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Everything posted by LittleRedVicki

  1. "Why would someone want to kidnap Bo? He hasn't got on anyone's nerves that I know of. Maybe you & Bo crossed the wrong people lately," said Vicki sarcastically to Luke a few minutes later as they were inside the kitchen, drinking some coffee. "Vicki, I have no idea. Unless it was one of those crooks that we put in jail a couple of months ago," said Luke worriedly. Vicki walked over to the kitchen window. "I do remember a couple of months back that one of the crooks said that he would get even with us. Maybe this is his way of doing it." "Yeah, I remember that too," said Luke as he opened the back kitchen door then added to Vicki, "Let's go take a look for Bo outside in the barn." "Y'all be careful. That lunatic might still be outside waiting for y'all to come out!" said Daisy worriedly as she watched her cousin & her best friend walked out the kitchen door.
  2. As the speeding black sedan was coming closer towards him, Luke jumped out of the way, just narrowing getting hit by the speeding car. As he jumped out of the way, Luke hit his head hard on the picnic table. "Luke! Are you all right?" asked Vicki as she rushed over to him. "Ouch!" said Luke as he was brushing dirt off his jeans then added as he noticed blood coming off his face, "Oh, great! I'm bleeding!" "Luke! You're hurt!" said Pam excitedly, walking off the porch to notice her boyfriend sitting on the ground, wiping blood off his face. "Sweetheart," said Luke, giving Pam a light hug then added, "I'm fine. I just have a little cut right above my eye is all." "Luke, are you sure that you're all right?" asked Vicki, looking at Luke closely. "Little Red, if it wasn't for you, I might have been really hurt by now," said Luke, giving Vicki a hug. Vicki smiled at Luke. "You know that I would do anything for you & Bo. Let's go inside and let Daisy look at that cut." "Yeah, then I need to take another look at that note," said Luke as he, Pam, and Vicki walked back inside the farmhouse. "Maybe we should take you to see Doc Petticord," said Daisy, a few minutes later as she was doctoring Luke's head. "Daisy, that stings!" wimpering Luke then added, "I am fine, really. Vicki, let me take another look at that note you found on the General." Pam nudged Luke's arm. "Luke, you look worried." "Yeah, I am. I'm worried about Bo. He should have been in here over an hour ago," said Luke as he gave Vicki back that note. "Do you think that something has happened to Bo?" asked Pam worriedly as she slipped her arm around Luke's waist. "Well, the way that the black sedan tore out of here a minute ago, I think that Bo might have been kidnapped," said Luke worriedly.
  3. Vicki gasped in shock after reading the note. "I don't believe this. Someone is just trying to scare me." "Yeah, Little Red," said Luke after inspecting the note then added, "Someone is playing with us." "You mean like a minute ago when we were almost shot by some crazy person?" asked Vicki sarcastically to Luke. "Yeah, and then finding the General with 2 slashed tires." Just then, a black car tore out of the driveway behind the barn. "What was that?" asked Daisy. Luke looked around then watching as the black car came bareeling around in front of the farmhouse, speeding towards Luke. "Luke! Watch out!" screamed Vicki at the top of her lungs.
  4. About 30 minutes later, Vicki pulls her car up in front of the Chickasaw County Courthouse as well as Hughie Hogg in his Chevy Bronco. Katie Williams, Vicki's best friend from high school walked out to meet the couple. "Vicki, how did it go leaving Hazzard County this morning?" Vicki smiled at Katie as she was getting out of her car. "Well, it went a lot better after I left Hazzard County." Katie giggled to Hughie, who sneaked up behind Vicki, taking the boxes away from her then added, "Hey, Hughie. I noticed that you can't keep your hands off my best friend." "Not when I'm crazy about her," said Hughie laughing as he took the boxes and started walking across the street over to the Boarding House. Vicki sighed loudly as she watched Hughie walk across the street.
