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Everything posted by SonjaBudd

  1. Thank you. So I need to buy season 2 and 4.
  2. I think Bo gave her the money she needed for nursing school after he won the money in a race.
  3. I might be remembering the name wrong. The lady that wantred to be nurse they helped.
  4. Can anyone tell me which episode and which season the Dukes met Mindy-Sue?
  5. SonjaBudd


  6. SonjaBudd


    I sent a link to my beta on Fanfiction.net they may join.
  7. SonjaBudd


    I'm not going anywhere.
  8. Sorry... my co-writer stopped replying on fanfiction.net so I've been stuck... I have 33 Dukes of Hazzard crossover ideas.
  9. SonjaBudd


    Good to be back in Hazzard. No one causing to much trouble round here I trust. Though it seems pretty quiet round here.
  10. SonjaBudd


    Using my dad's computer so for now yeah.
  11. I'm here.
  12. SonjaBudd


    Hi ya'll my computer stopped working.
  13. Now I have 23 stories I'm writing and have 73 story ideas I haven't even touched...well 71.

  14. I have a season one and three DVD set and a season two coming.
  15. https://docs.google.com/folderview?id=0B5zo0WuYhHMgdk9NU2Zyc2EzQ3M&usp=docslist_api
  16. as I recall in one armed bandit I think it was stated probation was suppose be for two years. But when Boss became there probation officer…
  17. I just mean there hasn't been a fan of the month since like Oct of 2013. It's April of 2014 so now more then five months since the last one.
  18. I've been trying to come up with a list of the Duke cousins besides Bo, Daisy and Luke. So far came up with Coy, Vance, Jeb and Jud am I missing any in that list?
  19. Yay! My status went up! Felt like it took forever.

  20. I'd like to go to a Fan Events And Cooter's i live CA and don't have funds or I would. I'm going to add it to my bucket list though.
  21. SonjaBudd


    Now me I keep crazy hours anyway.
  22. I'm trying to stay patient with the mod and hoping for help from the mod and bolster my posts a little since this will be 99 so one more post until the next rank.
  23. this episode is on a shrinking list of episodes I want to see. But 4 of the episodes were technically two episodes since they were two parters. Carnaval of Thrills and Ten-Million Dollar Sheriff.
  24. Now if anyone has a suggestion for a different title for "Dukes Of Smallville" I'd love to hear it cause I'd like to change the name since someone else has a story called "The Dukes Of Smallville" and I'd like to avoid confusion.
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