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Everything posted by dukesran1

  1. Show the actor who played bullethead and gone in sixty seconds is named William lee Scott you can find his bio at IMDb.com
  2. sorry missed spelled that second word http://www.cinecon.com/news.php?id=052091 it will say warning it did'nt work but when you git to the page go down to the bottem where the dates of the story is a click on 2/9/05 and it will take you to a page go down a little and you will the story
  3. like to add that there is yahoo groups based on coy and vance or byron and chris they are http ://tv.groups.yahoo.com/groups/byroncherryclub/ http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/groups/chrismayerclub/ http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/COYANDVANCE/?yguid=180 http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/thecoyandvancedukechatclub sorry i can't git the byron cherry or the coyandvance or the coyandvancedukechatclub to work so what on those three you just go to yahoo groups and tip in byron cherry's name and the others you tip in coy and vance sorry
  4. First of all i do agree that Ben jones problem is that he is greed but i have never read anywhere where John sead he hated the movie in facted i read an acticly that sead he liked the movie
  5. I liked the Starsky and Hutch movie but i do hope they are right that DOH isn't like that
  6. Becuase tom was mad because they toke there place and beside in there contract's they were told not to talk about Byron or chris but Tom just keep not remenbering them he wont even talk about them and i dont blame Byron for being mad becuase of tom did'nt what them there they being Byron and Chris lost out on there on show
  7. also i forgot did you know that Byron Cherry coy had actuilly won the roll of bo but when he had went to do another gig John steped in and toke his place but there was no hard filling becuase when he won the roll of coy John let him stay at his place
  8. i read over at another board long time ago that if you watch the sceen where they are leaving and there is a shock look on John and Tom face thats because Byron Cherry who played coy mooned them but i dont blame the guy Cherry, Mayor where told that when John and tom came they would git there own show but the network lied and they had to leave the only bad fillings there is between tom and byron chris John and Byron are good friends
  9. I know it spote to be willie but his IMbd bio does'nt say he's even in the movie and i read over at yahoo that he told someone that he did a song for the movie but he was'nt playing jesse
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