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Bo: We'll use the old Stonewall Jackson tactic... when they think you're runnin' away, attack.

Luke: Yeah, but Stonewall Jackson had the whole Confederate Army. I've got you.

Balladeer: Now, I know what you're thinkin'. It ain't natural to see the General Lee losing a race like this to cousin Daisy. But the last time Bo and Luke beat Daisy into town, she put starch in their undershorts. And it gave 'em a little somethin' to think about.

Daisy: [over the CB]: You lose, boys! Another blow for equal rights.

Bo: I tell ya, next time, my pride's gonna come before my shorts.

Luke: Not mine.

Bo: On my word as a Duke, Luke'll take care of it.

Bo: He had to go to jail, Luke. It's the only way he could see his mama.

Willy: You lost Elmer?

Luke: Well, I never liked Elmer much. Always slitherin' around. He never said much.

Bo: He had them beady little eyes, and they weren't even a pretty color.


Bo: Who the heck'd be shootin' at us?

Luke: Anyone of the number of the fathers of them girls you been datin'.

Bo: You just let this whole thing be a lesson to me.

Luke: How's that?

Bo: If I didn't leave the keys in the dang General Lee, none of this mess would've happened.

Luke: You can say that again.

Bo: If I didn't leave the keys in the dang General Lee...

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Bo: We'll use the old Stonewall Jackson tactic... when they think you're runnin' away, attack.

Luke: Yeah, but Stonewall Jackson had the whole Confederate Army. I've got you.

Balladeer: Now, I know what you're thinkin'. It ain't natural to see the General Lee losing a race like this to cousin Daisy. But the last time Bo and Luke beat Daisy into town, she put starch in their undershorts. And it gave 'em a little somethin' to think about.

Daisy: [over the CB]: You lose, boys! Another blow for equal rights.

Bo: I tell ya, next time, my pride's gonna come before my shorts.

Luke: Not mine.

Bo: On my word as a Duke, Luke'll take care of it.

Bo: He had to go to jail, Luke. It's the only way he could see his mama.

Willy: You lost Elmer?

Luke: Well, I never liked Elmer much. Always slitherin' around. He never said much.

Bo: He had them beady little eyes, and they weren't even a pretty color.


Bo: Who the heck'd be shootin' at us?

Luke: Anyone of the number of the fathers of them girls you been datin'.

Bo: You just let this whole thing be a lesson to me.

Luke: How's that?

Bo: If I didn't leave the keys in the dang General Lee, none of this mess would've happened.

Luke: You can say that again.

Bo: If I didn't leave the keys in the dang General Lee...

Bo: He had to go to jail, Luke. It's the only way he could see his mama.

Actually that's Luke's line. Bo says something like, "hey Willy, when'd you get out of jail son." and then Luke says, "he had to go to jail Bo. That's the only way he could see his mama." I was just watching that episode today... it's one of my faves. :)

Bo: He had to go to jail, Luke. It's the only way he could see his mama.

Actually that's Luke's line. Bo says something like, "hey Willy, when'd you get out of jail son." and then Luke says, "he had to go to jail Bo. That's the only way he could see his mama." I was just watching that episode today... it's one of my faves. :)

Bo: He had to go to jail, Luke. It's the only way he could see his mama.

Actually that's Luke's line. Bo says something like, "hey Willy, when'd you get out of jail son." and then Luke says, "he had to go to jail Bo. That's the only way he could see his mama." I was just watching that episode today... it's one of my faves. :)

Oh, OK, cool.

Bo: He had to go to jail, Luke. It's the only way he could see his mama.

Actually that's Luke's line. Bo says something like, "hey Willy, when'd you get out of jail son." and then Luke says, "he had to go to jail Bo. That's the only way he could see his mama." I was just watching that episode today... it's one of my faves. :)

Oh, OK, cool.


We heard this quote from Bo the other night and nearly fell off the couch!

Luke: What gives a whole lotta love and attention and expects nothing in return?

Bo: (grinning) Cindy Lou Moffet, Man's Best Friend!

Luke just set that one up. You could see it coming but it was still so funny!


We heard this quote from Bo the other night and nearly fell off the couch!

Luke: What gives a whole lotta love and attention and expects nothing in return?

Bo: (grinning) Cindy Lou Moffet, Man's Best Friend!

Luke just set that one up. You could see it coming but it was still so funny!


