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Everything posted by bethie88

  1. lol. That's probably it. Money makes so many decisions. But I loved Daisy's car. RIP Roadrunner. lol.
  2. Oh, I think the roadrunner suited Daisy just fine. It was a hardcore car, and Daisy was a hardcore lady!
  3. BJ looked confused. "Well, Luke... what're you talkin' about?" Luke looked at BJ for a moment, trying to decide how to put this. "BJ, I'm gonna tell you something, but you have to keep it between us. Enos Strate, the fella from California? Well, we all grew up together in Hazzard. And he's loved Daisy since before he could talk." "Oh, no!" BJ said. "He has?" Luke nodded. "He sure has. He loves her more than anything." BJ's facial expression changed. He didn't want to hurt anyone. Not even Enos, who he didn't really know. "Well... I... I guess maybe Enos'll be going back to California soon." "And then you'll be going back on the road, and where'll that leave Daisy?" BJ looked at Luke seriously. "I wasn't... I was hoping I wouldn't have to go back on the road." Luke looked at BJ in shock. BJ not driving a truck anymore? For Daisy? After a long silence, Luke said, "Oh, Lord." ~*~*~*~*~*~ Meanwhile, Bo was talking to Enos. "What's wrong, buddy?" "Well, Bo, it's just... Well..." Bo smiled at his friend. "Now Enos, how long have we been friends." "Long as I can remember, Bo," Enos said with that innocent grin of his. "Well, in that case, I'd say you can tell me whatever's botherin' you." Enos smiled weakly. "Oh, Bo, you know how I feel about Daisy. I've liked her since I was a little boy. And she..." he trailed off. Bo patted Enos's shoulder. "Go ahead, Enos." "Well, you see how Daisy looks at BJ. And if she wants him, I want her to be happy." Bo looked at Enos, who now looked sadder than a hound pup left alone in the woods. "Now, Enos, you know Daisy. Sometimes she only sees what's right in front of her. Just giver her some time, and we'll see how it goes." ~*~*~*~*~*~ Meanwhile, in the house.... Cue Dixie
  4. That's a great story. I love John, because he's one of those people who never got too big for his fans...
  5. Bo didn't reply to Uncle Jesse. He just waited until Jeb got out of the wrecker, and started toward him. He wasn't the only one ready for a fight. Jeb was headed his way, just as mad. They met between the wrecker and the General Lee. Luke and Cooter headed that way, but before they could get to them, Bo was yelling, "What did you think you were doing back there?" "What did it look like I was doing?" Jeb shot back. "I was just racing the General Lee. Just like you and Luke have done a blue million times." "First off, the General Lee BELONGS to me and Luke! We can race him if we want to. And second, you had MY wife, and MY baby in that car, and you had NO right to put them in danger." "Bo, you bull headed thing! Beth and that baby were just as safe as they are any other time." "Jeb, it ain't up to you to make that decision! When I gave you the keys, I told you to drive safe and take care of everybody in that car." "Bo, calm down! Good Lord, what's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with ME? You're the one who's racin' a car with a pregnant woman in the back seat, just so you can look like Mr. Big." Jeb glared at Bo, then angrily took a swing at his cousin. Bo, who was caught completely off guard, took the punch right in the jaw. When he came up, he took a swing with his good left hand, hoping that Jeb's face would be easier on his fists than the tree and the dresser. Bo's fist connected with Jeb's lower lip, as Daisy, Dixie, and Beth looked on in horror, trying to figure out what to do. By this time, Luke and Cooter had made it to the boys, and Luke had grabbed Bo's arms. Cooter had a hold of Jeb, trying to keep him back from Bo. "What is wrong with you two?" Luke asked angrily. "Jeb's actin' like a kid. He put Beth and the baby in danger." "ME?" Jeb protested. "Bo's tryin' to be my father. And he's not!" "No, I'm not," Bo said. "But I am Beth's husband, and our baby's father. And I'll be danged if I let you hurt them." Jeb's eyes were bright with anger as he replied, "......" Cue Dixie
