I didn't know I was that scarey, apparantly I'll have to be real nice to you. (talking like someone would to a baby) oh, its okay Lori. You don't need to be scared, oh, can you say goo goo ga ga?!Oh, I aint scared of you hittin' me. I can hold my own pretty good. Oh, Julie, now don't bother Bo, he aint going to help you... not since you took that picture... Now, I am fighting an uphill battle, I don't need any more people gaining up. Hey should be a ranger... one ranger one riot!! Seems that with all of the feuding I am still on the winning end (gives a mocking look to Lori)And I'll still give you a ticket if you get that car in the way! I ought to give you one for indecent use of a camera... namely using it against me! I don't go makin' trouble for no one. Just look at this innocent face (smiles) can you really see me making trouble for anyone? If anyone is making trouble it is Lori... Quote
LoriDavenport Posted February 22, 2008 Posted February 22, 2008 *Smirks*I wasn't talkin bout hittin ya......somethin farrr worser than that.... but if I do I'll get banned from the site so I cant... I gotta behave and mind my p's and q's....*cleans my pocket knife on my jean leg* I aint afraid of no one nor shall I ever be....that look in my eye aint fear its pure meaness... you da** well better believe Im the one makin trouble...thats my middle name...Im proud of it to...so back off!! Quote
General Grant Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 (gives a serious and stern look) Lori Davenport!!! You mind your manners and watch that language. I ought to wash your mouth out with soap, and I will if you keep it up... I am serious now! You watch your language. I simply won't have it. Don't get too spunky now... one of these days someone is going to come along and put fear into you... (evil laugh) and then you'll be sorry! (grabs pocket knife and runs) (yelling back over shoulder) You'll get this knife back after you learn to mind yer manners. So, I think its safe to assume that I'll have this knife a good, long while... say the rest of my life! Quote
LoriDavenport Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 *Runs after you tackling you to the ground, jerking back my knife*I done told you dont do that!!!!! your really startin to aggravate me!!!*growls and gets up walking off* When someone gets big enough to put fear into me and step up then We'll see...and it definently wont be you...and as for being sorry, I'll never be sorry for ANYTHING! Quote
Julieduke Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 *Runs after you tackling you to the ground, jerking back my knife*I done told you dont do that!!!!! your really startin to aggravate me!!!*growls and gets up walking off* When someone gets big enough to put fear into me and step up then We'll see...and it definently wont be you...and as for being sorry, I'll never be sorry for ANYTHING!* Julie says "Listen big brother, I don't like it when General took my keys right out of my car he was real serious as well." Quote
General Grant Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 (grabs rope and starts playing around with it, while standing under a tree)(cheerfully whistles while fumbling with the rope)Well, Lori, we'll see... we shall see...(fumbles with rope some more, looks around, and picks something up)Hey Lori... come over here will ya?! I want to show you somethin'Julie, I hope Bo laughs at you! I think even he would resort to takin' your keys in a time like that! Khee! Quote
LoriDavenport Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 *Shakes my head climbing back on my horse*I got more important things to do...and like I said, I aint that stupid...*takes off* Quote
General Grant Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 (grinning, waves, and in a mocking tone...)Bye Bye Lori! Ha! Ha! I guess I done scared her off. So much for her not bein' scared of anyone!(goes back to sit in the shade of the ol' tree she was by before when Lori left.)(grins)I guess I showed her! Quote
LoriDavenport Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 You aint scared no one...you couldnt even scare a danged crow off!! *smirks*Just cause I left...don't mean I wont be back.... Quote
LoriDavenport Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 *Sighs, this is really gonna hurt my pride some...but I gotta do it sooner or later. I turn Fiesty around meeting back with General Grant under the shady tree, I climb off and hold my hand out*You aint never gonna see anything like this again...I wanna call a truce and stop the bickerin...*swallows*please.... Quote
General Grant Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 (smiles)You got it partner...(gives a big ol' warm handshake)Keep it 'tween the ditches! Quote
LoriDavenport Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 *Nods getting back on Fiesty taking off,smiling*Ya'll take care now.. Quote
Julieduke Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 *Nods getting back on Fiesty taking off,smiling*Ya'll take care now..Julie looks at Bo, Cooter and Luke and says "It's not funny why Lori has the picture and you know it did happen and quit laughing right now." Quote
General Grant Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 (starts walking away, singing to self)Straightning the curves, and flattnin' the hillsSomeday the mountain might get 'em but the law never will... Quote
Laura Duke Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 Awww....That's so nice that everyone is friends again! So, I know this all started about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Duke, but that was so long ago that I forgot, did all of you like that show or not?I personally thought that it was kind of scary! It showed kind of a creepy, un-nerving side of Luke that I hope that I don't ever have to see again!Laura Duke Quote
SonjaBudd Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 I hope they show this soon it's one of 5 episodes I have on list of must watch. It was 7 but saw carnival of thrills part one and two. Quote
RogerDuke Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Awww....That's so nice that everyone is friends again! So, I know this all started about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Duke, but that was so long ago that I forgot, did all of you like that show or not?I personally thought that it was kind of scary! It showed kind of a creepy, un-nerving side of Luke that I hope that I don't ever have to see again!Laura DukeI gotta side with Laura on this. I didn't much like Luke being like that. At least when Bo thought he was a Hogg and Daisy thought she was someone else is wasn't TOO scarey. (Hmmm, I'm getting old, I can't remember the name of the rich lady Daisy thought she was....As soon as I log off it will come to me) Quote
Roth Potter Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 (Hmmm, I'm getting old, I can't remember the name of the rich lady Daisy thought she was.)Vivian Stewart. Quote
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