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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Luke took Rebecca's bagsand took them in the house and Jesse showed her where his mother was. Rebecca walked in the bedroom. and Kathy smiled and said Hi mom. Hi Daughter. howare you feeling? Rebecca Said well Doc Applebe was here and he said the contractions had stopped. but he wants me to take it easy for the rest of my prenency. and hopefully we can get threw the rest of my pregency without any problems. 2 DAYS LATER.. Kathy was sleeping . Luke was snuggled up to her and then the baby kicked. and it woke Luke up. He waited and then the baby Kicked again.. and that kick woke Kathy up. and she said wow Little Girl I guess you are fine now.
  2. Luke waited for Jesse to show up. and when she did Luke got in Dixie and headed for the airport. IN CAPITALCITY-AT THE AIRPORT.. Luke parked Dixie. and walked into theariport and looked up at the screan and it said that her plain Just landed and Luke smiled and said now that's good timing. Then Luke saw Rebecca get off the plane. and she saw him and she walked to him and Gave him a hug and said son how is she? Mom she fine as long as she relaxe. and then Luke got her bags and went out to Dixie. Rebecca smiled and said how come you didn't bring the General Lee.? Luke said Mom the last time you rode in the General you complained so I rough Dixie instead. Rebecca Just smiled and she got in and Luke put her bags in the back seat and they headed back to Hazzard. BACK AT THE DUKE FARM.. Jesse was coming home from school. Jessicca told Jesse what was going on and he ran to hisparents room. and he saw his mother just sitting there and singing to the baby. he walked in and he said mom are you all right. Kathy smiled and said yes Jesse I'am fine and so is your sister. Jesse looked at her and said I got a baby sister cool. he kissed his momand then he ran down the stairs and said I got a baby sister. Jessica just smiled. and then he ran back up the stairs. and then he said mom I'm going to my room and do my homework and then when I'm done I'am going to start my chores but if you need anything you let me know and i will get it for you, Kathy said Ok son I will. and then Jesse left . 1 HOUR LATER.. Jess was out in the barn doing his chores when he hurd Dixie and he stopped what he was doing and hesaw his grandma get out of the jeep and he ran to her and said grandma and he hugged her. Rebecca just hugged her oldest grandchild.
  3. Luke looked at Michael and said will you call Jesse and she if she would come over and sit with Kath So I can go get mom. So Michael went to the phone.and diel his home number and Jessica said that she would be there
  4. and he started to cry. MEANWHILE IN THE HOUSE... Kathy was in her room lying on the bed and she was sing to the baby. and she was tring not to cry. When The Phone Rang. Kathy picked it up and said Duke Farm Kathy Duke Speaking.. Hi Kathleen this is your mother. I had this urencey to call you if everything all right?Rebecca said. Kathy Started to cry and said No Mom it isn't I started to have contractions this morning. and Doc Applebe came and came me some medican to stop the contractions. Mom I don't want to lose her... Rebecca said I will be in Hazzard in a few hours. No mom you don't have to.Kathy Said. Yes I do. I want to be there with you. and i want to help take care of Jesse and Luke. Now I'm on my way tell my son to met me in Capital City in 2 Hours and you take it easy. and she hung up the phone. IN CHICAGO...... Rebecca put the phone down and went up to her room and started to pack. Kyle walked by and said Honey where are you going we have a new grandson to go see. Well our grandson is here and he's healthy meanwhile our only granddaughter is in danger. and I know her mother won't sit still so I'm going to Hazzard. Rebecca Said Kyle said Granddaugher. Kathleen Is she ok? So Rebecca told Kyle what ws going on with Kathy and he said go. and then he dropped her off at the airport and got her ticket and then she got on the plaine. IN HAZZARD.. Luke said I need to go in the house and check on Kath. So Luke and Michael got up and headed for the house. IN THE HOUSE.. They walk into the house and Luke went up the stairs to check on Kathy and she told him what was going on and he just smiled and said ok I will go get mom But I want someone here with you. Kathy smiled and said Ok Baby. and then she kissed him and said oh by the way we are having a daughter. Luke smiles and he said when did you find this out. 2 Ddays ago when i went into work and i had a check up Beth did an Ultrasound and she said wwe are having a girl.and then i got so buzy i forgot to tell you I'm sorry Baby. Luke touched Kathy's stomach and said now little girl you be good it isn't time for you to come out yet. and then he kissed Kathy's stomach. The Baby kicked. and Luke smiled. and then he kissed Kathy.