  6. In Dixie and Debbie's room, Debbie was quietly explaining to Dixie what being with Jeb was like to her. "Dixie, when... when I see him, it's like... like I know all he sees is me. And all that matters to me is that he knows that all I'm looking at is him." Dixie smiled at her friend. "Debbie, you've got it bad." Debbie shook her head. "B...But... Jeb's... I don't know. I just can't... Dixie, I've waited so long to find the right guy... and now, it seems like I really might have found him. And I can't believe it. I almost don't want to let myself believe it... Because I'm scared of another disappointment. I don't want to get hurt again. I mean, I've heard all these stories about ther Duke boys and how they've run around and chased women. And I just don't want to be another one of Jeb's conquests." Dixie smiled at Debbie. "Honey, I've known Jeb Duke a long time. A very long time. And I've never seen any woman make him light up like you do. Even Luke and Bo say he's different around you." "Good different or bad different." "Oh, Debbie. Good different. Very good." Debbie smiled. Maybe there would be another wedding or two in Hazzard County soon enough. ~*~*~*~*~*~ In the barn, the guys were having quite a time. Bo was drinking only beer, though. He really had no intentions of ticking Beth off again. Especially not when they had such an important appointment the next night. Bo put his arm around Luke in a brotherly manner. "Well, cousin, all these years of waitin' and it comes down to this." Luke grinned, his eyes bright. "I'd say this is worth it. She's worth it." Bo grinned. "I'm tellin' y'all, Luke sure has found the right woman. Dixie's the only one who can settle him down." "More like the only one who can put up with him," Jeb said. "Cute," Luke said sarcastically. "Hey, Bo," Coy said. "Did somebody just pull in the drive?" Bo nodded. "I'll go see who it is." Bo walked to the door, and smiled to see Enos walking that way. "Hey, Enos!" Bo said with a smile. "Hey, Bo," Enos replied. "Come on in. We're just reminiscin' about old times." Enos grinned. "That sounds like fun." He followed Bo inside. All the guys said, "Hey, Enos!" As Enos looked at BJ across the room, everyone felt the tension, but very few realized what it was all about. Bo and Luke looked at each other warily, wondering why nothing in Hazzard could ever be simple. Cue Dixie
  7. Does anyone have any screen caps of Jill that I can use for icons on the RPG on Greatest Journal?
  8. "Beth, honey," Bo said softly. "Are you OK?" She sighed. "Yeah. I guess." Bo stroked her hair, then said, "Lemme put your hair up, honey." She nodded, and Bo sat down beside her in the floor. He brushed her hair back, and pulled it into a ponytail. "What can I do for ya now, Sunshine?" She just sat there a minute. "Just let me brush my teeth." "OK." Bo stood up and went to their bedroom. She brushed her teeth, and went back to their room. Bo was lying down with a slight smile on his face. As Beth lay down, Bo smiled at her, and pulled her close to him. "Now where were we before our little one decided to interrupt?" Beth smiled wickedly as she pulled his head down and kissed him. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Debbie was blushing bright red as Dixie walked with her into the house. Dixie was a little embarrassed herself, but blushing wasn't something she did often. Debbie couldn't bring herself to look up. "What's wrong with you?" Dixie asked. "Uh... nothing... nothing at all." "Nothing my foot," Dixie replied. "But don't worry about it. Believe me, we know these boys. They're Dukes. And everybody knows that Dukes like women." Debbie smiled. "I hope they don't like too many women. Especially not at one time." "Oh, don't worry about that. Once you get one settled down, he's yours. Look at Bo and Beth! He'll never admit it, but she's got him wrapped around her little finger." Debbie smiled. "Well, in that case... I might have myself a Duke to tame." ~*~*~*~*~*~ In the barn, the guys were beginning to wonder what was taking Bo so long. It was Bo, Jr. who stood and said, "I'm gonna go get Daddy." Cue Dixie
