badeyebart Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 1 Luke was a marine so i guess he learned it there2 Nope that wasn't Rosco who walked in on Boss that was one of the bad guys3 Sadly if Luke did learn this from his car maz after Bo blow up the out house he could'nt learn anymore1. Ooops...Forgot Luke was in the Marines.2. Well, SOMEBODY walked in on him.3. I suppose... B.E.B. Quote
badeyebart Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 Boss was always a womanizer, remember the Play Pen and his lil pigglets or whatever... Back to the movie, I think its retarded they have this McGainy guy or whatever, who is like a tower of power as Roscoe... Roscoe was a twig for christs sake!He wasn't portrayed as a womanizer for all 7 seasons, though. Point is, Boss Hogg and Roscoe may end up being more similar to the original characterization of their TV counterparts in those first few eps.B.E.B. Quote
Virgin Enos Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 Boss a womanizer He married Lulu Roscos fat sister Quote
blah Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 If you ever saw any episodes with LuLu, you would know that he doesn't in fact love her and it was just in fact a political move... They don't even sleep in the same beds and he refers to her as Roscoe's "fat sister".... Quote
blah Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 And more about the womanizing, there are tonnes of eps were he womanizes, like Officer Daisy Duke, the things that he says about women in uniform! And then there is the ep when all the women take over the men's jobs and there are plenty of stereotypes and such that Boss brings up... Case in point, throughtout the whole series Boss never have much regard for women, just like in that ep when he's running against that woman for County executor or whatever.... Quote
Divia Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 I wont deny that Boss liked his women. But I thought that in some episodes he was worried about her. Or am I just confusing this with another show. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted May 14, 2005 Posted May 14, 2005 Absolutely, there were episodes where Boss showed great affection for his wife. Episode "Lulu's Gone Away," for one. But it's equally true that Boss talked down on Lulu in the early episodes. However, he also showered Rosco with insults throughout the series...yet when the chips were down, he showed a lot of mush for his erstwhile brother-in-law with badge.Therefore, I'd say Boss's womanizing and complaining was just his exterior; deep down inside, he gave a rip but it took a lot to show it. Of course the movie ain't gonna get into that kind of character depth - ya can only do so much in 90 minutes - so we'll see the "exterior" of the base persona, without the offsetting facets that the series allowed to develop.Brian Quote
dukesran1 Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 You know this hole Bo with a beard thing after watching the American pie movies for the first time and there real not my cup of tea. i do thank Bo looks better in beard. Not that im nocking SWS but without a beard he looks odd well with it to. I could say it his ears but i would to say he has the biggest mouth i have every seen and i thank that is what makes him how shall i say it not very good looking or it could be the way he holds his face i dont know Quote
Scott Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 .........."... Oh and those jump scenes are CLEARLY CGI, its just progressed to the point where most people can't tell... The jumps are similar to the climax one in the remake of Gone in 60 Seconds... You really can't blame them for the CGI, its not like there are thousands of Chargers lying around anymore... Oh and anyone else notice how the OLD crown vics are the ones used in stunts, love the producers!"..........Okay, I had to reply! I gotta stick up for my boys. The ONLY CGI done as far as stunts go is small items to remove. Dummies were placed inside the cars during jumps to show driver/passenger placement but were later removed via computer and digital actors were put in. You won't be able to tell, even if you watch it over and over again. As far as the interstate jump being CGI...I won't argue it any but I will say wait till the DVD comes out. It's ALL real. It'll drop your jaw. And as far as old Crown Vics being the only sacrificial me, many new models were trashed. One in particular had a huge hydraulic ram mounted lengthways inside the car to shoot it up into the air. I won't say what scene but look for a bow and arrow. Quote
back Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 gotta admit that the Newer model police cruisers Smash ALOT better than the old ones. lolim gone.-Brad Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Scott......Thanks to your info that you have been giving us , I don't know what I am looking forward to most . The movie or the extras on the DVD. Either way I can't wait. Can't wait to see the General fly on the big screen and can't wait to crank it up on my Home Theater....This will be a great summer and hopefully a great Christmas(if the movie gets released on DVD by then)Darrell Quote