  5. Hughie excitedly held Vicki for the longest time as they were sitting in the backseat of Vicki's black mustang. Vicki sighed loudly as she laid her head on Hughie's shoulder. "Princess, do you want me to hold you forever?" murmured Hughie against Vicki's auburn red hair. "More than anything," said Vicki, sighing loudly. As they pulled apart, Hughie stared long into Vicki's blue-gray eyes. "What's wrong?" asked Vicki looking into Hughie's blue eyes as a stray tear fell down his face. "Princess, do you know that I have been so happy since you decided to permantently move to Chickasaw County," said Hughie, as he pulled Vicki into his arms. He then started lightly kissing her cheek. "What do you mean?" asked Vicki. "Vicki, ever since you moved out of Hazzard County 3 months ago, I have been so happy; especially having you for a friend." said Hughie, giving Vicki a hug. Vicki felt tears of happiness well up in her eyes as she pulled away from him. "I know, Hughie. This is the 1st time that I have felt this happy, and this comfortable with you." "And I feel the same way about you. You're the only girl I know that understands me," said Hughie, grinning at Vicki. "And you're the only one that I can talk to when I feeling sad." said Vicki, giggling as Hughie started swinging her around right in the middle of the road. "Vicki, of course I'll listen to you. I'm here to make you feel happy again." Pulling a small silver box out of the pocket of his jeans, Hughie smiled brightly at Vicki. "I have something, that I've been meaning to give you for the last few weeks." Vicki opened the box and smiled. Inside the box was a silver locket. "It's beautiful," said Vicki as she took the locket out of the box then added "Would you like to put it on me?" "Princess, with pleasure," said Hughie as he clasps the lock behind Vicki's neck then added, "I had this locket remade for you. Look on the back of it." Vicki turned the locket over. The back was engraved with only 3 words: My Sweet Princess. "This locket is so beautiful, Thank you," said Vicki as a tear falls down her face. Hughie gently brushes the tear away with thumb. "No, thank you, for being my friend forever." "Let's head towards town to drop my car off at the police station. Then you can take me out for lunch," said Vicki. "Okay, Vicki," said Hughie as he opens the driver's door for Vicki. Vicki smiles back at Hughie in the rearview mirror a few minutes later. She realizes then how much Hughie Hogg is now a part of her life, even though part of her heart still belongs to Bo Duke.
  6. As Jasper was taking Bo on what could be his last ride, Vicki & Luke was inside the farmhouse trying to catch their breath from nearly getting shot by the lunatic crook. "Vicki, are you sure that you're all right?" asked Luke, putting an arm around the trembling redhead. "Vicki, you're as pale as a ghost!" said Pam, looking at her sister curiously. "Y'all, I'm fine..." said Vicki, taking a deep breath then added, "I just don't like the idea that I was shot at!" "I wonder what's keeping Bo? He should have been done by now," said Daisy, looking at the clock on the stove in the kitchen. "He told me that he could have the stalls cleaned out in about 10 minutes," said Luke worriedly. "If he wanted it done real fast, he would have called me to come out there and help him," said Vicki worriedly as she walked back outside the farmhouse. "What's wrong with Vicki?" asked Pam in a low tone to Luke as they watched Vicki walk out of the farmhouse. "I don't know. I think that she's worried about Bo," said Luke as he & Pam walk outside the farmhouse to join Vicki. As Vicki was looking around for Bo, she came across the General Lee, with 2 slashed tires. She then noticed a note on the windshield. Picking up the note, her eyes grew wide with anger as she read it. The note said: SURPRISE! SURPRISE! CAN YOU FIND MY SURPRISE FOR YOU?? I HAVE IT STASHED RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE! TRY TO FIND IT!
  7. Added a short post about Vicki & Hewey's friends getting tailed by Rosco! But Vicki had tricks up her sleeve when she was being tailed by Rosco! I hope that it was enough, y'all! Y'all have fun with this crazy story! It's really fun writing with y'all! Y'all have a great night!
