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Everything posted by dukesran1

  1. I mean before that they got away from the campus poilce and they called the Georgia police what for i never heard of campus poilce calling the real police and all the duke boys did was speed away?
  2. did anyone else see right before jess got off Enis desk the little misshap with her bikiny top ok i have seen this three times and that was the first time i saw it im suprised the ratings board let it go
  3. i seen it for the 3th time yesterday but three will be it because i dont what to start hating the movie but i do have a question after seeing it 3 times why does the Georgia police need to chase them they didn't do anything?
  4. the first photo was during the race the next two was the beginng of the movie and some say the jump where fake? Thats because they dont stay to see the gag reel at the end where it show what they did to the cars
  5. I saw it for the second time two weeks ago but sadly my computer has been down so i wasn't able to came in but it was just as good as the first time i saw it
  6. I read this on another board that in the new Intertanment Weekly the first words wroge but dont know how to spell it but anyway they thanked him for the publicity he gave to this movie
  7. I read this on another board that in the new Intertanment Weekly the first words wroge but dont know how to spell it but anyway they thanked him for the publicity he gave to this movie
  8. i have been reading all over the net somepeople are mad beacuse Cooter wasn't right and they wanted to see porn you can't make everyone happy
  9. i have been reading all over the net somepeople are mad beacuse Cooter wasn't right and they wanted to see porn you can't make everyone happy
  10. welcome Dave i myself kind of liked Sheev thought he was funny
  11. welcome Dave i myself kind of liked Sheev thought he was funny
  12. welcome mark who did you like in this movie I thought Sheev was very funny
  13. welcome mark who did you like in this movie I thought Sheev was very funny
  14. Scott i see you have a question you dont know who Sheev is well he the local bait shop owner
  15. Scott i see you have a question you dont know who Sheev is well he the local bait shop owner
  16. yes please lesin to him he just knows it all but you will be missing out on a great movie
  17. yes please lesin to him he just knows it all but you will be missing out on a great movie
  18. John's Bo was a lady's man and loved the car Seann's Bo is shy not a lady's man and loves the car way to much
  19. John's Bo was a lady's man and loved the car Seann's Bo is shy not a lady's man and loves the car way to much
  20. read my review where it's say IM BACK MOVIE REVIEW I loved the movie it was funny and knoxville/scott did a great
  21. read my review where it's say IM BACK MOVIE REVIEW I loved the movie it was funny and knoxville/scott did a great
  22. Liked both the movie and the trailer
  23. Liked both the movie and the trailer
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