dukesran1 Posted May 16, 2005 Posted May 16, 2005 Hay Scott if you read this how did SWS do in this movie? I real liked him in the Bullitfproof Monk and The Rundown but i didn't like him in the American pie movie thoes sucked sorry to who every liked them Quote
Scott Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Not that I've seen the movie or anything like that (...), but I think SWS did a very good job in the flick. Both Duke boys' accents seem to be authentic. Daisy's? Well, let's just say she's been up north somewhere too long. I don't see her in too many more Southern-style movies. Willie is the coolest...played the part very well. It's still Uncle Jesse, but with a newer approach. (don't worry, he did do it justice). Too many cast members for me to say here, but, you'll all have a good time. Quote
Dale The Bold Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 I'm guessing that Led Zepplin shirt is because the producers couldn't find a yellow shirt. Or a blue plaid one for that matter. Maybe they were too doped up to notice that he stumbled out of his trailer out of wardrobe and they just started filming. Quote
Virgin Enos Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 the director said the new duke boys dress like "normal" people (unlike the originals in his opinion) LOL. If they wore the same wordrobe it would just be a sign that there trying to impersinate the originals and thats not what there trying to do . Quote
dukesran1 Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 I saw the tv trailor tonight it was good. not like the one we seen here and is the voice the of the balladeer? if it is ive heard him before just dont no where. Quote
Julieduke Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 I finally seen on tuesday night during the ACM Award, I got to hand to Warner Bros great Marketing during the a Country Music award shows. That is a purfect timing for the trailor. Quote
essyjane Posted May 25, 2005 Posted May 25, 2005 I'm guessing that Led Zepplin shirt is because the producers couldn't find a yellow shirt. Or a blue plaid one for that matter. Maybe they were too doped up to notice that he stumbled out of his trailer out of wardrobe and they just started filming.I personally think they were just trying to find an emblem of the seventies and Led Zeplin fit.Although--I don't think that it really worked. they could have used a plan blue shirt. Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted May 25, 2005 Posted May 25, 2005 I personally think they were just trying to find an emblem of the seventies and Led Zeplin fit.Although--I don't think that it really worked. they could have used a plan blue shirt.Or a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt....... Quote
essyjane Posted May 26, 2005 Posted May 26, 2005 Dude you got it!I think that would have suited the show MUCH MUCH more Quote
dukesran1 Posted May 26, 2005 Posted May 26, 2005 how do all of you thank the movie will open?Will they do like the show and show the actors names or do like Starsky and Hutch movie just go right into the movie Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted May 26, 2005 Posted May 26, 2005 Dude you got it!I think that would have suited the show MUCH MUCH moreExactly.......It would have shown the true spirit of the Southerness and Simple Man aspect of the when you hear Skynyrd you think of the South in some way, like Sweet Home Alabama , Gimme Three Steps and all that great Souhtern Rock ....Just a thought .....Darrell Quote
essyjane Posted May 29, 2005 Posted May 29, 2005 He had the South in the palm of his hand.I tell you though, there were soooo many other shirts he could have worn that would have shown southern pride all the way.I think that Led Zeplin was a chart topper back in those days.I don't know, maybe they're trying to appeal to another part of the audience, ya think? Quote
Dale The Bold Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 the director said the new duke boys dress like "normal" people (unlike the originals in his opinion) LOL. If they wore the same wordrobe it would just be a sign that there trying to impersinate the originals and thats not what there trying to do.No, they are trying to re-invent the originals, commonly known as Coy-and-Vancing.Because NO ONE wears plaid or yellow shirts in 2005. We all wear clothing with some kind of product placement. Quote
essyjane Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 They don't have to nessesarily need to wear the same clothes. How many times have we seen someone around with a Led Zepplin shirt?Me, I haven't seen too many people.I think the biggest thing is attitude and what I collected from the trailer was that they weren't Bo and Luke. Quote
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