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Everything posted by LittleRedVicki

  1. Greetings from Little Red aka Chickasaw Redhead: 2/19/03 8) Sorry for delays on this storyline. I'm not on much anymore due to me going back to college at night! I haven't forgotten about this storyline though. I'll start writing again on this storyline so I can maybe get it finished by March 1 at the earliest! Y'all have a great day & night! Take Care! Vicki
  2. About 5 minutes later, Vicki walked back into the booking office. Watching Vicki come back into the booking office, Rosco walks out of his office. "Did you want to talk to me, Rosco?" asked Vicki. "Yeah, I didn't want to say any of this in front of Bo & Luke about this matter," said Rosco appologetically. "That's all right," said Vicki as she smiled at her god-father then added, "Is there something wrong?" "No, not really. I know that you & Bo weren't shuck-n-jiving me this time. I do faintly remember what that killer told you a few months back," said Rosco. "So, you know that this mess is for real," said Vicki, sighing a long breath. "Yeah, Vicki. I know that you would never lie to me. You're as honest as Enos, but almost as pretty as Daisy, even though I still don't like it that you're dating Bo right now," said Rosco, grinning at Vicki. Vicki's face starts to blush. "That make me feel better, Rosco. So do you want me to still go out on patrol for you?" "Yeah, you can. Plus for the next several hours, I want you to keep a close eye on the Dukes, especially with that Jasper Johnson on the loose here in Hazzard," said Rosco. **Vicki doesn't carry a gun belt, so she puts her small gun along with a few other essentials into her purse.** "Sheriff, I'll make sure that Jasper Johnson doesn't get within 50 feet of the Dukes," said Vicki, smiling at Rosco as she walks down the Courthouse steps. "I know that you'll do your job right, little lady. See ya later!" said Rosco, waving at the redhead as she got into her patrol car.
  3. "Ooooh this is serious," said Rosco, not believing what Vicki or Bo was saying then added to the redhead, "He did tried to kill y'all!" "That is what I've been trying to tell you, Rosco," said Vicki as she followed Bo, Luke, and Daisy towards the front door. "Well...as much as I would like to help y'all, I can't right now unless something else happens. Why don't y'all get out of here for a while," said Rosco as he was shooing Bo, Luke, and Daisy outside the booking office. Bo gave Rosco a dirty look as he walked out of the Courthouse. "Thanks anyway, Sheriff. See ya around." "Vicki, wait a minute before you leave. I want to talk to you," said Rosco, placing a hand on the redhead's arm. "Okay. Let me go tell Bo to wait on me outside," said Vicki as she walked out of the Courthouse. "Hey, Bo!" yelled Vicki as she watched Bo sliding into the General Lee. "What, sugar?" asked Bo, grinning at Vicki as she caught up with him. "How about if I meet you at Cooter's in about 15 minutes. Rosco wants to talk to me for a minute," said Vicki sweetly to Bo. Bo rolled his eyes. "What is it about this time? Is he wanting to arrest us for false information?" "Bo..." said Luke, poking Bo on his sore arm. "Quit, Luke! That hurts! OUCH!" yelped Bo, rubbing his sore arm. "I don't know, sugar. But I'll meet you, okay?" asked Vicki, leaning into the General, giving Bo a kiss on the cheek. "Okay, sweetheart. I'll be waiting," said Bo, sighing loudly as he watched the petite redhead walk back inside the Courthouse.
  4. Yeah, it was sad. This is the second explosion that I saw. I remember seeing the 1st one when I was 14 back in 1986. Maryanne, that teacher you're talking about, I think that she lived in Oklahoma back before the explosion. There is a middle school here in Tulsa that is named after her. That's an interesting fact... That Garth Brooks song really says it all. The original video has a little bit about the astronauts in it! It was a sad day for us to see that happened!
