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Posts posted by Spike

  1. This "Snowmageddon" storm is so far turning out to be a dud. I know we still have another 24 hours to go but all it did so far is rain till about 1pm then snow for an hour and back to rain and now it's raining and snowing at the same time. We were supposed to have half a foot of snow by now. Local tv stations got everyone in such a panic saying this could be the biggest storm in history that local grocery store shelves are now bare. Schools, Library's, Museum, Local Government buildings all closed for the rest of the week. One goofball meteorologist said this one was going to be like or worse than the dreaded "blizzard of '78", I hope he gets reprimanded at least.

  2. Since my brother in law got his new snowblower attachment and new mower he gave me his old snowblower. And it looks like I'll be using it Thursday as they're forecasting upto a foot of snow for Wednesday-Thursday. Of the big 3 hardware chains in town I found out Home Depot allows you to rent their trucks without having to make a big purchase in store to haul home. So I rented their truck to get the snowblower from my brother in law and bring it home. After I dropped the truck back off to Home Depot I checked out the weekend clearance sale and ended up buying another ratcheting screwdriver that I really didn't need but for half a turn of the handle it does a full turn of the bit and I only paid $5 with the extra 15% off clearance prices sale they were running.

  3. Interesting how things finally get fixed around here when you start documenting it. Monday morning I fell again on the iced over sidewalk leading to the parking lot. Since late November early December the eavestrough down spout at the end of the building had been separated from the eavestrough so all the rain and snowmelt has been pouring down on the neighbors front step and then down to the sidewalk. The roof is black so even when it's really cold like it has been this week the snow melts on sunny days and the sidewalk has been covered with a 1/8-1/4 inch thick layer of ice. Monday morning after I fell I took pictures of the missing down spout and ice covered sidewalks, did it again Tuesday and yesterday morning as well. I guess management got word of it or maybe someone else complained as well, when I got home yesterday a new downspout was put on and a lot of salt was put on the sidewalk. The high yesterday was only 15 degrees so it is highly unusual that maintenance works outside. When temps are that low they only do emergency maintenance such as windows, doors or anything to do with the heater/ac unit and anything that can wait till warmer days gets pushed back on the schedule to warmer days.

  4. So what was supposed to be just one inch, at most, of snow turned in to 4+ inches of snow. Needless to say since the local weather forecasters on last evening's news said we weren't going to get barely any snow the county plow drivers weren't called in till this morning. Due to the lousy roads there was a multi vehicle pileup on I-75 that still has it shut down. We were supposed to clean an office this morning but we came back home after seeing how bad the main roads were. I'll make that $$$ up and probably more clearing driveways this afternoon anyways.

  5. 7 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

    Believe it or not I never had any big crushes on Daisy. A little crush maybe. The only person I ever had a big crush on was Farrah. I'm not saying Daisy wasn't crush-worthy. Of course she was....but even if she wouldn't have been on the show it would still be the best show in history. 

    Gonna have to disagree with you on that, I don't think it would have been as good if Catherine Bach/Daisy wasn't part of the show. Some of the iconic moments of the show that are stuck in my mind are from the first episode, Daisy standing in the middle of the road in that red bikini and Daisy kicking Roscoe out of the police car. 

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