  8. After Roger drove the red Corvette across the Hazzard County line, Vicki looked back behind her. Sure enough, Rosco started tailing them. "Just as I thought, y'all! My uncle is following us," said Vicki angrily as she looked behind her at the nagging patrol car then added into her car phone to Hewey, "Darling, we have a tail behind us. And it's not the Dukes. Do you want me to turn around and head back until it gets dark?" Hewey laughed into his phone inside his room at the Boarding house in Chickasaw. "Let me guess. Is it a white patrol car?" Vicki frowned as she looked back behind her. "You could say that. I'm tempted to pull over just to see what Rosco wants." "Princess, if you want our plan to follow through tonight, that might not be a good idea right now for you to pull over," said Hewey. "Maybe you're right, darling. We're only about 2 miles inside the county line right now. How about if we meet you at my dad's fishing shack on Mountain Creek Lake in about 30 minutes?" asked Vicki into her car phone as she noticed behind her that Rosco was speeding up a little more. "Princess, let me remember...That was the hideout that we used a year ago after that robbery at the Hazzard Bank, is that right?" asked Hewey. "That's right, sweetheart. Other than money, we left something here by mistake," said Vicki, laughing meanly then added, "This is the 1st place I went after I left Hazzard County. You were there with me after you bailed yourself out of jail." "That's right, sugar. I'll meet you there. See you later," said Hewey as he hung up the phone. "Bye," said Vicki as she hung her phone back up then added to Roger, "Turn here to the right. This road will take you to Mountain Creek Lake, and back to Chickasaw County." "Sure thing, Red," said Roger as he turned the red Corvette onto Mountain Creek Road, heading towards the lake. Vicki glances behind her as she noticed that the patrol car continued to follow them... CUE: Anyone! Have fun y'all!
  9. "Oh...my...gosh! Someone just took a shot at me!" said Vicki in shock as she fell to the ground, shielding herself from the gunshots. "Vicki! Are you all right?" asked Luke as he helped Vicki off the ground near the steps near the back kitchen door. "I think so, Luke! Someone just took a shot at me! When I came outside to start looking for Bo," said Vicki, shaking slightly. Just then from a black sedan on top of a hill, overlooking the Duke farm, Jasper takes a second shot at Vicki & Luke. BANG! BANG! "Dang! I missed them!" said Jasper laughing as he watched Vicki & Luke ducked back inside the farmhouse for cover. As Jasper was watching Vicki & Luke, with his gun pointed down towards them, Bo regains consciousness in the back seat of a black sedan. Looking around outside, he noticed that they were on top of a hill overlooking the farm. Noticing that Jasper had his gun pointed down towards the farm, Bo then lunges at Jasper in the front seat... "Leave my girlfriend alone!" yelled Bo, trying to take the mask off of Jasper. "Try and make me, plowboy!" said Jasper as he crams a chloroform soaked rag in Bo's mouth. As Bo falls unconscious, Jasper leaves in the black sedan fast!
  10. NEAR CHICKASAW COUNTY LINE: (at the same time) BALLADEER: Friends & Neighbors, I told y'all that Vicki Lynn Coletrane wasn't the same redhead little lady like she once was. Here's where y'all will find out why... As "Mad Max" was running off from the Boar's Nest to meet his friends, a classic early 70's red Corvette was traveling at a high rate of speed towards the Hazzard County line. *The personalized license tag on the back of the Corvette reads CherryRed* Inside the sportscar were 2 gentlemen and a young woman. The gentlemen were friends of Hewey's and the young woman was indeed Vicki Lynn Coletrane. They were heading towards Hazzard to start their latest string of schemes. Wearing dark sunglasses, Vicki looks out the window, wondering if this is a mistake going back into Hazzard County. The last time she came here, it was Christmas, and no one except her family and the Coletrane family knew that she was here. She had sneaked into Hazzard County from the north out of Tennessee so wouldn't be seen by anyone else, especially the Dukes. While Roger was driving her Corvette, Vicki gasped outloud when she noticed a white patrol car about 1000 feet in front of them. "Roger, Stop!!" Roger slammed on his brakes. "What's wrong, Red?" asked Roger. "Are you all right, Red?" asked Torey, putting an arm around the trembling redhead. "We had to time it just right, didn't we?" asked Vicki sarcastically, as she glared at the patrol car. She