  5. "Judist Priest on a Pony! Vicki, you're not shuck-n-jiving me again are you? This is serious," exclaimed Rosco. "Rosco! That Jasper Johnson is the one stalking the Duke family. I was there yesterday at the farm when he even tried to take a shot at me!" said Vicki, trembling with fear. Bo sat down in a chair next to Vicki and just held her. "Sh...Sweet Angel. It will be okay." "Rosco, this is the reason why we came here to talk to you. About going after this killer," said Bo, as he continued to held Vicki, trying to calm her down. "Well, I'm sure that y'all did something to him in the past to get attacked," said Rosco to Bo, trying to shoo him away from Vicki. "Rosco, you're not getting this right. If it wasn't for me being out at the farm yesterday, we would have been going to Bo's funeral right now!" said Vicki angrily as she put her hands on her hips and gave him a dirty look then added, "There were explosives all over the farm yesterday. If it wasn't for us getting rid of them before the timer went off, no telling what would have happened to us!" Luke just shook his head, just looking at Rosco. He didn't know if Rosco believed them or not.
  6. **AUTHOR NOTE: Due to me returning to college (I can eventually become a medical transcriptionist when I graduate in December), I won't be on as much as I would like to be on. So here's a small post. It's not much, but it helps the storyline a little! Take Care!** ********* Rosco laughed. "Khee! Vicki, you're always going out with Bo. You two have been inseparateable for the last 3 months!" "Unless something happens to him with that killer on the loose," said Vicki worriedly as she walks back into Rosco's office then added, "I just sent an APB to the state police." "Why would that killer try to do anything?" asked Rosco rolling his eyes then added, "There isn't anything in this county that he would need right now, unless he wants the mosquitoes." Rosco walked out of his office with Vicki, Katie, and Daisy right behind him. Before Vicki could answer, Bo got into the conversation. "Rosco, you're not going to do anything about me getting nearly killed by that killer yesterday? I was attacked out in my barn, and left for dead."
  7. Hughie laughed into his car phone. "Vicki, you know that your phone & my phone was pretty expensive to have installed. So what did you do this time?" "And it is pretty expensive to call you too. But this was an emergency," said Vicki, not really answering Hughie's question as she pulls her mustang up in an rest area near the Tennessee line. "Vicki, what are you not telling me?" asked Hughie sarcastically as he pulls up in front of the Chickasaw County Courthouse. "Hughie, let me ask you this. Was there anything missing when you left the Boar's Nest a little while ago?" asked Vicki giggling slightly. "Oh...now I know," laughed Hughie then added, "I have a pretty good idea what you did this time. Everyone in Hazzard has started looking for you & Bo, according to the CB. Luckily, I left the Boar's nest right after you and before Uncle Boss or Rosco could questioned me about you disappearing like that."
  8. Getting back into her car as quietly as she could, Vicki took her moblie car phone out of the glove compartment and plugged it in to her cigarette lighter. After making sure that Bo was still asleep and shackled to the door, Vicki quietly dialed a number into her phone. "Chickasaw Mobile # 471 please," said Vicki quietly into the phone. "Thank you, Ma'am," said the operator then added, "It's a minute or two." "Okay," said Vicki, whose heart was beating rapidly. She then started to watch Bo sleep while she was waiting. About a minute later, Hughie Hogg's voice came over the line. "This is Hughie." "Hughie, thank goodness that you answered your moblile car phone," said Vicki, taking a deep breath then added, "Promise NOT to tell anyone back in Hazzard on what I'm about to tell you." "Vicki, honey, calm down. Tell me what it is. Where are you at right now? You sound like you're at least a hundred miles away from me," said Hughie into his mobile car phone as he crossed back in Chickasaw County from Hazzard County. "Hughie, do you remember what I used to be like when I was much younger?" asked Vicki, looking over to make sure that Bo was still asleep as she pulled her car into a rest area along the interstate. Hughie laughed. "Yeah, when we were scheming to take over Hazzard several years back, you were a very wild teenager. Especially when you were working for me & my associates at a car stripper." Vicki giggled hysterically into her mobile car phone, hoping that it wasn't loud enough to wake up Bo. "You won't believe what is going on this time. I've done something that I haven't done since I was a wild teenager."