  9. But wouldn't those jeans make swinging his leg into that window mighty difficult?
  10. Beth stood up to read her essay. She had never been so nervous in her life. She had read essays in class often, but never had she read one that was so close to her heart. She walked to the front of the room, where the teacher smiled at her. "Go ahead, Beth," he said, patting her arm kindly. Beth smiled as she stood up straighter and began to read. "When asked to write about someone very important to me, I thought of many people. All of the people I thought of are special. They are all dear to me. But above all of these people, I could think of one who has sacrificed and worked very hard for me. That person is my husband, Bo Duke. "Bo is only seventeen years old, but already, he has faced his share of heartache and disappointment. We found out, not long ago..." Beth began to tear up a little. "That I am pregnant. Bo could have left me. It..." she stopped again to wipe her eyes. "It would have been easier for him to have left me. My father did not want us to be together. He wanted to give our baby up for adoption. But Bo refused to let that happen. He stood up for me, and my mother allowed us to be married. But the hard work and love hardly ended there. "Bo works hard to earn our keep at the Duke farm. He works hard to make our part of the house a home for me and the baby. He helped to build the rooms on the back of the Duke house so that we would have our own little area just for us. "Bo is not just my husband. He is my best friend. Noone has ever given so much for me, worked so hard for me. And I will always be grateful for all he has done." By this time, Beth had tears streaming down her face. Bo was fighting them back himself. And he felt kind of bad about writing his essay about Cale Yarborough when Beth had used hers to say such loving things about him. But he knew that she loved him, and that she knew that he loved her. As she moved back to her seat, Bo took her hand and whispered, "I love you." ~*~*~*~*~*~ After school, Beth, Bo, Jeb, and Dixie met at the General Lee. Jeb asked Bo if he could drive the General. Bo wanted to say no, but something in his cousin's eyes wouldn't let him. "OK, Jeb. Go ahead. But be careful. If you hurt the General, it'll be my hide Luke tacks on the wall, not yours." Jeb grinned. "I'll take care of him, cousin. Besides, you're the one who taught me how to drive." Bo shook his head. "That's what I'm afraid of. Now you just remember that it ain't just you and me in this car. You've gotta take care of Dixie, Beth, and the baby. And Daisy in a minute, too." Bo helped Beth into the General. She was quite capable of getting in herself, but since he'd found out about the baby, Bo had become extremely protective of Beth. Dixie climbed into the other side. Bo swung into the passenger's seat, something he wasn't used to, and sure didn't like. Jeb climbed into the driver's seat, then held out his hand for the keys, which Bo reluctantly gave him. Jeb cranked the General, and pulled out of the parking space. Bo told Jeb to pick Daisy up at the gym door, so Jeb headed out that way. Daisy climbed in, and settled in between Bo and Jeb. As they pulled out of the school parking lot, Brody in his Camaro, Enos in his Olds 442, and Mac in his Fairlane. As they got to the dirt road that led out of town toward the Dukes, Brody signalled to the others that he wanted to race. Enos accepted the challenge, and pulled up beside Brody. Mac accepted as well, and pulled in beside Enos. As Jeb pulled up on the other side of Brody, Bo turned to look at him. "Jeb Stuart Duke, don't you dare..." But Jeb had already signalled back Bo protested, "Jeb, my wife and baby are in this car, and..." Jeb and the others drowned Bo out, as they simultaneously stomped the gas, running 4 wide on a road that was meant for 2. Cue Dixie
  11. Beth couldn't remember the last time so many people had eaten at the Duke house. There was more food than most had ever seen, except maybe at a church's coverdish dinner. She shook her head as she looked at Bo, Jr. and Jake, whose eyes were bloodshot. She looked at her husband, and the other Duke men, as well as Cooter, but said nothing. She and Bo would have a talk later. And Bo wasn't gonna like it. Dixie was also a little aggravated at them for drinking so much. But she couldn't stay too mad at Luke. Not when she was head over heels in love with him, perhaps more than she had been in high school. Beth, however, in love or not, was going to be giving Bo what for later. Cue Dixie
  12. Do you mean the car that Jesse drove in "Days of Shine and Roses"? That was a '65 Ford Mustang (not positive about the year; '64½-'67 was the year range for that body style I believe). It looks to me liked they reused that car (painted green this time) in "Hazzard Connection" as the crash derby car the Dukes were in with Enos when they lost the brakes. It had the same hubcaps anyway. Boss Hogg's "Grey Ghost Jr." in that same episode was a '68 or '69 Chevrolet Camaro. If you are referring to "Black Tilly" from the "High Octane" episode; see Jeff's post above. I was talkin' about "Shine and Roses."
  13. "Well, this girl said something she had no business saying. So I...kinda... bloodied her nose." Luke looked at Dixie, then busted out laughing. "I'll bet she never expected that one." "I doubt she did," Dixie said with a grin. "So, Kool-aid was the only one who saw it?" "The only adult." "Well, I'd say you're safe, then. Kool-aid ain't one to rat on somebody. If he gets asked about it, he'll probably just say he didn't see nothin' worth mentionin'." Dixie smiled. "I wish my old school had had somebody like Mr. Crouse. I would have stayed out of alot of trouble." Luke grinned. "Can't argue with that." Dixie looked at Luke a few minutes, finding herself lost somewhere in his bright blue eyes, as he rattled off the different parts they had to pick up. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Back at the Dukes, Beth and Bo were in the room that was going to be the nursery when the baby was born. Beth was planning out everything, and Bo was just watching her. Beth wanted the room to be perfect. Bo grinned at her and said, "Sunshine, you are somethin' else." She smiled at him lovingly, as she walked over to him, letting him hold her. "So are you." Bo pulled her close and kissed her. "Honey," he said. "As much as I'd like to stay here and enjoy this, I've still gotta get my essay set for tomorrow." Beth snapped to attention, "Good Lord! You're right!" She and Bo hurredly grabbed Bo's notebook and went to the kitchen. They sat at the table side by side, and got to work. Beth helped as much as she could, and after a couple of hours, Bo was done with an essay he could truly be proud of. ~*~*~*~*~*~ When Luke and Dixie got back from Atlanta, Dixie was on top of the world. But Luke unwittingly sent her to rock bottom when he hugged her from the side, and said, "Well, Kiddo, I better get to the Boar's Nest. I promised Anna May I'd be there at 8." Cue Dixie