noticed that Rosco was staring at them. "What do you mean by that?" asked Roger, looking at Vicki then added, "Why are you trembling?" "I'm just a little nervous. In front of us is my Uncle Rosco's patrol car!" said Vicki as she scrunched down in the backseat of the classic Corvette. "Why are you so jumpy?" asked Roger. "Did you & your uncle get into an argument or something?" asked Torey. "Well, he seemed allright when I was here for Christmas several months back. He thought that I might have changed some while I was in the hospital for some tests, but I think that he might still be upset that I helped Hewey steal some money out of the Hazzard Bank a year ago," said Vicki, brushing a tear away from her blue-gray eyes. "Yeah, I remember that day. I captured that witness that saw you & Hewey going into Hazzard Bank after hours, and held him while y'all escaped into Tennessee with all that money," said Torey, smiling meanly. Vicki rolled her eyes, remembering who that witness was. "Too bad you got caught by those Dukes, Torey. But I'm glad that Hewey bailed you out of jail the next day." "That happened in your past, Vicki. I wouldn't worry about it right now," said Roger, smiling at the redhead. "Maybe you're right," said Vicki, sighing loudly. "So what do you want us to do, Red?" asked Torey, watching the white patrol car in front of them. Vicki smiled slightly as she was dialing Hewey's number into her car phone. "Go ahead & drive. Just drive 55 exactly when you cross that county line. Not one over or one under or my uncle will try to stop you for speeding." "Sure thing, Red," said Roger laughing then added, "Let's see if the Sheriff will follow us now." *If Rosco reads my license tag right, he'll know this is my car* thought Vicki as Roger drives the Corvette across the Hazzard County line. CUE: Rosco, Maryanne, or Anyone Else
  11. She does, Maryanne! I decided in this story only that Vicki will have a car phone and she will be driving around in an Early 70's Corvette! It's not quite a muscle car, Daney! But it is some sort of sportscar! Talk to y'all later!
  12. Thanks for the info, Maryanne! I was just wondering if I could write Vicki into having a car phone in her new car as she heads towards Hazzard County! I'm glad everything is working into the storyline so far! Its really FUN!
  13. While the stalker was taking Bo away, Vicki & Daisy continued talking inside the farmhouse. They were unaware of the trouble outside in the barn. Pam & Luke came inside the farmhouse. "Well, its about time that you two came back. I'm getting ready to cut the cake," said Daisy, noticing that Bo was not with them then added, "Where's Bo?" "I don't know, Daisy," said Luke worriedly, looking around the farmhouse then added, "I thought that he might be done cleaning the stalls out by now." Pam looked at her watch. "That was almost 30 minutes ago." Vicki gave her sister a dirty look. "You shuck-n-jived Bo into cleaning out the stalls?" "Yeah, Little Red. He shuck-n-jived me back by talking me into doing his chores tomorrow morning while he takes you fishing," said Luke grinning at Vicki. Vicki smiled at Luke. She knew if she talked Rosco into letting her off tomorrow morning, she will be able to go fishing with Bo. As Vicki walked outside to start searching for Bo, a shot was fired towards her. BANG!
  14. NOTE FROM LITTLE RED: 5/28/02 Do y'all know what year is this story?? Does it take place in the 80's or 90's?? It is fun writing with y'all on this crazy fic! Y'all haven't seen anything yet with my character Vicki! I'm bringing her back to town along with some of Hewey's goons! At first, no one will recognize her when she drives past the crowd at the Boar's Nest in her new Chevy Silverado Pick-up! 8) If y'all are wondering why my character went crazy and fell in love with Hewey Hogg, parts of it was explained in my last 2 posts! Right now, I am writing the complete story that will take place shortly before this story takes place! I'll try to post an opening page shortly in the Round Robin! If y'all want to help me with it, let me know! Y'all have a great day! Take Care!
  15. Y'all take in mind that my fanfic character Vicki, in this story, is not my typical character that I write about! I wrote my character to have an mean streak in her, which led her to fall in love with Hewey Hogg! Since this is an alternate universe story! She is not the shy sweet redhead anymore like she was in the Little Red Series! She's rebellious & wild! If y'all want to see an idea of what my character could be like, go into Rivals Series in Round Robin or The Beginning, also in Round Robin!
