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Lost Soul

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Everything posted by Lost Soul

  1. Is there any episodes that does not have the General Lee in?
  2. Also, please join the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/Katts-and-Dog/34145192351
  3. On topic please.
  4. Where did you get your display for your Yahoo! Avatar??? I can't find it and I really like it!

  5. I'm glad someone has remembered it. I expected to get no replies. BTW, someone of Youtube is uploading the shows. He said he probably has every episode on tape. He has 2 episodes uploaded so far. Good quality too.
  6. I'm glad someone has remembered it. I expected to get no replies. BTW, someone of Youtube is uploading the shows. He said he probably has every episode on tape. He has 2 episodes uploaded so far. Good quality too.
  7. So, what do you put in there?
  8. When you sign up, where you put your user name and stuff, it's at the bottom of the page. One of my friends is trying to sign up. He tried every letter including names but won't work.
  9. it has L in the box
  10. Wow, just wow.
  11. ALF Are You Afraid of The Dark? Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction Buffy The Vampire Slayer Early Edition Goosebumps H20: Just Add Water House Katts and Dog Rescue 911 The Secret World of Alex Mack Think that's all of them.
  12. Forgot to add Rescue 911
  13. Does anyone know of any channels that air Katts and Dog?
  14. What TV Shows do you watch? Mine are: ALF Are You Afraid of The Dark? Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction? Buffy The Vampire Slayer Early Edition Goosebumps H20: Just Add Water House Katts and Dog The Dukes of Hazzard The Secret World of Alex Mack
  15. This topic is outdated, the link no longer works.
  16. Simolean ~ A Dollar (Not Referred To Any Kind Of Dollar) Hurrendous ~ Something bad; terrible Cuff 'em and Stuff 'em ~ Term used by Rosco; to arrest someone Yeehaa! ~ What the Dukes say when their excited General Lee ~ The name of a car owned by the Dukes; usually driven by Bo and Luke (or Coy and Vance). It is mostly painted orange; has a confederate flag on the roof and 01 painted in Black outlined in white on both sides. Heres some words to help make up the Hazzard dictionary.
  17. I've watched this movie a number of times, it's a good movie. A lot of people here probably haven't seen it or heard of it because it's a rare movie. It's about a nurse who picks up her car from the garage and while she's at the garage, she meets a business man who is trying to get to the airport; his car is not ready yet. While on the way to the airport, to drop off the business man (Ed), she picks up her sisters baby. While on the way to the airport, she almost runs over a pedestrian. He asks for a ride to the phone so Jenny (the nurse) let's him get a ride with them. As there driving, their brakes fail and an officer (Bo) tries to stop the car. He stops Jenny earlier for "reckless driving". At the first of this movie, it says based on true story. I can't find anything about this event, but I'm still looking. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about it or could help me find it. Dunno when the event actually took place but the movie was filmed in 1997. If you want to watch the movie, you can download a torrent. Just search Runaway Car torrent, it should pop up. There should be at least one seed because I'm seeding it from my computer. It's pretty much the only way to get this movie since none of the video stores have it and the DVD is rarely seen for sale. I get real lucky and bought it off a website. It took me a long time to find this movie before I bought it. I saw it on TV like 10 years ago, but only saw the 2nd half of it.
  18. This may sound like a dumb question, but I was wondering. This question came to mind when I heard about VHS tapes sitting around and not being used for alongtime, they loose there color (the color in the film). I know computer files are different then VHS tapes. But, I have a lot of movies I have downloaded. I have them for over a year and I don't watch them all all the time of corse, but,in overtime, will anything happen to them, like lose their quality or not work? I have over almost 200 movies, plus I have TV shows downloaded bt stored on another computer becuase my EHDD (External Hard Drive) is broke. So they'll be there for a longtime. The movies I have on this laptop, I had for at least a few months, but I copied them all t another HDD to reinstall Windows and back to this laptop again.
  19. Who here likes/is a fan of Ariel Tweto?
  20. I'm a fan of Ariel Tweto, those of you who don't know who she is, she's the girl on Wipeout, just search Youtube. She made no.1 on the season final. For anyone who has Facebook, join this fan club: http://www.new.facebook.com/pages/Ariel-Tweto/25627642178
  21. I sometimes drive an ATV, up at a cabin by country roads. I was wondering how I can drive like the Dukes and do jumps with the ATV like the Dukes. I'm planning on practicing.
  22. The correct speeling for that word is simolean(s) meaning money. A simoleon is slang for a dollar. I hear this word a lot sometimes of the Dukes.
  23. Currently watching 4x17 ~ Pin The Tail On The Dukes, and just at the scene where Boss has a whole mountain of donuts, wow. Don't often see him with that much food!
  24. It'll take me a little while to get to that episode, I'm still on the the 4th season.
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