  9. About an hour later... THROUGH VICKI'S THOUGHTS AS SHE WAS DRIVING TOWARDS TENNESSEE LINE: **What am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this. Technically, this is against the law by taking Bo against his will, but I don't care right now. I didn't exactly take him by force. He just decided to take a ride with me. He didn't care that I was leaving as we were having that fight earlier. All he told me at the time that he wanted to talk about our marriage.** She thought as she was nearing the Chickasaw/Sweetwater County line. She looks over at Bo sleeping restlessly in his seat. Vicki sighed loudly. *He looks so handsome while he's asleep. I used to just watch him sleep in bed when I would wake up before him. I'm starting to regret now what I did a couple of hours ago to him. But maybe when he wakes up, I can ask him how he really feels about me. He was saying all those things to me even when I was in the hospital a few weeks ago. But I don't know now if he really means it.* Vicki sighs loudly as she pulls into a gas station about 30 minutes later. She had just crossed into Sweetwater County where the interstate is, and she noticed that her gas gage was nearly on empty. Hoping that Bo wouldn't wake up for a few more minutes, she cuffed his wrists loosely around the door handle on the door with a set of handcuffs that she kept in her glove compartment. *Hopefully, I can take that restraint off of him before he wakes up. I don't want him to leave me while I'm getting gas for my car. I want to at least say good-bye to him when he wakes up again in Tennessee.* Vicki thought as she was going inside the gas station to pay for her gas. A few minutes later, Vicki walks back out of the gas station, carrying a couple of sodas and some snacks. She knew that she was in for a long, wild drive when Bo wakes up and finds out that he's in Tennessee with a wild redhead...
  10. While Vicki was sending the report to the state police, Daisy & Katie walked into Rosco's office. Daisy knocked on Rosco's door, and then Rosco opened the door and smiled at Daisy and his part-time deputy Katie. "Hi, Daisy. What can I do for you this morning?" asked Rosco, grinning at Daisy. "Nothing much, Rosco. Katie was wanting to take a look at the schedule of when she works again for you," said Daisy, smiling at Rosco. Rosco saw Katie standing beside Daisy, and he grinned at her. "Rosco, I wanted to look at the schedule of when I'm working again," said Katie, smiling at Rosco. "Let's see..." said Rosco, looking over the schedule then added, "How come you want to see the schedule?" "Because Vicki wanted to trade days off so she can go out with Bo tomorrow," said Katie, smiling at Rosco. "That figures. She is always going out with him," mumbled Rosco. "Is there something wrong with that Sheriff?" asked Vicki as she poked her red head into his office.
  11. A few minutes later, Vicki started working on the APB that she was going to send to the state police, and Bo's statement about the events that happened in the last 24 hours. "Bo, did you tell me everything that happened?" asked Vicki as she was looking at the report in the typewriter. "I think so, sugar," said Bo as he watched the redhead type the report. "Let's see...when you were abducted yesterday, did you get a good look at Jasper Johnson?" asked Vicki. "Yeah, sugar. It was him. When I woke up in his car yesterday, I recognized him when I tried to attacked him, but he attacked me first," said Bo trembling slightly. "After what you told me, and everything that happened yesterday, I'm pretty sure now that Jasper Johnson was the one behind the attacks yesterday," concluded Vicki, taking the report out of her typewriter. Then she headed towards the tele-type machine. "What are we going to do about it? He might try to attack me again or worse!" said Bo fearfully as he followed Vicki. "Don't worry, sugar. I'm going to do my best to keep you safe & out of danger," said Vicki, holding Bo in her arms. "You just have to trust me." Bo kissed her tenderly on the lips. "I know that you will, sweet angel."
  12. About a minute or so later, Vicki walked out of Rosco's office and sneaked up behind Bo. "How about a kiss, sugar?" asked Vicki as she grabbed Bo playfully around the arm. Laughing, Bo pulled Vicki into his arms. "With pleasure, Sweet Angel." He then kissed her full & hard on the lips. "I think that you missed me some," giggled Vicki as they pulled apart. "Sugar, I did miss you. A lot has happened after you & your sister left the farm last night," said Bo as he & Vicki sat down by Vicki's desk. "I thought that you seemed quiet, sugar. What's wrong?" asked Vicki, grabbing Bo's hand from across her desk. "Sweetheart, nothing is wrong. I was just thinking about what happened to me yesterday," said Bo worriedly, pulling away from Vicki as he walked over towards the window. "Bo, what is it? Did something happened after Pam & I left the farm last night?" asked Vicki worriedly as she walked over to the window to join him. "Yeah, Vicki. I really shouldn't tell you this, but I have to," said Bo, placing a hand on Vicki's face. "Bo, what is it??" asked Vicki worriedly then added, "If it is about Jasper Johnson, I think that he was the one behind all those attacks yesterday at the farm." "Oh...Lord. Vicki, I think that we are in major danger right now. I think that he was the one that threw a huge rock into the kitchen window last night when me & Daisy were doing the dishes!" said Bo fearfully, pulling Vicki close to him. "Oh, my gosh! He tried to attack you again! I have to send an APB to the state police right now!" said Vicki excitedly, taking Bo by the hand back over to her desk inside the booking room...