  16. NOTE FROM LITTLE RED: 5/24/02 Hey, Y'all! I hope that y'all are having a great day! I just added a short post about Hewey Hogg helping Vicki get over her nightmares about her last day in Hazzard County nearly a year earlier! I'm not sure if it works with the storyline, but I'm sure that it will work somewhere. It also deals with Hewey Hogg putting a call in to some old friends that will help them try to take over Hazzard County and to take care of some unfinished business! I hope that y'all will like it!
  17. CHICKASAW COUNTY COURTHOUSE While everyone was gathering at the Boar's Nest, Vicki & Hewey were in a jail cell, sound asleep. Vicki was having a nightmare that has haunted her for several months. This nightmare was due to her wild past in Hazzard County. Vicki started mumbling in her sleep which awoke Hewey. The dream was about the final confrontation she had with Bo nearly a year earlier after she went crazy. "Leave me Alone! ... What do you mean that you want it to be over between us? Only because you saw me rob the Hazzard Bank ... I'm not going to let that happen ... So you want me to put down the gun, well sugar that is not going to happen right now, is it? ... Get inside right now! You're not going to get away until I'm long gone out of Hazzard County!" Hewey started rubbing on Vicki's arm, trying to wake her up. "Honey! Wake up! You're having a nightmare!" "I was?" mumbled Vicki as she was opening her eyes slowly. "Yeah. Are you all right now, honey?" asked Hewey, hugging Vicki tightly. "Well, if I still wasn't having that nightmare, I would be a lot better now!" said Vicki with slight anger in her voice. "Well that is the same with me & Max Davenport. I can't believe that he & the Dukes put me in jail. It wasn't even my fault!" said Hewey. "I know, sugar. Maybe what we need to do is to go to Hazzard to take care of them once and for all. Then maybe we won't have any more nightmares like that!" said Vicki as a tear fell down her face. "Honey, let me use the phone for a minute. I'm going to make a phone call to some old friends of mine, then we will go to Hazzard to take care of some business!" said Hewey with a smile as Vicki unlocks the jail cell door. BALLADEER: Friends & Neighbors, this isn't looking too good for the Dukes is it? Once these two comes back to Hazzard, everything will turn upside down for everyone!
  18. NOTE FROM LITTLE RED: 5-22-02 Hey Y'all! I hope that you're having a great day today! *Right now, I'm recently in the process writing the next post to the story, The Rebellious RedHead! It's about Vicki being welcomed to Chickasaw County by Hughie(or Hewey) Hogg! It's a short but sweet post! To see a preview of what my character is going to be like in this new series, go into Hazzard Double Cross in Round Robin or The Beginning in Round Robin! It'll give y'all an idea of what my character is going to be like! I have her being a little more wild and meaner than she was in earlier stories!! I hope that y'all like how my character was reworked so far! Y'alls feedback is greatly appreciated! It make me feel good hearing from y'all!
  19. I'm glad that you liked it, Crazy C! It wasn't much, but I thought that I would give Hewey Hogg a girlfriend that is similar to Hewey who could help him try to take over Hazzard County! That should keep the Dukes rilled up for a while!
  20. Bo started fighting his attacker, but it was useless when the attacker puts a dark hood over his face. The dark cloth was soaked with chloroform, and Bo fell unconscious when he dropped to the ground with a thud. Pulling the black ski mask off, the attacker laughed at the young man as he takes the hood off of Bo's face. "Now its my turn to have some fun with you for a while," said Jasper, taking some rope out of his bag then added as he pulled out a couple of handkerchiefs as well, "Now we're going to see how long it takes your girlfriend to find you."
  21. About 30 minutes later, Vicki pulls the black mustang across the Chickasaw County line. As she crosses the line, a newer Black Chevy Bronco starts to follow right behind her. Looking into the rear view mirror, Vicki recognizes the SUV immediately then pulls over to the side of the road. "I'd figure that he would find me before I got to town" she thought as she was getting out of her car. "Princess!" said Hughie Hogg excitedly as he gave Vicki a hug then added, "You're out of Hazzard County finally!" "Sweet sugar," said Vicki, smiling at Hughie then added, "You mean that I'm out of Hazzard County for good!"
