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Everything posted by DukesFan_08

  1. Once again Lori, I'm so sorry for your loss. *hugs*
  2. Aww that's terrible, I hope they find them. =/ And I would love to live in Hazzard County too
  3. Haha, awesome. Banjos rock.
  4. Awww darn. I was hoping to finally convince my parents to take me this year. Hope they have it again soon though! Thanks for letting us know.
  5. My day was pretty boring. Did some schoolwork, went to the local ice cream parlor for lunch, raked leaves in the front yard, and here I sit.
  6. Welcome to Hnet!
  7. Whoa, I haven't checked this topic in a while! Sorry. Aww, thanks. lol that's a cool idea... I think of him and remember him every day.
  8. Me and LoriDavenport are co-writing one together, and since she's already posted in here that she was going to do one, we both agree to have it turned in by the due date and we both know the consequences if we don't.
  9. Awww thanks. He was 10. I only got to know him for a few months... my parents had just bought him for me a couple months before we had to put him down after he crashed the fence and badly broke his leg. There was something that helped me get through it, and that was the little rescue pony that I also owned, and before then had never done much riding with because he was really nervous and scared. The day after my sweet boy passed, I decided that I was going to ride Dude, the rescue pony. So I tacked him up and put him in the round-pen and trotted him around, and he behaved really well for me. I was really happy with how he behaved, so I rode him more often. I did a lot with him for about a year, until I started leasing the mare that I've been riding for the last few years. Dude went on to show in the Baby Green Pleasure division (I know it's not much... but if you knew the pony, you would know how big an accomplishment that is for my little guy.) and even went to an away show or two. I truly believe that my sweet gelding was up there watching over my Dude, and helping him out. So mainly Dude was the one that got me through it... that and this one song, that reminds me of my boy every time I hear it. It's "I Remember You" by Mountain Heart, and every year on the day that he died, I take my mare or my little Dude up to the ring and ride to that song. It's just a little way I remember him. LOL... that's what I did, but I kinda doubt that that's any help to you... all I can say is to be there for your mom... give her a shoulder to cry on... or listen if she wants to talk about him, or don't push her if she doesn't want to talk about him... I think that just being supportive will mean a whole lot to her.
  10. In reply to Laura Duke: I never have gotten over the loss of my sweet gelding... even though it'll be three years this October since I lost him. I still love him and miss him every day... I don't think it's something that you really get over And thanks! Showing is a lot of fun. I hope that you can try it sometime, it's great fun and you can learn a lot
  11. I ride horses! I love them. I ride hunter/jumper and I'm in 4-H and the Virginia horse show association... I'm leasing a bay Breeding Stock Paint mare. She's really bratty sometimes but she's also a great hunter horse, and I trust her a lot. She's taught me a lot about riding, and I show her in the 2'6 and 3' divisions at local and state shows. I'm also training another Breeding Stock Paint mare, a chestnut, for my mom... she's still learning stuff like taking jumps in straight lines, lead changes, and things like that. She's got a lot of potential though, and I love her a lot. It's cool that there are a lot of other equestrians on Hnet!
  12. Thanks everyone! I thought there were some this month... but the trainer's out of town so I think our next one is the first week in September... then State is 2 weeks after that. I get to jump 3 feet... woohoo...
  13. Yeah, there's a couple in August and then State 4-H in September
  14. I voted! And I'm telling my friends too. Thanks for the heads-up
  15. Hi and welcome
  16. Wow, that looks so awesome
  17. Yep it is We do alright at the shows... we have good days and bad days... not too long ago we got 1st in one of our jumping courses at the House Mountain show at the Virginia Horse Center
  18. Thanks!

    Nice chatting with you too.

    Thanks, I feel welcome already. People are so nice around here. [=

  19. I don't know anything about embroidery and such... I have lack of creativity problems. xD I do ride horses though... I ride hunter/jumper and show in local shows, 4-H shows, and a few big VHSA shows... on my breeding stock Paint mare that I lease
  20. Thanks I love your signature xD
  21. Thanks! I think I love it here already xD
  22. haha, thanks. Love your signature by the way.
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