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Everything posted by dukesran1

  1. I thought i would let you know and the link is up on top
  2. she was in the ep THE RETURN OF HUGHIE HOGG and her name was Hortense Up until that ep the only sister he talked about was Lulu
  3. welcome. Ok your right it's not the same but if it was the same people would still grip about it. if they dont what to watch it then dont no ones putting a gun to there heads and telling them they have to. everyone has the right to say what they what but atlest give the movie a chanes before you condime it
  4. the Pink Panther has been postponed till feb 12 2006 why i have no idle
  5. wow you know someone from WB are the movie could be reading this and take you for your word and you could be in big trouble i would watch what you say. And this is just a movie it wont change the world and Daisy a bimbo what did Bach wear back then? It sure wasn't clothes you would consinder lady like i bet you back then when the show came on there were alot of people calling Bach a bimbo. I dont know about Johnny Knoxville i never seen anything he has done but i can tell you That SWS is a good actor if he can get past thoes American pie movie. And why isn't when someone grips they it's just like Coy and Vance they missed up the show. get over it wasn't the actors fuilts the they had to act just like John and Tom if anyone blame WB. If you dont what to see it then dont see it
  6. there is an upclose photo of him at this website i hope this works http://www.moviesonline.ca/movie_gallery_pic.php?id=74 if it doesn't work maybe someone will come along who can make it work it worked
  7. ye i read that to but i wonder how they did SWS part when for his new movie he shaved and cut his hair.
  8. speaking of the 3rd season dvd's last week i went to my Wal-mart and payed 30 dollars for today i went to another Wal-mart and they had a sale that end today if i would have wanted a week i would have got it for 8 dollars cheaper
  9. what do you all thank about the story it's seat in the late 70s The Sun was coming over the bank. It was just another beatiuful day in Hazzard the birds where singing and every things was right or was it. Rosco seat at in his car when a car came up beside him. The plates where out of state and the car was hot the only time Rosco had every see a car that good was maybe those Duke Boys car, he watched as it drove down the street. Rosco: Hay little fat buddy do you have your ears on Boss Hogg: What do you want and it better be good. Rosco: Well huh well Boss Hogg: Rosco you pea brain i dont have all day what is it? Rosco: I just saw this fance car came throw town Boss Hogg: And Rosco: Well i just thought i would let you know. Boss Hogg; Rosco i dont pay to watch car's you git your butt out to the duke farm now. Rosco: Ok Im gone. At the farm Jessie was cooking breakfest and having a hard time geting Bo and Luke up. Jessie: Boys!! it's time for breakfest no answer this was the second he had called them. Jessie grabbed the pan of water he had been using to wash the eggs. He opened there door and throw the water at them Bo: Hay Luke: What was that for? Jessie: get up now it's breakfest time and after words you two have chores to do get up Bo and Luke: Ok we'er get up Bo: Just once i would love to sleep in Luke: Well if you wont stay out all night you wouldn't need to sleep in. Bo: Ok but why did you sleep in? Luke: Never you mind from the other room Boys Bo and Luke: We'er up Jessie seat the table Daisy had all ready gone to work. She seemed to be the only with her head on her shoulders, Jessie looked out the window to see a car caming up Bo: Man i can eat a horse Jessie: Well there's no time for that now. Luke: Why? Jessie: Becuase we have vistors Jessie and Bo , Luke went outside just as the car pulled up. Bo: Wow look at that car. Luke: She's a real looker Bo: I bet it can't beat the general Two guys got out of the car Rosco seat a mile away in same trees Rosco: Calling little fat buddy. Boss Hogg: Rosco this better be good im busys. Rosco: That car i was telling you about it's at the Dukes Boss Hogg: Well watch them and find out what they want Rosco: Ok little fat buddy well do ten four and out Balledeer: Now you know this is going to be trouble so want do you thank
  10. mine had a movie ticket to but i thank the reason not everyone got one was maybe because if WB gave everyone in the country a free pass to see the movie they would loss alot of money it's just a guess i could be wroge.
  11. you where he is when they git the where it say designing the Daisy Dukes they show a scene where Bo, Luke and Daisy are walking in a junk yard the tallman in the middle of Daisy and Bo is Cooter And when Willie is singing the Theme song and they talk about him become the Balldeer Cooter is the one dancing with Lynda Carter
  12. went to Wal-mart and got mine there was alot of copys mine did come with a movie ticket but i will be out of town that week so i'll have to want all thought i wont get to see it in town they tour down my movie house to build an Applebees dont get me wroge i like Applebees but if i had the chose as you can tell from the Icon it would have been the movie house because i could have watched this movie un sunday for only 1:50 oh well on a side note we did get to see Cooter but i didn't get why they where hiting each other in the head with a phone book after Bo trashed the first car i guess i'll just have to want for the movie
  13. Im going to Wal-mart tonight i hope i can find it
  14. orange chargers in the second ep there in junk yard One was being crushed the second one they dont show up close but it's missing doors the third one is seating in the back ground face front the 4th one was next to Macgyver and all it showed was the right side and the 5th one was a closeup but the roof was black and the back window was gone
  15. I saw Byron on a Heat of the Night Ep i actuilly have it on tape he did a good job here is what Byron Cherry has done Tv an ep of Murder She Wrote an ep of In the Heat of the night an ep of Vietnam War Story's Movies The Fix Blood Salvage
  16. I watch the red green show every sunday night on PBS when they show it i use to also like a show called Red Dwarf but it doesn't come on where i live anymore
  17. i was over at Yahoo reading my mail someone sead there copy of the pliot did have stuff about the movie and it told who the balladeer is Willie nelson
  18. you know if you go down to the thread at the bottom that reads (New Official Dukes Movie Wallpaper&Icons)and click on the link go to Uncal Jessie Wallpaper and it show a photo of Rosco he doesn't look fat and if you want a bigger photo go to www.allmoviephoto.com go down the page click on the Dukes of Hazzard and then click uncal Jessie's wallpaper it's a bigger photo of Rosco and again he doesn't look fat Note the one on the bottom right
  19. because they acted to much like Bo and Luke but that wasn't Byron Cherry or Chip Mayor's fuilt they where told by the network to act like John and Tom's Bo and Luke they where even made to watch eps of them so they would know how to act there way.
  20. Jess is wearing the samething from the first poster she's just seating on the back of the car
  21. I resved another Email from there manger it read (Hi! if you go to our website: http://www.cage9.com/ ....on the home page scroll click on Dukes of Hazzard movie trailer'and you can view the trailer. Cage9's version of Good Ol Boys' starts when you see Jessica Simpson in a bikini in the poilce station-from then on it's all Cage9.) this me i dont know if this helps
  22. I was reading an old interview the cd player in the general doesn't work.
  23. I dont have cable and i have seen them you just have to keep watching tv or tape a chanle like NBC,CBS,FOX,ABC and they will at some time show them. As fare as Cooter i thank he's in the third one but im not sure
  24. thanks for thoes they where real cool but i dont git the facted that Luke dose'nt drive the general lee from what i have read all he drives is the boss hogg's car but luke did drive the general lee sometimes in the show but why not in the movie?
  25. you know i like Joe Don Baker but i still can't figer out why he did'nt do the second and third Walking Tall movie's
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