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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Tracy smiled and said you are mine to Daisy. and we will protect each other. and we always have Luke and Bo as Back Up.
  2. Sarah walked over to Kathy and said can I go outside. Kathy hesatated and she saw everyone and she said go ahead. and Bart said I will go with her. meanwhile in town.. a red bronco pulled up at the Hazzard and a dark haired woman walked out She had Hazle Eyes and was About 5FEET AND 7 INCHES tall. She walked into the hotle and said is Mr Lex Luther here. I'm his wife Lona Luthor. Lex walked up to the Desk and said Ex wife. Lona just looked at him.
  3. They all went into the house. and Luke sat next to Kathy on the couch. Sarah smiled.Bart looked at Sarah and said you want them to get together. Sarah said yes. bART SAID dON'T PUSH them cause it drive them apart. Let them get close on their own. Sarah got the picture. Ac smiled and said you are smart for a 10 year old. Sarah smiled and said I have to be to get away from people like Mr Luthor. Oliver and Clark was telling Julie everything Lex had done. Daisy was listing also.
  4. I hope you had a great time with your mother

  5. Uncle Jesse smiles and said They can stay here. Luke said Ya, they will be procted and Sarah will be able to go to School. Kathy said We can't____ Luke interupted and said Kath, you are welcome here.and we can handle Lex Luthor. Oliver smiled and said and if you need any thing give us a call and he handed him his card.
  6. Just wanted to say Hi Soooo Hi. and I hope you are having a wonderful day..

  7. Oliver walked over to them and said and that is wjhy Luthor wants her. we need to keep her safe.Luke said YA,both of them safe. Clark said Yawe need to set them up where Lex can't find them. Ac smiled and said and where Sarah can go to school and have someone besides her sister to watch over her.
  8. everyone just laughs. Kathy looked at Luke and said Thank you Sarah and I never had anyone besides eachother to stick up for us. and then they saw Sarah come running towards them and she said Kat did you see did you see I made the police car move. Kathy smiled and said Yes I did your powers are getting stronger. Luke sasid she never did that beforer. Kathy said No it was always small things.
  9. Meanwhile in the barn.. Sarha made the police car start to move. Luke saw the car start to move and said Oh Boss, Rosco your ride is leaving. and they turned around and they saw the car driving off with out them Lex looked at Luke and said this is over Duke. Luke said I didn't think it was Luthor. and Lex left.
  10. Tracy smiled and said I know Daisy. as long as my father and Jr doesn't know were we are at.
  11. Just then they hear the police sirin and Luke said it sounds Like rosco come on we better get to the farm.. sO THEY LEFT At the house Everyone was there and Lex got out of the patrol car along with Rosco and Bosshogg. Kathy and Luke met the others. Boss said Jesse you have a little girl here that belongs to Mr Luthor. Kathy walked over to Boss and Said Mr Hogg tha t little girl as you but it is my sister and I have legal custdy of her. He took her from me. Uncle Jesse said Pluse she is a human being and no onws a human being. Lex walked over to Kathy and said I want Sarah. Kathy looked at Lex and said how does it feel Lex to want something or someone you can't have and never will have. Lex went to grab Kathy when Luke steped in front of Kathy and said Mr Luthor this is our farm and you are not welcome on it so leave.
  12. Luke kissed Tracy and then he got in the General Lee and they all left. Daisy and Tracy went in the Shack
  13. Sarah went right to Tramp. and she started to pet him Daisy smiled and said that is Luke's hoese, Tramp. Sarah smiled MEANWHILE BACK AT THE POND. Luke and Kathy seprated and they both smiled. Luke said Kath,why does Lex want Sarah? Kathy said cause he wants to exparent on her to inhance her powers and to use her as a wopen. along with everyone eles who has Spical ablies. That is why I have been helping Green Arrow and his men to stop Lex. I have taken a leave of Abcents from the Texas Rangers. Luke Lex needs to be stopped and the police can't do anything because he covers his tracks to well. Luke said well if you ever need me. Kathy smiled and Kissed him again and said Thank you Luke and I will.
  14. uNCLE jESSE smiled and said Ok Daisy you stay with Tracy. and we will keep and eye out of THe Ewings and Tracy's father. Luke handed Daisy a cb and said if there is a chance that they find you call us.