  13. About 15 minutes later... Meanwhile, back inside the Boar's Nest, everyone was waiting impatiently for Vicki or Bo to come back in. "Where's Vicki?" asked Luke to no one in particular. "I don't know," said Mary, Vicki's mother as she looked at her watch then added, "She should have been back in here by now. Knowing her, she went out to her car to get some fresh air." "Luke, Bo is no where to be found either," said Daisy as she looked around the crowded bar. "Daisy, that is only because Bo went after Vicki when she left nearly 30 minutes ago," said Enos, adding into the conversation. Luke shooked his head. "We better go take a look outside for Bo & Vicki. Something must have happened to them for not coming back in here." Several minutes later, Luke, Daisy, and Enos walked outside the bar to look for Bo & Vicki. "BO!" yelled Luke as he walked all over the crowded dirt parking lot. "I don't think that he's here, Luke," said Enos as he walked around the parking lot with Luke. "Neither is Vicki. She's gone too!" said Daisy worriedly as she followed Luke & Enos. "But Vicki is with Bo though," said Enos as he looked around the parking lot. "Or is it the other way around?" questioned Luke. "Isn't there something missing in this parking lot. Wasn't there a car parked next to Hughie's convertible?" Daisy asked as she walked over to Hughie's convertible, not knowing that Hughie was watching them from the front door. "Daisy, I know what's missing," said Luke worriedly. "What's missing?" asked Daisy. "Bo. I think that he disappear out of this parking lot in Vicki's mustang," said Luke. "Possum on a Gumbush! I'd better go tell Rosco!" said Enos excitedly as he, Daisy, and Luke walked towards the front door of the Boar's Nest.
  14. "Vicki! You've got to slow this car down! You're driving way to fast!" said Bo fearfully as he watched his depressed wife drive all over the road. Vicki laughed wildly, brushing her auburn-light brown hair away from her eyes. "I'm just driving like you normally do. All over the road." "Vicki, you've got to stop driving like this. You're really in NO condition to be driving at all. Why don't you pull over right now?" said Bo fearfully as he looked behind them, hoping that Luke or Enos will catch up to them. "I really don't think so right now. Not until I take you somewhere where we will be alone for a while!" barked Vicki as she turned onto Highway 36 North towards the state line. But to which state could they be heading to? Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, or Florida. Or will they be driving all the way to Oklahoma? 8)
  15. "What do you want?" asked Vicki in a cold icy tone as she noticed that Bo was the one walking towards her. "I want to talk to you for a minute," said Bo, opening the mustang's passenger door and got in. "Bo, I don't want to talk to you anymore. I have nothing else to say to you right now," said Vicki, wiping her tears with a handkerchief. "What about that song you were singing to me? You were definitely talking to me then," said Bo sarcastically as he looked out the window. "And to my heart," he thought. "I was just singing the way I was feeling. I do still have strong feelings for you. But I don't know what you feel for me," said Vicki, confused. "Vicki, I don't know how I feel right now," said Bo as he looked out the window. "Maybe you don't love me anymore, since you don't know about us. Don't you need to leave me anyway to go back out on the NASCAR circuit?" asked Vicki angrily as she back her car out of the parking lot. "I don't think that I can leave at the moment," said Bo in shock, looking out the back window at the Boar's Nest behind them...
  16. BALLADEER: Is Vicki going back to her wild ways? A few minutes later, Vicki sat down on top of her mustang's hood and cried. She felt so cold and lonely right now. "I'll just leave right now. That way, I can be in Oklahoma by noon tomorrow," said Vicki in a sad voice, wiping her tears as she got into her mustang and started the car. "Vicki! Wait! Don't leave!" said a deep voice behind her, startling the redhead. In the bright summer sunlight, Vicki noticed that someone was walking towards her.