  22. "You know, I've never seen my cousin so happy," said Daisy as she watched Bo walk across the yard towards the barn. "I know," said Vicki smiling at Daisy as she watched Bo going into the barn then added, "He's been this happy since my birthday a couple of months ago." "Yeah, I remember that day. I remember that you saved Bo from carbon minoxide poisioning after he was abducted by Carl, Diane's Manager with the Auto Circus. I remember that after you revived Bo, he woke up and told you that he loved you for the very first time," said Daisy as she was taking the coffee pot off the stove. Vicki smiled at Daisy. "That was right before he made that huge jump in the General Lee. That was also the 1st time that he ever called me "Sweet Angel" "Bo told me that he called you that when he thought that you were glowing over him, after you revived him from carbon minoxide poisioning," said Daisy, taking a butterknife out of the drawer. "And he's been calling me that ever since," said Vicki smiling at Daisy. "Vicki, he's also your best friend. He tells me that all the time, especially when y'all are arguing about something," questioned Daisy. "Yeah, just like you are one of my closest friends," said Vicki, taking a drink of her iced tea. "Bo & I are pretty close. Not as cousins, but also as best friends," said Daisy, smiling at Vicki. Vicki giggled at her friend. "Yeah, your cousin & I started out just being friends, and now we do everything together." "Including kissing in the back seat of the General Lee late at night," said Daisy, smiling at Vicki. Vicki gave Daisy a dirty look. "Well, we have been best friends for about 2 years, ever since my family moved here from Oklahoma," she said smiling at Daisy then added, "Besides, we have been dating steadily since my birthday." ******** Meanwhile, out in the barn, Bo was talking to Pam & Luke. "Luke, are you sure that you want me to clean the stalls now? I am on a date with Vicki." "It'll only take you probably about 30 minutes, Bo. Vicki will be all right until then," said Luke as he handed Bo a pitchfork. "Yeah, I was wanting Luke to take me out to Hazzard Pond to go swimming," said Pam, putting her arm around Luke's waist. Bo looked around the barn. He knew that if he used a couple of shortcuts, he could be done in about 10 minutes. Then he could have Vicki to himself the rest of the day & night. "I guess I can do this for y'all." "Thanks, Bo," said Pam, smiling sweetly at Bo. Bo smiled at Pam then at Luke. "But only if you'll do my chores tomorrow so I can take Vicki fishing at Hazzard Lake tomorrow morning." "Cousin, its a deal," said Luke as he shook Bo's hand then added, "We're going inside now to tell Daisy that we're leaving for a while." Bo smiled at Luke as they were leaving the barn. As Bo started pitching hay, an arm grabbed him from behind, dragging him away from the stall...
  23. Added 2 short posts to the Hazzard Double Cross about Hewey Hogg & his girlfriend, Vicki Lynn Coletrane! Its about Vicki asking Hewey questions about Max Davenport! I hope that it sounds good to y'all! I'm not sure if I added it right, y'all!
  24. Before getting out of the patrol car, Vicki switch the Channel to 22 so she could call Sheriff Little. "This is Lady Red calling Chickasaw Terror, do you have your ears on Sheriff?" "Hi, Lady Red. Did you catch up with that little varmit?" asked Sheriff Little. "Sure did, Sheriff. Do you want me to arrest him?" asked Vicki back into the CB mike. "You did fine, Lady Red. No, just make sure that he pays you for the ticket. Then you can have the rest of the day off," said Sheriff LIttle laughing into the CB mike. "10-4 Sheriff. I'll talk to you later! I'm out," said Vicki as she hang up the CB mike. ******* "Hello Princess," said Hewey as she gave his fiancee' a kiss on the mouth a few minutes later as Vicki walk over to her fiance's car. "Hello Handsome," said Vicki, returning Hewey's kiss. "What was that you wanted to ask me, Princess?" asked Hewey as he helped Vicki sit on top of the hood on his convertible. "About Max Davenport," said Vicki, taking Hewey's hand then added, "I heard it through Aunt Lulu that he was coming back to Hazzard to visit his cousins, Cooter & Hilery." "So he's coming back to Hazzard, that's nice!" said Hewey angrily, taking a cigar out of his pocket to lit it for him