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Everything posted by dukesran1

  1. Sheev ok everyone in the movie was but Sheev toke the cake he was way out there and i do mean way out there he goes around thanking the goverment wants to read his mind but trust me after you see him you'll be thanking his mind is a waste land He was so funny
  2. Sheev ok everyone in the movie was but Sheev toke the cake he was way out there and i do mean way out there he goes around thanking the goverment wants to read his mind but trust me after you see him you'll be thanking his mind is a waste land He was so funny
  3. The best character i would have to say John knoxville/Luke John real suprised me in this movie That's not a duke Sheev He is something real something he is out there and i mean out there but he was so funny Like He killes armodelo's to make hat's so the goverment wont read his brain or he runs around in just his underwear
  4. The best character i would have to say John knoxville/Luke John real suprised me in this movie That's not a duke Sheev He is something real something he is out there and i mean out there but he was so funny Like He killes armodelo's to make hat's so the goverment wont read his brain or he runs around in just his underwear
  5. Cletus has only one scene in the hole movie Enos is in the hole movie as is cooter I thank both actors who played Enos and Cooter did good
  6. Cletus has only one scene in the hole movie Enos is in the hole movie as is cooter I thank both actors who played Enos and Cooter did good
  7. I LOVED IT ok there was alot of bad words 3 times they sead something about drugs like what was in the safe some kind of drug? or like a possum on drugs or i want the car check for sterods and there was two place in the movie where they made you thank something happened Everyone did a good job even Jess but exspeted the acter who played Bill picket he got on my nirvers. Knoxville was a good Luke he was the ladys man and got all the girls he did a good job Scott was a more out there sometimes even when he talked to the car but he did a good job to Jess was good to Willie did a real good job as uncal Jessie Bart was a more meaner boss he also did a good job as the rest of the cast Bo was wild but not as crazy as sheev he was out of there but funny The scene where Luke was in bed with two girls was cut out and the scene where Lynda carter sead something about muffens wasn't there The yes the doors where broke thats because Cooter didn't have time to fix them but as fare as the flag they didn't exsplan it in facted they never know it was on the car until the got to georgia then somewhere calling them names and others warnt they did have a scene where they went into the wroge side of Georgi and almost got beat up because of the flag Hint Willie isn't the balladeer Willie version of the good ol boys plays at the end Waylen's version of the song played in the begging They had to open to other rooms just to get everyone in so the movie was a little late but when they did the jumps i heard people claping and alot of laugh all in all it was a great movie i thank it will do great at the movie house and i dont thank it makes fun of the show
  8. I LOVED IT ok there was alot of bad words 3 times they sead something about drugs like what was in the safe some kind of drug? or like a possum on drugs or i want the car check for sterods and there was two place in the movie where they made you thank something happened Everyone did a good job even Jess but exspeted the acter who played Bill picket he got on my nirvers. Knoxville was a good Luke he was the ladys man and got all the girls he did a good job Scott was a more out there sometimes even when he talked to the car but he did a good job to Jess was good to Willie did a real good job as uncal Jessie Bart was a more meaner boss he also did a good job as the rest of the cast Bo was wild but not as crazy as sheev he was out of there but funny The scene where Luke was in bed with two girls was cut out and the scene where Lynda carter sead something about muffens wasn't there The yes the doors where broke thats because Cooter didn't have time to fix them but as fare as the flag they didn't exsplan it in facted they never know it was on the car until the got to georgia then somewhere calling them names and others warnt they did have a scene where they went into the wroge side of Georgi and almost got beat up because of the flag Hint Willie isn't the balladeer Willie version of the good ol boys plays at the end Waylen's version of the song played in the begging They had to open to other rooms just to get everyone in so the movie was a little late but when they did the jumps i heard people claping and alot of laugh all in all it was a great movie i thank it will do great at the movie house and i dont thank it makes fun of the show
