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Everything posted by LizzyJackson-Davenport

  1. "Yeah I know." Lizzy sighs. Lizzy remains at the table helping Sara with breakfast as Bo and Belle leave.
  2. Lizzy really wants to say something else but decides she doesn't know what else to say. She's saved from saying anything when Sara comes in the room followed by Belle. "Can we go now?" Belle asks.
  3. "Because I know how you can get about her. That's why I asked. I wanted to make sure you're not taking this to me she loves her real dad better and that she wants nothing to do with you. She loves you just as much as she loves Matt, maybe even more." Lizzy says.
  4. "OK, just remember I'll always love you." Belle says then runs to her room. "Bo are you really ok with this?" Lizzy asks.
  5. "Belle sweetie." Lizzy calls. "Yes Mommy?" Belle asks coming into the kitchen. "Get your stuff together you're gonna go live with your dad for a week." "Really?" "Yes really." Lizzy answers trying not to look to disappointed. "Daddy you'll be ok with this right?" Belle asks looking at Bo.
  6. "I know what we have to do." Lizzy says the next morning. "I don't want to do it but I know we have to."
  7. "Pray with me?" Lizzy asks softly. Bo nods and they softly talk to God hoping he'd tell them where to go from there.
  8. "Maybe but that doesn't mean I just want to give up my baby. Why can't this be easy?" Lizzy asks.
  9. "Yeah I guess. Daisy do you think that Bo and Lizzy will ever truly be together?" Enos asks.
  10. "I'm not sure what difference that would make. If she really is doing all this to go live with her dad, it's just going to get worse until she gets what she wants." Lizzy says.
  11. "I don't know. The psychologist just says that Belle loves us both but she thinks she'd be better off if she went to live with her real dad. Part of me wants to let her." Lizzy says.
  12. After talking to a couple more people and then taking Belle to a doctor who confirmed nothing was wrong physically Lizzy takes Belle to a psychologist. After about an hour of talking the psychologist walks out. "She doesn't have ADD." "Then what is it?" "Is everything ok at home?" "Everything's fine." "Are you sure?" "Yes. Why wouldn't it be?" "Belle wants to go live with her father." "What do you mean?" "Belle tells me she lives with her mother and her step dad and she loves you both but she thinks maybe things will be better if she lived with her real dad." "Thanks." Lizzy says. The psychologist nods and lets the pair leave. "So did you figure out what's wrong?" Bo asks later that night. "Belle wants to live with Matt." Lizzy says.
  13. Later that day Lizzy talks to the tutor. "She's so smart and she's got so much potential she just doesn't apply it. Look the stuff I'm giving her she's nine right?" "Yeah." "The stuff I'm giving her is first grade work. Stuff my six year old niece could do. I don't understand why she can't do it." The tutor says. "Can I see some of her work?" Lizzy asks. "Yeah here." Lizzy flips through the pages and sighs. "Look Liz, there's something I want you to consider." "And what's that?" "She may have ADD." "You can't be serious." "I've seen it with some of my other students. She can't pay attention and when she does its not for long. Lizzy look I understand you want to protect her but...something is going on." The tutor says. "I'll see what I can do." Lizzy sighs.
  14. "It's a combined baby shower." Bo says hugging Daisy then Lizzy. "Aw Bo you didn't have to." Lizzy says. "It was all Enos." Bo says.
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