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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Bo saw Luke was upset and he said cousin what's the matter? Luke handed him the papers and Bo read them and said Luke I don't understand. Luke said neather do I. and they waited for Jenny.
  2. Chloe said well glad to met you. Luke said Who is Lex? Oliver said can we go some where. were we can talk. Bo said sure our farm follow us. and they all left. OUTSIDE bO SMILED AND SAID cHLOE WANT TO RIDE with us Chloe smiled and said Sure. So Chloe followed them to an Orange car and Bo went to pick her up. and Bo smiled and said the dorrs are welded it's a race car. and Chloe smiled and said Ok.
  3. Luke said Sweetheart we better be getting back to the farm Daisy and the baby are all right. and Jenny said Ok Let me go and say good-bye to Daisy. and She left. ENOS CAME OUT AND SAID oH bUDDY ROW we need to talk Luke said Ok Luke said ok and they walked away. Enos said I have some information about that woman you wanted me to check on and buddfy it isn't good. and Enos handed him some papers and then he walked away. Luke read the papers and he said this can't be. How can this be? and he walked away.
  4. Chloe smiled and said Hi I'm Chloe, (POINT TO cLARK) this is Clark, next to him is Bart, Oliver, AC AND Victor. Just then Bo and Luke walked in and walked over to Bo and Luke Chloe looked at them and said wow. Oliver and Ac just looked at her. Luke said Daisy have you heard anything that Boss is doing in the old refinery/ Daisy Looked at him and said No Luke I haven't But her did have a guy her in a suit and he was bald looking for him I told him he was at his office in town. Oliver looked at Clark and said Lex.
  5. Ok,I started a new one caled Dukes and Smallville. my two favert shows together.

  6. This is a story of combinging my two favrote Shows Smallville and Duke of Hazzard. Jonathan Kent is dead. TONIGHT ON THE DUKES, STANGE VISTORS COMES TO HAZZARD. WHO ARE THEY AND WHAT DO THEY WANT? IN MILTROUPLUS Oliver Queen Bart, Victor, and AC. were back. and Bart said Olie we need Clark. Oliver looked at him and said I know But will he come and at that Bart was gone. AT THE KENT FARM.. Clark was working on a tractor when he saw Bart. and Clark smiled. Bart said hay Buddy we need you. Clark said lead the way. and they super speed to Oliver's apartment. AT THE APARTMENT... Clark said what 's going on Oliver looked at him and smiled and said Lex has a new lap. and it's in the bunies. a Town called Hazzard. Clark looked at him. Ac smiled and said that is the same reaction that I gave him. Clark said Why Hazzard? Oliver said I don't know. but we need to do something and we need your help are you in. Clark smiled and said I'm in. Just let me call Chloe. and Oliver said Ya we will need watchtower too. MEANWHILE IN HAZZARD... Bo and Luke were testing the general lee when they noticed something was going on in the old refinary. Bo said Maybe Boss is up to something. Luke looked and said No Bo I don't think it has anything to do with boss. They saw men in black suits carry things into therefinery. MEANWHILE IN TOWN AT THE COURTHOUSE.. Boss Hogg had a vistor. and Boss Said Mr Luthor I don't understand what a big fancy bussness man from Kanas want here in a small town in Georgia. Lex smiled and said I want to expand my bussness and Hazzard seams like a good place to start and he handed Boss Hogg a envlope of money. and Boss smiled and said nice doing bussness with you. Lex smiles and he left the offoce... MEANWHILE AT THE BOARS NEST. IT was real buzy. when Daisy saw 5 guys and a girl walk in that she never saw before. and she looked at the blond(Oliver) and said wow. and they sat down and she walked over to them and said Howdy I'm Daisy your watress welcome to Hazzard..Oliver smiled and said Hello Daisy. Clark looked at Oliver and said Olie we are here on Bussness. Oliver Just smiles.
  7. Tracy said me too. but i feel that is a wish that will not come true. just then a car came up along side them and the driver tried to run them off the road. and Luke said Bo. Bo said I'm tring Luke. and the General went off the road and went in a ditch. and Bo and Luke got out of the General Lee. Luke looked at Tracy and said stay in the car.. and she did. The guys came after them and Luke and Bo were fighteing But it wasn't much of a fight because Bo and Luke had them down. and then Bo and Luke jumped in the general and took off.
  8. Jenny got quite and she walked out of the room. Luke followed her. and he put his arms around her and said Sweetheart What's the matter? Jenny looked at he and said I wish my parents were here to see me get married. Ducan walked over to her and said Jenny, They are and he touched her heart. and She smiled and she huged Ducan and whisparent Thank you. and Uncle Ducan will you walk me down the ile. Ducan smiled and said I will be honored.
  9. Tracy smiles and said Ya, It's nice to see you up and around. and it's also nice to be away from the hospital.
  10. Uncle Jesse smilles and said this will be the bigest wedding Hazzard has ever seen.
  11. Jenny looked at Luke and Luke smiled and said it's all right by me Enos and I can always remind each other of the Anverstery. Jenny smiles and said Ok Daisy.
  12. Tracy Just smiled and then Luke helped Tracy In the General Lee and he got in the back with Tracy. while daisy sat in front with Bo.
  13. Jenny smiled and said thanks Daisy. Luke looked at Bo and said will you be my best man. Bo looked at him and said Sure.. Uncle Jesse smiled and said Now that we got tha tout of the way. What will the date be? Jenny looked at Luke and Jenny said I have to talk to my Uncle Ducan. cause I would like him to give me away. cause he was like a second father to me.Luke said Ok Sweetheart.
  14. So Daisy and Tracy went in the house and got their baithing suits on and then put a pair of shorts ovet the baithing suits and went out side. Bo and Luke were waiting for them by the General Lee.
  15. Luke said he hasn't done anything yet so why worry about it. Trac come on lets got to the Hazzard Pond and go swimming.(looking tpwards Bo) Hay Bo want to go swinning? Bo smiled and said Sure.(Looking at Daisy) comeing with us?
  16. Uncle Jesse smiled and said speaking about big days don't we have a wedding to plan. Luke and Jenny smiled. Luke said Uncle Jesse we really have thought about it. Uncle Jesse smiled and said I know that is why I brough it up. So what do you have planned. Jenny walked over to Daisy and said Daiy will you be my Maid Of Honor?
  17. Tracy said it probly will be JR but JR won't attic you face to face.
  18. Tracy looked at Daiy and said to get to me he will. and he wouldn't come at you himself he would have someone else do it for him.
  19. Luke walked over to them and said what is going on? Tacy looked at Luke and said Luke, My father must know were I'm now and he will try anything to get me to go back to Dallas and have him run my life. and (LOOKING AT LUKE. sHE started to cry) he might come after you. or your family. Luke took her in his arms and said Daisy is right Trac nothing will happen to me.
  20. Kathy went upstairs and took a shower and got ready for the meeting.
  21. Jenny smiles and said Me too. It scared me and I'm not the one carring the baby.
  22. Tracy Stopped. And Daisy walked over to Her. Luke seen what was going on and he grabbed his shirt and walked over to the girls.
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