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Garrett Duke

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Garrett Duke last won the day on November 24

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About Garrett Duke

  • Birthday May 6

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  1. Unfortunately, I think Jr will probably be the most popular driver for a while. He's got a lot of things going for him that add up to popularity, even though his driving has been in a slump. A lot of women like him because he's good looking, men like him because he seems like a regular guy and someone they would like to hang out with, and of course who his daddy was. I'm sure there is more, but those are the main three I can think of. The thing with Gordon, and please don't take this the wrong way because I like Gordon, is that even though he has a huge fan base (he has to be right behind Jr) a lot of people just love to hate him. Although not as many people hate him now that Kyle Busch is on the scene. I think some people have transferred their obession with hating to Busch. Does that make any sense? lol

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