  5. Michael walked into the Barn and he saw Luke picking up Bails of Hay and threwing them. He said Luke What's going on? Luke looked at his brother and said Mike It's happing again. What;s Happening again Michael Said. Well Kath Started to Have pains this morning Kath and I called Doc applebe and he came and gave her some medican to stop the contractions. and he told me that if the medican doesn't work We could lose the baby. Mike this is what I was afraid was going to Happen. I love her so much. and I love this baby. Luke Said. As he sat down on the bail of hay.
  6. Kathy Said Oh Baby, Officer Randall Just calledand he said that there will be a hearing for Zack and hes friends next week in Capital City and we all need to be there. Luke Said Ok We need to call Vance and get him back her and I need to Let Rosco Know. Luke Said as he went for the phone. Kathy stopped him and said let me take care of that. Baby you need to go rest. Luke smiled and he said yes Doc. Kathy smiled and said don't get wise with your Doctor.and then she went to the Phone and made the calls.
  7. Michael pulled up to the farm and he saw Luke in the Barn and he got out of the car and walked over to him.
  8. 2 minutes later The Doc knocked at the door. and Luke answered it. and then he took the doc upstairs where Kathy was.. The doc looked at Kathy and he said Kathy it's ok I will give you some medican to stop the contractions and hope that the medicans works. he gave Kathy the medican and told her to lie still. and then he left the room to talk to Luke and he said Luke Iain't going tosurar coat it. Kathy can still lose the baby. you need to keep her calm and relaxed. and pray that the medican will stop the contractions. I will be back here later to check on her. and he left. Luke went to the barn and he started to pick up the Bails of hay and threwing them.
  9. Kathy called Dusty and told her about Tina Having her and Vance's Baby. and she was all excited. and then Kathy got off the phone. and Then she went outside to be with Luke. Kathy went to Luke and She doubled over in Pain Luke saw her and he said No and he dropped the Bail of Hay. and he ran to her. and he got to her and said Sweetheart. are you all right. Kathy looked at him and said I don't know. Luke said Iwill take you in the house. and then I will call Doc Applebe. He helped Kathy into the house and up to their Bedroom.and helped her to the bed. and then he went to the phone and called the Doc.
  10. 2 Months Later.. Kathy is 4 months pregnet. and she's at home. She out side with Luke. Luke and Kathy haven't been apart sence they came home from Chicago.Jesse was in School. this was the last week of School Before Summer Vacation. When Kathy's Cell Phone Rand Kathy picked it up and said Hello. Kat this is Vance I just wanted to call you to let you Know that Tina just ad the baby and It's a Boy. and his Name is Brain Luke Duke. he weighed 7lbs 5oz and 24inches long.and he had jet Black Hair.and Tina is doing great. Vance Said. Kathy Smiled and said Well congradulations. I will tell everyone here.Give Tina my Love and I will call her Later Is she at County? Ya she's at County, Well I better be getting back to her. Bye. Vance Said Bye Vance Kathy Said As she put her phone away and then she told Luke about the New Duke. And he smiled and touched Kathy's stomach and said 5 months from now there will be another Duke in the world. Then The Baby Kicked for the first time. and Luke said Wow the baby has a strong kick.
  11. ONE WEEK LATER. Luke and Kathy was putting their things in the FireBird. and then when they where done they went in the house to saw good bye to Kyle Rebecca, Tina and Vance. Rebecca said to Luke you don't make it to long between visits. Luke said I won't mom. Kathy hugged her parents. and then they gpt in the firebird and headed for Hazzard. 2 DAYS LATER.. Luke was pulling the firebird iup to the Duke farm. he parked it righ beside the General Lee.and then they got out Jesse said YEEEHAA I'am home. Kathy and Luke Just laughed. and then they went in to the house handin hand. 1 HOUR LATER. Jessica, Michael and their Children went to the farm and so did Dusty, Rosco and her children and they all had a family cook out.