  17. A few minutes later, Vicki was peeking her red head outside of Rosco's office. There she noticed that Bo was looking around the Courthouse for her. She shut the door again. "Rosco, do you need me to do anything for you right now?" asked Vicki as she opened the door. "No, Vicki. Not right now. But after they leave, I want you to go on patrol for me," said Rosco, grinning at the redhead then added, "Maybe you'll even catch them!" "Works for me, Rosco. I bet that it would be fun if I illegally arrested Bo for something," said Vicki giggling as she walked out of his office, eyeing Bo down. "Whatever makes you happy, Little Red. See ya later," said Rosco, grinning at his lady deputy as he closed his office door.
  18. Vicki's blue-gray eyes grew angrier as she looked at the wanted poster. "You okay, Vicki?" asked Rosco. "No, I'm not okay!" said Vicki angrily. "My life might be threatened if we don't capture this killer soon. I'm not sure when & where he will strike next." "Vicki, don't you worry. You have us to protect ya," said Rosco as he tried to comfort the redhead down. "Thanks, Rosco. I do feel a little better, but I'm scared," said Vicki as she looked out the window. "Vicki, I know that you can handle this killer again. You already shown how much courage you have when you & Bo captured him a few months ago. You were very brave and you still are," said Rosco as he walked over to the window to join Vicki. "Thanks, Rosco. That makes me feel better. But is it enough to outsmart that killer to capture him again?" asked Vicki as she continued to look out the window.
  19. AUTHOR NOTE: A few lines in this post, Vicki will be singing "Hurt Me" by LeAnn Rimes. It is off her "Blue" CD. Just a little info for Y'all! And part of this post is true, I do know how to play the piano, and I have taken 2 years of choir in high school, back several years ago! Take Care! 8) ******** "Hey, y'all! Vicki is the one playing the piano & singing that song," said Bo surprised then added to his cousins, "When did she learn how to play the piano like that?" "She must have been taking lessons back in Chickasaw," said Daisy. "This is unreal. Who would have guessed that Vicki knew how to play the piano like that," said Luke, placing a hand on Bo's trembling shoulder then added, "You okay, cousin?" "Not really, Luke. Just let me listen to Vicki sing that song about us. She's singing it directly to my heart," said Bo, as he walked over to the bar and sat down directly behind Vicki, who was playing at the piano. ******** "Hurt Me..." Vicki sang, not knowing that everyone in the small crowded bar was not listening to her sing that song. "You Hurt Me...Why in the World did You Hurt Me? Just when I thought that I found you to trust, You took away your Love..." Vicki sang as the tears started to fall down her face. ******** Daisy gasped as she listened to the song that Vicki was singing from her heart. "Bo, are you listening to this song? She is singing that song directly to you." "Yeah...Daisy, I know in Vicki's voice that she is singing that song to me," said Bo, taking a drink of his beer as he listened to Vicki's broken heart voice. ******** "Hurt Me...Still can't believe that you Hurt Me. Just when I thought that it was safe for me to love you...You, let me want you & need you again," Vicki sang, surprised as she felt a strong hand on her shoulder. "You Left Me, like a child in the rain, now I have the PAIN in my heart. Oh, You Hurt Me..." as Vicki continued to play a few chords. After playing & singing a few more lines in the song, Vicki ended the song "You...Hurt...Me" ********* After the song ended, the crowd behind her clapped their hands & cheered for the redhead. Surprised by the crowd, Vicki rushed outside...