There's a great line in the Hazzard goes to Hollywood movie

somebody;s shooting at the Dukes at Rosco, etc, shooting out their tires and stuff, they all get out of the cars to see whats going on, somebody shoots at em a couple more times and Bo, very blonde, says "There's somebody shooting at us!"


There's a great line in the Hazzard goes to Hollywood movie

somebody;s shooting at the Dukes at Rosco, etc, shooting out their tires and stuff, they all get out of the cars to see whats going on, somebody shoots at em a couple more times and Bo, very blonde, says "There's somebody shooting at us!"

  • 2 weeks later...

We just saw one that made us crack up. Bo is walking out of the post office.

Bo: Thanks a lot Miz Teasdale! Yeah, we'll say 'hi' to Uncle Jesse for ya! (to himself) She made me take a number...she made me take a dang number and I'm the only one in there!


I have this one stuck in my head today

"Were gonna need more gas, there couldn't have been more than a gallon in that can!" Says Bo

"In a one gallon can huh?" Says Luke

"I cannot belive I just said that!" SAys Bo

And this one

"I ain't perfect, just pretty!"

And :

"We''ll use the General Grant tactic! Retreat!!"

  • 2 weeks later...

Rrom Route 7/11

Daisy:"Lukes got that look in his eye again"

Bo:"...and as soon as Luke gets that look in his eye he says, 'I got it. Let's

go, Bo,' and I get in trouble."

I swear I watch thet episode like everyday just to see that haha i love it.

  • 1 month later...

Oh yeah!

Bo: [drive the General through a barn] That sure was a funny place to put a barn.

Luke: You try a fool stunt like that again, and I'll find an even funnier place to put one.

  • 1 month later...

Look Ma, No Hands

What does he look like?

I was fixin to change your mind, rather Luke is

Well, we didn't have no choice. See, Luke and Me's on probation and can't own no guns. It's either use those bows there or throw rocks.

And you spelled Empeedin' wrong

  • 4 weeks later...

In Deputy Dukes I like the bit where Bo says:-

Ain't no way Marlowe. We're country boys. We don't use no money. We just barter our way through life. You know if you was to offer me a bushel of corn there ain't no tellin' what I might do for y'all.

  • 1 month later...

Ain't no way Marlowe. We're country boys. We don't use no money. We just barter our way through life. You know if you was to offer me a bushel of corn there ain't no tellin' what I might do for y'all.

I love that quote! Here are a BUNCH more that I like

From "Welcome Waylon Jennings" when Waylon, his assistant Betty Jo are eating dinner at the Dukes.

-Betty Jo to Luke: "Anybody ever tell you you had a very criminal mind?"

-Bo: "Shoot, lady, you're the first person ever noticed he had a mind at all."

"Daisy's Shotgun Wedding" in the beginning when Daisy is upset that they won't let her do anything alone.

-Daisy: " Bo, I ain't a child"

-Bo: "Yeah, I can see that."

After the bar fight back at the farm and Daisy is hugging Luke.

-Luke: "Easy, eas, aqueezing to hard."

-Bo: "Heh! He's older you know, ha, ha"

After Luke flaps the shades when Daisy returns from a date.

-Luke: "She's gonna kill me."

-Bo: "Looks like something I'd have done.

"Brotherly Love"

When Boss and Rosco are practicing dancing.

-Bo: "Y'all might not be the prettiest coup at the Hazzard ball--"

-Bo and Luke: "But you sure do count good."

I think when they are getting ready to shuck and jive the bad guys.

-Jud: "If anything were to happen to any of you I couldn't live with myself.

-Luke: "You think it would be any easier to live with myself if something happened to you?"

-Bo: "Look I'm having trouble living with the bouth of you."

-Daisy: "HA!" and smiles :lol:

After Luke is hurt by the car. A moment of Drama

-Bo: "Come on Luke, wake up!"

In the hospital, more Drama.

-Bo: "Luke would you wake up? Dang it Luke would you wake up? Luke Duke would you wake up?!?"

"A baby for trhe Dukes"

-Uncle Jesse: "Well, the good Lord looks after babies, drunkards, and fools.

-Bo: "Well, Rosco must fit in there somewhere, he's alright."

"Dear Dairy"

After getting another ticket from Rosco.

-Luke: "I could paper my room with these things."

-Bo: "Our room"

a bit latter.

-Bo sing song: "You got more tickes than I do."

"Good-bye General Lee"

after loosing the archary shoot out to Luke

-Bo: "Uncle Jesse, I tried."

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