  12. 2 DAYS LATER. Luke was lying on the couch resting. Bo was out doing the hay. Daisy was at the Boars Nest Working. Uncle Jesse Was outside taking care of the Animals. Kathy was in the house filling out an appulation to go to work at Tri- County Hospital. Carrie said she would give her a great refrence. She finished filling out the paper. when the phone rang Kathy answered it. and said Hello Duke Farm Kathleen Duke Speaking. Oh Hi Mrs Duke This is officer Randell we talked a couple of Days ago I just called to let you Know that there will be a hearing for Zack Willams In a few weeks. here in Capital City and all the people that was invovoled need to be there. Ok Kathy Said I will let everyone know Bye. Then she put the phone down. and then she went to the table and she started to pick up the paper When Luke came up behind her and hugged her. Kathy Just Smiled and she turned around to face him and then they kissed.
  13. Jesse cough his hat. and he looked at Luke and said Dad this Day has been great. the three of us together again. ya it's son But soon there will be 4 of us what do you think of that. Luke asked. It will be great a little brother or sisther. I will help with the baby too. Jesse Said. Luke just put his arms around his son and said let's go back to grampy's house. BACK AT THE SPENCER'S HOUSE.. Luke drove Kathy's car up the driveway. Vance and Tina along with Bo and Tracy. and they all had smiles on their faces. Bo looked at Kathy and Luke as they got out of the firebird and they where holding hands. Bo said now that is what I like to see and everyone laughs. Luke looked at his family and said Thanks everyone for butting in. this could have been a lot worse if you all didn't Talk to Me and Kath Exprelly me... Hay I have an idea while everyone id here why don't we have a cookout Kyle said. Rebecca said Ya sure. and then Jesse looked at his mom and said mom and I show Courtney and Stacy the tree house. Ya go ahead Just becareful ok.Kathy Said. and Jesse,Stacy,and Courtney rant towards the treehouse.
  14. Have you told this to Kathy?Bo asked. Well, No. I just told her I didn't want this baby.Luke Said. Luke, I only have been married to Tina for 10 years and I come to learn that I have to explain my self to Tina if I don't she will draw her own conclusion and Kat is the same way. She thinks you don't want this Baby. Vance Said. Luke smiles. I would love to explain this to my beautiful wife but she is in Chicago right now. Bo smiles and said we can fix that pack some close we are going to Chicago. I just have to call Tracy and let her know what is going on and tell her not to tell Kat we are going to Chicago.. So Bo calles Tracy and saiy good she and the kids will met him in chicago and they could stay at her parents house. and he said ok.. 2 DAYS LATER.. Jesse and Kathy was in the tree house when Kathy hurd her mother calling her. She told Jesse to stay there and relax. and she climed down and she started to walk to the house. when she saw someone walking towards her. She started to Smile. and she went right into Luke's arms. Luke said oh sweetheart, I love you and I have missed you and i want to tell you something the reason why I reacted the way I did to this Baby is because I remember what we went threw with Jesse Sweetheart I almost lost you. and I know I won't be able to go threw that again. Kathy put her arms around him and said Baby there is a good chance that I will have a normal Pregnecy with this baby. Evey pregnency is different.Kathy Said. Luke Just smiled and Kissed her.
  15. Then he walked back in the house. 2 DAYS LATER. Kathy pulled up to her parents house.Jesse looked around and said wow mom this is where you grew up. Kathy Smiled and said Yup there is a treehouse out back. That Grampy made for me I will show it to you later. Jesse said Cool. and then they got out of the car and Rebecca and Kyle met them at the door. and they hugged them. Kyle looked at Jesse and said wow this isn't my only Grandson is it. Jesse smiled and said Grampy you know it's me. and they both laughed. and they all went in the house. Kathy went upstairs and put heer and Jesse's things away. and she walked down the staries. and she saw Jesse outside walking with his grandpa and she just smiled. and then she went to the livingroom and there was Tina and her mom Kathy smiled when she saw Tina and she gave her sister a hug. and then they sat down and Kathy said ok lets get this over with start asking why I left Luke or better yet ask if i still love him. Tina looked at her and said well do you still love Luke? Kathy Said Mom Tina I love Luke Duke with all my heart and soul. But I don't Understand Why he doesn't want this baby. IN HAZZARD-AT THE DUKE FARM.. Luke was in the barn tring to get his mind off Kathy and Jesse. but it wasn't working. so he Just sat down on a bail of Hay and he though Uncle Jesse I really messed up this time. iand he thought about the baby that Kathy was carring and he smiled. then he hurd a car and he got up and went to the door of the barn. and he sawBo getting out of the car. and he walked up to him and said Hay coz. and Bosmiled and he walked over to Luke and gave him a hug. Bo Looked around. and said where's Kathy and Jesse. Luke told him and what was going on. and then they sat on the Pinic Table and they Started to talk but then they sawanother car pull up the car stopped and out steped Vance and he walked over to Bo and Luke and Luke knew that they all ready Knew what was going on. Luke said Ok you want to talk to me lets talk. How come you don't want thisbaby that Kat is carring? Vance Asked. Well I do want this baby but I almost lost her when we where Pregnet with Jesse and I don't think No I know I won't be able to go threw that again.
