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Garrett Duke

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  1. Haha
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    What kind of scam are you running here Garrett? Okay, I'll chip in $30. Will that get us an orange 01 NASCAR car? 
  2. Haha
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    I think we should all pull together and sponsor him. If we put in enough money we could probably get rights to paint and number the car. It would be cool to see an orange O1 car racing with HAZZARDNET painted on all four fenders. I suspect they won't let us do a Conferederate Flag though. Seriousely though, how expensive can it be? I'll give 20 dollars. Anybody else in? 
  3. Thanks
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in 2018 NFL   
    And Major League pitchers start organized practices in February. That's next month! There is hope around the corner. Unfortunately for me your Cubs will probably be a lot better than my Pirates.
  4. Thanks
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in 2018 NFL   
    I'm sorry to hear about your Bears Garrett. At least they went further than my Steelers. NASCAR and baseball will be here before you know it.
  5. Haha
    Garrett Duke reacted to HossC in NASCAR news   
    Every time I use the ATM at the bank to get cash, I have to press the "Withdrawal" button, and at this time of the year it always reminds me of Garrett waiting for the NASCAR season to start .
  6. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to HossC in NASCAR news   
    I thought I'd complete the loop, but never realized how well it would fit. Roger, it turns out that Charlie Elliott is the name of a wildlife park. Not only is it in Georgia, it's not far from Mill Pond Road. Added to that, they have an astronomy blog - it's like the place was made for you!

    Roger's new favorite wildlife park: Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center, Mansfield, GA.
  7. Thanks
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    My favorite racer: Chase Elliott
    My favorite singer: Charlie Daniels
    My new favorite QB who is not a Steeler: Chase Daniels
  8. Thanks
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    It looks like Trubisky is going to play. They're going to need him against the Rams. I'll do the same thing I always do....root for them unless they're playing the Steelers just like I root for the Cubs unless they're playing the Pirates...just because of you. The Steelers star RB James Connor is out with an ankle injury. I've met him three times. He is friends with my nephew. They went to McDowell High School in Erie Pennsylvania together. Connor is a cancer survivor so McDowell always get mentioned when they do stories about him. 
  9. Thanks
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    Hey, two of my favorites are mentioned here....Garrett Duke and Chase Elliott. It sure is good to hear from you Garrett. 76 days will be here before you know it! I'm too excited about Christmas to think about it though. I hope your Bears continue to do well....unless they play my Steelers in the Super Bowl....wouldn't that be fun!
  10. Thanks
    Garrett Duke reacted to HossC in NASCAR news   
    Good to hear from you again, Garrett.

    It's 104 days until the 2019 F1 season starts on March 17th (yes, that's St. Patrick's Day).

    I guess you'll have to become an F1 fan if you want to continue seeing your favorite drivers .
  11. Like
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from Spike in NASCAR news   
    Thank you Roger. Sadly I missed Chase Elliott's win, but I was so excited for him. Also missed Bristol last week...but did see that a fan tried getting into a fight with Kyle Busch. He was riding his golf cart to his hauler. He had stopped to sign a fan's autograph. Then got back on when another fan grabbed him or hit him in the chest. He got off and the security guards separated them. Saw the video of it and it just upsets me. The fans surrounding them and the one taking the video was cussing him out, booing him. Cheering on that fan that attacked him. I get that everyone has that one driver or more that they don't like or can't stand. I even get that Kyle Busch can rub fans the wrong way. For the longest time I couldn't stand watching him win and he irritated me with how drove and acted...but also am the first one to admit that he has changed and matured since he got married. Also am the first one to say, whether you love him or hate him, you got to respect and acknowledge his talent on the track and how he can win at any track and anything with a steering wheel. I also remember at a driver introduction a few years back where they introduced him and all the fans booed him...he didn't even do anything other than step onto the stage! As I said, I know that fans seem to always have a driver or two that they don't like (I even have my own...) but I don't agree with the booing him and definitely not attacking him like that. NASCAR is probably the one sport that allows fans down with the drivers (athletes) and fans like that is going to be the ones who will ruin that for everyone else. Not that, that will ever effect me, because I don't for see a NASCAR race in my future sadly, but still frustrating...
    A lot of this is my opinion. Feel free to disregard it. I am not a Kyle Busch fan, but also have to respect his talent and what he can do on the track. 
    My two cents...for how little it is worth.  
  12. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    As always....good to hear from you Garrett....GO CHASE ELLIOTT!!!
  13. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to HossC in NASCAR Faces!   
    A lot of these drivers were well before I took an interest in NASCAR, and I don't tend to watch/read much outside the actual races, so I'm quite pleased with 30/47. Two of them I got because of Dukes, and I'll credit another three to Garrett .