  14. Bo: Yeeeehaaaw! Balladeer: Well, that's just how I'd put it!
  15. Maybe I'll just join and keep it on the d/l!
  16. Luke shook his head, trying to get the cobwebs loose as he walked over to Steve. "You OK, man?" Luke said, his speech still somewhat slurred, though it was more from being tired than from being drunk. Steve looked up at Luke with a grin, and said, "Oh, yeah, just dandy." Luke shook his head. "I should have warned ya not to drink too much of that stuff. Jesse's shine sure don't settle good when you're used to beer." Steve smiled. "That's the dang truth." He sat there a little longer, just to make sure he was done, then stood up. "Is the shower in here operational?" he asked. "I think so," Luke said. "But maybe you better wait a while. The others still ain't awake, and when they are, this bathroom's probably gonna get real popular real quick." Steve shook his head. "Good Lord... how much alcohol's in that stuff?" Luke just grinned and said, "You don't wanna know." Steve looked at Luke for a long moment before saying, "You're probably right." "Now I'm really worried. Beth and Jake's parents are gonna tan our hides for bringin' home a couple of hung-over kids." Steve shook his head. "Can't disagree with that." By this time, Bo, Coy, Vance, Jeb, and Cooter were stirring around a little bit, since they were used to Jesse's shine, unlike the rest of the crowd. Bo, Jr. was awake before Jake or the younger smokejumpers. And he was sick, but not to the extent that Steve had been. He was a Duke, and it was almost as if moonshine ran in the Dukes' blood, so that it rarely made them too sick. But as much as he'd had the night before was gonna hurt someone who'd never been a shine-drinker, whether or not he was a Duke. He got pretty sick, but once it was out of his system, he felt alot better, with the exception of the splitting headache he had. Jake was up next, also sick despite his Duke stomach. After a few hours, tho, everyone had pretty well gotten as sick as they were going to. And then they just tried to get straightened out before they had to go home and incur the wrath of the women. Cue Dixie!
  17. Double O Sayid! It's Bethie! How's it goin'? I wanna join your community, but my mom is all "anti-RPG" because of D&D. Oh, well. That sucks. But anyways, it's cool that you're on here!
  18. If DOH jumped the shark, it was probably when they brought Coy and Vance in, or when they started doing the stunts with models, and jumped a phone pole...
  19. They were all laughing when who should walk up but Lyndsie. "You would have cleaned my clock, huh, Mac?" Mac grinned. "If I was the type to hit a girl... or if I was a girl... why not? You hadn't done nothin' to nobody, but mess them up. You're just a mean hateful snob, and I don't know why you think you're so big." Lyndsie glared at her ex-boyfriend. "Just because your friends are..." A look at Dixie made Lyndsie think better of what she had been planning to say. "Nevermind." Dixie nodded, and whispered to Beth, "That's what I thought." "You need to go on, Lyndsie," Mac said. "We've had enough trouble for one day." "I'll say," Lyndsie agreed. As the tall thin blonde walked away, Bo shook his head. "That girl... I swear." Beth took Bo's hand and squeezed it. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart. We've got alot more important things to worry about. I mean... What people say and all..." Bo smiled as Beth trailed off. "I love you, honey." She smiled back. "I love you, too." She leaned over, and he kissed her gently. Daisy, Dixie, Brody, and Jeb all had to smile at Bo and Beth. Beth leaned over, and Bo put his arm around her. The bell rang, and Bo groaned. His next class was World History... which he was passing, but still hated. The only bright side was that Brody and Mac were in that class with him. Beth, Dixie, and Daisy all had the same class next. Mrs. Carson's Algebra. They were just glad that they were all together. Bo took Beth's books, Mac took Daisy's, since he had quite the crush on her, and Jeb carried Dixie's just to be polite. Jeb and Dixie were friends, but they were hardly each other's type. As they reached the math classroom's door, Bo kissed Beth. "Love ya." "Love you, too," Beth replied, as she took her books. "Bye, Daisy," Mac said, with a grin, handing Daisy her books. Daisy smiled her sweetest smile. "Bye, Mac." Dixie took her books from Jeb, who said with a grin, "Hey, Dixie, no more bustin' people's noses." Dixie grinned her best Davenport grin. "Not if I can help it." The girls walked into class together, where Daisy took her seat beside Enos Strate. Beth sat behind Daisy, and Dixie behind Enos. They settled in for another boring day in math class. CUE DIXIE
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