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I havent seen the movie yet, but heard a while back about the scene that touches on the Confederate Battle Flag on the General's roof. Could someone please explain this scene to me...what is said and what exactly happens. This scene is one of the reasons I havent seen the movie yet. If it degrades the flag in any way I probably wont go to see it. Thanks.


All they really say is that it's not gonna help them make friends in Atlanta. This is after they're stuck in a traffic jam and they don't know the flag is painted on the roof. A couple of people drive by some saying yee-haw about it, others calling them rednecks. Other than that they don't really say much about it and it's still on the General at the end of the movie when it's been repaired from all the stuff that happens to it.


Well, when I saw the scene it made me angry. People don't just shout "redneck" they say stuff like "Don't be late for your KKK meeting" and "welcome to the 21st century a..hole." It was highly offensive, but I managed to shrug it off once I remembered that the scene only existed because of the anti-South attitude of Hollywood and this scene was the compromise that kept the flag on the car. As dumb as the scene is, I found comfort in the fact that without it, we'd have a neutered (a.k.a. South-hating) version of the General Lee.

There is also a scene in which a group of black inner city thugs want to pick a fight with them, and we're expected to assume that all black people are grossly ignorant when it comes to the flag. Ironically, this attempt at political correctness gives the message that black people are uneducated, but at least we know better than to fall for that. A young kid seeing the movie may walk away having been convinced, however.

Aside from that, the flag issue isn't mentioned. I was able to block it out of my mind while I watched the rest of the movie, mainly because it meant that the flag wasn't compromised, instead a racist scene "justified" it. I still recommend you see the movie. Don't let them (Hollywood morons) ruin it for you.

Well, when I saw the scene it made me angry. People don't just shout "redneck" they say stuff like "Don't be late for your KKK meeting" and "welcome to the 21st century a..hole." It was highly offensive, but I managed to shrug it off once I remembered that the scene only existed because of the anti-South attitude of Hollywood and this scene was the compromise that kept the flag on the car. As dumb as the scene is, I found comfort in the fact that without it, we'd have a neutered (a.k.a. South-hating) version of the General Lee

I liked the scene because it made the flag haters look stupid as hell, here we have a couple of guys who are good guys and we know have no racist bones in their body, and then because of the flag get yelled at by random idiots who can't understand that not everyone who flys it is a KKK member, so to me it really was making fun of the others, not the flag or the dukes.


Ok, I have to confess I loved that part of the movie. Espically when the angry white mom flipped em off. I died laughing. It was a nice way to address the flag.


Thanks for the responses everybody...I think I will see it afterall(plus I want to use my free ticket). The scene doesnt sound as bad as I thought, and like some of you said, it actually makes the 'flag-haters' seem like the ones who are the ignorant morons.

btw, did anyone else notice that in the MTV special, when they reenacted the first ever General Lee jump, that the General was missing the flag from it's roof? That's MTV for ya. :roll:

I'm sorry but I find that a little ironic. MTV doesnt want to offend anyone..yet has anyone seen their programing lately?

Oh so very true......

I had just gotten cable when MTV first came out back in 81 .It actaully got me into bands that I never really knew after seeing the videos.

Man MTV sure has changed from a music standpoint . It used to be all about the music now it is all about lifestyle. Even VH1 has gone that way. VH1 was at it's best in the mid to late 90's when they got away from the adult comtemporary kind of stuff to programs like "Behind The Music" "Hard Rock Live" and "Legends" and focusing more on the music , mainly classic rock.

I don't even like my daughters watching the so-called shows on MTV or VH1 now. I think they go way over on what teens should be watching.

I find myself watching VH1 Classics now, since it mostly videos and an occasional concert. Kinda like what MTV was 25 years ago.

Sorry about the rant . Now back to the topic

I'm gone



Y'all remember when MTV played videos? Wow, that was a hoot back then. Then we'd switch to Friday Night Videos on another channel. The life of youngsters was rough, lemme tell ya.

I liked the scene because it made the flag haters look stupid as hell...

That's why it bothered me that all the black guys were expected to hate the flag. The message it sent was that all black people are stupid as hell. Which isn't true. I think most black folks know better than that.


Well I just saw the movie, and I guess the "flag scene" wasn't all that bad. I didnt know there was going to be two scenes though. The first scene, to me showed both views of the flag...the people who see it as a symbol of the South, and the morons who think its a symbol of the KKK.

The second scene where all the black guys in the city come up to the General and the two boys and threaten them because of the flag was pointless. All it did was reenforce the stereotype of a bunch of black guys hanging around the city and threatening people with violence.

Like some of you already said, it makes the "anti-flag" people look like the morons. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but thats how I saw it.

The second scene where all the black guys in the city come up to the General and the two boys and threaten them because of the flag was pointless. All it did was reenforce the stereotype of a bunch of black guys hanging around the city and threatening people with violence.

Well the way i see it, they didn't just react to the flag, the dukes also had blackfaces, so that made it worse, i don't really care for the scene and it could have went down differently but i see it as the normal "mix up" scene that happens in so many comedies, i mean even sanfield had Kramer with a blackface by accident in a tanning booth and some blacks get upset.

if i was writing it i would have made their gettign tossed in jail a plan by boss hogg, maybe have his goons rob a place and toss the guns and money in their car and have the dukes charged, it would have made it even better when he finds them in jail and visits to let them know he was behind it..it's so very boss ogg to frame the dukes!


....They were arrested because the atlanta pd was already looking for them. Remember after the pointless super troopers cameo after the dukes speed off. WHen they are running rom the lab and speed off, the head guy being played by the director got on the radio and said,"get me the atlanta pd."

....They were arrested because the atlanta pd was already looking for them. Remember after the pointless super troopers cameo after the dukes speed off.

Yeah, but why were the super troopers after them? They not only did nothing wrong, but there also wasn't motivation for the campus police or real police to pursue them.


They were after them because they sped off after pulling them over to harass them. Then they sped off after they ran after them when they were running from the lab. Yeah, it was stupid to pull them over, but thats what the super troopers do. It was a pontless cameo which led to stupid results....then hilarity ensued.


Actually it wasn't pointless. If it wasn't for that cameo by the super troopers then we wouldn't have gotten the jail scene or the chase through Atlanta...

When you are on a college campus , you are supposse to a PARKING PERMIT or ID sticker on your car so it is allowed to be there. Most colleges do it that way. I was once ticketed because I used a different car to go to college one day ( my car was in for repair for something ) . Yes there are campus police who actually make sure this is enforced. Even when I used to deliver to one college on my old route , I had to get a temp permit before I could park.

This wasn't explained in the movie, but it could the explaination. Just my thoughts on the scene....

I'm gone



Umm, I have a masters degree.

I have been on two different campus for undergrad and grad. I am aware of the parking permits etc.

I'm sure they could have ended up in jail in a different way. I still believe that it was poorly done and the only reason it was done was to give them a cameo. A lame one.

Umm, I have a masters degree.

I have been on two different campus for undergrad and grad. I am aware of the parking permits etc.

I'm sure they could have ended up in jail in a different way. I still believe that it was poorly done and the only reason it was done was to give them a cameo. A lame one.

Wow ......Good for you that you have your Masters degree..Better than me.

Maybe it was lame, but like basktqase - hilarity resulted and we got an awesome chase through Atlanta...

I'm gone



I took your post to mean that you assumeed that I had never been on a college campus before. Or that others had not. If you took offense to my masters degree comment I am sorry.

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