  20. **Sorry I wasn't on last night. I was spending time with my family. It looks like that I must have missed one heck of a show! This won't be too long of a post, and I may borrow y'alls characters for a line or two. This is a different approach to the storyline. This is also my last post in fic unless y'all would like to borrow my character for a line or two! I enjoyed writing with y'all. Maybe we can do it again soon! Take Care! ** ****** ****** BALLADEER: Y'all are about to see a different side of the Chickasaw Redhead. A side of Vicki that normally doesn't come out very much! "This is one heck of a crazy fight," remarked Sheriff Little as he walked over to Vicki, who was sitting by herself watching Maryanne & Brian below them. "Yeah," said Vicki in a angry tone, not really watching as she was looking in her purse for something. "Vicki, is there something wrong? You don't look too well to me," asked Sheriff Little. "Neither does Maryanne. I think that Brian just shot her," said Vicki as she peered down at the fallen Deputy. Sheriff Little looked down at the fallen deputy. He then saw her move. "She must be all right, Red. She's moving. She must be as tough as you are sometimes." "That's good. I'm glad that she's tough," said Vicki as she took a cigarette out of her purse and lit it. When she's stressed, she smokes a cigarette every once in a while. Sheriff Little looked at her in shock. So did a few others that were sitting closeby, including Bo & Luke. "What is it, Red? You never smoke like this unless your upset about something," asked Sheriff Little as he looked concerned at Vicki. Vicki blew out a puff of smoke. "You know, if it wasn't for my friends fighting today, I would have stayed back in Chickasaw. I have a mountain of paperwork waiting for me there," sighed the redhead as she stared at the clouds then added, "Plus we need to clean up that mess in that jail cell caused by those young people." "Oh...you're thinking about what happened a couple of hours ago. You don't have to worry about them anymore, Red. I already sent a couple of APB's to State Police Headquarters through Boss Hogg's fax machine," said Sheriff Little. "That's good to know," said Vicki sarcastically as she put her cigarette out as she continue to watch Maryanne & Brian. "Yeah, Vicki. You did your job earlier. What those young people did was wrong. Maybe the state police will catch them for evading us in our county like that. And if they don't, we will," said Sheriff Little, smiling at his young deputy. "That makes me feel better, Sheriff. Thanks," said Vicki, smiling at her boss. "Don't worry about it anymore, Vicki. You did your job right. It's those young people that did wrong," said Sheriff Little as he peered down at Maryanne & Brian then added, "It looks like that they're going to be okay. Let's head back to Chickasaw." Waving at her friends, Vicki smiled at her boss. "That sounds good, Sheriff. Let's head home." Looking at Maryanne & Brian and her friends one last time as they were leaving in the Chickasaw County patrol car, Vicki thought to herself, "Take Care, Y'all. Everything will be all right. Y'all don't worry."
  21. About 15 minutes later, Bo pulls into the parking lot at the Boar's Nest. "Hey, y'all! I don't believe it! Take a look at who is parked close to the front door," said Bo, looking at the cars in the crowded parking lot. He was showing Luke & Daisy Vicki's black mustang. Daisy gasped outloud as Luke helped her out of the General Lee, noticing the black mustang. "Well, I guess that Vicki must be feeling good enough to drive here." "I guess so, Daisy. Let's go inside and see if she's here," said Luke as he opened the front door for his cousins. As Luke opened the front door to the Boar's Nest, they could hear music coming from a piano. "It sounds like someone is playing the piano," said Bo as he stepped inside the front door of the Boar's Nest, not knowing that Vicki was the one playing the piano.
  22. While Vicki was playing her broken heart out, near the Boar's Nest in the General, Bo, Luke, and Daisy was talking about Vicki. Coy & Vance were following behind them in a loaner from Cooter. "Y'all, I don't want to lose Vicki. I love her. I don't want to lose her forever," said Bo as he speeded up the General a little more. "I know, sugar. Vicki has been a livesaver to you for a long time. I know deep down that she still loves you very much," said Daisy. "I know, Daisy. But why is that little twerp Hughie Hogg hanging around her? I wonder if he is trying to use her again," said Bo, peering down the road for the speeding black mustang. "Where is she? She should have been on this road." "I don't know, cousin," said Luke, looking outside at the wildflowers then added, "Maybe she took some sort of shortcut." Bo groaned worriedly. "Vicki shouldn't be taking any shortcuts at all. She's in no condition to be even driving right now."
