"It explains why my appetite has changed and why I not feeling good in the mornings." Lizzy says as she gets up. She washes out her mouth then sits down on the closed toilet. "I'm pregnant Bo. I know I should get it confirmed but I'm nearly dead sure that's what it is."
Lizzy just shrugged and went to feed Tessa before going to bed. Five weeks later when Lizzy found herself bending over the toilet the nearly every morning Lizzy realized what was wrong.
"I know. I'm sorry Bo. I'll go feed Tessa and then go to bed. When you guys are done could you wrap up the leftovers and put them in the fridge for me? Thanks." Lizzy says standing.
Lizzy smiles then slowly follows after her. Upon getting to the dinning room Lizzy sees Bo cutting up Sara's dinner and then Belle digging into her own. She just stands in the doorway and watches for a few moments.
"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." Lizzy says softly. "That was your favorite book when you were younger but it's true."