to smoke. Vicki placed a hand on Hewey's shoulder. "What's wrong?" "Do you remember that story I told you earlier about me & Max?" asked Hewey. "Yeah, Max at one time was your best friend, when you & Max were teenagers," said Vicki. "That's right, princess. It was right before you moved here from Oklahoma," said Hewey as he continued smoking his cigar. "Aunt Lulu told me that you & Max were involved in a fire, is that right?" asked Vicki, placing a arm on her fiance's shoulder. "Yeah, on accident, I set Max on fire," said Hewey, turning away from Vicki. "You've got to be kidding, Hewey!" said Vicki in shock. "I'm not, Princess! It's the truth! In fact, the Dukes turned me in for Max's accident." "That figures," mumbled Vicki then added, "They are always trying to mess things up. Even something that happened a long time ago." The couple were in silence for a minute. "So did the Dukes tried to send you to jail?" asked Vicki sarcastically. "Well, they tried too, but 6 months later, I got out on good behavior, so I moved back home to finish high school," said Hewey as he gave Vicki a hug. "Now you're rich & powerful, just like your Uncle JD," said Vicki laughing. "And the richest man in Chickasaw County thanks to some investments I bought," said Hewey laughing as he gave Vicki a hug then added, "Including buying out the Chickasaw Bank!" Vicki smiled meanly at Hewey. "So would you be interested in going to Hazzard to visit Uncle JD?" "So I could accidently bump into Max Davenport?" asked Hewey. "Only as long as I don't bump into the Dukes," said Vicki sarcastically. "Sure, Princess! Let's go to Hazzard! Maybe I'll have some friends of mine meet me there so we call have some real fun there!" said Hewey laughing meanly. Vicki giggled at Hewey. "Sounds good to me!" she said then added as she gave Hewey a ticket, "By the way, darling. You owe me $100 dollars for reckless driving or you have to spend the night in jail." Hewey laughed at Vicki. "For you, my sweet princess, I'll spend the night at the Chickasaw Jail as long as you're there with me!" "You're on, sweetheart," said Vicki as she slaps the handcuffs on Hewey's wrists then added smiling sweetly, "Let's go spend the night in jail so we can be ready to rule Hazzard County tomorrow." *CUE: ANYONE*
  25. Here is my fanfic character's Biography: NAME: Vicki Lynn Jones (Duke) She is god-daughter of Rosco, due to her family being best friends with the Coletrane family. PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Hazzard County or Chickasaw County, depending on which storyline is used and year of story. 2nd home is at Mountain Creek Lake in Chickasaw County. AGE: Late teens to 30's depending on which storyline is used and year of story. BIRTHDATE: April 26, 1962 or April 26, 1972 - Depending on the year of story HEIGHT: 5'2 WEIGHT: 135 HAIR: Auburn-light brown EYES: Blue-gray OCCUPATION: Hazzard County Deputy & Chickasaw County Deputy. Was a deputy for Rosco in early stories, later stories she is a deputy for Sheriff Little in Chickasaw County. Also became Sheriff of Chickasaw County after Sheriff Little retires- Timeline: 1999 to 2002 *Works occasionally undercover with FBI as a crook PERSONALITY: She has a real bad temper when she's under a lot of stress or of jealously. Most of the time, she's sweet and shy. Lots of fun to be with. CB HANDLES & NICKNAMES: "Little Red" or "Sweet Angel" CB Handle in Chickasaw County: *Chickasaw Redhead* CAR: 1)1966 Black Mustang 2)1997 Black mustang GT convertible 3)2000 Black Corvette Convertible BEST FRIENDS: *Vicki had lots of friends. Her very best friend is Bo Duke. They did practically everything together unless Bo was with Luke and Vicki was with her sister Pam, Daisy, or her roommate Katie Williams. They eventually fell in love and married after they dated steadily for a while. *Vicki was also friends with Hughie Hogg. They met for the 1st time when Hughie showed up in Hazzard to film a movie about the Dukes. He tried to con Vicki into helping him then, but she refused. They teamed up together for a while when Vicki was separated from Bo for a short while. They still work together now in Chickasaw County running the county. That was an updated biography on my fanfic Character Vicki Lynn Jones! Take Care Y'all! Keep Smiling!
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