  9. http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2005-07-31-hazzard-premiere_x.htm?POE=LIFISVA
  10. http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2005-07-31-hazzard-premiere_x.htm?POE=LIFISVA
  11. Thank you for leting me know i posted it but i wanted to make sure it was right
  12. Thank you for leting me know i posted it but i wanted to make sure it was right
  13. his monthly news letter so i dont know it this is true so if anyone out there gets johns monthly news letter let me know if this is what he sead "Hey" What a blast!! Last night I attended the "Dukes of Hazzard" movie premiere in Hollywood and had a fantastic time. It took all day to get there, actually all day and half the day before and half of today...long story! Quick review: Amazing car work in the movie. The language is not always great, but the fun is there as is the BO/Luke relationship. Be careful about taking your smaller kids to see it, but I thank your teen will love it!'' again anybody who has his weekly newsletter let me know if this is what he sead
  14. his monthly news letter so i dont know it this is true so if anyone out there gets johns monthly news letter let me know if this is what he sead "Hey" What a blast!! Last night I attended the "Dukes of Hazzard" movie premiere in Hollywood and had a fantastic time. It took all day to get there, actually all day and half the day before and half of today...long story! Quick review: Amazing car work in the movie. The language is not always great, but the fun is there as is the BO/Luke relationship. Be careful about taking your smaller kids to see it, but I thank your teen will love it!'' again anybody who has his weekly newsletter let me know if this is what he sead
  15. I wonder what John thought of the movie?
  16. I wonder what John thought of the movie?
  17. First of all he didn't look good at all and he seemed so spaced out as if he had been on Willie's bus to long or maybe the year's of drug use has toke it toll everytime Jay asked a question he would answer it but he would be looking like up inseted at Jay it was real sad to watch him.
  18. First of all he didn't look good at all and he seemed so spaced out as if he had been on Willie's bus to long or maybe the year's of drug use has toke it toll everytime Jay asked a question he would answer it but he would be looking like up inseted at Jay it was real sad to watch him.
  19. ok i picked Willie but i am a fan of SWS as fare as him begin only able to play one roll i dont belive that i thank he can do other this in facted there is a movie that he did called STARK RAVING MAD (I haven't seen it and im still wanting for my cope) but i have read a lot of revies crites loved him in this movie they sead he did a good job moving away from all of his stupped movies. But for some reason i dont know why you can only get it on dvd it never went to movie house the movie came out the sametime time as rundown did
  20. ok i picked Willie but i am a fan of SWS as fare as him begin only able to play one roll i dont belive that i thank he can do other this in facted there is a movie that he did called STARK RAVING MAD (I haven't seen it and im still wanting for my cope) but i have read a lot of revies crites loved him in this movie they sead he did a good job moving away from all of his stupped movies. But for some reason i dont know why you can only get it on dvd it never went to movie house the movie came out the sametime time as rundown did
  21. ok first of all 1 Daisys blonde The network wanted a blonde 25 years ago but got Cathy 2 The doors open They also open on the show beacuse of safety 3 Not sure about the jeep 4 just because you saw the tralior doesn't mean she stupped 5 6 the actor who played Boss Hogg on the show wasn't fat he wear a fat suit 7 Luke no Bo yes i hate to say this but Bo wasn't alwasy the brightess apple in the bunch 8 so what? yes im just so ashamed i have to go hind under my bed and cry
  22. ok first of all 1 Daisys blonde The network wanted a blonde 25 years ago but got Cathy 2 The doors open They also open on the show beacuse of safety 3 Not sure about the jeep 4 just because you saw the tralior doesn't mean she stupped 5 6 the actor who played Boss Hogg on the show wasn't fat he wear a fat suit 7 Luke no Bo yes i hate to say this but Bo wasn't alwasy the brightess apple in the bunch 8 so what? yes im just so ashamed i have to go hind under my bed and cry
  23. Yes i got a free ticket but i also won a free screening of the movie which i am going to and if i dont like the movie can alwasy give someone else the ticket
  24. Yes i got a free ticket but i also won a free screening of the movie which i am going to and if i dont like the movie can alwasy give someone else the ticket
  25. what is the code for the last car? help
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