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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. IN DAISY'S ROOM. Luke Bo Jenny and Uncle Jesse walked in. and Daisy had a smiled on her face and said the doctor said tha tme and the baby are fine. Bo and Luke did a YEEE-HAW
  2. Tracy said Daisy, By now JR has contacted my father. and my father is a very powerful man. Tracy got up and started to walk towards her car.
  3. Uncle Jesse looked at Ducan and said She wants to make Jenny one of you. Ducan Said yes but I but there is a chance that she is mortal and she will stay dead and I won't let her take that chance. Even if I have to kill her. Ducan walked away.
  4. Tracy said Daisy I care for Luke alot. and I don't want him to get hurt because of me.
  5. Ducan walked into the hospital and walked over to Becky and saidWhat are you doing here? Becky looking at him and said I seeing my daughter. Ducan said Rebeca she thinks you are dead. Rebecca said I know she does. I heard she is getting married a mother shoud be there for her daughter. Ducan said stay away from her. Robert told me what you waned to do. and I will not let you do it. Rebecca smiles and said she is my daughter I want her with me forever. Ducan said what if she doesn't come back do you really want to take that risk? I won't let you do it. Rebecca smiled and she left.
  6. Kyle ssaid I don't care what you do just get here out of this hick town. AT THE DUKE FARM.. Tracy was watching Luke do his chores. He had his shirt off. Daisy came out of the house and saw Tracy Daisy smiled and said Injoying the virw. Tracy looked at her and Just Smiled.
  7. MEANWHILE IN TOWN AT THE HOTEL... Kyle got out of the Limo and he looked around and thought why is my daughter in this hick town. and he walked into the Hazzard Hotel. and walked to the desk and siad I here to seeJR Ewing. the woman behind the desk smiled and said he's in room 3 and she told him were it was and Kyle left. IN THE ROOM.. KYLE KNOCKED ON THE DOOR AND Bobby answered and he was surprised to see Kyle. Bobby let him in.and JR smiled when he saw Kyle. and Kyle said why is my daughter in this hick town. JR SMILES AND SAID WELL mR. sPENCER she is seeing a farmer by the name of Luke Duke. Kyle was getting made and said I don't want my daughter dating a hick farmer.
  8. Ya Ducan, Becky is here at the Hospital. and Jenny is here No she's ok, ok see you seen bye. and he but down the phone. Jenny was with Luke.Jenny also saw the woman Luke said Sweetheart are you ok? Jenny looked at his and said that woman I know her. Luke said How? Jenny said I don't know.
  9. Enos showed up and Luke showed him where Daisy was. and Luke saw that woman that was at Jenny's fathers frunal. and he saw Uncle Jesse's reaction when he saw her. and he went to the phone and called Ducan.
  10. Kathy was at Bo's House when her cell rang and it was Bobby Kathlee, I thought you were coming to South Fork. Kathy smiled and said No, I'm staying at Bo's and Tracy's house. Tracy gave me the keys to the house before I left. Bobby said Ok. See you later on this afternoon for the meeting and Kathy said Ok and she hung up.
  11. 2 DAYS LATER.. Tracy had the day off and her and Luke was spending the day together. They were at the Duke farm. Daisy and Julie were out of the hospital. Tracy checked on them and they were resting. and then she went outside . OUTSIDE.. Luke and Bo were putting the hay in the loft and both of them had their shirts off. Tracy watched Luke. and she smiled. Uncle Jesse walked up to her and said How are the girls. Tracy said they are resting. Uncle Jesse said good. and then he went in the house. to put away the eggs he just picked. Tracy sat down at the pinic table. MEANWHILE IN HAZZARD.. A lomo was coming into town. and it stopped at Cooter's garage to fill up. and the man in the back Showed Him a picture of Tracy. and Asked if he had seen her. and he lied and said No sir I haven't. and the man said thanks and closed the window of the car the driver paided for the gas and he got in the car and headed for the Hazzard hotel... As soon as he was out of sight. Cooter went to his Garage and picked up his CB and said. BREAKER ONE, BREAKER ONE I MAY BE CRAZY BUT I AIN'T DUMB CRACY COOTER COMING AT YA ANY DUKES ON THE HAZZARD NET. Luke heard Cooter and he grabbed his shirt and walked to the General and Tracy was right there. and Luke said HAY CRACY C YOU GOT LOST SHEEP HERE. Cooter said HAY LOST SHEEP A FELLA IN A LIMO WAS JUST HERE ASKING ABOUT YOUR PRETTY LADY. Luke looked at Tracy. Tracy said it's my father. Luke said OK CRAZY C WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM. Cooter said. I TOLD HIM I HAVEN'T SEEN HER AND HE HEADED FOR THE HAZZARD HOTEL. Luke said THANKS CRAZY C. I GONE. he put the CB down..