    Some of the questions were lazy - I counted three where two of the wrong answers were the same as each other, another had Danica Patrick as a possible answer for a picture of a male driver, and my favorite where the driver's name was on his car in the background!
  14. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
  15. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Word Association   
  16. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
  17. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Word Association   
    God (ya can't get much more powerful than the Almighty)
  18. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to HossC in Bo Duke Is Indeed Going To Jail!   
    It looks like John got away with only five hours in jail due to Daisy distracting the guards and Luke helping him escape overcrowding.

    I've been trying to find out what's happening with Tom's legal troubles. Various allegations and charges were made last August/September, but not much has been written on the subject since then. Incidentally, Tom's appearing at Cooter's in Nashville this weekend - see here for more details.
  19. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Bo Duke Is Indeed Going To Jail!   
    Shocked and saddened. That's all I can say. 
  20. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to Meadowmufn in Bo Duke Is Indeed Going To Jail!   
    While I tend to agree with you, $19,000 a MONTH in alimony is a bit excessive, especially with the kids grown.
  21. Like
    Garrett Duke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in NASCAR news   
    Well y'all may complain about Jeffery Earnhardt getting the boot...but there is two sides to every situation. Landon Cassill was born and raised a half hour away from where I grew up and live at. His parents own a car lot there so do see a lot of Cassill cars around. I am not saying I am glad that Jeffery Earnhardt is out of a ride. He seems like a good guy too and it will seem odd to watch a race without an Earnhardt in it. But am glad to see Landon get a car and get back on the track as well. 
    With that said, really don't have much to report. I missed last week's race last weekend. Martin Truex Jr came won the race and Jimmie Johnson had his best finish of the season at 9th. I really hope Johnson and the Hendrick boys will get a hold of the Camaro and get back up to speed. They are at Martinsville this weekend and Johnson is normally pretty good there...fingers crossed for a great race (well I'm hoping at least)
    Talking about Johnson...y'all here that Lowe's is dropping their sponsorship for him after this year? They have been his sponsor since he started in the Cup series in 2002, his primary sponsor since I think 2005. Lowe's has been a sponsor in NASCAR long before that as well. Perhaps I am taking this out of proportion, but am kinda wondering if this has to do with NASCAR and the dwindling down of fans in the stands. I don't know, but it will be odd to see JJ out on the track next year without Lowes on his car...
    Well I am rambling once again. I am sorry for my sporadic posts. Life has been busy with two jobs, two dogs, and you know...being an adult. Yuck. LOL. Hoping to watch Martinsville on Sunday so maybe I will peep in and give an update or two. 
    Baseball season will start at the end of next week...and then all will be perfect again. Go CUBS!
  22. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    We dodged that snow here in NW Pennsylvania. Everybody hates those Monday races but I guess they have no choice. 
  23. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in NASCAR news   
    I usually pick too many Pirates so I know how you feel about loyalty. I picked 4 this time and even Andrew McCutchen who isn't even a Pirate anymore. 
  24. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Question about Bo   
    They never said how much older Luke was than Bo but I guess that Luke was 4-7 years older. The reason I say that is on "Happy Birthday General Lee" when they first got the General Lee (it was black) Luke said to Bo "You were just out of high school and I was just out of the Marines". I know from experience that in that era a stint in the Marines was a minimum of 4 years....of course it was possible to do more or less because of the VietNam War....which Luke served in. Since the show started in 1979 and there were few or no American troops there in 1975 it is possible that Luke could have been in longer than 4 years and that's why I said 4-7. Daisy was somewhere in between them in age although I can't remember which episode said that.
    I'm excited that you're interested!
  25. Like
    Garrett Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Bo’s Extravaganza April 7th & 8th 2018   
    I'm starting to have second thoughts about jumping my dirt bike on my 58th birthday. I did some calculations and the toy is 4 inches long and I'm going to need 3 inches on each side of it. I took several hours to add all the numbers up and it came to a grand total of 10 inches. I'm not too worried about my dirt bike even though it's getting old....turning 20 this year. But I am worried about making a jump that long. I mean, what happens if I get 5 inches into the jump and get scared. There's no coming back at that point. The pressure I'm stating to feel is probably what Evil Knieval felt before he jumped the Snake River Canyon. 
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