  23. **Oops! Sorry! Post double posted. But I deleted it! Continue on!**
  24. **Sorry for long post y'all! This one isn't quite as long. I may or may not borrow any of y'alls characters, if I do, it will be only 1 line or two. This may or may not be my final post in fic. It depends on what y'all write! Take Care!** ********* About 35 minutes later, Vicki pulls the spare Chickasaw County patrol car up behind the Boar's Nest. "What is going on here?" asked Sheriff Little. "It's that fight I told you about earlier," said Vicki. Watching from the side of the Boar's Nest, the Chickasaw Sheriff looked surprised as he watched Maryanne fight Brian. "What kind of fight is this?" "It's just 2 cousins fighting each other in a duel," said Vicki as she looked around in the parking lot then added as she noticed a Shelby Mustang, "Ah...just as I thought. We found our fugitives!" "Good. Let's climb the ladder," said Sheriff Little as he climbed the ladder followed by Vicki. "Okay," said Vicki, following the Sheriff up the ladder. Quitely, they climbed up the ladder. "What are y'all doing here?" asked Bo surprised to see Vicki back in Hazzard. "Just running an errand," said Vicki, smiling at Bo then added to Hilery, "It's a good thing that you didn't find my other patrol car. It was at the Boarding house down the street. I'm not as Dumb as y'all think I am. But I do get the job done!" "Ain't that the truth! You do get it done one way or another!" said Bo as he turned back to watch the duel. "Oh...no! I should have known that Vicki had another car stashed!" said Hilery surprised as the furious redhead grabbed her arm. "Let's get out of here!" said Riddick, grabbing Hil's hand. "Oh no you don't!" said Sheriff Little, grabbing Riddick's arm. He then cuffed Riddick's left wrist to Wiz's right wrist. Vicki meanwhile had done the same to Hilery. She cuffed her wrist to Riddick's right wrist. "Why don't y'all just settle down and watch the duel. Then we'll go back to Chickasaw," said Vicki giggling wildly as she sat down behind a cuffed Hilery, Riddick, and Wiz then added, "That way you can tell me why I had to arrest y'all for putting sugar in my gas tank, and for vandalizing Chickasaw County property. It is going to cost y'all a bunch of pretty pennies to bail y'all out. Enjoy the duel." "I don't believe it! What has gotten into her? She has never acted this way before. Especially around me!" thought Hilery as she watched the duel down below them.
  25. **This is a slightly long post. I may have to continue this on another post! Y'all should enjoy it though! I may use some of y'alls characters for a few lines. Bear with me on that one! Take Care!** ****** About an hour earlier at the Chickasaw County Courthouse... Meanwhile, in Sheriff Little's office, Vicki was talking to her boss about what happened yesterday afternoon. Sheriff Little had to run an errand to Atlanta, so he wasn't around later Vicki finally did arrest Hilery Davenport. "So are you going to let me take over Chickasaw anytime soon?" asked Vicki sweetly to her boss. "Well, let's see..." said Big Ed Little, thinking. "Last week your fiery temper caused the Chickasaw County Jail to be overcrowded, thanks to you arresting every single car crossing the Chickasaw County Line from Hazzard County, which put quite a bit of money into our pockets and the County fund. And yesterday, you caught Hilery Davenport when she was coming back into the County after I caught her earlier vandalizing my car." "Is that good or bad?" asked Vicki yawning, as she was looking out the window. "It's good enough for you to take the rest of the day off if you want to. You've been here all night keeping an watchful eye on Hilery Davenport. Vicki giggled. "That's fine. If I'm not too tired, I'm going to head into Hazzard County to go to a fight at the Boar's Nest." "Who is keeping an eye on that Davenport girl?" asked Sheriff Little. "I was keeping an eye on her, until a young man came in here and wanted to talk to her, so I left with the cell keys to go get me a can of soda(probably a Dr Pepper), and that's when I noticed you in your office." said Vicki yawning loudly then added, "Which reminds me, I need to get back I've been gone about 10 minutes longer than I should have." "I'm going with you, Redhead. You need to get home and get some rest. You've been up all night," said Sheriff Little as he followed Vicki down the hall. Just then, a loud CRASHcould be heard inside the jail area. "What the heck was that?" asked Sheriff Little surprised. "That sounded like glass breaking inside our jail cell!" said Vicki excitedly. The redhead then ran into the jail cells area. "Sheriff! Come quick! That girl has escaped!" "Go after her, Redhead! Go after her!" yelled Sheriff Little watching from the front door as Vicki was running down the stairs with her small caliber pistol in her hand heading towards her patrol car. As she reached it, Vicki noticed that her gas tank lid was missing. "Of all things..." said the redhead surprised then added, "They put sugar in my gas tank! But luckily for them I'm not that dum. Those kids don't know about my other car! I'll still catch them. I know where they live!" **POST CONTINUES ON NEXT POST**
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