  12. Jenny said come on lets get her to the hospital. and Luke walked over to Daisy and helped her to Dixie. and they took off. Jenny called Enos on the CB and he said I'm on my way.
  13. Luke, JR doesn't care who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants and that makes him very dangerous. MEANWHILE AT THE HAZZARD HOTEL.. JR was on the phone to Kyle Spencer. and told him were Kathleen was and what she was doing and who she was seeing. and Kyle said thanks JR I;m On my way.
  14. Tracy looked at Luke and said You don'y know the half of it. Luke looked at her.Tracy said My father is Kyle Spencer he is in the oil bussness and My Dad worked with Jock Ewing which was Bobby and JR'S Daddy. and they were friends. So when I started to date Bobby, that is were things started to get weird. JR started to come on to me and he was married to Sue Ellen. and when i refused him he tried to get between Bobby and and I and when that didn't work he got betweed me and my father and our relationship hasn't been the same. and then Bobby and I broke up and 6 months later I met you. and then after you and Bo left. I decited to leave Dallas and start a new life. So here I'm. in Capital City Georgia.
  15. Tracy walked out to the nurses Desk and the Nurse handed her a peace of Paper and told her about a man that was in Juliy's room and Tracy said Ok I want Serecty on Juli's Room And Daisy Duke's room I will make up a List of Names of the people who are alowed in their rooms . Just theN Luke came out and he said Trac you all right. Tracy went into his arms. and Luke Just held her.
  16. Hi, I'm home now. Hay Guess who I saw when I was in Oklahoma? Tim McGraw.. I went to his concert he was sing in Lawton on Fort Sill. He was Awesome.

  17. Tracy looked at him and said Jr I can go and work any were I please. you are not my boss. Now Let go of me. and she pulled her arm away.
  18. Uncle Jesse hugged her and said welcome to the Duke Clan. Jenny. Ducan Had a Worried Look He looked at Jesse. and Then he walked outside and to the Barn. Jenny looked at Luke and said Excuse me. and she left. IN THE BARN.... Jenny walked in and said Ok Uncle Ducan What's going on? Ducan looked at her and said Nothing. Jenny said Don't Lie to me. Ever sence you and Uncle Jesse came back from the hospital you both have been acting weard.
  19. MEANWHILE OUTSIDE Tracy was walking towards the nurses desk when someone grabbed her arm and she looked and it was JR. AND HE HAD a tight hold on her. he said we ain't threw Ms Spencer.
  20. Tracy left the room. Bo looked at Luke and said wow. and Luke just smiled.
  21. Luke looked at Tracy and said where do you know them? Tracy smiled and said I worked at Dallas General Hospital and I was their father's doctor. I was the one who prounced their father dead. and a few months Later Bobby and I started to date but I JR wouldn't stay out of or relationship so i broke it off with Bobby and moved here. that was after I had met you in Chicago. I was staying with my Parents then. Luke smiloed and said wow. we still on for tonight? Tracy smiled and said sure. Met you at the Boars Nest at 8. Luke said I will be there. and she said Daisy I want you to resy I will be back in to see you in a few hours I have to check on my other patents.
  22. Jenny and Luke came in the house and Luke said with a Smile on his face Jenny and I are getting Married.
  23. Bobby looked at Tracy and said we will talk later. Tracy said No we won't. Luke stood up and he stood by Tracy and said If I were you Mr Ewing. I would leave Now. Before you get what your brother got at the Boars Nest. Bobby looked at him and he said Come On JR.,
  24. My Kids are excited they want to see their grandparents.

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