  16. IN CHICAGO. Rebecca was getting the rooms ready for Kathy and Jesse. when she hurd Someone say mom. It was Tina and Vance( they have been married for 10 years and they have a 8 year old daughter named Courtney Ann Duke. and Tina is 7 months pregnet) Great I can't wait to see Kat and Luke againg it's been a long time sence We have seen them. Tina Said. Rebecca said it's only Jesse and Kathleen this trip. Tina looked at Vance and then she looked back at her mother and said Why? and then Rebecca told her and Vance what was going on. and Vance said Baby I going to Hazzard and Tina said ok and I will talk to Kat when she get here.and then they said good-bye to Rebecca and then they went to their house and Vance started to pack. BACK IN HAZZARD. Jesse came home . and Kathy told hime to get in the car and he did. Kathy looked at Luke. She was going to saw something but she stopped. she just turned and got in her Firebird and took off down the road. Luke Just stood there and watched until he couldn't see the firebird anymore
  17. Kathy you and Luke need to talkabout this. Bo Said. Bo Luke and I have all ready talked about this. and he does't ant this baby. but there is nothing he can do about it cause this baby is on it's way. Well Talk to you later Bo Jesse will be home any minute. Bye. and she hung up the phone. IN FLORDIA. Bo slams down the phone and says dam. Tracy walked up to Bo and she was holding little Bo who was 3 months old and Stacy was on the couch reading a book she's 9 years old. Bo and Tracy have been married for 11 years, Tracy looked at Bo and said HONEY WHAT'S WRONGE. It Kathy,She leaving Luke. She's pregnet and he doesn't want the Baby. So her and Jesse are leaving for Chicago as we speak. My cousin is so dam thick headed.. Bo Said. Tracy Smiles. Baby. we need to go to Hazzard and straiten this out. Bo said. Honey I can't go Stacy is still in school her last day is friday then she is on spring break. you go and Give Luke my love I will call Kat in a few days at her mothers. Tracy SAID as she but little bo in the bassenet. Bo kissed her and said Ilove you. I love you too. Tracy Said as Bo went up to their bedroom and he started to pack.
  18. MEANWHILE UPSTAIRS-IN HER ROOM. Kathy was on her bed and she started to cry. The Phone Rang she picked it up and said Duke Farm Kathleen Duke. Hay Kathy this is Bo. How are you. Bo said Kathy couldn't hold it in any longer and she started to cry. and Bo Said Kathy What's going on and she said Bo I'm Pregnet and Luke doesn't want the baby So I'm leaving and I taking Jesse with me Until he comes to his sences. Kathy Said .Kathy don't leave til I get there we all can talk this out. Bo Said. Bo It's too Late I leaving today if Tracy wants to get a hold of me tell her she can call me at mom's in Chicago
  19. They walked into the house and Luke ribs was hurting real bad the pain medican that Kathy gave him wasn't working. and He looked at Kathy and said Sweetheart my ribs are killing me. Bo helped him to sit on the couch and Kathy helped him with his shirt. and she took off the bandages and she looked and his chest still looked black and blue but not as bad as it was. and the swalling had gone down even more. Kathy rapped his ribs back up .and she said Baby you need to sit and relax you have been moving to much. that's why they hurt. and then she kissed him and she helped him to put his shirt back on..
  20. Inside the house . lUKE AND Dusty where talking. When Kathy came back in the house. Luke looked at her. Kathy just terned the other way and she went up to her bedroom to make sure she has everything. Dusty Looked at Luke and said I can't beleive you are letting her go. Do you still love her? Luke said Dusty I can't stop Kath, once she makes up her mind. and I love her with all my heart and soul. amd then he got up and he walked out the door. Dusty followed him.
