"I just mean...it seems to me that when ever Lizzy mentions that she's having problems with Bo you ask her if it's cause of the baby. It's like you keep doubting doing this." Enos says.
"Daisy...what would it take to convince you that Lizzy's thrilled to be doing the surrogacy for you and that you're not coming between her and Bo?" Enos asks.
Two weeks later Lizzy gets a phone call. "Lizzy Duke." She says. "Dang it I keep forgetting you changed your name on me kiddo." The man says. "Hey Nicky." Lizzy says. "I hate when you call me that." Nick says. "Too bad what can I do for you?" "How's the baby?" "Exceedingly sweet. She's got her daddy wrapped around her fingers." "You had her already?" "Night of that awards show." "Right of course. You have three days and they want you back on set. It's your decision but if you do come back they want you to bring Belle back with you." "And leave Sara? I can't do that Nick." "Uh no you can bring the baby. They just want to see about adding another character by the name of Maddie." Nick says. "I'll talk to Bo." Lizzy says.
Just as the pair lay down to take a nap before dinner and had gotten comfortable Austin pushes open the door and slowly walks over to the bed. He knows he's really not supposed to be in his parents room but sometimes he just wants to be with them. "Daddy?" Austin says knowing Bo will give in quicker. "What bud?" Bo asks. "I...I'm lonely." Austin says. "You have your puppy to play with." "Daddy come play." "Kiddo..." Bo says. Lizzy just smiles until she feels something heavy jump on her feet. She looks down to see Sox laying on the end of the bed. Austin thinks for a moment then scrambles up on the bed and over his father to lay between them. Lizzy soothes back his hair as Bo shrugs behind him. Lizzy kisses Austin's forehead and then Bo before laying down completely and dozing off.
Austin turns in his father's arms and hugs his mother. "I love you mommy." Austin says. "I love you too sweetie." Lizzy answers. "Seven months." She mutters.