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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Arnie Cunningham:"Why do you keep butting into my life?!" Rudolph Junkins:"Because we found yer Boss Will Darnell dead in yer front seat, with a shotgun by his side." Arnie Cunningham:"Why?" Rudolph Junkins:"Well, I was kind of hoping you could answer that."
  2. Captain E. J. Smith:"Take her to sea Mr. Murdock, let's stretch her legs." Officer Murdock:"Yes sir."(Goes into the wheelhouse on the bridge.)"Ahead full Mr. Moody." Mr. Moody:"Very good sir."(Sends a signal to the engine room workers for Ahead Full.)
  3. Christine fans... How many of you would've believed George LeBay's lie "She'll start. You need these." My friend Chris Mocaby:"Everyone would have because no one in their right mind would believe the truth." Me:"Yep Chris Mocaby... The truth was incredible!"
  4. KEYSTONE Cops(What one of Emerson P. Craig's men called Rosco & Enos in Season 6 A Baby for the Dukes)"It's those KEYSTONE Cops again Mr. Craig!"
  5. Hello RafaDuke. Try eBay. Or maybe Northeast Ohio Dukes (Raymond Kohn)He might have some.
  6. Christine fans... I know so much about Stephen King's book and John Carpenter's movie adaptation Christine. I was told "If there was a job for movie plot detective, you would get the job!" Now how cool is that?
  7. Christine fans... In the book, it is so funny when Arnie brings the Buddy Repperton gang damaged Christine from the airport lot to Darnell's Garage on a tow truck. Darnell sees it all smashed up. He thinks to himself "It looks like the Green Giant shat all over it. It's never going to run again. That's all. It won't run another foot."
  8. Christine fans... Which version of Dennis's New Year's Eve ride with Arnie do you like better? A: Book B: Movie C: Both For me C. But A is more interesting.
  9. Arnie Cunningham talks about love. https://youtu.be/26as0V2IHG8?si=Lm3owC_hVe4byAmy
  10. Christine Fun Fact: The actor who played Bemis introduced Keith Gordon(Arnie Cunningham)to the woman who would later become Keith's wife.
  11. Moochie Welch's death in the movie. https://youtu.be/kbHKdn0XScg?si=2qsO-dcooMywTwOY
  12. George LeBay:"Name's George LeBay." Arnie Cunningham:"Arnie Cunningham. How much are you asking?" George LeBay:"Start 'er up!" Arnie Cunningham:"Really?" George LeBay:"Yeah."
  13. Christine fans... Arnie Meets Christine https://youtube.com/watch?v=U0XYoxE3psw&si=9lQdKaAZj1enqiCs
  14. (Season 1 The Sound of Quacking) Ginger has turn in the water line. Ginger:"Is this all I get Gilligan?" Gilligan:"Sorry Ginger. But we're on strict rations." Ginger:"Strict is right! I didn't even get my lips wet!"
  15. (Season 1 The Sound of Quacking) Gilligan:"I made that decoy duck out of an old shoe with feathers on it. How does it look?" Skipper:"Like an old shoe with feathers on it!" Gilligan:"It's very good looking!"(Shoe sinks, real duck loses interest.)Gilligan:"I forgot. I had a hole in my shoe!" Skipper:"You forgot you had a hole in your head!"
  16. Christine Fun Fact: Did you know in the book the original gang leader was Roger Gilman? When he got arrested on a hijacking charge, Buddy Repperton took over as gang leader.
  17. (Season 1 The Sound of Quacking) Skipper:"Oh that Gilligan! He never does anything right!" Mary Ann:"What'd he do now?" Skipper:"Look at the way he washed this plate!" Mary Ann:"Well, it looks clean to me." Skipper:"What's this spot in the middle of it?" Mary Ann:"That is your breakfast!"
  18. Dennis Guilder:"Hey Charlie. Have you seen Arnie?" Charlie:"Yeah. He's still in the shop." Dennis Guilder:"What's wrong?" Charlie:"Buddy Repperton has his lunch." Dennis Guilder:"Buddy Repperton!"
  19. Christine Fun Fact: Did you know in bloopers of that scene in the Auto Shop class at the high school, Buddy Repperton made like he was crying when Arnie tried to get the lunch back? Buddy Repperton mock cried and rubbed his eyes, and everyone broke out laughing including Arnie Cunningham.
  20. Will Darnell:"Henry, this is Will. Did Cunningham get there? Is the order ok? Listen, he was drivin' my Caddy wasn't he? Take it easy. Ok Jack! Come on out. The ride is over! If I have to come in an' getcha, I'm gonna getcha! So why don't you do us both a favor, come on out?!"
  21. Christine fans... Are you surprised after the events of the night before, Arnie's car trying to kill Leigh, that she went in with him to pick up his wallet from the car in the Darnell's Garage? We never saw a wallet in the car. Perhaps Buddy Repperton and his goons stole it when they smashed the car up?
  22. Cousin Garrett... Original VHS by Warner Brothers or made from reruns?
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