  21. OUTSIDE.. Kathy was outside by her car and she started to cry. but she got a hold of herself. and she got her Cell phone and called her parents. IN CHICAGO Rebecca was in her office looking over one of her cases.When the phone rang She picked it up and said Rebecca Spencer Here. Hay Mom it me Kathleen. Kathy Said. Hay Kathleen what's up? Rebecca Said. Mom I just called to tell you that Jesse and I will be going to Chicago for a visit. and we are leaveing today after he gets out of school. Kathy Said Kathleen what's going on between you and Luke. Rebecca said Mom what makes you think something is going on. kATHY sAID for one thing you haven't mention his name sence you called now tell me what's going on. Kathleen. Rebecca said. Kathy Said Mom I'm pregnet and Luke doesn't want the baby. So I'm Leaving. Until he comes to his sences. Rebecca said Kathleen have you and Lucas talked about this. Mom we have talked. and there is nothing he can do the baby is on it's way I'm 4 weeks Pregnet. and Jesse and I will see you in a few days I love you and Bye. and then Kathy hung up the phone. Kathleen Kathleen. Rebecca Said Kyle walked in to the office and she told Kyle what was going on
  22. Oh Hi Dusty. Jesse and I are going to Chicago to be with my Parents for a while if you want to know the reason talk to your cousin. Kathy Said as she went to her car. Dusty Looked at Luke and said What's going on and Luke said Well Kathy is pregnet and I don't want to become a dad a gain. well Luke it's a little late the baby is all ready on it's way.
  23. BACK IN HAZZARD... Bo stopped Kathy's car right by the General Lee. and they all got out.
  24. LATER ON THAT NIGHT.. Luke was helping Jesse with his homework. and Kathy was rocking Mikey to sleep when Jessica and Michael came to pick up Mikey. They walked in the house. Michael smiled when he saw Kathy rocking Mikey. he went to pick up Mikey and Kathy said here take this blanket and she rapped him up with the blanket. Michael Said thanks Kat. andhe walked out the door. Jessica looked at Kathy and said How did it go? Kathy smiled and said Mikey soften him up. I will tell him later on tonight after Jesse goes to bed. Ok I'm glad Mikey could help. Jessica Said as she gave Kathy a hug then she went out the door. 30 MINUTES LATER. Jesse said Thanks dad for the help and he said good-night and he went upstairs to bed. Kathy took a deep breath and she walked over to Luke and saidBaby lets sit out on the porch we haven't done that in a while. Luke smiledand said Ok Sweetheart. So Luke Took Kathy's hand and went out the door. and they sat on the swing. Kathy lookedat Luke and said Baby I have something important to tell you.. Luke we are going to Have another Baby. Luke Just looked at her and he got up and went to the General. Kathy walked over to him. and said Luke say something. Luke turned and Lookedat her and said Kath, I don't want to become a dad again. I love you with all my heart and soul. and I don't want to lose you again. lUKE sAID. Kathy said well it's a little to late on both accounts and then she walked back in the house. Luke came in behind her and he said Kath come on. Kathy Said No Luke if you don't want this baby then you don't want me or Jesse. eather. and then Kathy went upstairs. NEXT MORNING. Kathy got up and started to pack. and Jesse came in her room and said Mom what's going on? Well son you and I are going to Chicago and visit your grandparents for a while. Jesse didn't understand what was going on. but if it will get him out of school he was all for it. Jesse went off to Scchool. Kathy put her Stuff in her Firebird. Luke walked over to her and said Sweetheart can we talk. Kathy looked at him and said Luke we allready have talked and you made your appion loud and clear. but there is nothing you can do the baby is all ready on it's way. and you don't want it so I'm leaving. when Jesse get's out of school today. Iallready packed his things they are in the car to. Luke went to bring Kathy close to him But she pulled away and said no Luke.
  25. Kathy Ws sitting at the pinic table watching the boys Play football. and then after a while Luke said Ok you boy threw the ball a while I'm going to rest a while. and he came and sat down next to Kathy. and Luke looked at her and said I almost forgot how much fun a little one was. Kathy smiled. she wanted so much to tell him right there but she decided to wait. 10 minutes later Mikey looked at Luke and said Come on Uncle Luke, Ya Dad get off your butt you where the one who wanted to play football. Jesse Said. Ok Ok I'm coming. Luke Said as he kissed Kathy.
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