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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Daisy was sitting real close to Lex and Lex Just smiled
  2. Oliver said wow. Chloe just looked at him. Victor said and I though we had powers. Luke Looked at them and said everyone ok. Chloe said I'm fine. Bo Just smiled. Luke said There they are Bo slow down we don't want Lex to see Us.
  3. Bo and Luke came out of the Boars Nest. and they got in the General Lee and so did Oliver,Chloe,Victor. Bart and Clark ran behind. and they Clark said Boy Scout to Green Arrow. Oliver said I'm here. Clark said they are turning at cutter's ridge . Luke said they are headed for Hazzard I know a short cut hit it bo. and Bo looked at him with a smile on his face. Chloe noticed that there was no bridge. and Chloe said Ah Bo there is No bridge. and Bo said I know. Luke said this is the short cut.
  4. oliver smiled and said good girl. Lex smiled and he got up and went into Bosshogg's office.. IN BOSS'S OFFICE.. Lex walked in and said Hogg I want Daisy Duke to get off work early. Boss looked at him and said why Daisy Duke? Lex said That doesn't concerned you. Boss said Ok, and then Lex left the office and he walked over to Daisy and took the tray and set it down. and said come on. and then they Left. OUTSIDE.. Oliver, Clark, Chloe,AC,Bart, and Victor hid so Lex couldn 't see them. and then they got in Lex's porch. Daisy looked around. Lex said are you looking for someone? Daisy said No Sugar. and then they left. Oliver said Show time.
  5. Oliver said into the mic, Daisy you are suppose to except remember. Bo said Enos will Understand matter of face Luke and I will take him and fill him in.
  6. Luke and Tracy were walking and then Tracy stopped and Luke looked at her and said Sweet hear are you ok? and she said Luke, I'm fine.
  7. Lex smiled and said Go out with Me tonight. Daisy said Sorry Sir But I'm working. Lex Smiled and said Call me Lex. and I know I can talk Mr Hogg to let you off early.
  8. Lex was watching her walk away. OUTSIDE....... Clark said she is doing her job.. Oliver said I knew she could do it. Bart said I wish I could hear what was going on? Victor said that is what we got Clark for. and Clark just looked at him. IN THE BOARS NEST... Bo and Luke were watching Daisy to make sure that she is all right. Bo talked into the mic and said Daisy has his attion. Green Arrow said Ok Country Boy. Let us Know when you need us. Green Arrow out
  9. Bo and Luke were in the Boars Nest. Sitting at the table.and they were drinking a beer.. Clark and the others were outside so Lex wouldn't see them.
  10. Ok Now we have to make a plan on how to get close to him. Bo said Well Daisy works at the Boars Nest Just let her got to work and when Lex comes in she can do what she does best. Victor smiles and said and we will be right there in case she needs us. Oliver said well suit up boys and Girls and get this show on the road.
  11. Luke said Daisy, Lex isn't Enos. Clark said Daisy Ok if you are going to do this I will be real close and I will protect you.
  12. Oliver said Daisy, How about you go and sweet talk Lex. and get him to spill his plan to you. Clark said No I don't Like it. Its To dangerous. Luke said I have to agree with Clark. Lex isn't Like Hughie.
  13. Oliver smiled. Clark said Olie No it's to dangerous. AC SAID ya but she can pull it off. Bart said and besides Clark we won't be far away.
  14. Chloe was right there beside her. and Oliver smiles and said we are all fine we all made it. Bo looked at him and said But there were a few close calls. Clarks smiles and said this is my life. Bart said that's part of the thrill.
  15. Hi, If you want to see Pictures of the Smallville charters that I have in My story it in my tom Welling feil

  16. Ya we all we need is to find out what Lex is up to. and then they headed back to the farm.
  17. And then Green Arrow said Cyborg got the info. and he heard Cyborge said Ya Sure. Green Arrow said Then come and met us we have ten minutes. Watchtower is everyone out. Chloe said Yes everyone is out. Ok and then everyone met up and they all walked out and Green Arrow hit the butten and the building started to explode.
  18. Luke was looking, they went into the room and they didn see him and then Bo said Luke there he is and they ran to him But as they where about to get him some of Lex's Men showed up with guns and Bo and Luke couldn't move. Luke said we are in trouble.. Chloe heard him and she said Green Arrow Country Boys and Boyscout ar in trouble. Green arrow said on it watch tower. and Oliver left and next thing they lnew thy saw an Arrow and it hit the wall besid one of the men and Smoke started to come out and that gave Bo and Luke enough time to kick butt. and when Lex's Men were down they Picked up Clark and walked out of the room and Green Arrow shut the door. and Clark recovered and he said Thanks.
  19. Jenny said Yes Luke and I are getting married. but we really don't know when and I really would like my mother here to help me plan my wedding.
  20. Cyborg said Clark is arlage to a green rock called Kriptionite it is peaces of his home planet. and it could kill him if his is proloned to it for a long time. Luke said Bo and I will go find Clark. Cyborg said Ok and he handed him a mic and said talk to watch tower she will tell you where he is. and Luke took it and put it on and said Watchtower this is Country Boy #1 Where is boy Scout? Chloe ssaid he is about 3 doors down from you. And Luke said we are on it Thanks Watchtower.
  21. Jenny got up and said Mom you are not going to stay for my wedding?
  22. Luke said I don't know Luck. and they both smile and said naaaa. and they lead Cyborg to the office. meanwhile Clark had opened the wronge door it was the room full of Kriptionite. and Clark went down. and Chloe saw him and said Watch tower to green Arrow Boy scout is introuble I repead Boyscout is in trouble.
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