  15. Daisy and Sarah went to the barn to see the horses. MEANWHILE AT THE POND ON THE FARM... Kathy stopped and said Sorry Luke, Luke looked at her and said why are you sorry? Kathy smiled and said cause my sister pushed you into me. Luke smiled and said I know she did that. I was going to ask you to go for a walk any way. Kathy smiled. and Luke leaned in and he kissed her. and Kathy kissed him back.
  16. Sarah smiled and said can we go see the horses?
  17. At Still site#4 Uncle Jesse showed up with some supplies and he said Tracy Luke is right you can stay her and Luke will stay with you No one will look for you here.
  18. AT THE FARM.... Luke interduced Kathy to Uncle Jesse. and Luke was about to go out the door when he ran into Kathy. Luke smiled and said sorry Kathy smiled and said it's ok I think you had a little help.(Kathy looked at her sister) Sarah Just smiled. Luke said want to go for a walk? Kathy smiled and said sure. and She looked at Sarah and said behave. and Sarah just smiled.
  19. Tracy smiled and said I love you all too. Bo walked over to the General and said Uncle Jesse if you can hear me time to listen to Country Music. and Bo turned the CB to Channal 19. and Bo said Uncle Jesse you hear me and Uncle Jesse said I 'm here now what is going on? Bo Told him what was going on and Uncle Jesse agreed with Luke. and he said he would met them at Still site#4
  20. Green Arrow started to laugh and said Over my dead body. Lex said I can arange that. He lifted up his gun and fired but but the bullet missed and the green Arrow was gone. OUTSIDE.. Olive said Clark what were you doing? Clark said I saved your butt. and I untied Kathy. Oliver said how come you didn't save her. Clark said watch. and next thing they saw was Lex Luthor go threw a wall. Olive said wow. Clark said ya. Sarah told me her sister was at Karate class when the metor shower hit and .... Oliver took over and said you thought her Karate talents are increased. .. Clark smiled and said and it looks like I was right. Kathy walked over to them and said that you both very much. and they all walked to the general. Sarah saw her sister and she ran to her. and Sarah ran into her arms. and Oliver interduced her to everyone. and Kathy said thank you everyone for saving my sister. Luke smiled and said why don't you and Sarah come to the farm. Kathy smiled and said Thanks Luke and they all got in the General Lee and headed for the farm.
  21. Tracy said Luke, My father will have you killed. he already had someone killed because they got in his way and I won't have that hapen to you. Luke took her in his arms and said Sweetheart stay with me. we can hide out at still site #4. Bo said Ya he will never find you there. and Uncle Jesse could talk with him. Daisy said Ya come on Tracy. Tracy smiled and said ok.
  22. Luke said well we have to distract Lex and then we can go in and rescue Sarah sister. Oliver smiled and said I will take Lex on and before Luke could andswer him he put his hood up and he glasses on and he left and Chloe got her computer and said ok I have green Arrow on my scope. IN THE SHACK... Green Arrow came threw the roof. Lex looked at him and Green arrow smiled and said Lex you have a nasty habit of Kiddnapping beautiful Ladies. To bad you can't get one other wise.
  23. Kathy looked at Lex and said Mr Luthor. I don't know what you think you know about me and my sister but she is all I have. Our parents were killed in Kanas during a metor storm 12 years ago and Sarah was a baby. Lex looked at her and said she is spicail and I know you are as well. Kathy looked at him and said Mr Luthor. I have no idea what you are talking about. Kathy heard her sister said Kat I am here with somefriends. the green arrow, Aquaman,Cyborg,Impaulse and otherse just stay calm. we are on our way. were are you. Kathy looked around and she slought It looks Like.I'm in an old hunters shack. IN THE gENERAL lEE. sARAH TOLD lUKE bO AND dAISY WERE Kathy was and Luke said the old Hunters shack on medows pond. and they went there.
  24. BACK AT THE FARM.... Daisy was with Sarah. and then Sarah said Kat, Daisy looked at her and said Sarah are you all right? and Sarah looked at her and said I'm but my sister isn't she is in Hazzard But Mr Luthor has her. in hoping I would come.
  25. Sarah smiled and said I think he's cute. I exprelly think Clark is Cite But mY sister will go for Luke. Clark said Sister. Sarah said Yes, She is A Texas Ranger and Mr Luthor took me from her. and she is still tring to find me . that is why he brought me here cause he never though my sister can find me but what he doesn't know is we are conected. I know where she is and She knows where I'm. But that is all she can do. Oliver said come on lets get out of here before the building explodes. and then they left and they all got to Uncle Jesse and Chloe when the building exploded.
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