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Garrett Duke

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Garrett Duke last won the day on November 24

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About Garrett Duke

  • Birthday May 6

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  1. That is weird about your parents cable company. I can't believe they are completely getting rid of those channels. That doesn't make any sense to me. Unless they are making it where you have to buy them or something. Maybe they are just switching them to a different channel? That's what my cable company did to me a few months ago. I lost some channels and didn't know what was going on. I was so mad because one of them was the Discovery channel. I finally called them and found out that they had just moved channels on me. They went from 25 to 70. A pretty big jump. The thing that got me though was that they didn't tell anyone that I know of. That happened when I lost my HBO too. One day it was there and the next it was gone. It hadn't moved though, they just took it off the basic cable line-up. Some of the things these cable companies do is just mean.

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